Cut the jive

haybails Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2010 in General Discussion
I see what you're all trying to do but you will all still lose and you will defeat those that still want to see improvement in the game itself. You're not doing any favours for yourselves or anyone else.

The real reason for all the nastiness isn't the new mods, they're an easy target in your eyes for a bit of fun, to follow up other recent events on these boards.

It is long overdue. As much as you did, many want the CM to realise the truth of the matter and that truth isn't about the mods.
Post edited by haybails on


  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And who the f[enter rest of word] are you?
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm just gonna let the other people who have something to say on this subject say it. They'll probably say it better than me anyway. :D
  • haybails
    haybails Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It really doesn't matter who I am as to whether there is justification for anything. Regardless of who I am, I'll likely get banned for this.

    Everyone is putting extra effort into playing up because some people have been banned and we have new mods.

    Why were so many good people banned? Only indirectly because of the new mods. The real reason is found in history before the mods were announced.

    Everyone has been trying to get answers about several subjects, always being fobbed off with a thread for all this or all that, which is promised as being used for the good of the community. It's a discussion we are told. We all know this is not so! It's for us to waste our posts in a nice package to be disposed of. What happens next? A new thread is made to get the attention of. Out comes the stick, poking in the eyes, post there or else! No answers.

    Who's fault? Not ours, not the mods.

    There are 2 words which start the same...

    Communication and Community.

    This is where the forums were lost and went feral. The Community Manager and PWE lost the forum going playerbase by failing to communicate. We're not seen as a community, more a commodity, an item on a supermarket shelf, normally replaceable but sometimes out of stock or discontinued.

    Sure, there needs to be balance with the community and the corporate side but there should be some semblance of support for us? There's a few stickied threads just doesn't cut it, especially when there is no feedback and what we do see is nothing at all, just an empty line. We're working on something.

    Tell us the truth, stand up for us, prove you have a backbone for the right fight, not just blitzing everyone with the ban-hammer because it's the easiest thing to do! All that does is spur on the rest to make things more difficult for the mods and the CM

    Everyone has been trying for ages to tell everything that is wrong to you guys at PWE. Goodness knows what the people in the offices are doing there! The result is a lot of wonderful people going through this last hurrah, banging their heads and basically calling to get banned in the final hope that, just maybe, Frankie will notice what the hell is wrong. Sadly, as yet our CM still doesn't see it!

    The CM moniker could never hold respect for ever. Frankie, if it is the way you are ordered to run things around here, it is a great shame that you have not stood your ground more for the players and the game. All this constant closure, apparently not listening and definitely not communicating shows a lack of respect to those that trusted. No respect shown, it's hard to see where respect will be given.

    Now everyone, are the new mods really that bad and to blame? Please tell me how far off the mark is this?
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Darkness always conquers the Light.

    Wait, nvm.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    haybails wrote: »
    It really doesn't matter who I am as to whether there is justification for anything. Regardless of who I am, I'll likely get banned for this.

    Everyone is putting extra effort into playing up because some people have been banned and we have new mods.

    Why were so many good people banned? Only indirectly because of the new mods. The real reason is found in history before the mods were announced.

    Everyone has been trying to get answers about several subjects, always being fobbed off with a thread for all this or all that, which is promised as being used for the good of the community. It's a discussion we are told. We all know this is not so! It's for us to waste our posts in a nice package to be disposed of. What happens next? A new thread is made to get the attention of. Out comes the stick, poking in the eyes, post there or else! No answers.

    Who's fault? Not ours, not the mods.

    There are 2 words which start the same...

    Communication and Community.

    This is where the forums were lost and went feral. The Community Manager and PWE lost the forum going playerbase by failing to communicate. We're not seen as a community, more a commodity, an item on a supermarket shelf, normally replaceable but sometimes out of stock or discontinued.

    Sure, there needs to be balance with the community and the corporate side but there should be some semblance of support for us? There's a few stickied threads just doesn't cut it, especially when there is no feedback and what we do see is nothing at all, just an empty line. We're working on something.

    Tell us the truth, stand up for us, prove you have a backbone for the right fight, not just blitzing everyone with the ban-hammer because it's the easiest thing to do! All that does is spur on the rest to make things more difficult for the mods and the CM

    Everyone has been trying for ages to tell everything that is wrong to you guys at PWE. Goodness knows what the people in the offices are doing there! The result is a lot of wonderful people going through this last hurrah, banging their heads and basically calling to get banned in the final hope that, just maybe, Frankie will notice what the hell is wrong. Sadly, as yet our CM still doesn't see it!

    The CM moniker could never hold respect for ever. Frankie, if it is the way you are ordered to run things around here, it is a great shame that you have not stood your ground more for the players and the game. All this constant closure, apparently not listening and definitely not communicating shows a lack of respect to those that trusted. No respect shown, it's hard to see where respect will be given.

    Now everyone, are the new mods really that bad and to blame? Please tell me how far off the mark is this?

    I agree. Though I do hope all the raging will be taken as a sign that something should change. The message here is transparency. People are sick of not having a way to communicate. Fix that and you have fixed 95% of the complaints [whether or not they actually come out and say it, most of this anger is really because of the lies and deception, not so much the little things].
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And how do you expect anyone to suggest improvements when any post with negative feedback in it is censored?
  • haybails
    haybails Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I agree. Though I do hope all the raging will be taken as a sign that something should change. The message here is transparency. People are sick of not having a way to communicate. Fix that and you have fixed 95% of the complaints [whether or not they actually come out and say it, most of this anger is really because of the lies and deception, not so much the little things].

