The RT Forum



  • Nadis - Sanctuary
    Nadis - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This thread made me lol. Why? Because you see a sin talking about pvp and factors..Let me explain this to you. You sins on RT arent factors and heres the deal why. Stealth Stun > spark > seal blablabla stealth isnt what I call pvp, even a complete fool can pull that off.

    The people you mentioned as factors are just OP geared players, you dont need gears to be a factor. There are some skilled players that still play this game, try understand that you can do well with decent gears.

    Last but not least, Veritasxxx. Not to be mean or anything but you were one of the easiest targets in TW ijs, complaning about Rawrgh's "lack of pvp skills" is just making me lol. You should try rolling a normal class that doesnt stealth and then you can tell me how easy it is to kill something you cant see, you cant touch if they get their stun/seal/sleep combo out and re-stealths.
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This thread made me lol. Why? Because you see a sin talking about pvp and factors..Let me explain this to you. You sins on RT arent factors and heres the deal why. Stealth Stun > spark > seal blablabla stealth isnt what I call pvp, even a complete fool can pull that off.

    The people you mentioned as factors are just OP geared players, you dont need gears to be a factor. There are some skilled players that still play this game, try understand that you can do well with decent gears.

    Last but not least, Veritasxxx. Not to be mean or anything but you were one of the easiest targets in TW ijs, complaning about Rawrgh's "lack of pvp skills" is just making me lol. You should try rolling a normal class that doesnt stealth and then you can tell me how easy it is to kill something you cant see, you cant touch if they get their stun/seal/sleep combo out and re-stealths.

    First when did i ever mention gear? I started the thread throughout it i never stated anything about gear. Read it again please :).

    I mentioned no factors i said i respect Apocc and Man and said Rawrgh is not one thats it. Again re-read.Other than stating rawrgh was not a factor pimpy used the factor word then fuzzy.

    Also you never Killed me Nadis :P I'm assuming your from levi. I actually counted my deaths and recorded who killed me via skype to a friend you were not one of them.
    Also lets not start another QQ thread that sins require no skill because of stealth. They have it its not going away if YOU HAD skill it wouldnt matter you could win anyway. 99% of us are LA which = weak to everything QQmore somewhere else.

    As to your rolling class :P i've played a cleric to 8x on this server and have at least 1 of every other toon lved to 4x please know something about me b4 you post.

    You can ask 90% of the server as they know my cleric
    Reasons: 1. his name
    2. I jumped factions alot until i found a place i liked. i was in QQme Varden Insight iv'e known Bizmakai since he was 6x Ask him he knows my cleric :) Me and him had Plans to join Levi b4 i got banned.

    Also you said sins on RT.

    What makes you think sins on other servers use different tactics? It's how you play a sin does a cleric use heals in PvP do venos use pets? Do BMs stunlock? Do wizzies Blink? Just because sins are new and you cant figure out how to take one 1v1 doesn't mean we fail :). Have a good day i'm off to class.

    20th Post :)
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Forum drama b:claphappily
  • Nadis - Sanctuary
    Nadis - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    First when did i ever mention gear? I started the thread throughout it i never stated anything about gear. Read it again please :).

    I mentioned no factors i said i respect Apocc and Man and said Rawrgh is not one thats it. Again re-read.Other than stating rawrgh was not a factor pimpy used the factor word then fuzzy.

    Also you never Killed me Nadis :P I'm assuming your from levi. I actually counted my deaths and recorded who killed me via skype to a friend you were not one of them.
    Also lets not start another QQ thread that sins require no skill because of stealth. They have it its not going away if YOU HAD skill it wouldnt matter you could win anyway. 99% of us are LA which = weak to everything QQmore somewhere else.

    As to your rolling class :P i've played a cleric to 8x on this server and have at least 1 of every other toon lved to 4x please know something about me b4 you post.

    You can ask 90% of the server as they know my cleric
    Reasons: 1. his name
    2. I jumped factions alot until i found a place i liked. i was in QQme Varden Insight iv'e known Bizmakai since he was 6x Ask him he knows my cleric :) Me and him had Plans to join Levi b4 i got banned.

    Also you said sins on RT.

