Rerolling to Earthguard?

Posts: 295 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Etherblade (West)
Just wondering if anyone will be rerolling to the new classes when the Genesis patch is launched, heard lots of rumors & Offical CN Patches, so my question is what you going to do after its launched?

Melee Class - Cross between Blademaster and Psychic, uses elemental damage and combos with swords skills, like you can use a second skill only if you've used the first skill.

Mage Class - Cross between Cleric and Venomancer, uses alot of 'nature' (wood?) based skills, summons nature forces, kinda like pets but i assume have a short duration of them being present as the CN patch said you can have (in extreme cases) up to 8 summoned forces. Have player heal skills, player revive skill and can heal venomancers pets.

apparently a new PVE server will be launching too, this is just a rumor but ive heard from alot of people now and alot are my 'informed' sources. xD
Resistance is futile!
♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
Post edited by Proclivity - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I like to play PW. I'm not a type A personality who has to be the best. I've had dozens of alts since starting Archo. I'm definitely going to play with the Earthgaurd when they come out. Seekers sound like fun so I'll try them first.
    My original main was SaintToadElf, a cleric. I have discovered that I don't really enjoy playing Cleric as much as I enjoy playing a tank. I hope the Seeker can be an off-tank.
    I find DD caster too squishy but I might try the Mystic too just to see what it's about. Mainly because I have a nice stash of arcane weapons and armor gathering dust.
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    will stay wiz with rumors of:

    -some nirvana bosses being physical immune
    -some tt bosses potentially getting reflect
    -5.0 being gradually nerfed and or discouraged like with previous 2 mentions
    -new wizard skill
    -new magic weapons with add ons that proc an effect like some physical weapons do
    -their attempt to restore TW
  • Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Rolling a seeker in the hope he fits into all my gear b:pleased
    ★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    -Inactive 19 Sept 2011-
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    re-rolling to seeker, cleric in this version goes to chit in endgame content.
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    imgoing to be a mystic im still waiting on the update for the mysticb:angry
  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i would probably play Earthguard Seeker... xD!!
  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    If you can read Chinese, click on the following link to get a glance of the much anticipated new class, Mystic, that is coming next month. b:victory

    If you can't read Chinese, but you're so desperate that you are even willing to bear the pain of the cheesy translation from google then click here:

    Basically from my understanding, Mystic is going to be a mixture of veno and cleric...

    Attack Skills:

    花溅雨: 100% base damage + 3494.8 wood damage + 12 meter knockback + cost 30 chi to cast

    乱舞清风: cause 14m AOE damage of 100% base + 2425.2 + chance to seal the target

    Healing Skills:

    灵光普照: recover 350 + 40% of base magic attack

    落英缤纷: Bless the target. If attacked, the target will recover 714 + 30% of base mag. attack in 9 seconds. Effect lasts 1 min.

    Summoning Skills:

    魔神现世: summons a devil (?) which does metal damage. Mystic can absorb powers from the devil to gain additional 50% of elemental defense and 150% increase of magic attack. Lasts 20 seconds.

    救星降临: summons the god of salvation which can buff you and your squad's defense. Mystic can absorb powers from this summon to absorb 4000 damage + 4500 hp recovery in 9 seconds.

    偷天换日: Costs 1 spark. This is the skill that mystics use to get powers from the summoned creatures. It lasts 8 seconds. During that time, the caster will not be affect by stuns, sleep, etc...

    咒缚丝: Costs 30 chi. Summons a tree. It has a chance to reduce the enemy's movement speed by 40% and attack by 20%. Lasts 6 seconds. It can also ****ing explode and cause physical damage!! b:shocked

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! b:dirty My blood type is now "gravy".

    See you in game!

    info on mystics, the more i read about them the more i like them xD
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Im from another server and ive come to troll this thread. Lol.

    Seriosly though, Archosaur server is sucky, you guys better join an old server, HT or HL. Or Sanc b:victory.
    kaste - BM 90 / SneakyKas - 49
    PsychicKas - 20 / FurryKas - 17
    HealingKas - 14 / KasTheSeeker - 11
    MysticalKas - 5 / CritKas - 1
    NukeKas - 1 / VenomousKas - 1
    God damn recording makes my leveling slow.
  • Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    Its a fishy troll catch it D: lol jk

    I think I'll roll Mystic b:cute If there was one other class I always liked rolling alts of on HT it was Veno. and its a combination of both :3
    The Dealer at your service b:cute
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I loved games where mages can summon animals to attack. Very necessary to effectively solo most games and something that pwi doesn't give us.

    I'll probably try out both assuming they give us 2 more character slots.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    will stay wiz with rumors of:

    -some nirvana bosses being physical immune
    -some tt bosses potentially getting reflect
    -5.0 being gradually nerfed and or discouraged like with previous 2 mentions
    -new wizard skill
    -new magic weapons with add ons that proc an effect like some physical weapons do
    -their attempt to restore TW

    Huh? This is the first I've heard of a new wizard skill. Can you share more information?

