Level grind grueling

hypertrophy Posts: 15 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Barbarian
Not so much as a QQ session as it is a place to vent and get some advice. I am almost at my wit's end trying to level up my Barb, now level 46. Between his incredibly low damage output because we don't have enough spirit for both tanking and damage skills, and the most annoying, ranged classes KSing EVERYTHING IN THE F'ING AREA!

I run from one side all the way to the other, only to have the spell caster (It's usually ALWAYS a veno, btw) tag the mob quick. I move to another area, and the same thing is happening. My guildies are helpful, but, I try not to bother them a lot with simple things like helping me grind out quests.

The thing that goes through my head is this. We wonder why there aren't so many high level barbs in the game because of these several reasons.

1. Can't tank and do damage in the leveling process, making them tough to level.
2. Damage output lot to begin with
3. no ranged abilities to help tag mobs
4. Other players just pushing the player to the point that they give up and roll a ranged class.

If anyone has any advice on how to get through this, I would appreciate it. I am seriously thinking of hanging up the hammers for my psychic or archer. I already replaced my genie with a Zeal to have a pulling method, but, that ability uses A LOT of stam and energy, leaving my with nothing to help with damage output either. Also, I don't think a debuff is enough to "tag" the mob for the kill either.

Everyone shiats on barbs until they need one for an instance. Funny how that works...
Post edited by hypertrophy on


  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I understand your frustration, it wasn't so long ago that I was also in your position.

    - There maybe other less desirable spawn areas that are less crowded.
    - Find someone around the same level as you, do quests together.
    - Squad with people doing the same quests are you.
    - Do a different quest.

    I find doing a quest with another person/other people to be the best option when it is available because there is less KSing, it is faster, and you can also practice your tanking/cancelling skills while they DD. You could even do a semi-zhen.

    I hope you keep it at it, and not let what has happened discourage you, because each classes has their own challenges.

    Edit: I just noticed you were referring to grinding, not really questing. Well, I'd suggest finding another grinding spot or try to squad people grinding/questing on the same mobs.
  • hypertrophy
    hypertrophy Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Edit: I just noticed you were referring to grinding, not really questing. Well, I'd suggest finding another grinding spot or try to squad people grinding/questing on the same mobs.

    Well, I just mean, grinding/questing in general. Doesn't really matter what I am doing. I do change spots frequently, but in many cases, I find a new spot that is empty, and a veno/psychic eventually finds me again and it's the same thing. Moving spots so many times will drag out my leveling even more. :/

    It's too bad. I really think they need to help out the Barbs a bit and give them some stuff, like maybe a low damage ranged ability (with maybe a small debuff or something) to be able to pull while tanking, and allow them to have a little more damage for leveling.

    Also, I think that roar needs a slight change. Such a long cast, so you either get interupted or whoever the loose mob was going after is already dead or running away. By the time you actually get it cast, the player has run to the beginning of the instance and you blew your roar. The game doesn't allow as much skill as other games, because of channeling/casting **** for melee players and delays in skill activation after you presses the button...10 times.
  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Well, I just mean, grinding/questing in general. Doesn't really matter what I am doing. I do change spots frequently, but in many cases, I find a new spot that is empty, and a veno/psychic eventually finds me again and it's the same thing. Moving spots so many times will drag out my leveling even more. :/

    It's too bad. I really think they need to help out the Barbs a bit and give them some stuff, like maybe a low damage ranged ability (with maybe a small debuff or something) to be able to pull while tanking, and allow them to have a little more damage for leveling.

    Also, I think that roar needs a slight change. Such a long cast, so you either get interupted or whoever the loose mob was going after is already dead or running away. By the time you actually get it cast, the player has run to the beginning of the instance and you blew your roar. The game doesn't allow as much skill as other games, because of channeling/casting **** for melee players and delays in skill activation after you presses the button...10 times.

    Like I said, try squadding. Casters are usually squishy, and would welcome someone to tank for them while they blast away. Of course, some people would rather just solo.

    Beastial Onslaught is ranged, hits hard compared to other skills and is an evasion debuff. Penetrate Armor is a physical defence debuff.

    I don't remember ever having roar interrupted. I guess you need to learn when to use roar and when to use flesh ream. Also Alpha Male is a popular genie skill for Barbs, it works like roar but with instant cast. You won't always get them, if you did where is the challenge? And at levels when a squishy gets aggro, a lot of them don't know better and tend to run away from the tank/cleric, so it makes our jobs harder.

