Questions about Veno

jpopfan2 Posts: 17 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Venomancer
this is my first thread so I'm sorry for any misatkes. ^^

In the Thread started by _Twix ( ) I have read about many different things beside the actual topic.
One of these things was tanking several mobs with the pet. Well it seems kind of obvious, but the thing is, it is not mentioned how he avoided aggro while healing if not pulling aggro was the case.
In FB19 when my pet was attacked by 2 mobs and almost died I healed him but as everyone knows also pulled aggro from the mob my pet was not attacking. That's why I was kinda interested in that Post.
Could the reason for me not beeing able to hold aggro be either I'm doing too much dmg or my pet dealing too less to hold aggro. Notice : my Glacial Walker only has that one Elemental Bash he started with, I didn't level it up. My current level is 47 and whenever I attack the mob with my pet, after a few hits he is going for me, even though I always let my pet attack first with his Bash.

What is the better choice for pet skills the Elemental Bashes or the Physical Bash?
I gave it some thoughts and was thinking that Elemental Bashes would be better because I'm ignoring those mobs with "Increased Magical Resistence" anyway, thus resulting in an advantage against mobs with "Increased Physical Defense", because unlike the Physical Bash the Elemental Bash isn't reduced in this case. Or should I go for Fleash Rearm (or whatever it is called ^^).
And can u tell me, what is better suited for holding aggro and whats better in what situation or whats better for PVE or PVP.

Btw. I'm playing on a PVE Server if I'm not mistaken, so can I go Pure Mag or is it recommended to invest some Points in Vit.
Investing e.g. 50 Points in Vit results in ~500 hp if I can remember correctly, so is it rly that useful? Could u please give me some reasons regarding that matter.

Well I also want a Herc as fast as possible ^^. However, when, where and how should I farm the coins for him? ^^
At the moment I'm farming Hay with my Psyschic and sell them to farm the coins or farming Leather with my Veno to sell them ( all in the Action House obviously ), but it takes ages, so I thought, should I start farming at a higher level, as most said in TT?

This may sound stupid but can you please list all abbreviations? ^^ Whenever I read through Threads i cannot seem to understand all, such as FCC etc...

Well it is much ^^
But thanks for any answers.
Post edited by jpopfan2 on


  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Because I didn't know how to edit my post, i just used the Reply button ^^.

    If I intend to stay as a caster should I go for Sage or Demon?
    To be honest up till now I did not even invest coins and spirits to get even one skill from the Fox-Tree except lvl 1 Forform.
    As I read in this Thread a Veno should make use of his AMP ( I guess amplify ) and other debuffs, i was wondering how I as a Caster am able to perform them? Should I go for Foxform use skills and run back turn back to Humanform and start Casting? ^^
    You may think its stupid, but I'm more the type to play PVE then PVP or TW.
    As Desiree said in that Post a Pure Mag Veno will always be second to the actual Caster Classes, so should I rethink my way and start investing for the Vit-Arcane??
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry I keep forgetting things b:surrender

    I was always wondering, whether the fact that Air pets only deal half the dmg vs ground mobs is correct, because I often see people using their Skatefishes or Sawflies to grind on ground mobs.

    And I was thinking of getting an Air pet ( saddly but true, I dont have one yet ^^ ). Up till now I didn't feel the need to have one, because I asked my brother ( Archer, a few lvls higher than I am ) to help dealing with Air Quests. However, I am not playing so frequently as my brother is doing so I thought about getting one, but I cannot decide which one to take and the alone thought about leveling them up gives me creeps b:laugh.

    So in terms of usefulness which one is better? Skatefish or Sawfly? (Please don't start having sound agruments )
    In the air I often encounter Wood Element Mobs so I thought a Skatefish with his Metal Elemental Bash would be doing a good job, but how is it looking in Higher Levels, because I dont know what Elements I am going to encounter so I need some advise.

    Ohh, can someone state the reasons why it is recommended to go for a Herc first than a Nix besides his tanking abilities for the Squad?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    (1)That's a common question that all Venomancers come across! You stole aggro back then because your pet didn't generate aggro on the second mob so when you healed it, the mob came after you.
    To avoid this, when another mob attacks your pet quickly make your pet switch target. Click the second mob and then an attack of your pet. The pet will switch target and both mobs will have their hate on the pet. That's how you sucessfully do AOE grinding with 2...3...4...even 10 mobs (depends on pet). You must have your pet switch target often. Don't just don't heal it unless it has hit every mob first. If the pet is close to dying and there are mobs that are not hit yet you have two options: stow the pet or let it die and run away -or- heal it if you believe you can survive a few hits from the mob(s).