    I can see the only change will be that the mods cop it from the GM's, despite doing their best in impossible circumstances and the same for any mod thereafter. Should start top down but this won't. Pitiful really.
    And how do you expect anyone to suggest improvements when any post with negative feedback in it is censored?

    Alas I don't have that answer to hand...
  • Admante - Dreamweaver
    Admante - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I lol'd.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And how do you expect anyone to suggest improvements when any post with negative feedback in it is censored?

    It's not my intent to come off as pro mod/GM. But it seems like the actual censoring comes with filter circumvention. I agree that they are locking too many things before discussions can be had, which I'm not sure if you meant that by censorship. But the actual posts themselves, you can say "I hate what's going on right now" without being blocked. Airyll was a good example in the original mod thread. And she's still not banned yet I believe?
  • haybails
    haybails Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It's not my intent to come off as pro mod/GM. But it seems like the actual censoring comes with filter circumvention. I agree that they are locking too many things before discussions can be had, which I'm not sure if you meant that by censorship. But the actual posts themselves, you can say "I hate what's going on right now" without being blocked. Airyll was a good example in the original mod thread. And she's still not banned yet I believe?

    The filter is one thing, many posts recently have been locked for bashing staff. That's the difficult part to get around while at the same time trying to get them to understand. As you say, Airy is a good example of how to get it as good as possible.

    It's no wonder people are trying hard to get banned, so they have the ready made excuse to quit and no longer care while getting that last chance message across. I'm sure many don't want to go but having tried so damn hard to actually help and just get repeatedly kicked and fobbed off, it's no surprise.
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    It's not my intent to come off as pro mod/GM. But it seems like the actual censoring comes with filter circumvention. I agree that they are locking too many things before discussions can be had, which I'm not sure if you meant that by censorship. But the actual posts themselves, you can say "I hate what's going on right now" without being blocked. Airyll was a good example in the original mod thread. And she's still not banned yet I believe?

    What set me off was that Grim edited my post because I said the new mods suck. Now the word "suck" is not filtered, so I was not circumventing anything. What made me facepalm even more was he cheekily put "I saw that" after editing out the black text that said "new mods suck" as though he thought he was SO clever to find my hidden message.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    haybails wrote: »
    The filter is one thing, many posts recently have been locked for bashing staff. That's the difficult part to get around while at the same time trying to get them to understand. As you say, Airy is a good example of how to get it as good as possible.

    It's no wonder people are trying hard to get banned, so they have the ready made excuse to quit and no longer care while getting that last chance message across. I'm sure many don't want to go but having tried so damn hard to actually help and just get repeatedly kicked and fobbed off, it's no surprise.

    True, I've followed the threads as closely as I could..some stuff slipped by because it's been moving rather fast. The bashing posts have been censored for the most part. I can understand why they'd do that [think of a new player coming into the forums and seeing this; naturally they want a better image, even if it is a false one]. And I don't agree with extreme censorship because the lack of communication on here has become such a problem. But I think the mods/Gms just decided to enforce their rules extra harshly right now, giving the appearance of inconsistency, and pissing people off even more-the ones who were banned broke rules, but rules that were previously not monitored too much.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    What set me off was that Grim edited my post because I said the new mods suck. Now the word "suck" is not filtered, so I was not circumventing anything. What made me facepalm even more was he cheekily put "I saw that" after editing out the black text that said "new mods suck" as though he thought he was SO clever to find my hidden message.

    Now that I can agree is a bit much.
  • LOKl_ - Harshlands
    LOKl_ - Harshlands Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And how do you expect anyone to suggest improvements when any post with negative feedback in it is censored?

    I would advise locking individual flaming posts in that thread... Let the discussion stay alive but silencing only the trolls.... Don't feed the beast
  • Byebyebye - Archosaur
    Byebyebye - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    U dont jive me U jive turkey!
  • _Nuriko_ - Lost City
    _Nuriko_ - Lost City Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Do the hand jive :O
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    haybails wrote: »
    Now everyone, are the new mods really that bad and to blame? Please tell me how far off the mark is this?
    They're not to blame.

    From what they've written so far, they both seem to see themselves as Deputies charged with the task of using frontier justice to subdue a lawless town, and they were chosen by the Sheriff and have his support, so I don't blame them for trying to do their job.

    They are simply sincere followers trusting that the leadership (ie. the company) knows what it is doing.

    Of course, what you, I, and 90% of the forums realizes is that we're not a bunch of lawless thugs in need of discipline, but rather a large group of otherwise law-abiding citizens who are tired of being lied to and ignored.
    PWI Merchanting Guides:
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I would advise locking individual flaming posts in that thread... Let the discussion stay alive but silencing only the trolls.... Don't feed the beast

    And what if telling the mods that they should stop closing innocent threads is considered flame?
  • LOKl_ - Harshlands
    LOKl_ - Harshlands Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And what if telling the mods that they should stop closing innocent threads is considered flame?

    I said not the whole thread.... I mean for example... Lets say I flame you (as an example not real) and call you a.... Lint licker (stride commercial is on in the background don't ask)b:chuckle

    So they block my speech for just this post and leave the entire thread open for more discussion with the note from the gm stating this is your warning. if you flame again we will ban you until you learn some civility.

    3 posts down I come back on you or someone else with.... FURBALL!!!! (looking at a barb in game atm again don't ask)

    And so they silence me again and state... Your account has been banned from the forum Pls pm me here if you wish to discuss it... If not then the bann will be lifted (insert time here) 24 hours a week... whatever.

    Only I get muted... you and everyone else continues the discussion... no reason to lock the entire thread for one stupid individual