    What makes you think sins on other servers use different tactics? It's how you play a sin does a cleric use heals in PvP do venos use pets? Do BMs stunlock? Do wizzies Blink? Just because sins are new and you cant figure out how to take one 1v1 doesn't mean we fail :). Have a good day i'm off to class.

    20th Post :)
    *clapp clapp* you didnt notice that Nadis is on the wrong server right? well GG that you noticed that "Nadis" didnt kill you. My character has never been a secret > Knullruffs, might help you memories it.

    Hmm...once again an aswesome comment from you *looks at avatar*, I dont know to many AA or HA archers, how about you? Yes, LA arent the best defensive class but once again we're the strongest offensive, maybe you just need to learn to play better as LA.. (Wiz, Psy are counted in aswell).

    The "factor" part wasnt only towards you, I said I've heard so many people talk about it even tho they arent even skilled at all, matter fact they play like **** and complain about people lack of skills. CSing is a cool thing but then again I dont care what others do with their money, if you cant CS and be a "factor" dont complain about others that can.

    I'm losing fate in todays players, they dont even know what real pvp looks like but still comments on their epicness.
  • TruthWarren - Raging Tide
    TruthWarren - Raging Tide Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I mentioned no factors i said i respect Apocc and Man and said Rawrgh is not one thats it.

    I don't think either them nor us really give a damn.

  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    *clapp clapp* you didnt notice that Nadis is on the wrong server right? well GG that you noticed that "Nadis" didnt kill you. My character has never been a secret > Knullruffs, might help you memories it.

    Hmm...once again an aswesome comment from you *looks at avatar*, I dont know to many AA or HA archers, how about you? Yes, LA arent the best defensive class but once again we're the strongest offensive, maybe you just need to learn to play better as LA.. (Wiz, Psy are counted in aswell).

    The "factor" part wasnt only towards you, I said I've heard so many people talk about it even tho they arent even skilled at all, matter fact they play like **** and complain about people lack of skills. CSing is a cool thing but then again I dont care what others do with their money, if you cant CS and be a "factor" dont complain about others that can.

    I'm losing fate in todays players, they dont even know what real pvp looks like but still comments on their epicness.

    How does I PvP? Teach plz. Do I use Wallet Smack and is it super effective?
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    First when did i ever mention gear? I started the thread throughout it i never stated anything about gear. Read it again please :).

    I mentioned no factors i said i respect Apocc and Man and said Rawrgh is not one thats it. Again re-read.Other than stating rawrgh was not a factor pimpy used the factor word then fuzzy.

    Also you never Killed me Nadis :P I'm assuming your from levi. I actually counted my deaths and recorded who killed me via skype to a friend you were not one of them.
    Also lets not start another QQ thread that sins require no skill because of stealth. They have it its not going away if YOU HAD skill it wouldnt matter you could win anyway. 99% of us are LA which = weak to everything QQmore somewhere else.

    As to your rolling class :P i've played a cleric to 8x on this server and have at least 1 of every other toon lved to 4x please know something about me b4 you post.

    You can ask 90% of the server as they know my cleric
    Reasons: 1. his name
    2. I jumped factions alot until i found a place i liked. i was in QQme Varden Insight iv'e known Bizmakai since he was 6x Ask him he knows my cleric :) Me and him had Plans to join Levi b4 i got banned.

    Also you said sins on RT.

    What makes you think sins on other servers use different tactics? It's how you play a sin does a cleric use heals in PvP do venos use pets? Do BMs stunlock? Do wizzies Blink? Just because sins are new and you cant figure out how to take one 1v1 doesn't mean we fail :). Have a good day i'm off to class.

    20th Post :)
    "Rawrgh is not a factor"

    > Rawrgh has killed you a dozen+ times

    > Half of those times were one shots

    > Therefore, you are saying that you yourself are not a factor
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Only idiots like dogs.
    I like dogs.
    Therefore I am an idiot.

    Where's the flaw in that? b:cute
  • Choco - Raging Tide
    Choco - Raging Tide Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Only idiots like dogs.
    I like dogs.
    Therefore I am an idiot.

