TY Harshlands
RavynneSidhe - Harshlands wrote: »You know I'm really starting to doubt that you have any kids, and have a serious mental condition.
If it's the parent's job to talk about sex, then why should YOU care what goes on in a video game. If you talk to your supposed kids about sex then they'll take whatever goes on with world chat with a grain of salt. It's not PWI's fault nor Perfect World Entertainment's fault that YOU'RE an incompetent parent. And being the daughter of a very incompetent parent, I have every right to CALL YOU OUT.
So again, if you have an issue with **** on the world chat you can simply BLOCK IT OUT. Don't ruin the game for the rest of us mature children or even adults because you're too incompetent to monitor your own children.
Or possibly so insecure about his or her own parenting that he/she can't trust her children will listen to his/her parenting advice. Therefor the crazy paranoia over what goes into the brain of said "child".0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »No, my kids aren't. My television is set up for ratings. They can't access any channels I have not approved of nor can they view any shows above the rating I have set.
It is the JOB of the parents to talk to their children about sex. That is why 13 year old girls get pregnant. Because their parents never talked to them about the birds and the bees.
It is not YOUR place to speak to anyone else's children about sex.
World chat is part of the gaming experience. Why should I have to censor what I am doing when the case stands that YOU are breaking not only PWE's T.O.S. but also the law? I should not. PWE should enforce their rules. If they fail to, then PWE should be brought before a court and asked why they failed to enforce their TOS agreement and the law.
Your no fun... Part of growing up is having to try and figure out what body part is being shown through the scriggily lines thats a b:shutup!!!! Oh wait nvm its just an elbow.
And no its the fualt of the parent when the 13 year old girl gets pregnant. My experience growing up... The more sheltered a girl was the more likely she was to.... (not gonna go there)... Point being teach the kid some self respect and resonsibility... Cut the ambilical cord already.
Personally I never had sex with 13 year old girl... I had sex with a 15 year old girl and I was 16 at the time. And 10 years later she and I are still the best of friends. Even talk about getting back together now that we are older and through with college but eh.... That goes back to paragraph 2 about self respect and responsibility.
If your kids walks outside in public then chances are they know more about sex, drugs, violence, and the way of the world than you give them credit for... They may even know more than you.
The TOS... I like to quote the TOS alot to... But I actually understand it and do not misinterpret it. Nothing pornographic shall be placed on the forums or in the chats... Meaning... I can basically cyber sex with someone on world chat (if I wished) but I can not upload photos or give out websites like www.hugegrannyjugs.com (god I hope thats not a real website). Then I would be breaking the TOS. And since this is a free gaming website the punishment according to law is minimal if nonexistant.
Why do you ask??? Because not everyone who plays or responds here is in the US. And therefore do not fall under our "Obscenity Laws" What we may find obscene or lewd, the next guy who posts after me may be from mexico and he watches a donkey show everyday (I think I should take my brother down to tijuana). Or the next girl who posts may be from southern france and she is a nudist who does everything... Including attending church in the best dress of all... Her birthday suit. Or how about someone from japan where you can buy teenage girls underwear from vending machine (that is true).
As for you suing the company for millions.... No... Your just trying to make yourself seem bigger. But the fact of the matter is you could not afford a single consultation from a legal advisor for something like that. Ask me how I know this. Unless you are ready to write a $14,000,000 USD check... You couldn't afford it mami.
So please... Spare this dose of Americana morality.... It really is.... Ignorant... Until you travel a bit and experience other cultures you have no right or reason to tell anyone what they can and can not say anywhere... And if you have traveled you still have no right.
Cya in game b:bye
Loki[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=8679220 -
Celesse - Harshlands wrote: »Or possibly so insecure about his or her own parenting that he/she can't trust her children will listen to his/her parenting advice. Therefor the crazy paranoia over what goes into the brain of said "child".
True, however there is no evidence that a child actually exists. It could be all an illusion caused by her overactive mind. She could have had a child, however said child probably met an unfortunate end. In other words, she's mental and we should pay her no mind, and pray she gets the medical attention that she does deserve.I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life0 -
RavynneSidhe - Harshlands wrote: »True, however there is no evidence that a child actually exists. It could be all an illusion caused by her overactive mind. She could have had a child, however said child probably met an unfortunate end. In other words, she's mental and we should pay her no mind, and pray she gets the medical attention that she does deserve.
lol Tsuki you're a nudist from southern france.0 -
Celesse - Harshlands wrote: »lol Tsuki you're a nudist from southern france.
