Well, Good Bye, Elusive :(
Lol blood, walking circles around fail rationalizations. You cant simply admit, Elusive didn't do **** for the server as it is trying to make claims to. And in your last post it still bleeds with importance of the map. If it isnt important anymore, then the TWs dont have to be "endgame" centeric for all.....but i know, hard for you to grasp that concept.
Here's a hairy jelly bean for your efforts. But the truth is, arch server is still going down the same path as the older servers (where I came from) And narrow minded morons such as yourself is what leads servers down that path......
Funny part about this, is the people that QQ about NO competitive TW/PK, are the ones that create the problem.
As far as the no show with Narla, I was one of maybe like 4 people that zoned in there....No show on Impulse was just the final straw.
As far as your ending comments. I am a bit more strong willed then to let a simpleton like you manipulate me into proving myself to expose who I am. A lil extra hair for your jelly bean for trying.0 -
Lol blood, walking circles around fail rationalizations. And in your last post it still bleeds with importance of the map. then the TWs dont have to be "endgame" centeric for all.....but i know, hard for you to grasp that concept.
The first two, again, I have no idea what you are saying.
And TWs don't "have to be" end game? I guess the don't "have" to be (and said as much in my prior post if you are paying attention), but what I said was they certainly will be. The nature of the game is that the end game players run out of fun things to do besides TW, so most of them TW. Since there is no game mechanic to separate the high and low players in TW, the higher players will dominate the lower level players.
On new servers that may take some time to do, but it is inevitable that it will happen.But the truth is, arch server is still going down the same path as the older servers (where I came from) And narrow minded morons such as yourself is what leads servers down that path......
Aw, did you think that this server would be so much different from the others? Most are smart enough to realize that there is nothing different here than there, just the start date. If you didn't, that says far more about you than anyone else.
And since I'm such a moron, what realistically should "we" all do to "lead" the server down a different path? Carve out a quadrant of the map and reserve it for level 60-80 TW? I'd be all for it, but you would never get anyone to agree to that. If you have a different idea, I'll be glad to hear it. If you don't, I think that shows whose mind is narrow.Funny part about this, is the people that QQ about NO competitive TW/PK, are the ones that create the problem.
I agree. Lots of people in narla said they wanted competitive TW, but wouldn't think of splitting that faction in two to achieve it, or sending a group of 20 over to impulse, or immunity, etc. The wanted to be on top more than they wanted fun TW.As far as the no show with Narla, I was one of maybe like 4 people that zoned in there....No show on Impulse was just the final straw.
Couldn't get more in your own faction to show up? And you criticize other people's leadership abilities?
If you were any kind of leader yourself, you would have done something about those no shows. That fact that you didn't, or couldn't, certainly calls into question how much anyone should listed to your criticism of any other leader of any faction.
Narla wouldn't have done well either had only Mango and 3 others "zoned in there" for TW.As far as your ending comments. I am a bit more strong willed then to let a simpleton like you manipulate me into proving myself to expose who I am. A lil extra hair for your jelly bean for trying.
All these people think I am trying to manipulate them on these forums. Sygrr says I'm trying to trick narla into bidding on elusive after we have all left, and now you accuse me of trying to get you to reveal your in game name when I surely don't know you in game, and you have revealed enough about yourself in your forum posts to show that you in game name isn't at all necessary to dismiss 99% of everything you have to say.
