New Wizard Skills Thread

Galox - Heavens Tear
Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
edited December 2010 in Wizard

I started this thread so we could discuss the possibilities of future wizard skills being implemented. It's a long shot, and I doubt any older classes will ever get any new skills, but lets share our ideas here anyways ^^
Element: Fire
Channel: 1.5sec
Cast: 0.8sec
Cooldown: 20seconds
Mana:205 at level one.
Learnt at level: 42

Description: Creates a volcanic explosion dealing Fire damage equal to 150% of weapon damage + 1500. Affects targets within a 5m circle of self.

Each level adds: An extra 10% weapon damage and 150 extra damage. Also extends AoE by 0.5m per level.

Sage: For 10 seconds after casting, all Fire damage will be increased by 30%.
Demon: Increases damage by 800.
Diamond Strike
Element: Earth
Channel: 1sec
Cast: 0.8sec
Cooldown: 8secs
Range:20 meters
Mana: 145 at level one.
Learnt at level: 42

Description: Fires an earthen aura at the target, dealing 70% of weapon damage + 1500 as Earth and Physical damage. (50% earth, 50% physical)

Each level adds: An extra 10% weapon damage, and 150 extra damage. Also extends range by 1meter per level.

Sage: Increases range to 35m
Demon: Has a 35% chance to stun target for 4 seconds.

The first skill I came up with is useful for a little AoE grinding, and generally jus a new flashy skill. The second one gives us something to fight Psychics and Clerics more effectively with.

What do you think of my ideas? Please, post your own, I'd love to see them!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
Post edited by Galox - Heavens Tear on


  • Pearlwood - Lost City
    Pearlwood - Lost City Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    I started this thread so we could discuss the possibilities of future wizard skills being implemented. It's a long shot, and I doubt any older classes will ever get any new skills, but lets share our ideas here anyways ^^

    The first skill I came up with is useful for a little AoE grinding, and generally jus a new flashy skill. The second one gives us something to fight Psychics and Clerics more effectively with.

    What do you think of my ideas? Please, post your own, I'd love to see them!

    lol I have to admit I kinda like the diamond strike. But, I'd rather have a stun breaker and a longer sutra (sutra II) to bring balance back to the force. Or, even a "genie enliven" skill would be cause your genie to recharge at double time.
  • Aquagirl - Raging Tide
    Aquagirl - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    OP, you have no clue what wizards need as new skills.
    Learn the class , come back after you've been in some PvP/TWs for a few months.

    Now I guess you have an advice for sage/demon paths too? you're around the appropriate lvl to come up with that stuff.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    OP, you have no clue what wizards need as new skills.
    Learn the class , come back after you've been in some PvP/TWs for a few months.

    Now I guess you have an advice for sage/demon paths too? you're around the appropriate lvl to come up with that stuff.

    Wait so, not only are you completely negative about someone being very kind and creative and showing that to us, while doing nothing wrong, you are also assuming stuff he havent said at all and throw that in his face as if he offended you or something?

    You have a negative mind. Not good for your blood pressure you know. People will dislike you for that too. Though it looks like you dont care about that.
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Wait so, not only are you completely negative about someone being very kind and creative and showing that to us, while doing nothing wrong, you are also assuming stuff he havent said at all and throw that in his face as if he offended you or something?

    You have a negative mind. Not good for your blood pressure you know. People will dislike you for that too. Though it looks like you dont care about that.

    +1 to this. You are just rude and trolling for the sake of being rude and a troll.
    How about providing info on why things would/would not work. Go find another bridge, since your parents must have kicked you out of the one you were hiding under
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    +1 to this. You are just rude and trolling for the sake of being rude and a troll.
    How about providing info on why things would/would not work. Go find another bridge, since your parents must have kicked you out of the one you were hiding under

    Though you agree with me, you should know that in your last sentence you are doing the exact same thing as she was.
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Takes one to know one i guess, as in, i know shes a troll cos i am one too :)
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    These skills sound nice but they are weak and don't have many purposes that I see.

    What we need is more control skills and especially anti-control skills and something to boost our damage temporarily under some condition -- it can be a debuff/amp not just a buff (can't be an easy to get otherwise we would be OP, and manifest virtue fails totally in that regard).
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    We need something that will make us useful/wanted in squads again. But i guess with the ability for 5APS and 1 cleric to do pretty much anything you need in game, all ranged DD's are just as useless.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    These skills sound nice but they are weak and don't have many purposes that I see.