Lol no. Just an advocate for responsible parenting.I'm sick of incompetent parents trying to ruin things for the rest of us.
I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life0 -
I also think that you, Florena, should under no circumstances release the IGNs of yourself or your children to the public. They will be heavily camped, spammed, and not invited to any BH, FC, or TT run.
Fionina and I rule world chat with an iron fist. Your party pooping is not welcome.
Good luck to you, have a nice day.
I'll be giving out candy on Halloween if you get my drift ;D0 -
RavynneSidhe - Harshlands wrote: »Lol no. Just an advocate for responsible parenting.
I'm sick of incompetent parents trying to ruin things for the rest of us.
Aww and I was hoping we could all open up a international dialogue over webcam and discuss this.
I do speak a lil frenchb:cute
and spanish, italian, and germanb:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=8679220 -
LOKl_ - Harshlands wrote: »Your no fun... Part of growing up is having to try and figure out what body part is being shown through the scriggily lines thats a b:shutup!!!! Oh wait nvm its just an elbow.
And no its the fualt of the parent when the 13 year old girl gets pregnant. My experience growing up... The more sheltered a girl was the more likely she was to.... (not gonna go there)... Point being teach the kid some self respect and resonsibility... Cut the ambilical cord already.
Personally I never had sex with 13 year old girl... I had sex with a 15 year old girl and I was 16 at the time. And 10 years later she and I are still the best of friends. Even talk about getting back together now that we are older and through with college but eh.... That goes back to paragraph 2 about self respect and responsibility.
If your kids walks outside in public then chances are they know more about sex, drugs, violence, and the way of the world than you give them credit for... They may even know more than you.
The TOS... I like to quote the TOS alot to... But I actually understand it and do not misinterpret it. Nothing pornographic shall be placed on the forums or in the chats... Meaning... I can basically cyber sex with someone on world chat (if I wished) but I can not upload photos or give out websites like www.hugegrannyjugs.com (god I hope thats not a real website). Then I would be breaking the TOS. And since this is a free gaming website the punishment according to law is minimal if nonexistant.
Why do you ask??? Because not everyone who plays or responds here is in the US. And therefore do not fall under our "Obscenity Laws" What we may find obscene or lewd, the next guy who posts after me may be from mexico and he watches a donkey show everyday (I think I should take my brother down to tijuana). Or the next girl who posts may be from southern france and she is a nudist who does everything... Including attending church in the best dress of all... Her birthday suit. Or how about someone from japan where you can buy teenage girls underwear from vending machine (that is true).
As for you suing the company for millions.... No... Your just trying to make yourself seem bigger. But the fact of the matter is you could not afford a single consultation from a legal advisor for something like that. Ask me how I know this. Unless you are ready to write a $14,000,000 USD check... You couldn't afford it mami.
So please... Spare this dose of Americana morality.... It really is.... Ignorant... Until you travel a bit and experience other cultures you have no right or reason to tell anyone what they can and can not say anywhere... And if you have traveled you still have no right.
Cya in game b:bye
i totaly agree with you...ive been all over the world and the differences in cultures would amaze me every time i visited a new country.i mean just look at holland, what most of the world considerd illegal(POT or if your too sheltered to know what that is,marijuana)is totally legal there.so before you go and try to push you own beliefs on others take a look at the world as a whole not just your little hole you crawled out of.0 -
LOKl_ - Harshlands wrote: »Aww and I was hoping we could all open up a international dialogue over webcam and discuss this.
I do speak a lil frenchb:cute
and spanish, italian, and germanb:laugh
Haha. I'm German/Italian/Dutch/Russian. I speak a bit of Spanish, Japanese and German.
However I have taken a psychology and sociology course so I do know that things we have in America are not culturally universal in other cultures/countries. In other words just because the US has laws that forbid children and adults to have sex, talk of sex, in other countries things are very much different.I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life0 -
i totaly agree with you...ive been all over the world and the differences in cultures would amaze me every time i visited a new country.i mean just look at holland, what most of the world considerd illegal(POT or if your too sheltered to know what that is,marijuana)is totally legal there.so before you go and try to push you own beliefs on others take a look at the world as a whole not just your little hole you crawled out of.