Your secret identity is of no importance to me. As I said, I am sure I don't know you, and I am equally sure you are of very little consequence to anyone else. I could care less about your in game id, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it certainly calls into question your ability to judge anyone when you go to such great lengths to keep yourself from being similarly judged."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
b:laughb:laughb:laugh impulse is back0
@ brent
ur very close minded and extremely negative. it does seem you have something against elusive because you cant give them even a little credit for what they did do. forget what they claim they did, but i do remember seeing them beat a faction that had not been beat before. what have you done? what has anybody else done in TW besides cower under narla? for that, elusive does deserve credit and the tw map may not be important but i have seen many more tw's now extending all the way to sunday... i didn't see that before the "fall" of narla, who's still fighting on by the way, so my respect for them as well.0 -
No one cares that Impulse 2.0 is here,
The ones who are going to make changes are going to have to be players like me
mid range non cashers who are friendly and hopeful enough to move beyond the mire we have in archo, and work on helping players work togepther and start to move beyond this
OMG i dont cash shop so i will never have anything good mentality that we seem to be stuck in.Where have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
Who altered my siggy im
kinda scared b:shocked0 -
Brent made me "lol" with the chinaboy post >___>
Entertaining thread, whats done is done the maps still pink, Narla dosent seem to be done quite yet, unlike eiusive (due to the head cut off the snake ofc) but they say the candle that burns half as long burns twice as bright, and I guess thats what eiusive did.
Short and sweet but not meant to last.
Like an unstable core reactor or some ****, generated loads of energy then imploded. v___v
Enough puns.
~I checked coreconnect and saw darkside and nemesis' levels and numbers, I forsee those two becoming big influences on arch if they dont die early.
just hope they arent made of the faction hopper style of people "glory trolls" to make up numbers for tw, the people who hard-loyal-worker types love to hate. @___@
p.s. also I plan to make an alt named DarthVader (of some sort) and applying to Pulse's fac <_<
*geek moment ftw* b:cute★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @ immunity.shivtr.com★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
RioNHale - Archosaur wrote: »Brent made me "lol" with the chinaboy post >___>
Entertaining thread, whats done is done the maps still pink, Narla dosent seem to be done quite yet, unlike eiusive (due to the head cut off the snake ofc) but they say the candle that burns half as long burns twice as bright, and I guess thats what eiusive did.
Short and sweet but not meant to last.
Like an unstable core reactor or some ****, generated loads of energy then imploded. v___v
Enough puns.
~I checked coreconnect and saw darkside and nemesis' levels and numbers, I forsee those two becoming big influences on arch if they dont die early.
just hope they arent made of the faction hopper style of people "glory trolls" to make up numbers for tw, the people who hard-loyal-worker types love to hate. @___@
p.s. also I plan to make an alt named DarthVader (of some sort) and applying to Pulse's fac <_<
*geek moment ftw* b:cute
elusive didn't "implode", they disbanded.
it was never unstable.
i doubt you were ever in that faction. I was.
Another person speaking out of ignorance.
GG Archo Server.0 -
Glad you are all cookies and dough about it Blood, kudos to you coming from pissing on the idea to loving every drop.
All this rave to hail all mighty Proski is simply for self centered, self absorbed reasons. Elusive shoook the map... Big friggin deal. The map is USELESS might I remind you? Wasn't it you screaming in a long lost topic that, the map was useless? Now it is center of Elusive sucess? Yay?
Maybe you should step back a min and see How elusive on DISRUPTED the server. Perhaps made things worse. I know you won't even concider that possibilty because well, you e-peen was right in the center of this self fabricated success! All Elusive did was shake ONE faction NAME. nothing more nothing less. What did this acomplish for the server? Since you all seem to press upon us we should be thanking you all for.... I am stilllllll trying to figure it out.
I know the truth, we all do deep down. If it wasnt for Proski's stupidity for getting banned. Elusive would have simply been that next Narla take two. Yay! they beat an already old tired faction loseing militant ground do to loss of TW pay, and boredom. Now you had a win win haven for the rest of the newbs on the server to run to for an insta win. But this didn't happen. Will it not happen now? Ofc it will, start browsing the server factions. PEOPLE are not spreading to all corners of the map to achive this competive goal you say Elusive was seeking, they once again are flocking to ONE faction to achieve what they seeked before.....which was simple to be a part of owning the entire map, and glorifying in some pathetic need to say they are apart of it.
Point being absolutely NOTHING has changed. There will never be competative TW on this server... AND no great "leader" will ever be great enough to build a faction to bring it. It will always be formed factions made over night to attempt bringing down that ONE major factor.And once they do that, its just a shift in faction names.