    What we need is more control skills and especially anti-control skills and something to boost our damage temporarily under some condition -- it can be a debuff/amp not just a buff (can't be an easy to get otherwise we would be OP, and manifest virtue fails totally in that regard).

    I really do think the devs tried to make this happen with genies. Fortify would be an example of an anti-control skill and poison/frenzy/genie spark (genie spark is amazing.. 50% extra damage in some cases.. and only wizards can really benefit from it). The problem is that it benefits the other classes just as much if not more (occult/TE etc). I really think if they were to tweak a few of the genie skills, they could balance pvp a bit more. Imagine occult taking like 125 energy (like expel or domain.. same energy that we generally need to use to survive it).
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    All barriers are now squad buffs

    Frostblade adds water damage equal 20% of the mage's mag atk(for magic and phys damage) and is now an AOE buff

    Emberstorm now uses MP instead of HP

    BT/BIDS/MS get even cooler animations


    b:chuckleeveryone wants us now
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited November 2010
    I have and always will vote for plume barrier.
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    As i stated before, 5 x 5aps and cleric don't need any buffs us wizz can (or could) give them.

    Broken game is broken / useless dd class is useless.

    But I still play cos i still think its fun
  • Lenestro - Sanctuary
    Lenestro - Sanctuary Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    All barriers are now squad buffs

    Frostblade adds water damage equal 20% of the mage's mag atk(for magic and phys damage) and is now an AOE buff

    Emberstorm now uses MP instead of HP

    BT/BIDS/MS get even cooler animations


    b:chuckleeveryone wants us now

    He covered everything I was going to except that Wellspring Quaff would work like the barbs buff and increase EVERYONES mp. classes buffs tend to reflect their own unique specialty, and we do tend to have loads of mp....
  • BlastingWave - Harshlands
    BlastingWave - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    @ Lenestro , NOEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS MY MP ONLY MINEEEEES NO WELSPRING FOR THE DAMM 5 APS < rage rage rage > , Kidding yeah the wellspring squad buff is a nice idea , but the wiz barriers becoming squad buffs would be have horrific effects for wizards in general itll be like giving psy soul skills to others, What i would like is something like black woodo to give wizzies the upper hand in the DPH department again , not to mention a revamp of the current wiz skills is much more needed than giving us new skills , for example FOW has 3 secs hows about making it 4 or 5 secs lower cooldown on sleep say 1 minute instead of 2 and the dots deal pathetic damge compared to psy dots which include weapon damge as well , not to mention a purify on elemental shell like the purify on psy will . Also a further increase in freeze chance of hailstorm , 50% for demon still isnt very attractive , and making sanstorm a small radial aoe like hailstorm , One suggestion would be to modify frostblade so that it adds magical damg to wizzy attacks as well so that we can compare it to blackvoodo
  • SovereignVis - Sanctuary
    SovereignVis - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yes Wizards need an upgrade, I think some other classes may need a bit of one too.
    Morning Dew (upgrade)
    Level 1
    Range 20.4 meters
    Mana 180.0
    Channel 4.5 seconds
    Cast 1.2 seconds
    Cooldown 1.0 seconds
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Recovers target's HP by 370 points plus
    8% of base magic damage.
    Restores 2 points of durability on all equipment. (+2 points of durability per level)
    Don't you just hate it when you have a damaged weapon and you are half way through killing a boss when it breaks. b:cry Well with this small upgrade a wizard in your squad can keep this from happening to you. And why not? Every time a wizard tries to heal someone the cleric heals them just before the wizard's heal skill finishes channeling. At least this way the heal skill that hit half a second too late will still do some good. And it can save you some coins on your repair bills.
    Mana Current (new skill)
    Level 1 Learn at level 24
    Range 20.4 meters
    Channel 1.0 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 10.0 seconds
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Drains enemy's HP equal to base magic damage plus 100 and converts 4% of damage done info MP. (+100 damage per level, +4% MP converted per level)
    Transfers MP 4% of your base magic to a friendly target plus 100 more MP is gained by friendly target. (+4% MP transferred plus +100 more MP gained per level)
    Requires 20 Chi
    A wizard with no mana is useless. b:sad So bosses with a mana drain skill really suck, even using MP pots or MP food the boss still sucks mana away faster than you can recover it. A wizard should never have to use the weapon to hit mobs or bosses. b:infuriated With this new skill a wizard will at least have one attack they can use on mobs and bosses, and they can try to take back some of the mana the mob or boss take from them. It will be like a mana tug-of-war. Wizards have the biggest mana pool in the game so why not give them a mana drain/transfer skill? Then if you are nice wizards will share their mana with you. :)
    Frostblade / Flameblade / Stoneblade (upgrade/new skill)
    Level 1 Learn at level 39
    Range 20.4 meters
    Mana 225
    Channel 0.8 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Breathe an icy breath onto a squad member's weapon allowing
    giving their normal attacks extra Water damage equal to
    10% of your base magic attack and gives 4% more damage to Water skills. Lasts 15 minutes.
    (+3.33% per level for weapons)
    (+4% per level for skills)

