Best Player



  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Wiz: Kroniknation

    Cleric: Ultimate

    Barb: Kingslayer

    Veno: omen

    Archer: stayne

    BM: Rome

    Sin: none

    Psy: none
  • Biatch_ - Harshlands
    Biatch_ - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    All hail LongKnife. :x

    Barb: Golgotha
    Veno: Lumpejudd or Izzykins

    BM: Rome
    Wiz: Imma sucker for Nurfed b:surrender

    Archer: lolarchers..
    Cleric: FIONINA.. LOL. nawh. JOSENN!

    Psy: UrDian!
    Sin: BloodFeast? Gol is a pretty good sin too.

    b:laughb:cryb:laugh lmfao....i agree best barb---->Golgotha!!!!

    Thanx Jean for the siggib:kiss
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    b:laughb:cryb:laugh lmfao....i agree best barb---->Golgotha!!!!

  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    well im not playing pwi atm so i would not know who is the best b:surrender
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Best player NO1 GM OWN ur all XD no1 can even pk a GM <.< lol can't even take 1%

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Kiril - Harshlands
    Kiril - Harshlands Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    Best in view of PvP skills (at least in my list)
    i.e. you don't see Tekkblade (heavy C$) on those lists, and you see LoLLa (non-C$). Now imagine LoLLa havin +12 r8 weap.

    Also, I think Neqlock is a lot better skilled sin than both BloodFeast or xxxjoppexxx, imo.
    Also - PreIude is a lot better cleric than BigDin despite the gearz.

    omen is A LOT better veno than most other venos on the server (I could just add a few that got better gearz than omen, like Blink & etc.).

    omen, is that you on alt voting up for yourself? lol
    Registration Date: 12/08/2008
    Quit Date: 06/2010
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i would never vote myself best player b:chuckle
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    90% of all palyers think : IM THE BEST IN THE WORLD , NO1 can BE BETTER THEN ME!!

    <.< lol realy waste of time, think that 24/7 XD may they dream about it also LOLb:shocked May they forget their own name and what they live for XD

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Emylle - Harshlands
    Emylle - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Oh ****, didn't Chelsea tell him she was gonna kill herself because he wouldn't take her back? That's a bit pathetic tbh. She would know he's rich, she stole 80mil from him :)
    I think her exact words to J after he told her he didn't want her back was, "God why don't you just slit my wrists for me?" Or was it pull the trigger? Idr. Something along those lines. :(
    I ish broke T_T

    i'm sorry but this has just gotta stop. stop being such a bi.tch Swift and keep other people's problems off the forums. J, control your girlfriend for gods sake
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    b:surrender there going to kill you they did it to me b:chuckle
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Swiftfire - Harshlands
    Swiftfire - Harshlands Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i'm sorry but this has just gotta stop. stop being such a bi.tch Swift and keep other people's problems off the forums. J, control your girlfriend for gods sake

    I don't like fake biitches who pretend to be your friend so they can steal your boyfriend. I'm not going to be nice to her so your input really isn't necessary and also, J can't "control" me, our relationship really doesn't work like that. Tbh it is pathetic, to try to play the sympathy card by saying you're going to kill yourself to get a guy who doesn't even want you back. Another point, her trying to bait my boyfriend really is my problem. I mean it's not my problem that she's unstable but it is my problem when she starts affecting my life.

    Also, who are you?
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I don't like fake biitches who pretend to be your friend so they can steal your boyfriend. I'm not going to be nice to her so your input really isn't necessary and also, J can't "control" me, our relationship really doesn't work like that. Tbh it is pathetic, to try to play the sympathy card by saying you're going to kill yourself to get a guy who doesn't even want you back. Another point, her trying to bait my boyfriend really is my problem. I mean it's not my problem that she's unstable but it is my problem when she starts affecting my life.

    Also, who are you?

    Please... me trying to bait him? I stole him? Really? I said I'll slit my wrists? OMG you serious?
    Ohhhmigosh I'm climaxing from all your hate. b:shocked ..... just kidding.
    Hilarious how you throw everything out of context. Maybe you should read all our chat logs instead of making up and piecing random sections of it together and convincing yourself everything makes sense. You just make yourself look foolish when you don't know what you're talking about. This isn't the "Who is the biggest drama queen?" thread, so I honestly don't understand why you enjoy starting so much drama over something totally irrelevant to everyone else. b:bye

    P.S Girll, if you want to rage more, I can be reached through Skype, MSN, vent or toss me a pm ingame ^_^ etc.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Please... me trying to bait him? I stole him? Really? I said I'll slit my wrists? OMG you serious?
    Ohhhmigosh I'm climaxing from all your hate. b:shocked ..... just kidding.
    Hilarious how you throw everything out of context. Maybe you should read all our chat logs instead of making up and piecing random sections of it together and convincing yourself everything makes sense. You just make yourself look foolish when you don't know what you're talking about. This isn't the "Who is the biggest drama queen?" thread, so I honestly don't understand why you enjoy starting so much drama over something totally irrelevant to everyone else. b:bye

    P.S Girll, if you want to rage more, I can be reached through Skype, MSN, vent or toss me a pm ingame ^_^ etc.