So seriously, why do you feel you need to be thanked? Now all elusive is doing is absorbing another faction name, and hitting newb factions, DISRUPTING the 2-3 hour TWs they were having amongst themselves. Yay! 20 min TW coming soon to a server near you!
scuse the spelling, i-touch
You belong to the group of players whose elevator don`t hit the topfloor, canoe misses most Indians, etc. First of all, the ban is for a reason that Proski himself couldn`t affect in any way, heck, only thing he could have done to prevent it would have been not to charge zen. I`m yet to understand how that equals stupidity, I assume you got some awsum arguments regarding that, you always do, sadly you are the only one who considers them as arguments.
Proski doesn`t consider himself much of an leader, though he likely is the best I`ve seen so far. I myself decided to leave after Proski suggested Elusive should be disbanded as the problems solving his ban seem to be neverending. Rob was great but lately his comments about anything seem to have been bitter, making me wonder was everything in the past just an act. Proski kept faction together, trough several weeks of being banned, not being able to attack. That alone contradicts everything you say about Elusive "wanting to take the map"/"Proski being awful leader"/etc. Actions count far more than words and so far Elusive has done what it said it would do, nothing more, nothing less.
And ppl haven`t been flocking to any 1 faction, they`ve gone to serverals. I myself chose to look what happens on the map before acting, assumed Soochi`s decision to resurrect Impulse was just a joke, seems it wasn`t. Trying to get old gang together, w/o drama, something I`d love to be part of. Fun competetive TWs are only thing I`m after, gotta give I do enjoy having fun and chatting with people I can consider friends, but in the end I have friends in every major faction atm. Would Impulse not work, I`d do what I told I would do, join the 2nd strongest faction and try to do my best for fun TWs. But right now I`m doing the exactly opposite on what you label Elusive members, joined newfound faction, which had maybe 15 members when I went to bed.
Ps. Thinking I go back to bed, seems like PW MY doesn`t want to get installed on my comps and I can actually sleep and not start leveling in few hours.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
"trough several weeks"
ZOMG!! a few weeks.... Yea real hardcore Elusive members, hung on best ya could heh!
Anyway, for most part its "meh whatever" and in a few weeks long gone, except for those that care to remember. If it took 80 people, of big CSers, heavy farmers, and a handful of freeloaders taking down narla to find some sort of life achievement. Congrats to you 80 people. I will go as far as to also gratz the 100 cheerleaders that now suck off the nutz of those people's glory.
But it is alllll over, We can pretty much move on to the next big thing to happen.. On this lil imperfect world we call Archosaur.
Any predictions? Hmmm lets see what is on the menu.
Narla... Still hanging on to most of the map. A new leader, and a new set of Narla devotees. (lol at all the old ones that USE to say they will quit before leaving Narla right?) But who is this new leader? Any real experience? Will Narla still be "the place to go" for the up and coming 7x to 8x players and keep it strong? I guess the biggest question that is on everyone's minds is, will they continue hitting the peppered newbie factions within it's lands, or will they live up to the challenge their name use to carry? I kind of assume once land loss happens, Narla's bigger members or up and coming members will think they deserve a winning faction and move out eventually.
Elusive....Being dead land now, What New faction will take advantage of the corner of the map, away from harms way of the ever so insta strong factions popping up after Elusives foundering misfortunes, and bask in the glory of being the faction that took land away from the faction that beat Narla....(yay for the WCs on that night)
Now we have Nemesis, with the notorious ex leader of Narla, who inherited an already well balanced dominating faction once before, now opens new shop, and a recruit success upon the fall of Elusive, On his side is some of the most costly characters, and a full set of loyal followers. What will his plan be? Will it be to pwn the entire map again, and just suck up every little available piece of land in direct contact, and cater to those like minded members?.... Or will he be a real sport about it and seek out some real competitive TWs? (wherever that is)
Darkside.... A spin off of the Narla drama mishap, will they recruit enough to withstand the still everlasting devotees and new recruits of Narla? Will they be loyal to that new faction enough to maybe lose that one lil spot on the map and set up again? Or will they fold, and head in the direction of "home is where the win is" and end up back under the ranks of Mango.