    Where's the flaw in that? b:cute

    You don't like dogs, you like bunnies.
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Just what the heck did I miss?
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    *clapp clapp* you didnt notice that Nadis is on the wrong server right? well GG that you noticed that "Nadis" didnt kill you. My character has never been a secret > Knullruffs, might help you memories it.

    Hmm...once again an aswesome comment from you *looks at avatar*, I dont know to many AA or HA archers, how about you? Yes, LA arent the best defensive class but once again we're the strongest offensive, maybe you just need to learn to play better as LA.. (Wiz, Psy are counted in aswell).

    The "factor" part wasnt only towards you, I said I've heard so many people talk about it even tho they arent even skilled at all, matter fact they play like **** and complain about people lack of skills. CSing is a cool thing but then again I dont care what others do with their money, if you cant CS and be a "factor" dont complain about others that can.

    I'm losing fate in todays players, they dont even know what real pvp looks like but still comments on their epicness.

    I didn't bother looking at which server you were posting from like i said i was about to head to class.

    Also Knullruffs wasn't one of the people that killed me :).

    I know how to play my class very well thank you :).

    'Also iv'e CSed once for wedding packs i don't see that as CSing to be a factor or how anyone that posted was complaining about being a factor.

  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "Rawrgh is not a factor"

    > Rawrgh has killed you a dozen+ times

    > Half of those times were one shots

    > Therefore, you are saying that you yourself are not a factor

    And again Rawrgh you have never one shot me :) Harry is the one who one shot me.

    Please don't lie on the forums :P what do you hvae to prove? it's pixels

  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Just what the heck did I miss?

    I started posting on the forums instead of just reading found out a few trolls still yet live b:laugh
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I don't think either them nor us really give a damn.

    Didn't you quit?
    Are you so damn bored you still troll the forums of a game you no longer play?
    BTW don't say us i remember you. I used to get PM's to read your WC to watch how stupid that **** was.
    I never met a person that really liked you except Mandee Amanda w.e
    Then again guess that didn't work out :P

  • Sarbear - Raging Tide
    Sarbear - Raging Tide Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Also you never Killed me Nadis :P I'm assuming your from levi. I actually counted my deaths and recorded who killed me via skype to a friend you were not one of them.

    Also lets not start another QQ thread that sins require no skill because of stealth. They have it its not going away if YOU HAD skill it wouldnt matter you could win anyway. 99% of us are LA which = weak to everything QQmore somewhere else.

    1) Can you post this list that you record in skype? b:cute

    2) I would love to be able to stealth as a wizard so I could has real skillz at PvpZ.

    Nadis: "This is not your server go away." b:dirty
    "Target Sarbear, Anti-stun skill, Irongaurd, holy path, armageddon:Result? Miss! Q_Q" - Rawrgh
    "Actually if you had half-a-brain you would realize that fists > bow when someone is close to you." - XxZavxX
    "hey I made another insulting post towards Spell_Caster, and all say...yeah!! Gzz! You're the rock!" - Spell_Caster
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    VertiasXXX: ****ing noob, let me 1vs1

    *VeritasXXX gets ressed*

    *Charm ticks, bringing him to full hp*

    Rawrgh: lol

    *uses armageddon

    VeritasXXX takes 10k+ damage

    VeritasXXX: omg

    *VertiasXXX gets ressed*

    *Rawrgh uses onslaught*

    VertiasXXX takes 7k+ damage.

    *VeritasXXX gives up and releases.*

    Or did you forget about that?

    If you didn't force stealth and hug safe zone everytime I saw you in PvP there would be more.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    1) Can you post this list that you record in skype? b:cute

    2) I would love to be able to stealth as a wizard so I could has real skillz at PvpZ.

    Nadis: "This is not your server go away." b:dirty

    If you really want it sure
    I was killed a total of six times
    1. Scion
    4.Bladed Tony

    Some barb i can't remember the name almost got me near the end. Was tanking our towers and arma'd near the respawn i lol'd so hard.
    6. Scion

  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    VertiasXXX: ****ing noob, let me 1vs1

    *VeritasXXX gets ressed*

    *Charm ticks, bringing him to full hp*

    Rawrgh: lol

    *uses armageddon

    VeritasXXX takes 10k+ damage

    VeritasXXX: omg

    *VertiasXXX gets ressed*

    *Rawrgh uses onslaught*

    VertiasXXX takes 7k+ damage.