Lol I was just sticking with the sex info but yea I could have gone there.... And many many many other places with things that here are considered taboo.
I could have even brought up ancient history. Like the origins of valentines day (which alot of people are shocked to find out it was a pagan holiday involving sex with random partners)
everyone in the village put there names into a hat. Men in one hat women in the other. Then after a night of drinking (alot). Names were drawn from the hats. First a womans name then one from the mens hat. Whose ever name came immediately after the womans was her partner for the night. And if that went well would be her partner for life. However should the relationship fail by next harvest then they angered the gods and would have a bad harvest. So good chemistry and sex was required.... Oh... and these guys and girls were about 13 or 14.
Also since you brought up Holland...
I just couldn't resist b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=8679220 -
pppppeeee in yourrr butttt]0
LOKl_ - Harshlands wrote: »Lol I was just sticking with the sex info but yea I could have gone there.... And many many many other places with things that here are considered taboo.
I could have even brought up ancient history. Like the origins of valentines day (which alot of people are shocked to find out it was a pagan holiday involving sex with random partners)
everyone in the village put there names into a hat. Men in one hat women in the other. Then after a night of drinking (alot). Names were drawn from the hats. First a womans name then one from the mens hat. Whose ever name came immediately after the womans was her partner for the night. And if that went well would be her partner for life. However should the relationship fail by next harvest then they angered the gods and would have a bad harvest. So good chemistry and sex was required.... Oh... and these guys and girls were about 13 or 14.
Also since you brought up Holland...
I just couldn't resist b:chuckle
awsome songb:cool0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »User Content that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable; Harm minors in any way; objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Interactive Areas or the Site
k so y u threatening all of us?0 -
don't you have like.. a job?
or like.. kids? That need care?
You're putting a lot of time into these flame-bait threads.
ijs.0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »You got it. Pay me my 50 bucks.
I don't want any one's trust nor do I want anything to do with someone else's children. That is for them to deal with, not my problem. I am not doing this for any other purpose but to Protect ALL children in the game.
If PWE fails to enforce their own laws in game, then I, as a parent, and required by law to protect children. It makes no difference where you come from, I laugh at people who claim they can't be prosecuted because they live in a different country. Have you not heard of international crimes and Interpol?
So make this a big freaking joke, try to make this about me Celesse. But the truth WILL come out. This is not about me in any way, shape or form. This is about protecting OUR children from predators and perverts.
This game is rated 13+. According to INTERNATIONAL LAW a minor is under the age of 16. But lets not stop there. According to PWE's Terms of service agreement that EACH of you signed before playing the game...
User Content that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable; Harm minors in any way; objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Interactive Areas or the Site
Under those rules set in place by PWE, you have admitted to breaking and you request PWE to uphold their rules and ban your accounts.
I made this post because it caused me distress to see adults talking about obscene, pornographic, indecent & lewd comments in game, specifically in world chat. You say I should shut off world chat where I can't see it, but the answer is I shouldn't have to. What you are doing IS against the PWE rules. You should either STOP doing it or PWE should START banning accounts for abusers.
I made this follow up post because the BULK of the players in game have stopped with this vulgar chat in world chat, with the exception of the few here who have posted trying to justify their breaking PWE rules.
I made this follow up post to THANK those who have the understanding that they are mature enough to realize they WERE breaking the rules and have stopped and to THANK them for having some morals in game.
I did not make this post for any flames, however you have all chose to make it a flame war. I pity each and everyone of you in this topic who thinks it is okay to cyber sex with a child. I pity each and every one of you who thinks this is a fun game when you break the PWE rules. I pity each and everyone of you who are trying to make this about anything else that they can INSTEAD OF THE FACTS....
You read PWE's Terms Of Service Agreement.
You accepted that agreement.
You broke the game rules.
And if you should admit that you never agreed to their Terms of service, then your account should be banned based on your own admission.
So by rights, you are also breaking game rules. You signed a legal contract, and you're violating it.I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »You got it. Pay me my 50 bucks.
I don't want any one's trust nor do I want anything to do with someone else's children. That is for them to deal with, not my problem. I am not doing this for any other purpose but to Protect ALL children in the game.
If PWE fails to enforce their own laws in game, then I, as a parent, and required by law to protect children. It makes no difference where you come from, I laugh at people who claim they can't be prosecuted because they live in a different country. Have you not heard of international crimes and Interpol?
