The REAL difference between PVE and PVP servers

Alenta - Lost City
Alenta - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
edited November 2010 in General Discussion
On a PVE server (Heaven's Tear) most players will hide in safe zone and wait patiently (even a few hours) for any moving white name or some non-cash shop, non-"factor" to leave safe zone. It doesn't matter what level the white-named player is. As soon as the white-name enters the "battlezone", all the people hiding in safe zone will rush and gank the poor soul - as long as the white name is not in their faction. Once the damage is done, the gankers will go back to sz and wait...again...for another 30 minutes, most likely for another 1 second gank. Most of the time, instead of actual PK, you will witness blue name duels outside west Arch and in the safe zone area in Silver Pool. Unless a player is confident in their gear to withstand ganks or random attacks, most will stay in sz even if they have a full squad of pkers. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube of Fate, Secret Passage.

On a PVP server (Lost City) a lot of the people who want to pk will stand outside safe zone even when they're fully aware of a possible gank or that someone 10+ levels above them may one-hit them at any time. Those who stay in safe zone are those who either die repeatedly from other players in 1 vs 1, get ganked due to being in a faction that the ganking faction has on KOS, or are simply cowards. Gankers will stay outside sz unless there is already a full faction of players ready to gank outside sz. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube, Orchid Temple/Secret Passage, Angler's Village (oracle spot), Hidden Orchid (fresh lowbies for easy kills), Swamps, and sometimes Nightscream and Tusk Town. Factions are distinguished by 3 types: RPK, non-RPK, PKK. Non-rpk factions are usually PKK, factions that only attack pink or red names. Ironically, you can make more friends pking than squading with people for BHs, FF, etc.

An interesting thing I noticed is that the players on PVE servers have better gear overall compared to PVP players. I guess it's because, on a PVP server, gear holds less value since there's always the chance of losing it. Or the general population refuses to farm for better gear for whatever reason. Known cash-shop players or those with cash-shop quality gear (which may be obtained through farming or merchanting) are either admired or bashed on the PVE server. On PVP server they are flamed more so than admired and attract the most random attacks and ganks. Killing someone with uber gear is seen as a major accomplishment on PVP server and the killer must let the whole server know though world chat. Also, less herc venos on the PVP server but more nixes (obvious reasons).
Post edited by Alenta - Lost City on


  • Kairu_ - Sanctuary
    Kairu_ - Sanctuary Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    On a PVE server (Heaven's Tear) most players will hide in safe zone and wait patiently (even a few hours) for any moving white name or some non-cash shop, non-"factor" to leave safe zone. It doesn't matter what level the white-named player is. As soon as the white-name enters the "battlezone", all the people hiding in safe zone will rush and gank the poor soul - as long as the white name is not in their faction. Once the damage is done, the gankers will go back to sz and wait...again...for another 30 minutes, most likely for another 1 second gank. Most of the time, instead of actual PK, you will witness blue name duels outside west Arch and in the safe zone area in Silver Pool. Unless a player is confident in their gear to withstand ganks or random attacks, most will stay in sz even if they have a full squad of pkers. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube of Fate, Secret Passage.

    On a PVP server (Lost City) a lot of the people who want to pk will stand outside safe zone even when they're fully aware of a possible gank or that someone 10+ levels above them may one-hit them at any time. Those who stay in safe zone are those who either die repeatedly from other players in 1 vs 1, get ganked due to being in a faction that the ganking faction has on KOS, or are simply cowards. Gankers will stay outside sz unless there is already a full faction of players ready to gank outside sz. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube, Orchid Temple/Secret Passage, Angler's Village (oracle spot), Hidden Orchid (fresh lowbies for easy kills), Swamps, and sometimes Nightscream and Tusk Town. Factions are distinguished by 3 types: RPK, non-RPK, PKK. Non-rpk factions are usually PKK, factions that only attack pink or red names. Ironically, you can make more friends pking than squading with people for BHs, FF, etc.