    *VeritasXXX gives up and releases.*

    Or did you forget about that?

    If you didn't force stealth and hug safe zone everytime I saw you in PvP there would be more.

    Rawrgh quit trying bro you never once one shot me.
    :P now you just have to make stuff up.
    You never skilled on me you used your pro mouse click.
    You normal attacked me never once used a skill and i know because i watched the Damage reports.
    i wish i had a SS lol Harry was the one that once shot me not you bro :)b:bye

    If you PvP more then maybe you would see me more? I'm usually at west gate and if noones there i try Silver Pool as SP is bannable now i leave it alone.
  • Sarbear - Raging Tide
    Sarbear - Raging Tide Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    If you really want it sure
    I was killed a total of six times
    1. Scion
    4.Bladed Tony

    Is that so? I hit you for 18k...shame I didnt make it on the list. b:cute

    Who is Legend_ btw?
    "Target Sarbear, Anti-stun skill, Irongaurd, holy path, armageddon:Result? Miss! Q_Q" - Rawrgh
    "Actually if you had half-a-brain you would realize that fists > bow when someone is close to you." - XxZavxX
    "hey I made another insulting post towards Spell_Caster, and all say...yeah!! Gzz! You're the rock!" - Spell_Caster
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I started posting on the forums instead of just reading found out a few trolls still yet live b:laugh

    Ummm.... Theres not that many trolls in Raging Tide.
    Its mostly just wannabe trolls that fail pretty badly just saying.
    And gosh people just chill silly!
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • TruthWarren - Raging Tide
    TruthWarren - Raging Tide Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ummm.... Theres not that many trolls in Raging Tide.
    Its mostly just wannabe trolls that fail pretty badly just saying.
    And gosh people just chill silly!


  • waaaaaaaah
    waaaaaaaah Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    If you really want it sure
    I was killed a total of six times
    1. Scion
    4.Bladed Tony

    Some barb i can't remember the name almost got me near the end. Was tanking our towers and arma'd near the respawn i lol'd so hard.
    6. Sarbear

    There we go I'm such a nice person.b:pleased
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Is that so? I hit you for 18k...shame I didnt make it on the list. b:cute

    Who is Legend_ btw?

    I think you had a late hit someone else got the kill i wont get to see yall again till Sat. due to class tho :/

  • MrSyko - Raging Tide
    MrSyko - Raging Tide Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I think we should use this hate and "beef" in more productive ways... like somehow preventing Daravon from getting teles?b:pleased

    This made me actually laugh.
    But, how would PWE make money if he didn't buy all the teles?

    EDIT: Oh, Hope isn't banned anymore. Gratz!
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    This made me actually laugh.
    But, how would PWE make money if he didn't buy all the teles?

    EDIT: Oh, Hope isn't banned anymore. Gratz!

    True :P. Again the players have to suffer for the greater good of pwi b:surrenderb:cry

    30th post :D
  • Nadis - Sanctuary
    Nadis - Sanctuary Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    30th post :D

    Are you honestly 4x posting just to get more post count? lols that sad. I defenitly belive you record every death you ever take, do you also record your deaths from mobs? "I'd love to see your ingame life story that you record all day long to remember every single moment". b:cute
    Nadis: "This is not your server go away." b:dirty

    But they kicked me out of Sanctuary cuz I dont hate Nef.. Dont make me change side to Team Jacob and kill your Edward. b:sad
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Are you honestly 4x posting just to get more post count? lols that sad. I defenitly belive you record every death you ever take, do you also record your deaths from mobs? "I'd love to see your ingame life story that you record all day long to remember every single moment". b:cute

    But they kicked me out of Sanctuary cuz I dont hate Nef.. Dont make me change side to Team Jacob and kill your Edward. b:sad

    Actually im posting more because i want to be more active on the forums not that its your business. 2nd i record deaths by whom to remember what im facing next TW pvp ect. i learn how other ppl play and act. Information is everything :P. I'ts why TW has "DeadMen" or women w.e