Phoenix...Has a bunch of land down there, but what are they as far as any competition? Will they become nemesis food? And will they fold and simply just become Nemesis members? hmmm i'm betting the latter.
Pervertsias.....anyone ever squad with these guys? Anyway.. It seems Nemesis and phoenix disrupted the weekend rendezvous they use to have with the OTHER south of the border faction... And Ill safely predict they wont have chance ever recovering that again, at least not in that section of the map.....Next elusive land takers maybe?
Impulse's return! did you say soochi?
On a lighter side, I do commend those that do stand up for their faction, and it's members. We all have had to be put on the spot to defend the name, and our friends when it came to simple text on a wall, in the forums, or in WC at some point in our gaming in PWI experience. I never expected any less as I would hope no one else would either.
Now let the games began.b:bye0 -
ZOMG!! a few weeks.... Yea real hardcore Elusive members, hung on best ya could heh!
Anyway, for most part its "meh whatever" and in a few weeks long gone, except for those that care to remember. If it took 80 people, of big CSers, heavy farmers, and a handful of freeloaders taking down narla to find some sort of life achievement. Congrats to you 80 people. I will go as far as to also gratz the 100 cheerleaders that now suck off the nutz of those people's glory.
But it is alllll over, We can pretty much move on to the next big thing to happen.. On this lil imperfect world we call Archosaur.
Any predictions? Hmmm lets see what is on the menu.
Narla... Still hanging on to most of the map. A new leader, and a new set of Narla devotees. (lol at all the old ones that USE to say they will quit before leaving Narla right?) But who is this new leader? Any real experience? Will Narla still be "the place to go" for the up and coming 7x to 8x players and keep it strong? I guess the biggest question that is on everyone's minds is, will they continue hitting the peppered newbie factions within it's lands, or will they live up to the challenge their name use to carry? I kind of assume once land loss happens, Narla's bigger members or up and coming members will think they deserve a winning faction and move out eventually.
Elusive....Being dead land now, What New faction will take advantage of the corner of the map, away from harms way of the ever so insta strong factions popping up after Elusives foundering misfortunes, and bask in the glory of being the faction that took land away from the faction that beat Narla....(yay for the WCs on that night)
Now we have Nemesis, with the notorious ex leader of Narla, who inherited an already well balanced dominating faction once before, now opens new shop, and a recruit success upon the fall of Elusive, On his side is some of the most costly characters, and a full set of loyal followers. What will his plan be? Will it be to pwn the entire map again, and just suck up every little available piece of land in direct contact, and cater to those like minded members?.... Or will he be a real sport about it and seek out some real competitive TWs? (wherever that is)
Darkside.... A spin off of the Narla drama mishap, will they recruit enough to withstand the still everlasting devotees and new recruits of Narla? Will they be loyal to that new faction enough to maybe lose that one lil spot on the map and set up again? Or will they fold, and head in the direction of "home is where the win is" and end up back under the ranks of Mango.
Phoenix...Has a bunch of land down there, but what are they as far as any competition? Will they become nemesis food? And will they fold and simply just become Nemesis members? hmmm i'm betting the latter.
Pervertsias.....anyone ever squad with these guys? Anyway.. It seems Nemesis and phoenix disrupted the weekend rendezvous they use to have with the OTHER south of the border faction... And Ill safely predict they wont have chance ever recovering that again, at least not in that section of the map.....Next elusive land takers maybe?
Impulse's return! did you say soochi?
On a lighter side, I do commend those that do stand up for their faction, and it's members. We all have had to be put on the spot to defend the name, and our friends when it came to simple text on a wall, in the forums, or in WC at some point in our gaming in PWI experience. I never expected any less as I would hope no one else would either.