    An interesting thing I noticed is that the players on PVE servers have better gear overall compared to PVP players. I guess it's because, on a PVP server, gear holds less value since there's always the chance of losing it. Or the general population refuses to farm for better gear for whatever reason. Known cash-shop players or those with cash-shop quality gear (which may be obtained through farming or merchanting) are either admired or bashed on the PVE server. On PVP server they are flamed more so than admired and attract the most random attacks and ganks. Killing someone with uber gear is seen as a major accomplishment on PVP server and the killer must let the whole server know though world chat. Also, less herc venos on the PVP server but more nixes (obvious reasons).

    enough of this i agree on but i stopped reading later on when i saw one major fault line. the fact that pvp servers have better overall gear is widely false. pk servers if you actually get to a high enough lvl they actually put a good chunk into their gear AND BIND IT or carry guardian scrolls. they need better skill being a pvp server and seeing as theirs alot of well geared players they need decent gear as well or their a sitting duck for anybody with good gear (that's the same for both pvp/pve). the main difference between pvp/pve gear wise for pk is that the pvp players 95% of the time (unless assassin) will only switch on pk mode if their gear is really good or decent at the very minimum otherwise factions like regi, and nef ect will just laugh and 1 member 1 shot 3-4 people (ya 1 shto all 3-4 in the same shot lol it's happened). pvp server their pk all the time past 30 so they can't choose to go pk after they get good gear.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    On a pvp server u wanna make sure that you stay level 29 until you're finished with the culti quests in Silver pool.

    If you hit 30 and go White name before you're finished with all the damn quests, you will be a dead little lamb for all the pkers in the area.

    Think my last 3X nub got rpked like 10 times in a few minutes while trying to her 29 culti outside of Silver-pool lol. I had to bring a bodyguard b:angry
  • Graey_Rain - Harshlands
    Graey_Rain - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Yeah I don't know where you heard that people on pvp servers are poorly geared but trust me it's not true. LC is in my opinion the best geared server. Everyone over there is OP lol. Everyone's got great gear on HL these days as well. You have a lot more competition over gear on PVP servers because killing other players is what people play those servers for. No one cares about how good at pve you are, they all wanna be able to kill every body else and you can only do that if you have good gear. This means people are more willing to put cash into getting gear. Also factions tend to bond closer and support each other more on pvp servers in my experience. They also want to gear up there members so they can be a better pvp faction and are able to pk and defend there members, therefore they often give more help to member's with acquiring gear. You have loads of new people now who hyper to 101 and are running around with rubbish gear, but you got an influx of those on every server.
    The risk of dropping gear doesn't dissuade people from getting good gear because the risk is virtually none existent lol. These days with safety lock you don't have to worry about losing anything. If you have a few hundred hours of red and can't be bothered with locking then just get some guardian scrolls. It's very rare that anyone drops anything.

    As for your description of pvp it's mostly accurate lol. Haven't played LC for ages, but on HL these days PVP is similar to what you said. Groups of PVPrs stand outside SZ waiting for people to come out and fight them. It's usually not really ganking though as people don't just go out 1 by one to challenge the group. They band together and form there own group then the two groups have a fight. The victor stays out of sz waiting for the defeated group to come back, the losing side regroup in sz then come out again to fight when ready. I find it a good system. I often go to such fights with faction members and join one group or attack them both and try to kill everyone. So pvp still has some fun left in it. Though it's not like it used to be in the good old days. Was much better way back when.