    Now you've got me curious. b:question
  • Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Here2Troll, or just too lazy to switch my avatar to archo char ._. If I decide to play one of the new chars it'll be mystic. see ya *poofs*
    My sig is gone cus lol b:bye
  • Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Just wondering if anyone will be rerolling to the new classes when the Genesis patch is launched, heard lots of rumors & Offical CN Patches, so my question is what you going to do after its launched?

    Melee Class - Cross between Blademaster and Psychic, uses elemental damage and combos with swords skills, like you can use a second skill only if you've used the first skill.

    Mage Class - Cross between Cleric and Venomancer, uses alot of 'nature' (wood?) based skills, summons nature forces, kinda like pets but i assume have a short duration of them being present as the CN patch said you can have (in extreme cases) up to 8 summoned forces. Have player heal skills, player revive skill and can heal venomancers pets.

    apparently a new PVE server will be launching too, this is just a rumor but ive heard from alot of people now and alot are my 'informed' sources. xD

    Ok, I know this is just a rumor and all but why another PVE server??

    First thing all the servers are not even close to being full, and it was not nesserty of adding the other 2 new servers. And lastly even if we have a new server why is it another PvE server, we already have like 5 PvE servers, if we did have another server I think we should have another PvP one since we only have 2 of them. :P

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    SO any word on if the new race and classes are gonna be the new fish
    all OP and super hard to fight against ..

    also will mages lose more work :( im already fired ^_-
    Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
    Who altered my siggy im
    kinda scared b:shocked
  • Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    SO any word on if the new race and classes are gonna be the new fishall OP and super hard to fight against ..

    also will mages lose more work :( im already fired ^_-

    But they are not fish are they? b:chuckle

    (I get what you ment by them being "new fish")

    Btw I'm going to test out the Seekers. :D

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i will try both new classes b:chuckle , this game is about haveing fun, but i will not give up on other chars.

    i don't think the other classes will lose their importance, clerics will still be the main healers on the server, prob. the wiz. will have some trouble as remaining the no1 dd on pwi :P
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Huh? This is the first I've heard of a new wizard skill. Can you share more information?

    Now you've got me curious. b:question

    Val, theres a post on the wizard forum.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I loved games where mages can summon animals to attack. Very necessary to effectively solo most games and something that pwi doesn't give us.

    I'll probably try out both assuming they give us 2 more character slots.

    ^ This... I'm going to play a mystic... what isn't awesome about a male character with whips... b:dirty
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ^ This... I'm going to play a mystic... what isn't awesome about a male character with whips... b:dirty

    woot? they use whips? b:dirty
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I will try the mystic then seekerb:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    everyone reroll's to the new class b:surrender
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Earthguards have glowy things on their heads b:bye
    Thank You Forsaken :)
  • Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Most likely trying out both of the new classes and then going back to my sin b:bye
    Joined Aug 2008 on HT--
    Just lurkin' the forums these days and makin' occassional stupid posts
  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Huh? This is the first I've heard of a new wizard skill. Can you share more information?

    Now you've got me curious. b:question

    sorry i should of retyped that point, from what i hear the origonal 6 classes are getting new skills and changes. The wizard one i hear was a small, close range aoe stun shield, kinda like psychics soul of stunning, that triggers when someone in pvp comes within range of it.
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT
  • Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    sorry i should of retyped that point, from what i hear the origonal 6 classes are getting new skills and changes. The wizard one i hear was a small, close range aoe stun shield, kinda like psychics soul of stunning, that triggers when someone in pvp comes within range of it.

    mmmm finally fixing sins b:dirty
  • Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    sorry i should of retyped that point, from what i hear the origonal 6 classes are getting new skills and changes. The wizard one i hear was a small, close range aoe stun shield, kinda like psychics soul of stunning, that triggers when someone in pvp comes within range of it.

    well it was about the time to bring something new to the old classes otherwise ppl will stop playing them - not the clerics or barbs... they will still be needed even after the release of the new classes...
  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmmmmmm, I wonder what the Rank 8 Seeker weapon will be?b:question
  • Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmmmmmm, I wonder what the Rank 8 Seeker weapon will be?b:question

    Already Pannzer? Really? b:chuckle
  • Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Finally, lol...a poll thread I can vote in without seeming biased! b:mischievous

    Anyway, planning to continue with my main, and plan to go sage...this 5.0 aps "coming fix" intrigues me...

  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hmmmmmm, I wonder what the Rank 8 Seeker weapon will be?b:question

    with the new price of ranwouldnt be suprised if we saw quite afew rank 8 seekers and mystics, even im tempted to go rank 8 seeker
    Resistance is futile!
    ♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT


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