Where can I use BB (fb bosses)?

LaylaMoon - Raging Tide
LaylaMoon - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Cleric
I started a cleric and I would like to know at which bosses in fbs/bhs I can use BB without being interrupted

ty in advance
Post edited by LaylaMoon - Raging Tide on


  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    fb19/29/39/59/79/both 89s = all bosses able to BB at.

    fb51 = cannot BB at Wyvern.

    fb69 = cannot BB at Pole or Nob.

    fb99s...I'm not exactly sure what all you can BB at.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    fb19/29/39/59/79/both 89s = all bosses able to BB at.

    fb51 = cannot BB at Wyvern.

    fb69 = cannot BB at Pole or Nob.

    fb99s...I'm not exactly sure what all you can BB at.

    you can bb at wyvern.. granted its a horrible idea to and ur much better off to just heal normally.

    Rankar on the other hand (in fb51) will interrupt BB

    the real question is where u SHOULD you use BB.

    i cant think of a single FB boss where ur actually better off using BB over normal heals.

    bb eats mana faster and really isnt needed for FB 19-69. 79 and 89 i havent done enough of yet to comment.

    BB is a very important skill, just isnt the most efficient way to go in most fbs.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You will mostly use BB in rebirth not as much in fbs unless another cleric is there.

    Don't under circumstances BB Wyvern unless you got a good lvled Barb no not a BM or a Sin Maybe a herc Veno.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Manakel - Lost City
    Manakel - Lost City Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    FBs 19-29, the only place you would ever need BB over normal heals is Farren, due to his AOE that eats squishies for lunch. I'm not high enough to comment on the others.
  • Shaylamis - Raging Tide
    Shaylamis - Raging Tide Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    ive used BB at farren, before is like a bit useless.

    also in a boss in fb/bh59. is hard try to use it in 51

    in TT has some uses .b:cute
  • Melative - Raging Tide
    Melative - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Whats the big deal with wyvern? I've used bb most of the times at him with bm's/low lvl barbs.. I admit its easier and probably better for your mana to just heal, but when i see a chance to get a cookie i grab it b:surrender
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    fb99s...I'm not exactly sure what all you can BB at.

    All of them will interrupt it at some point. Or, at least, in my experience...
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1029711&page=45
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • lylfo5
    lylfo5 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think fb89 heaven last boss(phlebo?) can interupt BB.
    and you can BB at fb 99, just be sure to get the chi genie skill and be ready to put up your bb again if it is interupted.(might not be the best way(depends on the tank, but it gets the job done)

    also, BB at farren when I'm doing fb 39 only because there are some people(usually tabber) who can't understand english might do some stupid stuff >.> and BB would protect everyone.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    All of them will interrupt it at some point. Or, at least, in my experience...

    For fb99 Hell, Mountain's Finger a.k.a. 3zhi doesn't interrupt. Second boss shouldn't either, but probably better to single target heal + purify on him. Other main bosses do interrupt. The two I'm not sure about are the phys immune boss (which he probably does given his AOE) and the other extra boss I've only ever done once.

    fb99 Heaven...**** if I remember. I prefer to stay the hell out of Heaven unless it's for BH.

    P.S. Phlebo doesn't interrupt. Done a lot of tm89 Eden. Never interrupted the cleric's bb.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • lylfo5
    lylfo5 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Forgot to mention that the horses at the last part fb89 heaven can interupt(becareful when you pull the boss), but all the bosses cant.