    Light up a squad member's weapon with a bright burning flame
    giving their normal attacks extra Fire damage equal to
    10% of your base magic attack and gives 4% more damage to Fire skills. Lasts 15 minutes.
    (+3.33% per level for weapons)
    (+4% per level for skills)

    Make a squad member's weapon petrified into a harder hitting weapon
    giving their normal attacks extra Earth damage equal to
    10% of your base magic attack and gives 4% more damage to Earth skills. Lasts 15 minutes.
    (+3.33% per level for weapons)
    (+4% per level for skills)

    Only one elemental blade can be activated at once.
    Why do wizards have a fire, water, and earth shield but only a water weapon buff? There should be a weapon buff like Frostblade but for fire and earth too. Then wizards can give squad members the buff best to fight the mobs and bosses they are up against. Also it should add elemental damage to skills of the same element and the elemental effects should be increased. I see wizards all the time just fire skills at random like it doesn't matter which ones they use. They should make mobs weak to an element take at least 20% more damage and mobs resistance to an element take 20% less, so there is a noticeable difference and the skills you use will matter.
    Pyroshell / Glacial Embrace / Stone Barrier (upgrade)
    Level 1
    Mana 27
    Channel 1.0 seconds
    Cast 1.2 seconds
    Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Use your energy to form a Fire-resistant barrier around you.
    Adds 10% Fire resistance and increases HP regeneration
    by 1 per second for 15 minutes.

    Uses vigorous energy to form a icy barrier around oneself.
    Adds 10% Water resistance and increases Mana regeneration
    by 1 points per second for 15 minutes.

    Focus all of your energy to form an Earthen Barrier around you.
    Adds 10% Earth resistance and an extra 10%
    physical defense for 15 minutes.

    (Gives 50% of Pyroshell's / Glacial Embrace's / Stone Barrier's effects to all squad members within 20 meters of you while you have one of these on.)

    Only one element shell can be activated at once.
    Requires 30 Chi
    I'm sure a lot of people have wished for this one. Bosses with AoEs can be a pain, but it won't hurt so bad if the wizard's shields worked like the Paladin's aura skills in Diablo 2 and would give all near by party members the effects of the aura they had on. If you are fighting a boss with an Ice AoE the wizard can switch on their shield and the whole squad will have higher resistance to the AoE. b:victory
    Pitfall (upgrade)
    Level 1
    Range 20.4 meters
    Mana 68.4
    Channel 1.0 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Manipulate the divine force of the Earth and create a pit underneath the spot the enemy is standing 1 meter wide, (pit gets +1 meter wider per level)
    inflicting Earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 727.1 over 15 seconds and slowing the enemy's speed by 15%. Has a 6% chance to freeze the target for 3 seconds.
    Pit does damage equal to 2% of base magic damage to all enemies stepping or standing in it and slows enemies by 10%. Has a 6% chance to freeze the target for 3 seconds. Pit does damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. (+2% per level to pit damage and chance to freeze is equal to the freeze chance of the attack)
    It's called pitfall but where is the pit? They should make it so that it makes a pit in the spot where the enemy was hit by the attack. Any enemies on the spot when the attack first hits will take the normal attack damage and effects, and will take more damage from the pit if they continue to stand in it. And any enemies that enter that spot after the attack hits takes damage and the effects from the pit on the ground.
    I have a ton of more ideas for new skills and upgrades for all classes if you would like to hear more let me know and I will add to this post. :)
  • Galox - Heavens Tear
    Galox - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Lovely ideas for skills! :D Particularly like the Mana Drain one. It's handy, and not underpowered or overpowered.