    As for people with good gear getting flamed that's not the case at all. Don't know about lc as i haven't played it in over a year now. But on HL the top flight players with the best gear get nothing but respect. Most people don't want to make enemies with them lol and the only people who do flame the OP guys are other OP guys. If anyone else has a go at them you just get everyone going "OMG did a none factor with rubish gear just say something ewww" Most people hold the opinion that you have no right to mouth off to someone who can one shot you, and flaming them just makes you look like an idiot and everyone will lol at you. As for certain players being targets this is true and there are a few players who anyone would like to kill just to say they have killed them lol. But this isn't really true of the well geared players but faction leaders and directors of the biggest factions and people who are always talking on world chat lol. There are so many OP people around these days that killing one really isn't a big deal. Every sin, bm, archer and his mother has 5 aps, all the wizards are +12 r8 and all the barbs have 30k hp lolz. Well that's an exaggeration haha but there are still a load of op people so everyone's killed a couple op players hear and there. They may be well geared but they still die, when your fighting against op players every day and TWing against them every weekend you kill em all eventually. Though I will admit that in my first TW against the most powerful faction on harshlands I went straight for their OP R8 wizard leader so I would have bragging rights if I killed him lolz. I failed QQ but I did manage to tick his charm before he ***** me... So I still bragged about that for a while haha. But anyways you'd target a leader or director or something because you want to brag about it but you wouldn't target any old OP player. Hell when your tw'ing against zulu 4/5 people you target will be OP QQ Mostly they're all insane archers with plus 12 lunar or nirvana bows barraging on your crystal :'( lol
    As for veno's having more nix's on pvp and hercs pve I think almost every veno I know has a herc and a nix xD Isn't that kinda standard for any veno??
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    the REAL difference is on PvP servers you can get attacked when you don't want to pk.

    Where as PvE servers if your not in a pk mood you can stay blue till your feeling homicidal.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The one thing I really noticed was that there is no real distinction or PK rules on PvE servers. If you go white name you're considered fair game by everyone who is in PK mode. On PvP servers there is etiquette. Some factions allow RPK, other factions don't allow it. There is KOS and Free to Kill. Some guilds are Safe Listed, others are Allied. Some guilds allow you to fight back and will defend you, others will want you to screenshot, not fight back and try to get the PKer in trouble. These are all concepts we don't really think much about on a PK server as we're brought up understanding all these things, whereas on a PvE server they have no real concept of how all this works on a PvP server.

    A lot of people from PvE servers thinks duels are the same as PvP. A lot of people from PvE servers also think group PvP isn't different from TW.

    On PvE servers, PK wars generally never break out. On PvP servers, PK wars can start from as little as someone getting killed mining a stupid low mat or another faction trying to crash someone at a world boss.

    PK on a PvE server is usually just a few people fighting a few people. Many times guildies on a PvE server won't even buff or help defend their own guildies 'because they don't want to go red' or whatever. PK on a PvP server usually escalates until one side clearly dominates.

    PK can last for half an hour to an hour or more on a PvP server, often times with more than 30-40 people involved. Usually it only lasts a few minutes until the side with the most people win, and then call in reinforcements, zerg back and repeat this process.

    What's better? Probably a PvE server until you're 90+. Definitely a PvP server at 100+.

    Open map PvP wars at world bosses, in OHT, even 3rd map, or any other place on the open map have been pretty amazing. Sometimes you don't win, sometimes you do. When large groups of people go to PK each other, lots of fun erupts... and a lot of QQing as well.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Last time there a thread like these it end up become heated up chat and flame easily started . . b:infuriated

    Then the discussion goes to interval, bugs, tideborn, economy, . . 100+ page . . b:beatenup
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Innamorata - Harshlands
    Innamorata - Harshlands Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I almost regret being on a PvP server. Not so much for the PK but the fact that only idiot children seem to play on it, while the mature househould players are somewhere else. I'm sick everyday on what I read on WC, abominations the likes of which you wouldn't believe.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I almost regret being on a PvP server. Not so much for the PK but the fact that only idiot children seem to play on it, while the mature househould players are somewhere else. I'm sick everyday on what I read on WC, abominations the likes of which you wouldn't believe.

    It's not PvP or PvE specific. There is reprehensible trash on all the servers.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The one thing I really noticed was that there is no real distinction or PK rules on PvE servers. If you go white name you're considered fair game by everyone who is in PK mode. On PvP servers there is etiquette. Some factions allow RPK, other factions don't allow it. There is KOS and Free to Kill. Some guilds are Safe Listed, others are Allied. Some guilds allow you to fight back and will defend you, others will want you to screenshot, not fight back and try to get the PKer in trouble. These are all concepts we don't really think much about on a PK server as we're brought up understanding all these things, whereas on a PvE server they have no real concept of how all this works on a PvP server.

    A lot of people from PvE servers thinks duels are the same as PvP. A lot of people from PvE servers also think group PvP isn't different from TW.