    About phlebo, I am not very sure. It might be a small interupt aoe, or some other skills or I might have mistaken it for some other bosses.
  • LaylaMoon - Raging Tide
    LaylaMoon - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    thanks for all advices and answers
    I think I am prepared (more or less) when to say no if squad asks for bb b:thanks
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    bb on farren might save ur squishies from aoe
    bb on the others is a waste xd

    wyvern use your ******n PURIFY and Ironheart, no BB

    single heal or bb when ur not sure who will have aggro
    -fire boss> purify and raaare single heals on ranged tank

    fire boss is weak, adds are somewhat weak, just bb so u dont have to lure
    or a few single heals / cheap mode

    the other two, > Use Purify instantly when u see a debuff appear on the tank, +IH
    no BB D:<

    -quinzi, bb is tricky here, when you setup before anyone has aggro he 1/2 shots u without superior lvl/gear
    but bb is often the better choice since the boss is moving -> ranged dds get aggro
    -the other two bosses, definitely use BB and let them kill both bosses at the same time

    the ugly giant thing with wings has random aggression, BB D:
    easy stuff, no bb needed unless aggro is pendling

    bb..all..bosses..but.. NO ranged tanks, bosses still interrupt casting a lot, be prepared, -cloud eruption ftw-
    i like potato
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Guess I was in a writing mood. Included are fb bosses you can bb on, bb tips, and a cleric boss guide for fcc. I was going to write what bosses you can bb on in FCC, and add what bosses you should use your seals on, but halfway through I realized there is only 1 boss you should bb on in there, the last boss.

    Any fb19

    fb29- Qingzi. Sure.

    Fb39- Can bb all but make sure when attacking Farren to IH yourself if you are a low level before channeling setup because you can be hit 2-4 times with Farrens Aoe while it gets setup. Also make sure Trioc has stopped running so he doesn't run out of range from bb.

    FB51- Can bb Fushma. Rankar has a higher chance of interupting the closer you are to his level (believe this is accurate). So the bh range 60-70 is still dangerous but an 85+ cleric would have a low chance of being interupted. Wyvern causes a curse effect that can kill a barb before bb ticks again so unless a there is a second cleric to purify, or barb has very high hp I'd stay out of range and IH/purify. Also, if I recall, he has a long range magic aoe and a short range phys aoe so he hits the cleric alot harder when they are up close (1 hit kill).

    FB59- Zimo-bb. Ofo-bb, Qianji-bb. Drake and Ofo both have a DoT effect so its better to IH and purify.

    FB69- Pyro-bb is best because anyone can tank. Nob- theoretically bb is fine, but he causes a curse effect that should be purified, so I recommend IH/purify. Pole- IH/purify is a must. Pole and Nob have aoes.

    Fb79- All bosses can be bb'd and probably should unless you know exactly who your tank will be. DD's usually willing overtake barbs and anyone can tank these bosses, so bb is safest from aggro bouncing.

    Fb89- Hell-I believe all can and should be bb'd unless you know who your dd tank will be. Can't remember if Ethereal Abomination's random aggro bounces you out of bb though.
    Fb89- Heaven- All bosses can be bb'd. Someone wrote phlebo as interupting bb but I've never had a problem with it or seen a cleric with a problem with it. Only issue is aggroing mobs on the mountain. Ninetails also tends to run but hits HA hard with a ranged attack so setup bb early and have them pull into it for DR.

    Fb99 Hell- Someone wrote they all interupt but I think I've seen them all bb'd before, except when a cleric chose to IH for another reason (sealing/DD).

    Fb99 - Believe all can be bb'd (never cleric'd in here, have always been dd) except Rancid Venterator.

    About BB:
    Stack yourself and tank before channeling because of the long channel time.
    Often better to use BB when LA/AA are tanking because of DR effect.
    If a boss can be bb'd and you have good DD, it's usually better DD ouput to bb and let your attackers go nuts. Less nerve wracking, too.
    BB uses less mana than spamming IH.
    If you plan on using apoth goods use before bb since they can't be used during (ie, vacs in FCC).
    Cloud Eruption/Mana Syphon/Asking veno for a spark to bb again incase it gets interupt .

    FF/FCC - Been clericing in here lately and players have asked for advice on their clerics for Frost, so I'll post here mainly to give advice on sealing bosses to speed runs up.

