
Posts: 973 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Barbarian
so i was wondering if i should go sage i am demon but with 242 dex so i have 13 base crith
with some crith ring and axe i can easyely get 20%.
now with rumor of claw going on 2 only bm not that i belive it i would like 2 try sage for hp/more base damage/more pdef on tiger.
a more balanced barb cos i dont wana go dps i just hate missing like most of the time kinda kill the fun.
what do u think with as much dex i have would sage we good buff 2 compliment.
will get gold TT80 bow for the lolz tho its INt but hell its still good lol.

what do u guys think for a axe with crith ring 2 compliment and orments pdef if i get good hp i care more for close combat then magic classes.

Post edited by _Ghoul_ - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Okay, sounds like you want high accuracy, high critical rate.

    I suggest sharding your axes with ambers and getting two gold lunar rings/gold TTrings, depending on your budget.

    With regards to dex, I personally wouldn't want more than 100 dex unless I'm going dex/interval; but I guess its up to you if you can still keep a decent amount of HP.

    You may care more for close combat, but I would still strongly suggest getting mdef ornaments. Not all magic attacks can be completely cancelled/avoided. If you understand the concept of diminishing returns, an additional 1k of mdef is far more beneficial than an additional 1k of pdef.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    right now i care more for aps damage then a huge magic nuke if u get my feeling wana feel like a tank as i am sopused 2 yes magic hurt but if i cant tank phys how can i call myself tank.

    yes i want evesion/accurisy and ofc have decent crith wish i have base 13% 2,2evesion
    1900 acc without acc ring.

    what bugg me is demon crith is nice and all but its mostly made for vit barb or int barb
    wish i dont wana we i just hate missing 2 much u knew.

    sage is nice base damage over demon crith.

    lastly i dono if devs gona change the aps to 3 something but i just dont feel right going that way.

    TT is way more barb passable cos there i feel like a barb u knew with the changes they have done making the boss hit harder making barb still usable dono if u feel the same.
    i dont wana we on a place where a SIN wish isnt a tank will tank for 2 reason.
    1:APS and 2:CAN tank the bosses 2:beaing the main ussue here i dono but when a squeshy class CAN tank fine it just bad for the tank dont u think.

    barb shouldent we only good as cata we are tank with no luve now days so much flame now days its no fun.