    On PvE servers, PK wars generally never break out. On PvP servers, PK wars can start from as little as someone getting killed mining a stupid low mat or another faction trying to crash someone at a world boss.

    PK on a PvE server is usually just a few people fighting a few people. Many times guildies on a PvE server won't even buff or help defend their own guildies 'because they don't want to go red' or whatever. PK on a PvP server usually escalates until one side clearly dominates.

    PK can last for half an hour to an hour or more on a PvP server, often times with more than 30-40 people involved. Usually it only lasts a few minutes until the side with the most people win, and then call in reinforcements, zerg back and repeat this process.

    What's better? Probably a PvE server until you're 90+. Definitely a PvP server at 100+.

    Open map PvP wars at world bosses, in OHT, even 3rd map, or any other place on the open map have been pretty amazing. Sometimes you don't win, sometimes you do. When large groups of people go to PK each other, lots of fun erupts... and a lot of QQing as well.

    +9000 this . You're making me regret not starting on LC when PWI was still fresh more & more b:cry

    Sanc was boring as hell compared to this after the 1st 6 months or so and even those couldn't compare .

    RT doesn't compare LC or HL either but at least lulzy trolling atmosphere of the server amuses me b:laugh ( some ppl will prolly hate it though xD )

    I'm a die-hard fan of pvp that's been on PVE servers due to friends ,laziness to start over & try to catch up with OP gears and RT being newest when I decided to play PWI again .

    Most ppl that get excited about pk on pve servers don't even know what actual fun pvp is . Sure sometimes it can be fun but it's just too rare & hard to find .

    *shoots self*

    I'll take this as a lesson to never pass out on a PVP server in any mmo that I'll ever play again ( if any ) b:cry
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    <-Former PvE server rolled PvP, and not looking back lol.
  • Chewizard - Lost City
    Chewizard - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    I'll take this as a lesson to never pass out on a PVP server in any mmo that I'll ever play again ( if any ) b:cry

    This made me lol..

    The other day I came back from walking my dog to find that an AFK hunter had found me.
    Nothing amazing
    happens here.
    Only the ordinary.
  • Evanera - Heavens Tear
    Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    WTB Server transfer stone zzzzzz
    Someone drag me to LC :(
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    There really is no difference except the pk which if someone comes up to you and does it is not very skilled and bright.It is a lot different from the pvp game I come from originally as there is no pk.The true pvp in this game is TW and all servers do it.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    PvE servers can have some good PvP action, and we can have good large PK wars and such, just far, far rarer.

    Hmm lets see what else.

    PvE servers have no real experience with factions being "RPK" or "non-RPK", no experience with KoS, or alliances, or safe lists.

    A lot of people just aim to get the "minimum" level of gear, mostly the ones who avoid TW and PvP. Most of the people I know are the ones that are in TW factions and aim for the best possible gear they can get.

    Overall level of gear is lower, although we have extreme cases such as a rank 8 sin with +12 G15 nirvana daggers and full +11 equips with +2def shards, who rolled a sin after giving up on his barb with full +10 TT99 with vit stones and +12 Gx that replaced his full +10 TT80 with +10 Calamity axes.

    I dunno, maybe it's cause I'm in a TW faction and spend the vast majority of my time with members of either my faction or others that causes me to see more PvP action, but PvP isn't really dead, although it's certaintly not as active as a PvP server, which, really makes me wonder why. I just assume that in large PK fights on PvP servers the participants are all wanting to fight, and if were placed on a PvE server, would choose to go white.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    A lot of people from PvE servers thinks duels are the same as PvP. A lot of people from PvE servers also think group PvP isn't different from TW.


    Crazy Carebears, those are all extremely different.

    In PVP duels I do amazing. Psys are simply good at duels: we out-stun almost every class.

    In TW I can do well because it's so chaotic that I'm not constantly being targeted. I hit like a truck but I'm mega squishy, but in TW there's enough teammates to fall back on and overall chaos that I can go unnoticed forever. I'm also charmed of course, which buys me just enough time to Psy will. In PK I'm not charmed, and getting jumped by an archer or sin might do me in. Psy AOE skills are also incredibly supportive, Earth Vector and Glacial Shards in particular. If I were to get focused down, I could put on white voodoo and still be supportive to my team with my skills.

