Can a faction boot someone because they are not straight?



  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    for the love of god, someone lock this idiotic thread. we don't need half a million bleeding heart homosexuals screaming bloody murder over something that isnt even discriminatory. get the **** over it, geez. no one cares. there is 435345345 guilds out there, join one and keep your sexual business out of it.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    for the love of god, someone lock this idiotic thread. we don't need half a million bleeding heart homosexuals screaming bloody murder over something that isnt even discriminatory. get the **** over it, geez. no one cares. there is 435345345 guilds out there, join one and keep your sexual business out of it.

    And just because I feel like adding on to it, a rant from a source that does not wish to be named (not me)
    You're ***.... who the **** CARES?!?! Shut up already! Geez.

    I'm sick and tired of this ****. There is no law against homosexuality, however it is illegal to discriminate. Stop wearing your sexuality like a badge because, cupcake, you're NOT ****ing unique. Most everyone enjoys sex, so **** and gag on the genitals of your choice already.

    WHY you feel the need to rub your sexuality in everyone's face is borderline perverse. I swear, it seems like the majority of the GLB community acts like they're ****ing mentally **** or in 5th grade... yeah, your dad will beat up mine, you're *** and I'm not... so what??

    Nobody really cares what you do in your bedroom, except for your exhibitionist *** needing to brag about it to others as loudly as you can. Go on, have *** sex in public... or start slaughtering straight people... or just shut the **** up. It's really just that simple.

    Or is the truth really that once you eliminate your sexuality, you're just another sad and miserable, average human being? Yeah, I thought so.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    wikipedia in my eyes is like reducing any evil in society to nazism. just about anything can be related to it, but aren't there much better sources and examples out there people can use? wikipedia just seems like a cop out excuse for a source to site.

    Here are some more pragmatic thoughts instead of just pointing out faults:
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Think of it this way, why in the hell would being gay make any sense what so ever? Sexual activity produces endorphines and directly stimulates the brain's pleasure center, amongst mammals it is an important part in establishing social hierarchy, learning mating behaviour, population control, as substitute for agressive behaviour in some species, etc. The entire purpose of sex, and the only purpose of it is to reproduce No, it's not, according to many studies in behavioural ecology (granted humans have turned into into a giant glorified act of etc etc etc...), Love, the highest aspiration of the human psyche so why exactly would someone or some animal choose to try and procreate with another one of its kind of the same sex when its obviously going to end up going nowhere,See reasons listed above therefore, obviously not normal and is a flaw. It's actually very typical behaviour as can be observed in domestic animals, and amongst some species, such as dolphins, rather the norm as reproductive sex is actually only a very small part of normal sexual conduct People saying that gays should not be hated upon because they are being a discriminated minority are the ones that need to go die in a fire.No, irational hatred of naturally ocurring behaviour would justify rather the opposite Why? Just think to yourself, why does being gay make any sense at all,It allows a reproductive population to mantain health without straining the environment's resources you don't see animals all being gay with each other now do you? Yes, once again, this is quite frequent.

    Oh and for those of you wondering Im also one of those people that thinks babies born with birth defects that obviously would prevent them from living if not medically intervened should die In human history such a policy was first enacted by the Third Reich on direct orders of Adolf Hittler, ancient peoples such as the Spartans or Zapotecs also practiced eugenics but without the medical intervention clause OR if they must be kept alive should be sterilized and be prevented from ever being able to reproduce.Another policy first implemented by the Third Reich on those deemed a burden to society.

    I also am strongly against finding "cures" for genetic defects as natural selection should have gotten rid of them Neo Darwinian foundations for health rationing was also a strong tennet of National Socialism because they simply would not be able to survive on their own but "medicine" allows them to stay alive thus setting back all of humanity.This idea was expounded by Alfred Rosenberg.

    I am sort of split on cancer research depending on the CAUSE of the cancer, if it is self inflicted such as lung cancer they deserve to die,Triage based on moral grounds was first practiced by Italian Fascism if it is caused by uncontrolled exposure to a toxic substance such as a biological disaster caused by something beyond the control of that person, maybe Non-voluntary Euthanasia is deemed a crime by the overwhelming majority of the world's legal systems.

    I am also strongly against all those "aid" systems that send food etc to other countries, the world is already over populated and struggles to support the people living on it, The aplication of Malthusian principles to human populations is yet to be demonstrated by science either figure out how to keep up in the modern world or you are going to die, what are you teaching them by giving them things for free? You are teaching them by being poor and lazy they can get stuff for free from countries that worked and have money, and where does that keep them? right in the poorhouse. The process by which populations have become dependant on foreign aid is now recognized as being the responsability of bad planning by donnor nations, as well as by their aspirations to neocolonialism.

    I have no sympathy for the people that feel humans as a whole should be slowed down and have progress reversed because they want to keep morons alive. The elimination of the mentally "deffective" was also one of the plans instituted by the **** regime.

