My azn crew dancingz

Calvin - Lost City
Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
that's us in real life hopez u enjoy our showz
Post edited by Calvin - Lost City on


  • katty21
    katty21 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    hey is someone from BR here
  • forestmen
    forestmen Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yo, here from
  • Marzenia - Lost City
    Marzenia - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    is celebration coz kelbin +12 g15 weap b:shocked
  • MaiaElais - Lost City
    MaiaElais - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Azns are young, try-hard Asians striving As. Hard. As. They. ****ing. Can. to escape their cultural and genetic heritage. Azn's are massively "pRoUd" of being Asian - which is why they mimic the culture of others like blacks and whites. This can be seen in their anime where every almost every single character is blond-haired, blue-eyed, and tall or when they try to rap out their "azn pride".

    Ultimately, this ends in epic fail and generates lots of lulz for Westerners to see. Azn's are the suburban Michael Jacksons of our time, deeply ill-at-ease with themselves, with many resorting to plastic surgery to upgrade (caucasiaplasty).
    Asian to "Azn"

    'Azns' are not to be confused with 'normal' Asians. Azns are young, formerly 'Asians' who have come into contact with, or who gain a general awareness of, other races. This process triggers a change in the Asian, who begins to feel inadequate at the fact they can be blindfolded with dental floss, among other things. They must then become "Azn" to gain a semblance of self-esteem.

    This process is especially pronounced in Asians living in the West, and especially amongst young Asian males. Asian girls have far less reason to mutate into an "Azn", and especially because they desperately want to, but never will, have white babies.
    An Asian in his natural habitat, lost in thoughts of rice and small ****.
    A man, being denied of some delicious whale dog ****.

    Once upon a time, Americans stopped learning geography and they all thought that the huge continent of Asia consisted entirely of the country of China but it also consists of places like Korea and Vietnam

    Azns usually love to throw in their lot with Russia and India but will whine like ******* when you tell them Asia only consists of orientals

    The disease known as Azn was brought to public attention the early 2000s with some *** rap song about Buddha.

    Some Asian-American teenagers claimed to be "proud" of their heritage (instant lulz, because their heritage is in no way their achievement), which basically consists of watching lots of anime (see Otaku), whining and ******** all the time about "crackas", listening to smash hit Hip hop, and eating with chopsticks to "look cultured".
    What they really think

    Terrified of being considered "whitewashed", the Azn will instead pretend to be a *****, a process facilitated by watching MTV rap videos but never actually talking to black people (this is because black people are poor, and Azns hate the poor as much as they hate white people). They may even go as far as to killing them for their lulz, but making everyone else haet them.

    In fact, as "American-ized" as they are, Azns by and large never actually interact with anyone else other than fellow Azns. This is why you often see them roaming malls in gangs of four or more, acting "gangsta" (in the case of the males), or giggling their heads off (usually over over-priced stationery, in the case of the females). If possible, always try to shoot them, for their pot smoking ****** wannabe asses are loathed even amongst other Azns.

    Azn "Pryde" also manifests itself in speaking in tongues, typically an incomprehensible stew of Engrish and whatever language they spoke back home. Most AzNs sound like this: (lol shut down), and they should probably just shut the **** up.

    Many American and Canadian AzNs pride themselves on speaking both English and their native tongue, but none of them have ever read a book in any language, including simple pictograms. It is not unfair to assume that they cannot read anything longer than acronyms such as BMW and TNA, which their parents buy them every day because they were born as *** ****.

    This fact is reflective of another. Azns are also a unique paradox; despite the stereotype of nerdy Asian students, most Azns are complete *******.

    How to spot an Azn
    What half of Azns want to look like, and fall horribly short of it.
    What the other half of Azns want to look like, but would be better off becoming an hero instead.