    Bash is essential to be leveled. The mobs will start getting tougher, more aggressive as well as travel in packs. However, in your case, it's also that you are probably spamming your skills. A tank pet naturally has lower attack and DPS than other pets who were made specifically for attack & dps. But even those attack pets won't hold the aggro if you are not careful with your own attacks. My advice is to wait a few seconds between your attacks or between two attacks. At later levels you'll find yourself stealing aggro from the pet very very easily. Let alone if you have jone's blessing.

    (2) It's said that physical and elemental bash as equal and I believe the same. I have tested it out a bit and it seems to work in the same way. An elemental bash will help you indeed against an element that Venomancers are naturally weak against (eg. metal).
    Don't replace Flesh Ream with Bash but if you have extra slot Flesh Ream is a good skill to have around. Bash has shorter cooldown therefore you can spam it more often than Flesh. So even if Flesh actually generates more aggro in a hit than Bash...being able to use Bash more often will generate more aggro or will generate aggro more often than Flesh.
    Flesh Ream is good for PvP because it has a bug and it hits at full power unlike the other attacks which are reduced.

    (3) It's up to you. In a PvE server you probably don't need Vit that much. If you have a good pet and manage to control it properly so that you don't get hit you can even play the game without armour! xD ha ha. On normal mobs at least. Personally I added some Vit just because I wanted to. Do as you wish. Besides if you are unhappy you are reset your points anytime as long as you can afford the reset note item!

    (4)Right now TT is not worth it. The prices for the mats have dropped a lot so I'd say no TT unless you feel like doing the runs.You can farm herbs & mats because people will always keep manufacturing so those will sell. There's also the merchanting technique where you check AH or catshops and buy cheap items and sell them at a higher price but there you need to know the average price of said item and how much people seek it. Either way I don't think you can get Hercules before lvl80/90 if you are planning to use in-game coins. Just be patient ^^

    (5) It would be more helpful giving us what abbreviations you specifically want to know but you can visit this. It has a list of every possible abbreviation used in the game. I love it!

    (6) Even if you prefer caster do not ignore your fox skill tree otherwise you'll miss half of the potential of your Venomancer. Skills like amplified damage are essential because in squads you will be asked to use it. Purge will also come in very handy at certain bosses. Leech (which restores x amount of HP) and Beffuding mist (reduce x amount of enemy's accuracy - equals great evasion) will save your life at times and Fox Form itself is important. Yes you'll have to switch forms inbetween and stuff but personally I find it fun. Also even as a caster the Physical defence bonus it gives will save your life at times. I love using Bramble Hood + Fox Form to get away in tight situations (especially that I have Demon fox and I can get insane speed without the need of holy path).
    Whether you choose Sage or Demon it's entirely up to you. There's not such thing as "this is for caster", "this is for fox". Both sides have their pros and cons. It depends on what you want, your playstyle, what you like and if you learn how to use the right skill in the right moment. I suggest that you visit and read the description of the Sage/Demon skills and decide what you like.

    Also yes, pure mag veno is still inferior (in terms of attack) to a Wizard or a Psychic but that doesn't mean Pure-Mag is out of the question as a build.

    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    1. For your pet to actually have aggro on both mobs for you to heal without pulling aggro is the pet attacking both mobs. Your pet doesn't have aggro on the mobs if he doesn't attack. So if there are two mobs on your pet, let the pet attack them both and then heal. Don't worry, if you don't get a grip of this on your first time, keep training and eventually it will be easier once your pet levels with you and can actually stand a few hits without being healed.
    About your pet not keeping aggro, this will happen quite frequently because of some of these reasons:
    -You hit too hard for your pet's Bash to keep aggro
    -Your pet is a lot lower leveled than you
    -Your pet's aggroing skill may need to be leveled

    Also when you get more higher in levels, if you lose aggro from your pet, in most cases, rhe mob will be killed before it reaches you or even just one hit at you.