Now let the games began.b:bye
You are funny, you really are. You say you have left faction for no show, which would say you are competetive minded who cares about TW. Now you say that it`s no accomplishment to beat Narla who has dominated most of the server. Narla got beaten, whatever inside drama there was, it was Elusive that finally put an end to their reign. Could you finally decide if TWs are important or not. Don`t change your mind at every given chance, would likely give you credibility if you didn`t contradict yourself at every given moment.
If you talk about few weeks as no biggie, then you literally have no idea what leading an faction takes, expecially while being banned yourself. Again the arguments contradict themselves from this thread, you say Proski destroyed Elusive for being banned, holding Elusive together for serveral weeks, thinking closer to a month, is no accomplishment for you. Same action cant be meaningless and destroy everything the same time, could you finally make up your damn mind?
The ones who said they wouldn`t leave Narla, they didn`t, Narla abandoned them. If Narla isn`t Narla anymore, can you blame them for leaving a faction they don`t consider to be Narla? Names are irrelevant, at least that`s what you say about posting w/o avatar, it`s actually funny, is there any chapter on this poist where you don`t contradict yourself?
I myself can`t bother with your masked and not so masked insults with pretty much every faction that got land, that would be pointless. It would be pointless as you have serious problems with whole understanding anything that doesn`t come from that small head of yours, I rather not give "it`s my opinion" card on top of that.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
wahlao bent40's head is full of shii.. and its making me mad / sad. why hhe no banned for that0
Qlngfu - Archosaur wrote: »wahlao bent40's head is full of shii.. and its making me mad / sad. why hhe no banned for that
I love you FUFU b:dirty0 -
Tivas - Archosaur wrote: »I love you FUFU b:dirty
hlelo uncle tisav :Db:bye0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »You are funny, you really are. You say you have left faction for no show, which would say you are competetive minded who cares about TW. Now you say that it`s no accomplishment to beat Narla who has dominated most of the server. Narla got beaten, whatever inside drama there was, it was Elusive that finally put an end to their reign. Could you finally decide if TWs are important or not. Don`t change your mind at every given chance, would likely give you credibility if you didn`t contradict yourself at every given moment.
If you talk about few weeks as no biggie, then you literally have no idea what leading an faction takes, expecially while being banned yourself. Again the arguments contradict themselves from this thread, you say Proski destroyed Elusive for being banned, holding Elusive together for serveral weeks, thinking closer to a month, is no accomplishment for you. Same action cant be meaningless and destroy everything the same time, could you finally make up your damn mind?
The ones who said they wouldn`t leave Narla, they didn`t, Narla abandoned them. If Narla isn`t Narla anymore, can you blame them for leaving a faction they don`t consider to be Narla? Names are irrelevant, at least that`s what you say about posting w/o avatar, it`s actually funny, is there any chapter on this poist where you don`t contradict yourself?
I myself can`t bother with your masked and not so masked insults with pretty much every faction that got land, that would be pointless. It would be pointless as you have serious problems with whole understanding anything that doesn`t come from that small head of yours, I rather not give "it`s my opinion" card on top of that.
Elusive was lead around week after week being told the ban will be lifted "next week" It was when it was decided that wasn't going to happen it was time to make that final decision.....what 5 weeks after it's birth? I know, you are just being blind and stupid, because you feel compelled to be since you was a part of it. Gratz to you for being their biggest cheerleader.
As far as competitiveness im all for it, but where is it....hmmmmm? Wait, you are one of those that indulge in map domination. So 20 min TW was ideal for you as long as you had their tag over your head.
Ofc, you want to come out smelling like the roses, by calling me contradicting, yet you prior post before this last one was full of it. Hypocrisy must be your best forte. On one hand you claim to be one of those that went to a none factor faction, yet closes out with going to another game all together. think bout it before replying.0 -
Qlngfu - Archosaur wrote: »wahlao bent40's head is full of shii.. and its making me mad / sad. why hhe no banned for that
......meh never mind, must be someone's 10 year old.0 -
Elusive was lead around week after week being told the ban will be lifted "next week" It was when it was decided that wasn't going to happen it was time to make that final decision.....what 5 weeks after it's birth? I know, you are just being blind and stupid, because you feel compelled to be since you was a part of it. Gratz to you for being their biggest cheerleader.