So make this a big freaking joke, try to make this about me Celesse. But the truth WILL come out. This is not about me in any way, shape or form. This is about protecting OUR children from predators and perverts.
This game is rated 13+. According to INTERNATIONAL LAW a minor is under the age of 16. But lets not stop there. According to PWE's Terms of service agreement that EACH of you signed before playing the game...
User Content that is unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable; Harm minors in any way; objectionable or which restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Interactive Areas or the Site
Under those rules set in place by PWE, you have admitted to breaking and you request PWE to uphold their rules and ban your accounts.
I made this post because it caused me distress to see adults talking about obscene, pornographic, indecent & lewd comments in game, specifically in world chat. You say I should shut off world chat where I can't see it, but the answer is I shouldn't have to. What you are doing IS against the PWE rules. You should either STOP doing it or PWE should START banning accounts for abusers.
I made this follow up post because the BULK of the players in game have stopped with this vulgar chat in world chat, with the exception of the few here who have posted trying to justify their breaking PWE rules.
I made this follow up post to THANK those who have the understanding that they are mature enough to realize they WERE breaking the rules and have stopped and to THANK them for having some morals in game.
I did not make this post for any flames, however you have all chose to make it a flame war. I pity each and everyone of you in this topic who thinks it is okay to cyber sex with a child. I pity each and every one of you who thinks this is a fun game when you break the PWE rules. I pity each and everyone of you who are trying to make this about anything else that they can INSTEAD OF THE FACTS....
You read PWE's Terms Of Service Agreement. (YES)
You accepted that agreement. (YES)
You broke the game rules. (NO)
And if you should admit that you never agreed to their Terms of service, then your account should be banned based on your own admission.
Sry for the all caps responses but I have a horrible time trying to figure out how to correctly responses in those quotes[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=8679220 -
@OP~ Your children already know about sex and likely have a vague or pretty good idea of what it entails by the age of 13. Sex education for me was started in 5th grade when they split the boys and girls up to have a talk about puberty and then continued in 7th and 10th grade. Granted, sex ed in Ohio sucks balls and I learned more about sex from the internet than I ever did in school, but the point is that they likely already know about the basics just from school.
IF people are soliciting your child to cyber through PMs or harassing them then that is the only sex-related PM offenses you are allowed to report. And unless people are making fun of Congolese women with fistula over WC, there's not much sexual-related things you can report in WC. Racism, however, is a different issue.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Well I made a wall of text but then accidently pressed on another button and... yeah.
So let me put it back togther real quick.
First off, I mock at people such as yourself that think "jeez, there is a law that says that this guy cant get 1 feet closer to me, Im gonna make billions of his ***".
Second, I dont live in the United States. So are you really that stupid to believe that my country going to surrender me to the US just because Im talking **** to someone on a video game?!?!? get real. Thats just remind me Tekkblade threating Nurfed because Nurfed was talking **** to him and he made a video about him. (Nothing against you Tekk but that was just stupid)
Third, I had my friend's child playing this game, he was 8 years old. Red name archer pwn everybody around him, dont care about alliences or whatever. So some people talked **** to him, what can you do nature of the game. Anyways when we saw that we just simply pm'ed the dude and said he is just an 8 years old kid. I never saw somebody that didnt apologized to the kid and kept talking **** to him.
So by that case you can see people is mature in this game. Part of the stuff that make the game fun for some people is to be free of the real world rules. So dont come over here and try to change it by threating us. Its gonna make people keep loughing hard about you, or will make them to think you just a flamer who is really boored and doing this for the lulz. (which I highly believe that is the case here)
So for the sake of yourself, just dont comment anymore.0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »Well I apologize, but i have spoken with my local district attorney.
You are all incorrect.
Criminal charges can be filed.
As for my accounts getting banned;
I have already uninstalled the game and gone on to a better gaming company which doesn't stand for the disregard of game rules that you all do.
As for the outcome of this discussion, we will let PWE decide if they are going to back up the rules that they have in place about your world chat discussions.
You can file criminal charges, however you will be laughed out of court.
And it's good that you uninstalled, and came to your senses. I did say this game isn't suited for you, and it's true. Now leave the game as it is, and enjoy the new game you are playing
Blessed Be.I was LadyTsukiyo in a past life0 -
Party on Harshlands tonight: 9PM-3AM.