    2. To be honest, I never knew that there were two kinds of Bash. My pet has Bash. Just Bash. However I think the Bash you have now is fine. (If I'm wrong someone please correct me). Aggrogimg skills you should go for are either: - Bash - Flesh Realm

    3. Builds is totally up to you. You have a choice of going Pure Mag, Vit-Arcane, HA (High Armor - more physical veno, which wouldn't really be a good choice if you want to be the caster type)
    Whatever you enjoy going for, so it. Personally, I like investing some points in Vit. Having some decent health can save your **** in really squishy moments. Going pure mag means lower health at the cost of doing more damage. As for HA venos, they're basically more to the physical - fox form and fox skills are mostly used than caster - type. They have much more physocal defence and lower magical resistance. Kind of sort of like a BM but not much.

    4. You have many ways to do so and some of them are:
    - Merchant (buy cheap, sell a bit more expemsive to generate profit)
    - Sell TT mats
    - Herb hunting and selling them

    Also there is a sticky guide in the Beginner's guide called "Money-making: How to do it" It will benefit you.

    5.I'm not really an expert on Raging Tides way of using abrevations because I noticed they tend to differ from server to server. Some famous ones:

    - FFC, FC, FF : Forgotten Frostland (80+ dungeon)
    - TT (Twilight Temple)
    - BH ( Bounty Hunter 40+)
    - FB (Fu Ben)
    - SoT (Seat of Torment, a type of BH)
    - RB Gamma, delta (Rebirth Gamma, delta are instances you do at 75+)
    - WTB (willing to buy)
    - WTS (willing to sell)
    - WTT (willing to trade)
    - OBO (or best offer)

    6. I'd suggest waiting to decide that. When you play more and see which way you tend to more, you'll kmow it. Still got some time before 89. ;) Also for a caster, the two skills you will SURELY need are Purge and Amplify Damage. I started a thread about that and got some nice responses. Also, Soul Degeneration is pretty good too. Now as I said before, the build is totally up to you.
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry I keep forgetting things b:surrender

    I was always wondering, whether the fact that Air pets only deal half the dmg vs ground mobs is correct, because I often see people using their Skatefishes or Sawflies to grind on ground mobs.

    And I was thinking of getting an Air pet ( saddly but true, I dont have one yet ^^ ). Up till now I didn't feel the need to have one, because I asked my brother ( Archer, a few lvls higher than I am ) to help dealing with Air Quests. However, I am not playing so frequently as my brother is doing so I thought about getting one, but I cannot decide which one to take and the alone thought about leveling them up gives me creeps b:laugh.

    So in terms of usefulness which one is better? Skatefish or Sawfly? (Please don't start having sound agruments )
    In the air I often encounter Wood Element Mobs so I thought a Skatefish with his Metal Elemental Bash would be doing a good job, but how is it looking in Higher Levels, because I dont know what Elements I am going to encounter so I need some advise.

    Ohh, can someone state the reasons why it is recommended to go for a Herc first than a Nix besides his tanking abilities for the Squad?

    Tanking ground mobs with an air pet is a bannable offence as far as I know. The reason people do this is because the ground mob can't attack the air pet. Bit you'll need an air pet to tank air mobs for a few quests.. However, I don't have either of these, I have a piggy. Not sure what the 'official' name is but I think it's the Windwalking Pig or something like that.

    As for a Herc or a Nix. Herc is for tanking, Nix is for dealing damage. In squads, they want tankers most of the time. While Nix is more for PvP/TW purposes because it deals damage and PvP or TW, people go and attack the person not their pets anywyas so the Herc is not really useful in those areas, however, some people use them in TW before, don't know why tbh. b:surrender
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I was always wondering, whether the fact that Air pets only deal half the dmg vs ground mobs is correct, because I often see people using their Skatefishes or Sawflies to grind on ground mobs.

    And I was thinking of getting an Air pet ( saddly but true, I dont have one yet ^^ ). Up till now I didn't feel the need to have one, because I asked my brother ( Archer, a few lvls higher than I am ) to help dealing with Air Quests. However, I am not playing so frequently as my brother is doing so I thought about getting one, but I cannot decide which one to take and the alone thought about leveling them up gives me creeps b:laugh.

    So in terms of usefulness which one is better? Skatefish or Sawfly? (Please don't start having sound agruments )
    In the air I often encounter Wood Element Mobs so I thought a Skatefish with his Metal Elemental Bash would be doing a good job, but how is it looking in Higher Levels, because I dont know what Elements I am going to encounter so I need some advise.

    Ohh, can someone state the reasons why it is recommended to go for a Herc first than a Nix besides his tanking abilities for the Squad?