    I agree channeling/casting time can be a *****, especially when trying to cancel with Alacrity of the Beast and there usually being a delay, unless you press ESC or use another skill beforehand.

    Keep in mind Barbs are tanks, not DDs (going interval is a whole nother discussion), every class has weaknesses pre-endgame.
  • Blood_Panda - Raging Tide
    Blood_Panda - Raging Tide Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    whats preventing u from grabbing a low level bow and just tag the mob you want?

    if you think its a hassle.. go impact on genie skill.. and lure mob over..

    I level a full vit barb from lvl 1->lvl 55 without any str/dex.
    It arent easy.. it can be a pain sometimes.. but most people i saw dont mind helping a barb do quest..

    majority of your exp will come from BH and crazy stone.
    and get your skills up to date..
    Build Aiming for : pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=99d12b053ed06fe9
    Retired : pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=a798089d5502e95b
    17k hp since level 92.. now @ 13k Hp on 100
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    i never really had too much issue myself to be honest, sure there was the odd KS'er around arch quests, but most of the time I got asked to squad with people (or else I asked to squad with them) on a quest so that it would go faster for the both of us (and the squishies loved to have a meat shield). After that.. BH daily made leveling pretty smooth. I quit doing CS around 70ish though and slowly worked WQ into the mix when there was just nothing going on and i didnt feel like grinding.

    good luck to you, but this will pass I am sure.

    (OFC there was this one barb trying to KS me on OHT daily... the guy must be an oracle/hyper nub cuz he was still using FR during mob fights at 90+ b:laugh)

    OH yeah.. if you want some better damage output, drop on a Jones Blessing (Free! From Facebook Connect!). I thoroughly enjoy hitting 16k crits with Bestial Onslaught 10 b:dirty
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Not so much as a QQ session as it is a place to vent and get some advice. I am almost at my wit's end trying to level up my Barb, now level 46. Between his incredibly low damage output because we don't have enough spirit for both tanking and damage skills, and the most annoying, ranged classes KSing EVERYTHING IN THE F'ING AREA!

    I run from one side all the way to the other, only to have the spell caster (It's usually ALWAYS a veno, btw) tag the mob quick. I move to another area, and the same thing is happening. My guildies are helpful, but, I try not to bother them a lot with simple things like helping me grind out quests.

    The thing that goes through my head is this. We wonder why there aren't so many high level barbs in the game because of these several reasons.

    1. Can't tank and do damage in the leveling process, making them tough to level.
    2. Damage output lot to begin with
    3. no ranged abilities to help tag mobs
    4. Other players just pushing the player to the point that they give up and roll a ranged class.

    If anyone has any advice on how to get through this, I would appreciate it. I am seriously thinking of hanging up the hammers for my psychic or archer. I already replaced my genie with a Zeal to have a pulling method, but, that ability uses A LOT of stam and energy, leaving my with nothing to help with damage output either. Also, I don't think a debuff is enough to "tag" the mob for the kill either.

    Everyone shiats on barbs until they need one for an instance. Funny how that works...
    I only have a level 90 barb, but if you already know how to play a barb by now (it's not terribly difficult as the more difficult PVE stuff is later on and you'll get first hand experience learning like every other barb) just use oracles til 60s+. If your learning curve is rather low then simply grind it out I suppose. Mid level quests tend to be annoying and boringly repetitive ad nauseam regardless of class, but barb dmg output early on is ****, their accuracy tends to be **** when you are going for an actual tank build, and thus it takes forever to kill mobs. Plus, as you mentioned, the likelihood of KS is higher. I don't see how this could possibly be fun for people, especially if they had the kind of attention span most players do.

    Another method is stack BH29's from the Head Hunter and either find a squad, or if you can't, try to find someone to help you. That will level you quickly past the boring and crappy levels (for all classes really).
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yeah, what the above posters said: grab some BHs and do those to hopefully outlevel the quests where things get stolen from you. As you level up more, there's less and less people around to KS you, so keep at it.

    I remember it was a nightmare to level through my 60's cause I was there about the same time the rest of the server was. But be persistent, do ALL your dailies whenever you can, and you'll make it through just fine.