    And as stated before, This isn't really a thread to get the devs to improve wiz (although, I wouldn't turn it down!) it's just a bit of fun ^^

    Burning Heart
    Element: Wood/Fire
    Range: 20.4 meters
    Channel: 2sec
    Cast: 1sec
    Cooldown: 6seconds
    Mana:185 at level one.
    Learnt at level: 42

    Description: Launches a green flame at the enemy. Inflicts 80% of weapon damage + 1500 as Fire damage. Inflicts a quarter of your wood resistance as wood damage, +500.

    Costs 1 spark.

    Each level adds: The usual range gain per level from skills. Also adds 5% more weapon damage per level (for the fire damage) and increases the additional Wood damage by 100 per level.

    Sage: Decreases channel time to 1.6seconds
    Demon: Demon version has a 20% chance to burn or poison the target, dealing 100% of weapon damage over 10 seconds.
    ^ We're meant to be "masters of the elements", yet other classes share our elements. If they have some of ours, we should get some of theres! :o Not sure if that skill is OP. I suppose endgame, the wood part could be dealing a LOT of damage. But earlier on, it shouldn't deal much damage at all. 1 spark to cast also lowers it's usefulness a bit to make it more viable.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:victory
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Blue Water Dragon Strike
    Learned at level 69 (stats are for level 10)
    Range 28.5 meters (30 meters Sage/Demon
    Channel 5.0 seconds
    Cast 0.5 seconds
    Cooldown 1 minute
    Mana 855(1,250 Sage/Demon)
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments
    Requisite Cultivation Enlightened

    Summon a blue dragon of pure water crashing into your target and surrounding enemies. Target and enemies in a 15 meter radius will suffer water damage equal to base magic attack + 600% weapon damage + 10,322(sage/demon is 14,834)

    Requires 2 Sparks
    Sage/Demon requires 3 sparks

    Sage version has a 50% chance to crit on all targets. If the crit proc fails, cooldown is extended 30 seconds.
    Demon version has a 50% chance to add Drenched Terrain effect(Drenched Terrain lowers enemies water resistance by 50% for 7 seconds)

    Mountain Fist
    Learned at level 69
    Range 28.5 meters (30 meters Sage/Demon
    Channel 4.0 seconds
    Cast 0.5 seconds
    Cooldown 1 minute
    Mana 855(1,250 Sage/Demon)
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments
    Requisite Cultivation Enlightened

    The strength of a mountain is used to slam the target and all enemies surrounding the target to the ground. Target and all enemies within 15 meter radius take Earth and Physical damage equal to base magic + 250% weapon damage + 5826.5(7436 Sage/Demon)

    Requires 2 Sparks
    Sage/Demon requires 3 sparks

    Sage version has a chance to apply Rocky Mountain effect.(Decreases earth resistance by 50%)
    Demon version has a 30% chance to stun the targets
    Burning Tempest of Blades
    Learned at level 69
    Range 28.5 meters (30 meters Sage/Demon
    Channel 5.0 seconds
    Cast 0.5 seconds
    Cooldown 1 minute
    Mana 855(1,250 Sage/Demon)
    Weapon Unarmed, Magic Instruments
    Requisite Cultivation Enlightened

    Use the power of fire to make it rain swords of pure fire. Target and enemies within 15 meters take damage equal to base magic +600% weapon damage +7,250(10,540 Sage/Demon). Has a 95% chance to apply a fire DoT that deals 600(800 Sage/Demon) damage every second for the next 5 seconds. DoT damage isn't affected by fire resistance and defense level.

    Requires 2 Sparks
    Sage/Demon requires 3 sparks

    Sage version deals 45% more burning damage
    Demon version deals 1,200 damage for the next 3 seconds

    b:laughNew ultis!!!!!

    Would love comments :3
    Tried to add another DoT, pure fire aoe that isnt ****
    A earth aoe that has good damage

    Sage/Demon requiring 3 sparks and them having 1 minute cooldowns balances it a bit

    Willing to change though ;3
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    If you want to add a proper DoT make the DoT damage % weapon damage based, or % base magic attack based (like heals are), not just a constant damage. That's the biggest issue I have with DoTs >_>
  • krelianmage
    krelianmage Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Warning: crazy ideas ahead.

    Some thoughts of new wiz skills. ofc, they will never be implemented, but w/e.

    Mp drains skill / party buff : i thought of this skill in 2 ways: one, just like Bloodpaint, would recover a small amount of mp based on the dmg u deal to target. the other way would be converting a % of the dmg u take into mp. oh yeah, cleric plume shield messes up this idea completely, so bleh.