    i been on so many frost when me being a tank is only 2 lure buff and luring isnt even
    wanted when sin or bm just dont wait for my cooldown and chi 2 get read and gues what who do u think they blame it on when they just rush now i am gona let wipe happen if tehy dont let me do the luring cos at least then they willsee who is on error stupid random ppl b:surrender
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    right now i care more for aps damage then a huge magic nuke if u get my feeling
    Barbs have never been meant to be any kind of "magic nuke"... so no, no one gets your feeling. Barbs have no magic attacks whatsoever, therefore they can't nuke magic.
    magic hurt but if i cant tank phys how can i call myself tank.
    A good "tank" can tank both magical and physical mobs/bosses. It's important for you to know what's expected of you at every boss you're faced with. Some magic defense is appreciated, depending on what you're fighting.
    what bugg me is demon crith is nice and all but its mostly made for vit barb or int barb
    wish i dont wana we i just hate missing 2 much u knew.
    The critical bonuses you get as a Demon Barb aren't meant for Vitality builds or Interval builds in particular; they're just meant to be a bonus.
    If you mean you're worried the crit bonus will draw aggro to you, and that's why you need the Vitality build to back yourself up... that's a shame, because as a tank you should never be afraid of aggro. So I'm definitely confused on this statement.
    lastly i dono if devs gona change the aps to 3 something but i just dont feel right going that way.
    Developers will never change the maximum amount of APS a character can have. They might, at most, invoke weapon restrictions, as they've shown us with the Tideborn weapons. This would put a halt to some of the Interval-Fist builds for Barbs. In my opinion, if this happened, players might start either preferring a Sin/BM tank to Barbs, for the faster death rate... or it might re-prioritize Barbs as the primary tank, which would be much appreciated. However, holding aggro off high APS DDs is growing impossible, so this might further damage the need for barbs, as there hasn't been a change in the aggro mechanics that Flesh Ream has.
    TT is way more barb passable cos there i feel like a barb u knew with the changes they have done making the boss hit harder making barb still usable dono if u feel the same.
    "Barb passable", meaning passing on Barbs? Not quite, higher level TTs in fact have a higher need for Barb tanks than DD tanks. The harder they hit, the more HP is needed to suffer the boss' attacks. "Usable", as in keeping the barbs... my statement stays the same. But I really don't know what you're asking here.
    barb shouldent we only good as cata we are tank with no luve now days so much flame now days its no fun.
    Barbs have so many more uses than being put on Cata in TWs. We are the primary tanks in this game. Because of our high HP, aggro-pulling attacks, and high defenses, we always will be. Yes, a high APS DD might have an easier time tanking some bosses because they kill faster; but it's definitely harder on the clerics having to heal such a small amount of HP. And it's even harder on the DDs that are tanking; higher repair bills than they're used to, and sometimes they'll die because they think they can tank a boss that they really can't. Which, if the Barb isn't fast enough, can result in a squad wipe.
    But if a high APS DD can successfully tank, and if it does get the job done faster, I have no problem switching to Stand-Up form and DDing.
    i been on so many frost when me being a tank is only 2 lure buff and luring isnt even
    wanted when sin or bm just dont wait for my cooldown and chi 2 get read and gues what who do u think they blame it on when they just rush now i am gona let wipe happen if tehy dont let me do the luring cos at least then they willsee who is on error stupid random ppl
    Your job as a tank and puller is to always be ready. Spamming Beastial Rage helps with your chi cost. And if you've gone Demon, your Beastial Rage's chi gain will be more effective, your Beast King's Inspiration will help you gain more chi, and your Flesh Ream's cool-down will be relatively shorter, helping you grab aggro faster.
    If the Sin or BM doesn't wait for you to do the job you were asked for when you joined the squad, I would kick them/have them kicked/or leave the squad myself. Being in a squad demands cooperating respectfully with each other. If they were to run off without informing the squad on what was happening, they have a higher chance of dying or causing a party wipe. Before your run starts, make sure everyone knows their roles in the dungeon so that if you do have to kick them, it was made clear in the beginning why.

    I had to break your post down to understand you. Next time posting, try making sure what you put up is clear and coherent, so that we can more effectively answer your questions.
    Looking for better siggy! PM me for details.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    srry u dont get what i am talking about i dont care for pve in any ways its 2 simpel it dosent matter me at all.
    i am talking about pvp and only pvp. and a barb nowdays is 2 easy pery 2 int wish is what i wana we stronger against wish is why i want only pdef orment close combat is in close combat and int kinda screws that. with magic all i need is invoke and sunder and timming i aint worried in that part.

    anyways just 2 day made a pdef necklace that might we mine all the way was OHT 92 2star with 150 hp and 7vit.

    i am dex so what i want mostly now is vitality on every piece of gear i can get my hand on plus vit shard when i have all the pieces and some nice refines on them.

    srry u tho i meant pve wish i didnt i wana reach super hogh hp and pdef that with my base crith/acc/evesion will pawn.
  • Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    wow u would go save the dd who is tanking when i knew that fact that we lost our job 2 dds like bm and sin and all INT. i can admit i cant out agro them so i knew i wont try BUT i might we wrong here but i will never prevent a wipe if i can save the cleric i will but the rest i will tell to rage on the tanker wish isnt me. pwi made it clear that barb cant agro any longer ok fine but i dont baby sit ppl. i wish it never did happen i mean the change of roles but it did i knew i am a buffer lurer and taht is it. if party tell me 2 tank i will but if some dd agro it let them tank or die wipe will happen after that.

    i am a retired barb like most barb are we lost our job and we say fine we dont tank but we will laugh when wipe do happen cos it wouldent have happen with us.

    srry i admit we lost out main job 2 tank but that dosent mean we now are baby sitting ppl
    from wipes that ppl gota understand we feel useless without tanking we have nothing
    of worth .

    end of rant


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