    Not as annoying as the female counterpart but is still worthy of deserving a kick to the balls if spotted:

    * A small bump where the **** should be, that is their ****.
    * Feminine body, with no body hair at all.
    * Annoying pop or hiphop ringtone.
    * Wearing socks with slippers.
    * Hilarious attempt at a mustache.
    * Sometimes stuff their underpants with a tootsie roll to make their **** look (at least) 4 times larger.
    * Often seen wearing the ever popular "Got Rice?" t-shirt.
    * Thick black winter jacket (usually North Face) worn in summertime to disguise his Gollum-esque body.
    * Has posed for a group portrait at Glamor Shots with other AZN boys in matching ***** outfits (that often include fedoras), displaying gangsta hand signals.
    * Good as footstools, as they are usually under 3 feet tall
    * Horrible, horrible acne. They could be classified as new planets and moons, but they aren't celestial bodies.
    * Armpits have a sour smell (can be sensed for up to 10 feet away).
    * Hair is dyed a color other than black.
    * Hair is usually cut short and the top is spiked with gel, and sometimes they are bald, to show how "hood" they are. Also see **** and ******.


    * Likes to raid American MMO's with botting and gold farmers.
    * They usually desire twinkies. "You are what you eat".
    * If older than 40, they will definitely own all of your local convenience stores.
    * Plays lots of Starcraft and ******** III.
    * If a hardcore azn, will love beating off to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
    * Has a screen name with a relation to the show Naruto, also usually contains a derivative of "AZN".
    * Claims to be "in da hood, brutha" (thus making them even more pathetic than wiggers).
    * Has never been to da hood, and does not know where it is.
    * On top of not knowing where da hood is, some don't even know the general directions to their homes because they have no sense of direction
    * Most likely are Internet tough guys (usually to compensate for a stale eggroll).
    * Riced out car. Usually painted an eye-gouging yellow to reflect his heritage.
    * Has an exhaustive collection of X-Box, Nintendo, and Playstation games. Usually the latter.


    ~Carpe Diem~
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I knew it was ae from the first line.

    Also inb4 b& ecc.
    Far Beyond Driven
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I knew it was ae from the first line.

    Also inb4 b& ecc.

    Zerhee, you need to take a sceenshot and point him out like last time. b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Any dancing crew want to post their videos up here and challenge us?
  • thrashingmad
    thrashingmad Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Calvin and the Chinkmunks you can hear Squeeky singing in the back ground
  • SlashSin - Lost City
    SlashSin - Lost City Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Any dancing crew want to post their videos up here and challenge us?

    My crew's pop and lock will rock your sock. (not socks, just sock)
    I'm the one with the mask
    The only sin to go from 1 to 102 completely nude b:cool
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
  • I_Snipe - Lost City
    I_Snipe - Lost City Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, my crew did just do Taylor Swift. We sho sirry <;E
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited October 2010
  • Bictor - Lost City
    Bictor - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    10 bucks says I'm the closest at being able to do what Terada did at 8:11 of their Orquestra dance. Get off ya chairs fat lards.
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    10 bucks says I'm the closest at being able to do what Terada did at 8:11 of their Orquestra dance. Get off ya chairs fat lards.

    I can do Victor's best move.
  • Churian - Lost City
    Churian - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    People who call themselves Azn or Asian are usually confused or from some third world nation in Asia they dare not name b:shocked otherwise, they'd proudly call themselves Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc
  • Calvin - Lost City
    Calvin - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    People who call themselves Azn or Asian are usually confused or from some third world nation in Asia they dare not name b:shocked otherwise, they'd proudly call themselves Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc

    Nope, it is because we have vietnamese, japanese, chinese, hongkie, taiwanese, malaysian, singoparenz, koreans in our crewz. so, we call ourself an azn crewz.
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i dun care wat we call ourselves, we r gonna rule the world soon, n our MMORPG kik asses. n our food kik asses too. oh n we take over USA to fight terrorists >:D YEAAAAAAAAA
  • Churian - Lost City
    Churian - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Nope, it is because we have vietnamese, japanese, chinese, hongkie, taiwanese, malaysian, singoparenz, koreans in our crewz. so, we call ourself an azn crewz.

    That's a legit reason then. ^.^

    China will become major world power soon - they took lands from the Philipines, Vietnam and now they're trying to take back the Senkaku Islands from the Japanese. They don't fear South Korea neither since they are mending relation with the North Korea, that'll keep the south busy.
  • Lingzi - Lost City
    Lingzi - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    b:laugh n we will have tall buildings n snows in China, yeaaaaa b:laugh