    1. Thunder claw - Spawns traps so you need to keep moving. No aoe, so use seals and IH. Purify tank if possible because his phys attack causes slow effect and tank needs to run out of trap circles.
    2. Diabolic Shocktrooper - rb in the center if there are no demon assassins in your squad, if there are then rb outside green (second) circle. If you kill all the mobs in the orange ,green, and blue circles you get a weakened boss. If you only kill all the mobs in the orange and green circles he's only tough. If you miss mobs in the orange and blue circles he's frenzied. I like to release before third mob in third circle, use my seals, and DD on it so I can get enough chi for purifys. Stack barb immediately and use seals and self purify as boss spawns. After that put 2 IH on barb, 1 IH on youself. IHing yourself is very important in case you get purple bubbled. IH barb when you can, keep and IH on yourself, purify bubbles when they happen. He random aggroes but his water attack (looks like wizard skill gush) is who his real aggro is on. Have a heal skill on your genie just in case.
    3. Shiner Nin - optional for tokens to be handed in for a reward. He causes an aoe stun effect and spawns dragoons that cause an aoe stun (would interupt bb). Optional to stand up close so squad and pull off dragoons, or far back to avoid. I like to use seal on both dragoons (once aggro is controlled) and on boss, then self purify. Stack the tank with IH then squad heal. Time seals/self purify with dragoons spawning.
    4. Dreadindra - Stand on the same exact spot as your tank. Boss will spawn bishops that cause a seal and aoe attack that interupts. They also purge your buffs. This is the busiest boss for a cleric. Seal early, then stack your tank. If bishops spawn take a step or two away (not far) and IH whoever grabs aggro. Look for anyone purged and cast defense buffs on them. Squad heal. Squad heal has a very long channeling time and may likely get interuptted.... multiple times. That's why it's important DDers kill bishops fast, so they can get healed. Watch your own hp carefully. As soon as bishops are down I like to seal/self purify, stack IH on tank. Rinse, wash, repeat.
    5. Asoteric Runewolf - This boss starts a shout that causes ~ 18 m 1 hit kill aoe. Interupting it may cause him to spam weaker aoes. He is very sealable and you won't even need to self purify if you stay ranged. Try to keep with the squad so you can squad heal his weaker aoe. Also, try to stay near the barb so you can IH stack during AR's shout before he runs back in. Seal as he runs in. DD/IH your barb and then try to purify him as AR starts his chant again since his physical attack causes a slow.
    6. Messenger of Fear - Simple boss. Does a 40% aoe and a sleep effect. Well timed sparks shortly after he shouts in general chat will allow you to resist the sleep effect. He only hits 1 target, other than his 40% dmg aoe. You can seal on this boss and your lowered defenses won't increase damage the aoe causes. Stack your tank, seal, and squad heal when he aoes.
    7. Oceania Master - Of course, don't aoe and don't hit the little guy running around. I occasionally will get lazy here and throw up bb. It gets interupted but normally takes a while. I then start healing/sealing/attacking and get the sparks for another one really quickly. Nice in squads with early 80 people when you see a veno with 2600 hp. He has an aoe that hits for around 2600 on arcanes. He doesn't random aggro, so his aoe and tank are the only things to heal for, and his aoe happens every 30 seconds or so. I squad heal then seal immediately after and purify myself before IH stacking and attacking. BB if you are very lazy but know it can be interupted and you'll need 2 sparks for pull afterwards.
    8. Decaying Fragrance - This boss is basically pole with an aoe stun. She hits about as hard, but uses the phys/mag debuff alot more often. Purify Purify Purify. Also, she has an aoe stun. Be wary about using seals since they will magnify damage output, so if a DD is close to overtaking aggro then they will benefit alot more from your seals and run the risk of grabbing aggro. This is usually a quick death since they are immediately debuffed and attacked while unstacked. However, there is no ranged attack from this boss so if you trust your squad use your seals without worry that'll you take damage.
    9. Asoteric Runepheonix - Aoe's, aoe seals, and has a chi syphon ability on physical attack to the tank. Considering your next pull is the dragoons I try to keep my barb with as much chi as possible so purify if able. Aoe is relatively weak, so seal without worry of dieing, just self purify and group heal the aoe damage. Stack your barb and watch for the chi syphon, since if he has no chi he can't aggro, then you have aggro hopping problems.
    10. dragoons- carry Vacuity Powders, "vacs" (level 5?). Use before entering into bb. Normally best to have tank bring back to the room Pheonix was in since if there is a wipe there are no mobs between the cleric as they release and the dead. Also, there are liutenant mobs that cause curse effects for amplified damage, they themselves are weak, but added in with dragoons its more than most barbs can handle, so I'd recommend pulling dragoons without pulling liutenants.
    Body of Holleen - Random aggroes like crazy. He is bb'able as long as you don't get random aggroed, in which case he stuns. Some squads can kill him before he random aggroes the cleric, in which case bb in nice for all the aggro changes. I use bb with barb targetted and finger hangin over IH.
    Holleen Champion- This big guy packs a wallop. He random aggroes, close range aoe stuns (at his feet) and then will cast an aoe that hurts, freezes, and causes slow and stupify. Best way to deal with this? BB, afk, and surf for ****... Not really. No really, but you may want to keep an eye on it on the random chance that he random aggroes some closer to you, moves and stuns at his feet and now you are in range so bb goes down. Its rare, but does happen. That is why it is best to bb reasonably far away.... then go afk looking for ****.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    fb 19: bb req lvl 59... tank the damn thing urself
    Fb29: see above
    fb39: it is rare to have acess to bb at this lvl and using it will eat your mana WAY to fast (trust me i tried) its better to ih and cromatic.
    fb 51: you should HAVE bb at this point. but you still dont need to use it. my lvl 61 cleric can stand in wyvern and rankar's aoe heal the tank and keep 3 dding sins alive.