    Hope uni is coming well for ^-^. Canada ftw
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    Hope uni is coming well for ^-^. Canada ftw

    xD Thanks Wowowoneo, can't wait for break lol -_-

    How goes the Kingston rain? :P I bet it's murdering your umbrella >:D
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Hell yeah, cat fight~~

    Go for the bosom.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Tophole - Raging Tide
    Tophole - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    whos the sexxxxiii bishhh on this server mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • Devil - Harshlands
    Devil - Harshlands Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    whos the sexxxxiii bishhh on this server mE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    indeed u are dead sexyy
  • Angel - Harshlands
    Angel - Harshlands Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    indeed u are dead sexyy

    yo back off my mannn hes all mine
  • Endless_life - Harshlands
    Endless_life - Harshlands Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    yo back off my mannn hes all mine

    nahh yo angel wanna date?? lets take this drama to guy to guy only sexiii boii
  • Erzenzia - Harshlands
    Erzenzia - Harshlands Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    You're very wrong. I saw halgard spark 1-shooting him more than once! Once she dealt around 50K on him, poor Endless didn't stand a chance. b:shocked

    Sorry urDian, I know u got the best gearz and all but I rarely saw you engaged in some real PvP (i.e. being ganked and killing all). You usually stand there chatting and occasionally 1-shooting some passing by noob.

    It's unlike PreIude (for example) who instantly gets everyone's attention once leaving safe zone. It's like everyone wants him dead and he puts up some really good fight before needing to release his corpse. b:laugh

    Prelude is a pot hoe he will use every damn pot known to man and run to safe if you even scratch him. The guy irongaurds soon as he see's me even if i dont attack....

    UrDian on the other hand goes right for the big fish and ive seen him solo most of the the big names dropped in this thread with my own eyes.

    Not only that nobody knows how to play a psy like he does his skill knowledge is spectacular. Take away the gear drop him in npc gear vs an = geared player and i got 50 mill says he takes them. I got 100 mill says he takes anyone on HL currently 3 outta 5. Not given Dian credit where its due is just silly.

    Best player all around on HL playing now ... UrDian hands down.

    BM: Rome

    Wiz: Lolla ( my girl does it with non cs gear lol) Anyone who puts liberty in the same category as Lolla needs be shot.

    Archer: Since i must choose just 1 i still gotta give it to Thailer.

    Sin: Gah i hate them!! But my vote is Anti_Matter

    Barb: Jlung (where the fak are you J?)

    Veno: LumpeJud: runs too much for my taste but she's a killer.

    Cleric: This is gonna shock alot of people but DarkCleric gets my vote here ( his gear is mediocre at best but the boy knows how to use what he has).


    Best overall...UrDian.
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Elednor - Harshlands
    Elednor - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    BM: umm. Apologies i think is pretty good
    Wizzie: _LoLLa_ / Nurfed
    Barb: Endless_life / Jlung
    Archer: Shootnblanks/Curses/Elednor
    Veno: Lumpejudd / Iffy dont play alot anymore
    Sin: Okeano/Woneo/Bloodfeast..hard to pick just 1
    psy: longknife / Urdian
    cleric: Prelude / lu damn forgot about my favorite jew. Acrelar too

    b:cute+10 Epeen points for me xD

    Think saying whos the best is pretty hard cos difernet people better at diferent things, 1v1, small squad V squad, large group world PvP, TW, tourney style PvP, all take diferent skills, and some classes better at one thing than another (sins own 1v1, but are not that effective in TW for example).

    If i had to try:

    WR: Rome / MALIGNO

    MG: _LoLLa_ has some crazy skills, Nurfed has kicked **** since day 1.

    EP: AliceDonut is amazing in TW, xXxMoM too and lu, Preludes got some skills in world PvP, and ofc Acrelar.

    EA: Me ofc, jk. Hmm, Curses and Shootnblanks are pro, Stayne too, alot of respect for that guy.

    WB: Jlung / Endless_life, DANTE can kick some serious *** too, and never backs down.

    WF: Crescendia is good 1v1 ;) Lumpie has some skills but gear getting a bit too good to tell now (at a point there is no effort required on a well geared veno, set nix and tank dmg in fox form), Iffy could pew pew back in the day. Always got love for Cat too, been blood red since like 30. Deserie always a factor in TW, tho the videos brought the focus fire xD

    Psy: urDian knows it all inside out, Longknife too

    Sin: I think Anti_Matter is the bigest factor in group PvP that i have seen of a sin, 99% of them just go for easy targets, not important ones. Okeano for being one of the only sins not to be totaly reliant on stealth too. Oh, and when i seen jopppe in action he kicks ***.