    In PK, all sorts of **** can happen. For instance, white-named clerics are a massive issue for me. Today I had a cleric sleep me, triple spark, then kill me and call me "fail," which I found odd, because I didn't get the chance to do anything. :U However I couldn't beat him and shut him up because of one very simple problem: I don't go red name. I don't like the risk of losing drops, nor do I like safety lock/dolls. I'll go red name when all my gear is bound, but for now...This leaves me absolutely helpless against white named clerics, cause when a cleric gets the FIRST shot, you can guarentee he's gonna sleep you and triple spark. In a PVP duel, his sleep and my stun spell have the same cast, so it's a quick-draw match. Actually I can force a win because of Tide Spirit + Earth Vector. In TW we simply won't fight. I may shoot at him, but he's gonna be focused on healing.
    Same goes for white named BMs. They gain a huge upperhand cause they get the first shot. When he's red and I can attack first, I can get up to 11 seconds where I've got him held in place (earth vector + Glacial shards), plus another 10 seconds of Psy will afterwards where he can't hurt me. If he has the first hit, I lose that entire 11 seconds (cause he'll probably Will of Bodhistva before attacking me) and he immediately cuts out 6 seconds of my 10 second physical damage immunity just by using Roar of Pride.
    And of course: sins. Stealth isn't incredibly useful in duels because the duel itself announces "hey, I'm gonna jump you." Sins in TW are just absolute balls because they're too squishy, have no range so they're forced to go behind enemy lines and they have limited AOEs. In PK however, a sin can stalk you for AAAAAAGES. Just today I was at west gate with some friends who were getting stalked by sins. There was a 5 aps sin among them who I Soulburned twice, other times I would stun him. He would either die or run away. 20 minutes later when I left, both my friends dropped dead. TWENTY. FRIGGIN'. MINUTES. Crazy **** waited 20 minutes for a good opportunity, which apparently meant no Soulburn around. Get a life, sins! Point is though, PK is definitely the preferred PVP for a sin.

    Long story short: Duels are plain and simple, PK varies quite a bit and is VERY situational: an easy opponent when red named might be freaking impossible if he goes white if you don't want to go red yourself, or a sin stalking you could basically mean that you CAN'T PK with anyone else or he'll jump you like a nab. Hell, I've had a PK fight where a random mob came up and killed me. TW is very strategic and tactical: far more teamwork involved and far less surprises compared to PK. People are focused on dealing damage rather than settling scores: those that do focus too much on specific opponents for personal reasons in TW suck balls and hardly help their guild.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    As for your description of pvp it's mostly accurate lol. Haven't played LC for ages, but on HL these days PVP is similar to what you said. Groups of PVPrs stand outside SZ waiting for people to come out and fight them. It's usually not really ganking though as people don't just go out 1 by one to challenge the group. They band together and form there own group then the two groups have a fight. The victor stays out of sz waiting for the defeated group to come back, the losing side regroup in sz then come out again to fight when ready.

    Well you have just basically Described the PK on HT. Not sure where the OP gets " Everyone sits in SZ from ".

    Most of the regular PKer's will stand outside of SZ waiting/hoping for people to come to fight them. Sometimes it escalates sometimes it doesnt. But most times it's one group standing outside SZ getting bored with no one to fight, because most of the active PKer's regardless of Factions are friends.
    It's usually not really ganking though as people don't just go out 1 by one to challenge the group

    I think thats where PvE servers differ .. People will run out into a group .. Attack 1 person or drop an aoe then scream " Gank " when the rest of the group defend the one that was attacked. Seems to be the weird logic that if they havent got backup only one person should att them :/
  • Minimus - Sanctuary
    Minimus - Sanctuary Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    A lot of people from PvE servers thinks duels are the same as PvP. A lot of people from PvE servers also think group PvP isn't different from TW.
    Sadly true b:faint
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited November 2010
    If arena were open, none of this would matter.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    Crazy Carebears, those are all extremely different.
    Sadly true b:faint

    lol, see what I mean?

