Why is it frowned upon to WC a "bad" player



  • Tsutai - Dreamweaver
    Tsutai - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    You completely missed the point...

    By the time they get to 7x they should completely understand their character and know how to use it and not be fail, thus I see nothing wrong with calling nubs at that level fail over world chat, see my point?

    I can understand at 2x/3x/4x/maybeeeeeeee 5x but after that and they still haven't learned how to play their class? Fail no matter how you look at it.

    Either way some people might take longer than others, and they won't get the chance to improve. If you want to ruin the game for someone that may or may not be as good as you go for it, but otherwise take your bitterness elsewhere. Because to people like me who have played multiple characters on multiple versions of pwi, you're the nub.
    Tsutai - 91 Demon Cleric
    xYuna - 62 Veno

  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Either way some people might take longer than others, and they won't get the chance to improve. If you want to ruin the game for someone that may or may not be as good as you go for it, but otherwise take your bitterness elsewhere. Because to people like me who have played multiple characters on multiple versions of pwi, you're the nub.

    And you, are the perfect example of the new generation of noobs that level insanely to fast and learn nothing, I still stand on my point of not knowing how to play your character by 70 you are utter fail.
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well, tbh I think it's pointless to WC about bad players, because in a week or so, most everyone is gonna forget who was the bad player and why they were bad.

    Edit: But... If something like that happens, I usually warn my friends via pms about a bad player. Not in WC.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    No one deserves to get made fun of or get told that they are rubbish at playing a certain way.

    That just sounds like a horrible thing to do to someone.
    Everyone should help each other and be kind to each other and if you do that then people will have to better time playing the game as well.

    Just because someone is a high level does not mean that they now know everything in the game or should know everything in the game.

    Everyone gets confused or needs help on certain parts of the game no matter what level.

    It would be different however if the person did not accept any help and just thought that their way is the right way then matter what.
    That kind of person should not be bothered with.

    Dear jesus, that was so sugar-coated I almost got diabities. b:shocked

    If you're a 7x-10x, and you **** up INTENTIONALLY you DESERVE the shame. By that time, you're SUPPOSED to know how your class works, and your role in various instances, UNLESS it's your first time. (EX: Me dying about four times because I haven't done 2-2 HH in like...almost a year and a half.)
    But if someone if fuxing up just to do so, that's something they brought on themselves. They might be doing it to get attention. If you think that's the problem, end the run. Kick his **** promptly, and return to run. Don't give the in-game troll what he wants...which is attention. Give him a can of whoop-****, and carry on.

    Edit: Ignore Deora. She's just being Deora.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I don't agree with world chatting about someone being a "bad" player in terms of skill. They'll learn eventually their own way or quit the game because of words from their squads.

    I do, however, agree with world chatting drop thieves. Not that I really squad out of faction anymore, but some people are into random squads.
  • Kane_lust - Heavens Tear
    Kane_lust - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I Cant tell you the truth.... PWI And just about every other online game is getting packed with kids who think its funny to start problems. sorry bro this Generation is all about computers hence "Gen Net" Now adays it is not uncommon for a kid age 13 with a computer in there room and stays up all night playing games being Brats lol.

    But i am only 18 and i will admit .... i do like to mess with the average QQers lol.

    Also anouther thing to throw in pissing people off is just anouther thing to make this dead game fun.