    Ah it's ok b:chuckle it's better to ask than stay clueless. I'm glad you are here willing to learn.
    I never really tested it but I do think air pets have a damage reduction when fighting ground or water mobs.
    I know that Sawfly has the highest attack out of all air pets (if we don't include the Phoenix) but the Skatefish seem to be close to it so I believe that it doesn't matter which one you choose. You might want the skatefish for the looks and the fact that it has no sound effect (if sound annoys you). I'm not sure about the element of higher level air mobs. I just don't sorry I can't answer that but you do encounter other elements. At my level range I had been fighting fire element air mobs.

    The way things are now with these updates I don't know if it matters anymore. Hercules was recommended because you can solo instances at earlier levels than non-herc Venomancers as well as instances non-herc Venomancers will never be able to solo. So people usually went soloing TTs, getting money from the mats and getting a the Phoenix later from the money. Like I said, TT mats are not so worth it anymore (besides there are a lot of people who have the weapons/armour already which you can buy). However, I still believe a Hercules should come first if you prefer PvE and love soloing things. Phoenix is amazing but you can't use it in instances which is the major drawback.
    That's just an opinion however. I know people who bought/will buy the Phoenix first and I have to say the Phoenix has a great defence itself (it has the same amount of physical defence as an unbuffed Hercules and way higher magic defence than unbuffed Hercules).
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    For your seventh question, you can use your air pet against any mob, except Gouf, Kimsa, and Quillhog king. Other than that, you should be fine.

    The reasons for these three are because you are exploiting a bug/glitch and those bosses won't be able to attack back.

    Sorry for my mistake, thought it applies for all mobs but I checked.
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thanks you two helped me quite a lot and now I seem to get the main difference between Fox and Human, if I got it right, the Foxform allows for Squad Members to do significantly better because of all the debuffs, while Humanform lose importance as end-game approaches, because you don't really have the time to do other things besides using debuff spells.

    So in this regard putting some Vit for HP is essential because of the low range of those spells I guess or are they also ranged?
    And can you tell me at which point of the game HP seems to start getting more Important? Like doing TT runs starting from 60 or so.

    And the matter about hitting all mobs before healing b:laugh I never even thought about that thanks very much ^^
    Btw. about AOE at what lvl should I start AOE? And Well I still dont have that Noxious Gas Skill which I beacuse I still didn't finish that Culti xD. Way too hard bosses for me and my brother to do alone. But luckily I have a High lvl Assasin friend 9x who helps me but, she isn't online that much too help so for now I guess I keep lvling until we can do it xD.
    However, if I get that Noxious Gas spell is it recommended to start AOEing? Well its only 1 Aoe spell with relatively high cooldown i guess, so should I wait to get it to a higher lvl before starting or wait a 2nd AOE spell?
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thanks you two helped me quite a lot and now I seem to get the main difference between Fox and Human, if I got it right, the Foxform allows for Squad Members to do significantly better because of all the debuffs, while Humanform lose importance as end-game approaches, because you don't really have the time to do other things besides using debuff spells.

    So in this regard putting some Vit for HP is essential because of the low range of those spells I guess or are they also ranged?
    And can you tell me at which point of the game HP seems to start getting more Important? Like doing TT runs starting from 60 or so.

    And the matter about hitting all mobs before healing b:laugh I never even thought about that thanks very much ^^
    Btw. about AOE at what lvl should I start AOE? And Well I still dont have that Noxious Gas Skill which I beacuse I still didn't finish that Culti xD. Way too hard bosses for me and my brother to do alone. But luckily I have a High lvl Assasin friend 9x who helps me but, she isn't online that much too help so for now I guess I keep lvling until we can do it xD.
    However, if I get that Noxious Gas spell is it recommended to start AOEing? Well its only 1 Aoe spell with relatively high cooldown i guess, so should I wait to get it to a higher lvl before starting or wait a 2nd AOE spell?

    When you start squadding more with people for BHs, TTs, and other thinhs of the sort. If uou want to put Vit, you can start at 50+ and I would say start by putting 2 poimts every 2 levels, 3 at higher levels if you want.

    You have two AoE spells, Noxious Gas, and Parasitic Nova. You can statt AoEing as soon as you get them. It will come in handy later. Noxious gas' cooldown will take less and less time everytime you upgrade it. Parasitic Nova is good amd I only use it at really appropriate moments since it costs two sparks to cast.
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well with the help of that Money-making Guide I already had 3m till lvl 40 because I have 4 Genies, but I already spent 2m for weaps b:cry for my wheel and other weaps for my psyschic and coins for my brothers weaps, saddly. However, I really hope to get my Herc early ^^
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry I keep asking questions xD.