    The true pvp in this game is TW and all servers do it.

    TW isn't really PvP, it's Territory War. It's faction vs faction. You are assigned to a squad to do a specific task. You have a specific role you are not to deviate from. You have a team goal, for your faction to destroy the opponent's crystal in their headquarter so you win a territory or defend one from being taken.

    PvP can be 1v1, 1v many, many v many and you have one goal, to kill the opponent. You have no specific role to play. You go out and you kill.

    Saying a duel is the same as PvP is a lot like saying a fight with paintball guns isn't any different than a fight with real guns. Especially proof of this is this supposed etiquette people have in duels, not potting, not using pk pots, not using genies... it's considered by many to be 'cheating'. in PK you use every skill, trick and tactic you can think of so your enemy doesn't kill you. It will affect your PK rankings and your kill-to-death ratio as well as have the possibility of dropping items or gaining red hours depending on the outcome. You also have the free trip to town if you die.

    Cube PK is PvP. PK Tournament is PvP. Dragon Temple is PvP. Cube Deathmatch Arena is PvP. TW and duels have elements of PvP in them but is not true PvP.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    On a PVE server (Heaven's Tear) most players will hide in safe zone and wait patiently (even a few hours) for any moving white name or some non-cash shop, non-"factor" to leave safe zone. It doesn't matter what level the white-named player is. As soon as the white-name enters the "battlezone", all the people hiding in safe zone will rush and gank the poor soul - as long as the white name is not in their faction. Once the damage is done, the gankers will go back to sz and wait...again...for another 30 minutes, most likely for another 1 second gank. Most of the time, instead of actual PK, you will witness blue name duels outside west Arch and in the safe zone area in Silver Pool. Unless a player is confident in their gear to withstand ganks or random attacks, most will stay in sz even if they have a full squad of pkers. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube of Fate, Secret Passage.

    On a PVP server (Lost City) a lot of the people who want to pk will stand outside safe zone even when they're fully aware of a possible gank or that someone 10+ levels above them may one-hit them at any time. Those who stay in safe zone are those who either die repeatedly from other players in 1 vs 1, get ganked due to being in a faction that the ganking faction has on KOS, or are simply cowards. Gankers will stay outside sz unless there is already a full faction of players ready to gank outside sz. PK hotspots are west Arch, Silver Pool, Cube, Orchid Temple/Secret Passage, Angler's Village (oracle spot), Hidden Orchid (fresh lowbies for easy kills), Swamps, and sometimes Nightscream and Tusk Town. Factions are distinguished by 3 types: RPK, non-RPK, PKK. Non-rpk factions are usually PKK, factions that only attack pink or red names. Ironically, you can make more friends pking than squading with people for BHs, FF, etc.

    An interesting thing I noticed is that the players on PVE servers have better gear overall compared to PVP players. I guess it's because, on a PVP server, gear holds less value since there's always the chance of losing it. Or the general population refuses to farm for better gear for whatever reason. Known cash-shop players or those with cash-shop quality gear (which may be obtained through farming or merchanting) are either admired or bashed on the PVE server. On PVP server they are flamed more so than admired and attract the most random attacks and ganks. Killing someone with uber gear is seen as a major accomplishment on PVP server and the killer must let the whole server know though world chat. Also, less herc venos on the PVP server but more nixes (obvious reasons).

    tl;dr, lol. Jk jk. I read all of this and I can say I agree with most.

    @PvE Server: While it is true most people on a PvE server are blue name and will just do quests and kill stuff for them, there are people who go white named.
    If you want to see a good amount of fun PK'ing, show up at west arch towards the evening time in est time zone (between say 5 and 10), people start popping up like no tomorrow, gank fests ensue on some, others just randomly attack people for the hell of it, others just look around and watch. I've seen some that use this time as a recording studio so that they can get a high quality shot of almost all the skills in the game.
    Normally if you find my BM on HT in white named it's because I either got annoyed in a FF squad, or am just bored outta my mind. So I pop over to west arch (most known), see if anybody is there. Nobody there I switch to silver pool. I keep going around like that till I find some place with people. Though admittedly the most active place as of late of secret passage. :/
    Also at the gear thing, while it's true it may look like a PvE server has better gear it's actually false. I know of tons of players on LC who have amazing gear that would make you willing to kill another person to get if you were desperate for gear.