    Why do people say dont bb wyvern?

    becuase it makes u immobile and you cant set up within range without aggroing the boss.
    belive me i have been in a sqaud where they bb and the stupid *** barb was too freaking stupid to pull boss in bb range.. . During which i was screaming my head off to get within bb.

    its not worth it people.. any self respecting cleric can heal the tank and the squad members without bb.

    fb 59: i haven't done this on my cleric yet.
    but as a barb i can say bb will work on odfis zimo and qinaji.

    if you feel so inclined.

    fb 69: pyro
    hell a decent sqaud should be able to kill pyro before anyone needs heals. its takes what? 8 seconds? if not sure bb
    the turtle thing: umm i dont see why it wont work.. but is its nessecary? no
    Garnob: you could bb here if the tank is high enough but it would be much safer to just ih and purify
    pole: BB here = Sqaud wipe. You NEED to pruify

    fb 79: have really done enough but.. seeing as there are no debuffs it should world

    fb 89: haven't done enough

    fb 99: SOT yeah use bb here but be sure to have ab domain and cloud eruption for when it gets interpreted
    havet done the other fb 99
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Kyrael - Dreamweaver
    Kyrael - Dreamweaver Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Why do people say dont bb wyvern?

    becuase it makes u immobile and you cant set up within range without aggroing the boss.
    belive me i have been in a sqaud where they bb and the stupid *** barb was too freaking stupid to pull boss in bb range.. . During which i was screaming my head off to get within bb.

    That's not why. o.o;;
    I mean, it's part of why, but still. .-.
    You don't BB wyvern because he amps. If your barb is lower level or doesn't have the best HP, BB's ticks will probably not be enough to save them before their HP goes down the hole. Then you either IH/puri spam on DDs until you can rez barb or wipe because if a barb with BB can't survive Wyv's amp, your squishier DDs with less HP will not either. b:surrenderb:shocked