    About the Tomes people say that "feed" the pet, does it mean it actually feeds them, meaning it gives them Loyality or does it mean it stops them from losing it?
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry I keep asking questions xD.

    About the Tomes people say that "feed" the pet, does it mean it actually feeds them, meaning it gives them Loyality or does it mean it stops them from losing it?

    Equipping a tome will STOP your pet from getting hungry meaning that it will not lose loyalty points HOWEVER, it doesn't not give it loyality points. When your pet dies, it will still lose loyalty points and you will need food to recover the lost points but the tome stops the pet from needing food every once in a while and changing it's hunger state.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ah AOE....I love it!
    Like Serenity has stated you can start AOE grinding once you obtain your AOE skills otherwise it can't be called AOE.

    As a caster you have two AOE spells, Noxious Gas and Parasitic Nova. As a fox you have again two AOE spells, Befuddling Mist and Malefic Crush (melee-short range).
    Like mentioned above me, Parasitic Nova burns two sparks so I rarely use it when I AOE grind alone , in squads however it becomes a very useful skill because of Nova's ability to seal targets (67% chance to do it). I prefer to keep the two sparks for Bramble Hood because I'm also the reckless type of person. So whenever I steal aggro for more than one mobs I quickly cast Bramble hood on me. If it's close to ending the fight I just keep attacking them if not then I change into Fox Form and run in the middle close to my pet. I use Befuddling Mist to lower their accuracy, Leech if/when my HP is going down, heal pet if needed and cast Myriad Rainbow Fox form which is also AOE (but it's a lvl79 skill which you have to manufacture yourself). During that time I have my pet still aggro back from the mobs while Noxious Gas's cooldown has ended and I can use it again.
    In other words as a caster you'll mostly just use Noxious Gas (on solo) and that's why I love using the Fox Form's AOEs and attacks (I have leveled melee mastery too) so things will keep being exciting. Malefic Crush also consumes two sparks and causes mana burn (useless on mobs) so I don't use it unless I feel like it (because of the looks).

    Also yes your HP matters once you start joining squads. Well, just as you level up you'll have to face more and more AOE bosses and mobs. BHs won't matter that much (except BH69 I guess). TT and other dungeons like it (FCC, Lunar) will matter. Bosses there will have horrible AOE debuffs and/or strong AOE attacks.

    Lvl50 should be the start. However, remember that at later levels (like lvl70+) you should be able to afford refines for your equipment (even just +1 or +2) and refines & shards will give you more HP that Vit points. I'm just mentioning this so you won't focus on your Vit points only.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Again thanks to you 2 ^^.

    About your recommendation that I should visit ecatomb it helped me, hoever, the Demon and Sage path is appealing to me. Too bad I can't choose which spell from what Path i want b:laugh

    With every hit you gain Chi right, so hitting many mobs with AOE spells result in more Chi?

    Assuming I get Demon ( Woodmastery and Meleemastery ) does it give me 5% crit?b:laugh

    Inspiration for writing in color by Desdi ^^
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Colours FTW! lol b:laugh

    About that I'm not sure. Though Noxious Gas gives a nice amount of chi itself I doubt the DoTs you get from it give chi over time to you. I haven't noticed anything like that. Also the amount of mobs you hit doesn't count because the chi you consume or gain depends on the skill itself not the hit. Even if you miss you gain/consume chi. You just gain/consume chi by using it.

    If in total they give 5% critical hit then yes you'll have 5%. Plus that there are weapons, tomes and rings (yes even magic rings) that give you critical hit, you can achieve a nice amount of critical hit with no dex!

    Ecotomb and PWpedia should become your best friends b:chuckle
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Again thanks to you 2 ^^.

    About your recommendation that I should visit ecatomb it helped me, hoever, the Demon and Sage path is appealing to me. Too bad I can't choose which spell from what Path i want b:laugh

    With every hit you gain Chi right, so hitting many mobs with AOE spells result in more Chi?

    Assuming I get Demon ( Woodmastery and Meleemastery ) does it give me 5% crit?b:laugh

    Inspiration for writing in color by Desdi ^^

    Don't worry, I was really confused too until about level 80 when I became really sure of what I wanted ^^

    Also, yes you do gain chi by each spell you cast except for Ironwood Scarab because it costs chi to cast. I think this is the only chi-taking skill.