    Improved DoT skills: so that we can actually kill something with Dot. the way they are now i just use pitfall for the 33% chance of freeze. the other Dot skill, fire element one, i dont rly find any use. Idea: add a Dot effect to WotP. its a short range skill, not so pwerfull, and AOE Dot would be cool, since Dot dmg is crappy anyway, at least it would hit a few people everytime.

    the Wiz lvl 79 barrier skill,elemental shell, which last only 4 seconds, should work like archer plume shield. which means, wiz defenses goes up for some seconds, lets say 15 seconds, but goes out after hit once. as it is now, 4 seconds only, with 60 seconds cooldown, u hardly get to use this right.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    the Wiz lvl 79 barrier skill,elemental shell, which last only 4 seconds, should work like archer plume shield. which means, wiz defenses goes up for some seconds, lets say 15 seconds, but goes out after hit once. as it is now, 4 seconds only, with 60 seconds cooldown, u hardly get to use this right.

    It has a 30 sec cooldown, and gives 15chi which makes it useful. It's also a godsend against other mages that use genie spark, or to protect yourself from a mage/cleric ulti. I think it'd be fun to have a barrier that can take the next hit, but again.. would be horribly overpowered in pvp imo. If mages were to get some kind of change, I would hope for something pve related.. or anti tideborn related, some of these suggested changes would go to far, making everybody roll a wizard (like venos were pre rising tide expansion, and sins are now). I like being different, and after a lot of thought.. I'm glad I chose mage back in the day. Although we are terribad at pve, thats why I share my gear with my cleric (actually works great because I already have a good weapon for my mage, and sharing with my cleric lets me go full vit and still have great heals). I can still hold my own in pvp (except vs sins), and I love being important in TW.. my favorite part of this game.
    Youtube Channel:
    Current gear:
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Mana Barrier

    30% of the damage dealt to you gets taken from your mana instead of your HP

    just like the mages in Forsaken World :O
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited November 2010
    Tri-colored balls
    Sends three elemental spheres to surround your target. Does each of the following:
    - Orange ball inflicts fire damage to the target based on caster's fire defense when the target attacks.
    - Blue ball reduces the effects of healing by the amount of caster's water defense.
    - Brown ball reduces target's defenses based on caster's physical defense and earth defense.
    Each sphere disappears after one attack/use.
    Cooldown 120 seconds.
    Channel 2 seconds
    Cast 0.3 seconds
    Range 30 meters
    Requires 2 sparks to use.
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Mana Barrier

    30% of the damage dealt to you gets taken from your mana instead of your HP

    just like the mages in Forsaken World :O
    Yesssss we need the sprint and the ice barrier also. b:dirty

    but I thought it was 50% reduction btw :o
  • BlastingWave - Harshlands
    BlastingWave - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    ummm instead of making new wiz skills can we 1st get the old useless ones fixed b:surrender, in any case if we are making new skills for fun than me me me me i wana make one umm lets see

    *Divine power :
    MP cost [ 100]
    channel : charge for upto 2.5 secs
    cast time: instant
    cooldown: 60 secs

    charge for upto 2.5 secs to sacrifice 25% of your maximum mp to gain an increase in channeling speed for the next 20 secs , the percentage of mp sacrificed will be equal to the amount of channel speed increased every 0.5 secs of charge will be equal to 5% channel speed increase . This skill when interupted will still get the cooldown . Channeling speed gained from this skill is stackable .

    requires 20 chi for use

    *Faith of the Magi :
    Mana: 500
    Channel: instant
    Castt : instant
    cooldown : 2minutes

    recharges skills on cooldown instantly to allow wizards to use them again

    requires 20 chi for use

    Oh wait i made 2 new skills ,i didnt make any damg skills wiz already have enough nukes its self support skills that they need ,wooot wizzies are OP now yayb:victory
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yesssss we need the sprint and the ice barrier also. b:dirty

    but I thought it was 50% reduction btw :o

    it is, but 50% + stone barrier and other buffs is kinda OP

    Who are you in phase 1? Or you aren't in yet XD

    nvm i know who you are now

    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Nice to read. But why we let live our hope that something will be changed? It never be, unless it worth for dev. to suck some money from us. All this broken game depend just on money.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Nice to read. But why we let live our hope that something will be changed? It never be, unless it worth for dev. to suck some money from us. All this broken game depend just on money.