    Its pretty hard to tell whos good and whos not anymore with so much OP gear out there, WTB NPC gear tourney :D
  • Swiftfire - Harshlands
    Swiftfire - Harshlands Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Please... me trying to bait him? I stole him? Really? I said I'll slit my wrists? OMG you serious?
    Ohhhmigosh I'm climaxing from all your hate. b:shocked ..... just kidding.
    Hilarious how you throw everything out of context. Maybe you should read all our chat logs instead of making up and piecing random sections of it together and convincing yourself everything makes sense. You just make yourself look foolish when you don't know what you're talking about. This isn't the "Who is the biggest drama queen?" thread, so I honestly don't understand why you enjoy starting so much drama over something totally irrelevant to everyone else. b:bye

    P.S Girll, if you want to rage more, I can be reached through Skype, MSN, vent or toss me a pm ingame ^_^ etc.

    Really? Cuz he told me what you'd say when you messaged him on msn. I don't even hate you, I just think you're really pathetic tbh. Hey someone mentioned your name saying you think J is rich when he's obviously not because you stole 80mil from him and some high up people know it too sweetie. I'm wondering, are the "people" and everyone on the server who's told me the shiit you say and do are all lying? Reality check! Yeah it may not be the drama queen thread which means you shouldn't be on here but it's also not the biggest e-***** thread so your point is? I make myself look foolish? Atleast I don't use people for all the have and then steal from them. Tsk tsk. Don't point fingers, yours aren't clean either. :)

    I honestly don't know what went on between you and J but from what he's told me since he dumped you, you're psycho.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Its pretty hard to tell whos good and whos not anymore with so much OP gear out there, WTB NPC gear tourney :D

    +12. Server could use a NPC gear tourney.

    Thanks both for the mentioning. I feel bad being named because I'm f***ing around in my BM's gears and not really being a dagger Sin. Idk when I'll be a "real" Sin again >_<.
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Really? Cuz he told me what you'd say when you messaged him on msn. I don't even hate you, I just think you're really pathetic tbh. Hey someone mentioned your name saying you think J is rich when he's obviously not because you stole 80mil from him and some high up people know it too sweetie. I'm wondering, are the "people" and everyone on the server who's told me the shiit you say and do are all lying? Reality check! Yeah it may not be the drama queen thread which means you shouldn't be on here but it's also not the biggest e-***** thread so your point is? I make myself look foolish? Atleast I don't use people for all the have and then steal from them. Tsk tsk. Don't point fingers, yours aren't clean either. :)

    I honestly don't know what went on between you and J but from what he's told me since he dumped you, you're psycho.

    Biggest E-*****? Sorry, I can't bring myself to steal that title from Kharma.
    Now quit writing so much about your information from "credible" sources, no one wants to listen.
  • Swiftfire - Harshlands
    Swiftfire - Harshlands Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Biggest E-*****? Sorry, I can't bring myself to steal that title from Kharma.
    Now quit writing so much about your information from "credible" sources, no one wants to listen.

    Obviously you know how true they are. But I am done with this conversation. Grow up and learn how to accept responsibility for your own actions.
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Obviously you know how true they are. But I am done with this conversation. Grow up and learn how to accept responsibility for your own actions.

    I simply know more of the truth than you do. Like I said, you believe what you want, just don't bring it up on forums like your opinion is the only one that's right.
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I missed the cat fight? >:(
  • Meliko - Harshlands
    Meliko - Harshlands Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    woah nice catfight, but let's get back on track

    so Meliho nominates:

    *bm - Rome
    *veno - Iffy
    *wizard - Rome
    *cleric - Neliko
    *barb - DSGB
    *archer - Iffy
    *psychic - Schekinah
    *sin - who cares, they all gank me the same.

    jajajajaa b:surrender
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    woah nice catfight, but let's get back on track

    so Meliho nominates:

    *bm - Rome
    *veno - Iffy
    *wizard - Rome
    *cleric - Neliko
    *barb - DSGB
    *archer - Iffy
    *psychic - Schekinah
    *sin - who cares, they all gank me the same.

    jajajajaa b:surrender

    why does rome become the best?
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • RavynneSidhe - Harshlands
    RavynneSidhe - Harshlands Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Biggest E-*****? Sorry, I can't bring myself to steal that title from Kharma.
    Now quit writing so much about your information from "credible" sources, no one wants to listen.

    I seriously don't think you or Kharma are the biggest e-***** oh the server, but that's a totally different discussion even though like always, I'm COMPLETELY lost.
    I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life :3