As far as competitiveness im all for it, but where is it....hmmmmm? Wait, you are one of those that indulge in map domination. So 20 min TW was ideal for you as long as you had their tag over your head.
Ofc, you want to come out smelling like the roses, by calling me contradicting, yet you prior post before this last one was full of it. Hypocrisy must be your best forte. On one hand you claim to be one of those that went to a none factor faction, yet closes out with going to another game all together. think bout it before replying.
You know so little, you got no arguments and you can`t even insult properly, anything you can do? When Proski himself tells us to disband, how the **** is that falling apart? Well unless you mean your no sense making sentence to mean falling apart, I got no idea why you even replied to me. Falling apart due leadership inability would suggest that Elusive left running, like Darkside/nemesis from narla. Elusive accomplished what it was born for, Narla`s grip over map started losing and when goal was to break narla, not become new narla, I`m getting real confused how the lifespan of Elusive is relevant on anything. And btw, what does it even matter how he kept Elusive together if he managed to do it? Oh, I forgot, you tend to argue with totally irrelevant arguments regarding the topic.
Now, what did you miss? I clearly stated I joined Impulse, which is at total rebuild phase. Would I be one of those who want 20min easy TW wins, why would I be in Impulse? I could join any faction I wanted, I think I got pms from every single faction with land when I WC`d last nite. Actually I think I missed Nemesis from the list, every other was there. So could you please argue how joining a faction which got 2 days to gather members for first TW(100 hours) and still be after "easy 20min wins"? And btw, we are bidding this week, no matter how many members got hours for it. Clearly we are after easy wins, just like you say, pardon me for thinking you wouldn`t see trough our evil masterplan, the mother scheme of all time. I forgot what the goal for that plan was, can you remind me? When your actions contradicts your masterplans, it`s hard for silly kitties to remember what the plan was again.
Oh, did I forget to tell our lil brent? For some reason my comp won`t download PW MY client, which would suggest I`m not going there. I could go on forums and talk ****, just like you here but I rather play the game =/. So point out how I contradict myself this time, surely there was a lot of things to point, I`m such a hypocrite after all. And actually, you really should visit school sometimes kid, I`m actually thinking you have skipped the classes where ppl learn to read. I have never said Impulse is to be none factor, we are that now but heck, we got the faction back ~12 hours ago(Was hold by Mexycans alt). If my aim is not to conquer map for the sake of conquering it, does that mean we`re aiming to be none factor? Sad thing is, none factors rarely got competent TWs, which would again suggest that the aim is something quite different. No, I didn`t just answer myself, would I want to pwn the map, I would just join a faction, not build one.
Ps. I can`t bother respond to you anymore, clearly you are like my little brother, even when beaten in argument, you are just too stupid see it.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
By all means Wnbtank, go play the game. Because it is clear you fail at coming in on the *** end of conversations and putting anything constructive, do to lack of comprehension. Most likely because you picked and poked pieces out of this thread that you felt only pertained to you personally. lemme guess, another self absorbed adolescent? b:shutup0
By all means Wnbtank, go play the game. Because it is clear you fail at coming in on the *** end of conversations and putting anything constructive, do to lack of comprehension. Most likely because you picked and poked pieces out of this thread that you felt only pertained to you personally. lemme guess, another self absorbed adolescent? b:shutup
You ask for construtive when all you got is insults xD. And actually, I myself am yet to understand how I fail, I asked for arguments, you deliver none, which would suggest you fail providing anything to back up your opinions. It was nice chatting with ya, you should try the game too, you can`t fail worse than you do here. Let me rephrase that, even you shouldn`t be able to do that.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
WnbTank - Archosaur wrote: »You ask for construtive when all you got is insults xD. And actually, I myself am yet to understand how I fail, I asked for arguments, you deliver none, which would suggest you fail providing anything to back up your opinions. It was nice chatting with ya, you should try the game too, you can`t fail worse than you do here. Let me rephrase that, even you shouldn`t be able to do that.