Bring your teles.0 -
Florena - Harshlands wrote: »Well I apologize, but i have spoken with my local district attorney.
You are all incorrect.
Criminal charges can be filed.
As for my accounts getting banned;
I have already uninstalled the game and gone on to a better gaming company which doesn't stand for the disregard of game rules that you all do.
As for the outcome of this discussion, we will let PWE decide if they are going to back up the rules that they have in place about your world chat discussions.
Lol yes criminal charges can be filed by a DA... However will be thrown out of any open court by a judge faster than you can say the word APPEAL.
Please come off the high horse... Anything that you have said there is another law contradicting it in the US by means of Civil rights. And any first year student in law school can point most of this out.
And you have already uninstalled and moved onto another gameb:chuckle So we can expect to see you again in a week or 2 on another alt posting again... Or maybe in 5 more minutes.... I really do tire of these kind of threads because I see them so much. It was nothing more than ruffle some feathers get attention and run off crying saying you found something better expecting what exactly???
I have a criminal justice degree with minors in physcology and sociology. I work for the government that you say will jump on this crusade against immorality.... And I hate to break it to you but that will never happen. It is a persons right to be what they are. And we here in this country have no right to tell someone in another country what they can and can not say.
So putting it out there... Whatever a man, a woman, a midget, and a donkey want to do in the privacy of there own home on the internet is there business. They don't need your fcc rule reading self there to give them pointers.
So I say to everyone else who reads this... Be a good parent and if you don't like your kids are doing and watching.... Then prevent them from reading it, watching it, or doing it. Don't stop all the dirty old men from enjoying a rub out over the internet because b:shocked GASP!!!! CHILDREN COULD SEE IT!!!! (but only if the parent lets them)
Have fun all and cya in game
And we shall see you whenever you get another alt to post on complaining about something else
P.S. I don't really think no one in the game is miss you oh mighty lvl 8 person (just sayin)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=8679220 -
LOKl_ - Harshlands wrote: »Lol yes criminal charges can be filed by a DA... However will be thrown out of any open court by a judge faster than you can say the word APPEAL.
Please come off the high horse... Anything that you have said there is another law contradicting it in the US by means of Civil rights. And any first year student in law school can point most of this out.
And you have already uninstalled and moved onto another gameb:chuckle So we can expect to see you again in a week or 2 on another alt posting again... Or maybe in 5 more minutes.... I really do tire of these kind of threads because I see them so much. It was nothing more than ruffle some feathers get attention and run off crying saying you found something better expecting what exactly???
I have a criminal justice degree with minors in physcology and sociology. I work for the government that you say will jump on this crusade against immorality.... And I hate to break it to you but that will never happen. It is a persons right to be what they are. And we here in this country have no right to tell someone in another country what they can and can not say.
So putting it out there... Whatever a man, a woman, a midget, and a donkey want to do in the privacy of there own home on the internet is there business. They don't need your fcc rule reading self there to give them pointers.
So I say to everyone else who reads this... Be a good parent and if you don't like your kids are doing and watching.... Then prevent them from reading it, watching it, or doing it. Don't stop all the dirty old men from enjoying a rub out over the internet because b:shocked GASP!!!! CHILDREN COULD SEE IT!!!! (but only if the parent lets them)
Have fun all and cya in game
And we shall see you whenever you get another alt to post on complaining about something else
P.S. I don't really think no one in the game is miss you oh mighty lvl 8 person (just sayin)
If you write that much people usually wont read it, try to make yours posts shorter unless you are just writing for the hell of it lol0 -
+1 to OP for acquiring the attention he desired.0
Peee Inn Buttttt]0
I dont know about the rest of you but im going to say whatever i feel like because im protected by something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH. and if you think wc cleaned up your insane.thing wont change because you said so.your off your rocker
you must be over 18 and a us citizen to use this freedom. allso this is there game and they have rules if it violates the ToS action will be taken.
EDIT:just read the last couple of pages LOL im 15 years old and not pregnant but i plan to be sexually active soon. do i deserve to be in jail?0 -
Fist_Mama - Harshlands wrote: »you must be over 18 and a us citizen to use this freedom. allso this is there game and they have rules if it violates the ToS action will be taken.
EDIT:just read the last couple of pages LOL im 15 years old and not pregnant but i plan to be sexually active soon. do i deserve to be in jail?
Since when did women receive free speech?0
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