    I'll just end my response here since I don't want to trail into PvP server discussion because this alt (the one i'm posting on) is too low for me to really comment on it.
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    PK on Sanct is either:

    1) Level 100+ from big factions talking and maybe killing each other in 1vs1 matches. Also killing some noobs and people they don't like (mostly random sins).
    2) Low-level people hanging around, 8x sins bragging how "awesome" they are if they can kill a level 90 arcane at 80.
    3) PK "wars".

    It's kinda okay. Number two sucks though...
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    PK on Sanct is either:

    1) Level 100+ from big factions talking and maybe killing each other in 1vs1 matches. Also killing some noobs and people they don't like (mostly random sins).
    2) Low-level people hanging around, 8x sins bragging how "awesome" they are if they can kill a level 90 arcane at 80.
    3) PK "wars".

    It's kinda okay. Number two sucks though...

    b:surrender ish so true xD and i am one one of the ones just standing around talking ^^

    the reason this is... is because im just too nice b:cute i wait for someone to attack me- or someone to ask for a 1v1 or 2v2 or whatever.... there are a lot of trash talkers in pk on sanctuary at least and i HATE hearing it... its annoying, so if they think its unfair in any degree you are gonna hear it. i think that is why people stand around out of safe zone so often.... plus everyone in the big factions have friends in other big factions xD

    its just one big carebear orgy...b:chuckle sometimes you have a little fight- but only so you can have make up sex later
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Rerolled on a PVP server and never looked back.. PvE is an abomination of a concept b:victory

    P.S. I wish I knew HT was a PvE server before I joined it hehe.
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Paramedic - Dreamweaver
    Paramedic - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The REAL difference between PVE and PVP servers ..

    there is more pvp on pvp servers



    GAME IS DEAD wiki-article:
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    the reason this is... is because im just too nice b:cute i wait for someone to attack me- or someone to ask for a 1v1 or 2v2 or whatever.... there are a lot of trash talkers in pk on sanctuary at least and i HATE hearing it... its annoying, so if they think its unfair in any degree you are gonna hear it. i think that is why people stand around out of safe zone so often.... plus everyone in the big factions have friends in other big factions xD

    Spam kill SP and make him ragequit, be friends with AT, Jib and Vert and gank BigP.

    Makes your life so much easier. b:chuckle

    I am joking, in case someone didn't get that.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    PK Tournament is PvP.

    I wouldn't really call PK tournament "PvP".

    On RT the tourny consist of:

    Go into room, see I'm with 4 other faction members.

    4 of us gang up on the one person from another guild that got into our room.

    We wait, dig chests move on.

    Now I'm in a room with 9 people from my guild, whichever officer who runs tourny will decide who moves on and who leaves.

    A: I move on (rare) only happens when there are still people who are a threat to us in the tourny, almost never happens.

    B: I leave, happens when all prominent enemies are gone, lowest 6 levels dig chests.

    If I move on then 12 of us will gang 1 guy and the I'll leave.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Moog - Lost City
    Moog - Lost City Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I'm waiting for Zoe to pop up relating PK to murdering someone in real life. And claiming duels and pvp are the same thing and charms in pvp is cheating. :X
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    b:surrender im just too nice b:cute i wait for someone to attack me- b:chuckle sometimes you have a little fight- but only so you can have make up sex later

    *rearranges your post*



    I wouldn't really call PK tournament "PvP".

    Well it's a little different over here. There is PK in Tourney here. Even though it mostly just consists of the two largest factions.

    And it's not a whole lot of PK, just a minute or two every 10 minutes for like 40 minutes. lol
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Mendolin - Sanctuary
    Mendolin - Sanctuary Posts: 1,092 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    *rearranges your post*



    *slaps* can we make up now? b:cute
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    *slaps* can we make up now? b:cute

    Of course. b:kiss

    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.