Sage Cyclone Heel

XShadowx - Harshlands
XShadowx - Harshlands Posts: 259 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Blademaster
I'm a sage fist BM, Currently my base APS is 2.50 and with Cyclone Heel (12% Faster attack speed) it is 2.86.

Now Sage Cyclone Heel gives you 15% Faster attack as opossed to 12% I'm just wondering does this 3% actually do anythin, can it move you up an 'interval bracket' or is it completly useless, anyone know? :P
Post edited by XShadowx - Harshlands on


  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    -Take your current interval amount, which is 1/APS

    -Take 15% off of that interval number

    -Round that to the nearest 0.05, for example 0.672 -> 0.65

    -Divide that rounded interval by 1 for new APS.
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I stopped reading after Sage fist BM.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Zolex - Lost City
    Zolex - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I just dont understand u Archsaber..." I just stopped reading Sageb:shutup" Its ur problem if u like demon, not all the ppl think like u. Nowadays there are no Axe Bms, Pole BMs, Sword BMs or Fist BMs cause everybody is trying multipath and if u are thinking in multipath way, sage ppl have their advantages too not just demon bcause intervals.
  • Kaste - Sanctuary
    Kaste - Sanctuary Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Indeed. 5.0 Demon is not everything.
    Feel free to PM me for help.
    Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
    With PWI since Dec 21st '08
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I just dont understand u Archsaber..." I just stopped reading Sageb:shutup" Its ur problem if u like demon, not all the ppl think like u. Nowadays there are no Axe Bms, Pole BMs, Sword BMs or Fist BMs cause everybody is trying multipath and if u are thinking in multipath way, sage ppl have their advantages too not just demon bcause intervals.

    Please, don't feed the troll.
    You're right though. Advice is one thing, rudeness is another.

    Seconds per Attack.....APS........25% Spark......20% Red bubble....15% Cyclone lvl 11.....12% Cyclone lvl 10
    .7..........................1.43..........2.00. ..............1.82..................1.62.......... ..............1.62......
    .65........................1.54..........2.00.. .............2.00..................1.82........... .............1.82......
    .6..........................1.62..........2.22. ..............2.00..................2.00.......... ..............1.82......
    .55........................1.82..........2.50.. .............2.22..................2.22........... .............2.00......
    .5..........................2.00..........2.86. ..............2.50..................2.50.......... ..............2.22......
    .45.........................2.22..........2.86. ..............2.86..................2.50.......... ..............2.50......
    .4..........................2.50..........3.33.. .............3.33..................2.86........... .............2.86......
    .35........................2.86...........4.00.. .............3.33..................3.33........... .............3.33......
    .3..........................3.33..........5.00.. .............4.00..................4.00........... .............4.00......
    .25........................4.00..........5.00.. .............5.00..................5.00........... .............5.00......
    .2......................... 5.00..........5.00.. .............5.00..................5.00........... .............5.00......
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • XShadowx - Harshlands
    XShadowx - Harshlands Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I stopped reading after Sage fist BM.

    Em sorry but Im old school bm... you know.. when Sage Axe BM with GX was the cool thing, Don't have 3rd fairy to switch to demon now that the cool thing is 5APS, so gonna be sage for a good long while :P

    Anyway thanks for info, in conclusion Sage Cyclone Heel is balls b:bye
  • Shadowbludd - Dreamweaver
    Shadowbludd - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    But don't forget sage cyclone heel last longer
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    But don't forget sage cyclone heel last longer

    That hardly matters since lvl 10 already last as long as the cool down.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    That hardly matters since lvl 10 already last as long as the cool down.

    the idea of sage cyclone is cancle cast before spark>spark>cancle cast either DBB sage highland or sparksave+hf combo

    this way you dont need to waste sparked time on cyclone cancle and dont lose the buff early
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • ArchSaber - Sanctuary
    ArchSaber - Sanctuary Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I just dont understand u Archsaber..." I just stopped reading Sageb:shutup" Its ur problem if u like demon, not all the ppl think like u. Nowadays there are no Axe Bms, Pole BMs, Sword BMs or Fist BMs cause everybody is trying multipath and if u are thinking in multipath way, sage ppl have their advantages too not just demon bcause intervals.

    Actually a lot of people think like me, I don't think you have seen many bms regretting going sage in the first place and thanked god when conversion came out. Now many BMs go demon because, well sadly only half of them realize that demon 5.0 is greater damage. Sage 5.0 is only worth for that tank buff so you can probably solo TT squad mode. But you wouldn't need TT anymore since you would have 5.0. You would have to go demon for faster nirvana speed runs. I'm not trying to say sage bm is fail, I just think it is underpowered compared to demon.

    FYI, I'm only axe/fist. I'm to poor to max pole and sword skills. I don't have time to since the beginning of this school year I created a great life for myself. I can't no life TT, I play 1 hr a day on weekdays. I woulda been at least 95 and 2.86 by now if i failed every class and did not make the BB team.
    AP classes are a real butt pounding...
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    the idea of sage cyclone is cancle cast before spark>spark>cancle cast either DBB sage highland or sparksave+hf combo

    this way you dont need to waste sparked time on cyclone cancle and dont lose the buff early

    On mobs, canceling heel is pointless since they die in like a second anyways.

    On boss, you are perma-sparking or close to. Even if you are sage and only 3.33 or 2.86 APS, canceling every time is just not worth the effort imo. I much rather put on my macro and do something else.

    PvP is too chaotic for canceling. It's hell to cancel Heel when you are constantly chasing.