    Hate me if you want,Certainly but I care more about humanity being able to succeed as a whole then one particular person.No, you don't.[/QUOTE]

    Just saying, if it walks like a duck...
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lol, dude, deora that just freaking shouts saitada. i know the thread you got that from, because i made a huge BFD about homos in it too lol.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lol, dude, deora that just freaking shouts saitada. i know the thread you got that from, because i made a huge BFD about homos in it too lol.

    Nope, I am not them and I do remember them going out on that nicely done suck an elf... (if that was even then I dont really remember now)
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Nope, I am not them and I do remember them going out on that nicely done suck an elf... (if that was even then I dont really remember now)
    i know you arent saitada, because his typing style of berating is distinct from other posters. every outspoken former has one. mine is random *** comments, airyll's is a rhetorical question followed by sarcastic profanity, saitada has to sound ...flamboyant in his posts. 'cupcake' prime example.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lol, dude, deora that just freaking shouts saitada. i know the thread you got that from, because i made a huge BFD about homos in it too lol.

    Absolutely not. I debated certain topics with Saitada on pms, visited sites recommended by him and was even invited to join a forum he had created. Not only did he prove a rational and inteligent poster, but outside our obvious differences in terms of political ideals, he never showed any signs of being prejudiced. There's a difference in between advocating personal responsability and ridiculous and hateful ideals such as those posted by some players on this thread...
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i know you arent saitada, because his typing style of berating is distinct from other posters. every outspoken former has one. mine is random *** comments, airyll's is a rhetorical question followed by sarcastic profanity, saitada has to sound ...flamboyant in his posts. 'cupcake' prime example.

    Oh that quote... wasn't actually Sai's quote...
  • Aisubeki - Sanctuary
    Aisubeki - Sanctuary Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Absolutely not. I debated certain topics with Saitada on pms, visited sites recommended by him and was even invited to join a forum he had created. Not only did he prove a rational and inteligent poster, but outside our obvious differences in terms of political ideals, he never showed any signs of being prejudiced. There's a difference in between advocating personal responsability and ridiculous and hateful ideals such as those posted by some players on this thread...
    then you obviously havent been on the forums long. saitada is one of those nasty relics of the past of forum bullies who's every post was belittling and berating. other popular ones include tear valerin, the queen of the forum lol, and recently little miss 3rd degree, airyll.

    deora dont lie, that is a saitada post, that cupcake line screams it.
    remember our fallen heroes
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    then you obviously havent been on the forums long. saitada is one of those nasty relics of the past of forum bullies who's every post was belittling and berating. other popular ones include tear valerin, the queen of the forum lol, and recently little miss 3rd degree, airyll.

    deora dont lie, that is a saitada post, that cupcake line screams it.

    Oh I'm not lying... it isn't even from the PW forums anyway...
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    then you obviously havent been on the forums long. saitada is one of those nasty relics of the past of forum bullies who's every post was belittling and berating. other popular ones include tear valerin, the queen of the forum lol, and recently little miss 3rd degree, airyll.

    deora dont lie, that is a saitada post, that cupcake line screams it.

    It is because i have been that i feel the need to respond to that. His being a troll is a very different thing than claiming him to have been an ignorant poster.
  • Deora - Lost City
    Deora - Lost City Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It is because i have been that i feel the need to respond to that. His being a troll is a very different thing than claiming him to have been an ignorant poster.

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    oh How Wrong You Are... I Haven't Gone To A Hospital In Well Over A Decade And That Was Only To Pick Up My Very Brief Medical History For Someone That Wanted It, I Also Haven't Been To A Doctor In Well Over A Decade As Well... I Also Don't Take Any Medication Whatsoever And Rarely Get Sick, Ever Heard Of Healthy Diet Etc? Vitamin C Which Is Naturally Occurring Is Very Good For Your Immune System I Might Add
    Er, yeah, don't get sick or have any injuries or accidents happen.. vitamin C is your cure all. Wow. Hey guys, raise your hand if you skipped your booster shots or vaccines to take vitamin C? How well did that work for you? b:laugh Not getting your vaccines and booster shots would more than likely result with you getting illnesses that the vaccine did not predispose your body's defenses to, meaning you got sick and the risk of severe illness or death would be much higher. Again, guaranteed you're a beneficiary of medical advances, the ones you decry no doubt.

    Now I remember what you remind me of. It was one of those anti-carebear groupies (certainly no less hypocrite-like) I used to see in high school, pretending they were cool just because they pretended like they felt some social disconnect. And like you, they ignored all the benefits they reaped while they decried others for using the same thing they benefited/survived from. There's nothing more entertaining than watching someone fall all over themselves in hypocrisy. b:chuckle
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Closing this now. Please don't discuss these topics in the forums, sexual and religious topics are considered violations of the Rules. As this never results with a polite, flame free debate - topics like this are being closed.

This discussion has been closed.