    Sometimes it looks like you actually search for threads where you can flame in about the devs and gms and the game.

    What I would love actually is if Frostblade would work on magic attacks (skills) as well.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Sometimes it looks like you actually search for threads where you can flame in about the devs and gms and the game.

    What I would love actually is if Frostblade would work on magic attacks (skills) as well.

    Unfortunately is not blame BUT true. The game needed upgrade skills looong time ago, but nothing happened as usually.
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Let's have fun fixing those skills then b:sin

    Lvl 10: 50% chance to freeze enemies
    Sage: 60% chance to freeze enemies and cooldown reduced to 10 seconds
    Demon: 100% chance to freeze enemies but cooldown increased to 15 seconds

    Crown of Flame
    Lvl 10: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 3012.9 over 15 seconds
    Sage: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 65% of weapon damage plus 5693.0 over 15 seconds
    Demon: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5693.0 over 10 seconds

    Lvl 10: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 3600.8 over 15 seconds, Has a 30% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
    Sage: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5891.0 over 15 seconds, Has a 30% chance to stun the target for 5 seconds.
    Demon: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5891.0 over 15 seconds, Has a 50% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.

    Wellspring Quaff
    Lvl 10: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 60% for all party members.
    Sage: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 70% for all party members. Also gives a 2% critrate increase for entire squad for 10 minutes. (stacks with other crit buffs)
    Demon: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 70% for all party members. Also gives a 20% channeling speed increase for 15 seconds(for caster only)

    Lvl 10: Selfbuff, gives a +10 attack level buff which lasts 10 minutes.
    Sage: Selfbuff, gives a +12 attack level buff which lasts 30 minutes.
    Demon: Selfbuff, gives a +15 attack level buff which lasts 10 minutes.

    Emberstorm: all the same but uses MP instead of HP. Requires 2 sparks.

    Soporific Whisper: cooldown reduced to 1 minute.

    Elemental Shell: Increases all magic resistances by 500% for 10 seconds.

    Sage Glacial Snare and Divine Pyrogram effects now stack with Undine debuff.

    Demon Blade Tempest have a 50% chance to seal enemies for 3 seconds instead of old addon.

    Demon Ice Dragon Strike have channel time reduced to 3,5 seconds instead of old addon.

    Ohai useful wizzie b:chuckle
    Packs World International
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Let's have fun fixing those skills then b:sin

    Lvl 10: 50% chance to freeze enemies
    Sage: 60% chance to freeze enemies and cooldown reduced to 10 seconds
    Demon: 100% chance to freeze enemies but cooldown increased to 15 seconds

    Crown of Flame
    Lvl 10: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 3012.9 over 15 seconds
    Sage: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 65% of weapon damage plus 5693.0 over 15 seconds
    Demon: causes fire damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5693.0 over 10 seconds

    Lvl 10: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 3600.8 over 15 seconds, Has a 30% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.
    Sage: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5891.0 over 15 seconds, Has a 30% chance to stun the target for 5 seconds.
    Demon: inflicts earth damage equal to base magic damage plus 50% of weapon damage plus 5891.0 over 15 seconds, Has a 50% chance to stun the target for 3 seconds.

    Wellspring Quaff
    Lvl 10: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 60% for all party members.
    Sage: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 70% for all party members. Also gives a 2% critrate increase for 10 minutes. (stacks with other crit buffs)
    Demon: For 30 minutes maximum mana is increased by 70% for all party members. Also gives a 20% channeling speed increase for 15 seconds(for caster only)

    Lvl 10: Selfbuff, gives a +10 attack level buff which lasts 10 minutes.
    Sage: Selfbuff, gives a +12 attack level buff which lasts 30 minutes.
    Demon: Selfbuff, gives a +15 attack level buff which lasts 10 minutes.

    Emberstorm: all the same but uses MP instead of HP. Requires 2 sparks.

    Soporific Whisper: cooldown reduced to 1 minute.

    Elemental Shell: Increases all magic resistances by 500% for 10 seconds.

    Sage Glacial Snare and Divine Pyrogram effects now stack with Undine debuff.

    Demon Blade Tempest have a 50% chance to seal enemies for 3 seconds instead of old addon.

    Demon Ice Dragon Strike have channel time reduced to 3,5 seconds instead of old addon.

    Ohai useful wizzie b:chuckle
    mage class is done.
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
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