Its not an argument when it is only catering to personal feelings. So far every post you have written in this topic has nothing but a ME ME ME ME undertone. In other words, you did it, you are going to do it, and you think it....so that is the standard of rule of thumb. and isnt very constructive.
I'm on a forum, not a social service outlet to appease your personal needs.
So anyways....go be ME ME ME no ones stopping that!0 -
Its not an argument when it is only catering to personal feelings. So far every post you have written in this topic has nothing but a ME ME ME ME undertone. In other words, you did it, you are going to do it, and you think it....so that is the standard of rule of thumb. and isnt very constructive.
I'm on a forum, not a social service outlet to appease your personal needs.
So anyways....go be ME ME ME no ones stopping that!
When you define elusive members as ppl who hop from faction to faction after TW pay/something just as accurate, I being ex Elusive member should speak of me, whom I for fact know. I can point out jus howt lost your arguments are, so pardon me for actually backing my arguments, which seems to be rather lot to ask from you. But meh, I should have given up already, all you got is insults and sadly I still pity you.Trolling Sid since So Hot0 -
All this verbal master baiting... mans need to master bait with their hands more0
All Elusive did was shake ONE faction NAME. nothing more nothing less. What did this acomplish for the server?
Well, you've asked the question . . . .Narla... A new leader, and a new set of Narla devotees. But who is this new leader? Any real experience? Will Narla still be "the place to go" for the up and coming 7x to 8x players and keep it strong? I guess the biggest question that is on everyone's minds is, will they continue hitting the peppered newbie factions within it's lands, or will they live up to the challenge their name use to carry? I kind of assume once land loss happens, Narla's bigger members or up and coming members will think they deserve a winning faction and move out eventually.
Elusive....Being dead land now, What New faction will take advantage of the corner of the map?
Now we have Nemesis, with the notorious ex leader of Narla, who inherited an already well balanced dominating faction once before, now opens new shop, and a recruit success upon the fall of Elusive, On his side is some of the most costly characters, and a full set of loyal followers. What will his plan be? Will it be to pwn the entire map again, and just suck up every little available piece of land in direct contact, and cater to those like minded members?.... Or will he be a real sport about it and seek out some real competitive TWs? (wherever that is)
Darkside.... A spin off of the Narla drama mishap, will they recruit enough to withstand the still everlasting devotees and new recruits of Narla? Will they be loyal to that new faction enough to maybe lose that one lil spot on the map and set up again? Or will they fold, and head in the direction of "home is where the win is" and end up back under the ranks of Mango.
Phoenix...Has a bunch of land down there, but what are they as far as any competition? Will they become nemesis food? And will they fold and simply just become Nemesis members? hmmm i'm betting the latter.
Pervertsias.....anyone ever squad with these guys? Anyway.. It seems Nemesis and phoenix disrupted the weekend rendezvous they use to have with the OTHER south of the border faction... And Ill safely predict they wont have chance ever recovering that again, at least not in that section of the map.....Next elusive land takers maybe?
Impulse's return! did you say soochi?
And now you have answered it.
At a minimum, the server looks a heck of a lot more interesting than where found it.ULMOS - Archosaur wrote: »All this verbal master baiting... mans need to master bait with their hands more
But Ulmos, what would I do during WQ?"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
20 min TWs all around. Yea real interesting..
Vanity b:victory
2. Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments; conceit.
Lack of usefulness, worth, or effect; worthlessness.
Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.
Something about which one is vain or conceited.0 -
20 min TWs all around. Yea real interesting..
So all your post quoted above is uninteresting? And you are wondering about uninteresting things . . . . why?
You really can't stay on point, can you?
I feel sorry for you, and won't argue with you further. I feel like I'm kicking a puppy . . . ."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »T
Couldn't get more in your own faction to show up? And you criticize other people's leadership abilities?
If you were any kind of leader yourself, you would have done something about those no shows. That fact that you didn't, or couldn't, certainly calls into question how much anyone should listed to your criticism of any other leader of any faction.
Let's make one thing very clear, whoever brent40 is, he is NOT the former "Leader" of Fatalis. That would be either myself, Titanicus, Pinkhaboo or Saraise.0 -
I am also not brent
just so everyone knows,
v.v ok i was lonely so sue me b:surrenderWhere have all the mages gone. Long time casting.
Who altered my siggy im
kinda scared b:shocked0 -
Phoenix...Has a bunch of land down there, but what are they as far as any competition? Will they become nemesis food? And will they fold and simply just become Nemesis members? hmmm i'm betting the latter.
I generally avoid forum posting since it's mostly a big flame war, but I will do so this one time to clarify what PHOENIX is all about:
I guess time will tell, but PHOENIX is built for the long haul. WE have a unique leadership style and our members are here because of bonds to each other. It's by far and away the most drama free faction I have ever been part of and that is because of the quality of it's membership. People often wonder why we accept lv59 plus instead of having a higher requirement. That is because unlike other typical TW factions, we focus on helping our new "lower leveled" members grow and gear up and become higher level. Our faction is one of a kind in a way you would have to be part of to understand. We chose our members based on who they are as people, not based on stats or gear or money spent in the cash shop. I am not trying to say we are better necessarily than any other faction, as each one has it's goals and reason for being what it is, but to think that we will ever be absorbed or disband based on how we fare in TW is to not understand us at all. PHOENIX was formed from a core of people from Impulse, SoulSlayr and Fatalis who all had one purpose in mind: to have a faction that could be serious about TW but also have that "Family Faction" feel. Six weeks later and we still grow slowly but surely. I know I speak for the PHOENIX Council when I say we revel in the growth of all these new factions like DarkSide Nemesis, The Fails and more, and hope that the server can support the success of many factions and have a constant TW competition.
Truth be told, whoever you want to give the credit to, ATM Archosaur server is in the best position to be a home for competetive TW amongst all the PWI servers, and my personal hope is that more factions will do what we have done and grow their membership from friendship rather than seek after power only. This is what will keep the TW map colorful more than anything else.
OK now you can all get back to pointlessly trashing on each other, or maybe we can all agree to have fun?0 -
damn, this turned into a "my faction is better than yours" QQ fest
i just wanted to say good bye to a faction that became my home and inspired me in many ways. Haters will hate, i don't care, I just wanted a small little tribute for those who were in there.
To every single person who wasn't in Elusive and is just trash talking in here:
Wish I could close the threads I started.0 -
Siiobhan - Archosaur wrote: »I generally avoid forum posting since it's mostly a big flame war, but I will do so this one time to clarify what PHOENIX is all about:
Truth be told, whoever you want to give the credit to, ATM Archosaur server is in the best position to be a home for competetive TW amongst all the PWI servers, and my personal hope is that more factions will do what we have done and grow their membership from friendship rather than seek after power only. This is what will keep the TW map colorful more than anything else.
OK now you can all get back to pointlessly trashing on each other, or maybe we can all agree to have fun?
Well said, anyone actually looked at the other servers lately? Tell me there is 'competitive TW's' on any of them unless you are in a handful of factions.
I am now wondering why I even responded to this thread...0 -
Well said, anyone actually looked at the other servers lately? Tell me there is 'competitive TW's' on any of them unless you are in a handful of factions.
A "handful of factions" is far more than what this server used to have. It didn't even have one faction where you could find "competitive TW's".I am now wondering why I even responded to this thread...
Because you are one of those weird, little people that pretend to be above the fray while at the same time you join in it (not that you ever have anything relevant to contribute)
Your near simultaneous post on another threadI did write something completely differnt here and deleted it because I just had a (re)revelation about forums after reading your response to my previous post - You really don't have to point out someone is being a twit, they do it themselves.
Was that (re)revelation before or after this post that left you "wondering"?
For someone that "doesn't know why this or that", you certainly do so repeatedly. Do you often do things multiple times without knowing why? Sad life that must be.
The real twits are the ones that pretend to have something to say but in the end resort to mere name calling . . . ."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0
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