    Hmm...About getting Demon and it giving you 5% crit, I have no clue about, maybe Desdi or someone else more experienced could tell you. ;D

    Edit: Ninja'ed b:sad
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Edit: Ninja'ed b:sad

    Because I stalk the forums b:laugh
    Ha ha well not really. I just happened to check the forums that moment.

    I checked and yes with Demon Wood Mastery and Melee Mastery you will have 5% critical hit. Hm that's nice.

    Ah and I want to correct myself on the previous post. By "plus" I didn't mean that you necessarily need Demon masteries in order to achive high critical hits without dex. Just that Demon masteries would give you an extra bonus which would also be permanent.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Both of you make Sage and Demon sound so nice and well I saw the spells myself, but hopefully when I reached lvl 80 I will have set my mind on one ^^
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The way I see Sage and Demon is like this:
    Sage - quite defensive type - for those who want to be sure that attacks will land and never miss
    Demon - quite offensive type - for those who like to risk for a chance to cause greater harm

    I chose Demon just because of that. In games I always choose the Debuffer and "chance to hit" types. I love the feeling of being Demon of which the skills will either save you or kill you. Sometimes I'm not lucky, things don't come out like I wished but when they do I love it!
    I'm not going Demon with all of my characters though xD

    EDIT: oops I chose the wrong colour ha ha
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So with the recent patchs, TT isn't what it seemed to be especially as a farming place, correct? That means for me getting a Herc will be more difficult ( but i will have him even if it is in the late 80's b:laugh ). So do you recommend grinding over quest starting from 40+ to farm?

    I read in a Thread that some neglet doing their quest and concentrate solely on farming. So should I do the same because TT doesn't seem to do its job as money farming place b:pleased

    Btw. to be always playing at full capacity does it also mean to have the latest lvl of Bash on the pet? ( lvl 40+ pet with lvl 3 Bash and lvl 60+ pet with lvl 4 Bash )

    Regarding Petskills can you give me some advice besides Bash?
    At the moment I'm using a Glacial Walker with only his skills, all skills on the same lvl as when I first catched him.
    I'm the lazy type so I will only be using this fellow even though he is so slow.b:chuckle

    Color-Inspration : Desdi b:laugh
  • Cocobelle - Sanctuary
    Cocobelle - Sanctuary Posts: 960 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So with the recent patchs, TT isn't what it seemed to be especially as a farming place, correct? That means for me getting a Herc will be more difficult ( but i will have him even if it is in the late 80's b:laugh ). So do you recommend grinding over quest starting from 40+ to farm?

    I read in a Thread that some neglet doing their quest and concentrate solely on farming. So should I do the same because TT doesn't seem to do its job as money farming place b:pleased

    Btw. to be always playing at full capacity does it also mean to have the latest lvl of Bash on the pet? ( lvl 40+ pet with lvl 3 Bash and lvl 60+ pet with lvl 4 Bash )

    Regarding Petskills can you give me some advice besides Bash?
    At the moment I'm using a Glacial Walker with only his skills, all skills on the same lvl as when I first catched him.
    I'm the lazy type so I will only be using this fellow even though he is so slow.b:chuckle

    Color-Inspration : Desdi b:laugh

    Grinding is always a good thing. Not only you gain rep from quests, you also gain exp and coins.

    That is entirely up to you. If you want to be updated with your gear and have to farm lots of things in TT, then I suggest you continue farming until you get everything you need. If it gets boring, just do other things such as quests, BH or grinding. Being in a squad is usually better to get things done fast. I'd suggest you do TT with friends.

    The Glacial Walker's beginning skills are fine (Bash 2, Icicle 2, Tough 2?), before I got my herc, I'm pretty sure I barely levelled those skills since I'd rather use the 200k to buy SoF/PF than upgrade the skills of a pet I'll be replacing. But that's just me, again.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well it's not just with the recent patches.
    The recent update just made things harder (at TT3-x) and gave a lower drop rate.

    The real reason, I believe, is the packs and the amount of high level players that we have today.
    The packs gave to players some cool armour and weapons that were superior to the TT ones so TT armour/weapons became less popular which equals mats being less popular which equals the lower price. Then there's also the many high levels out there. Back when I had reached lvl60 having the TT60 Ancient Arbour magic sword was the coolest thing ever but now you can do some really fast runs with high levels nad get the mats or buy the mats (now at 50k, back then at 100k+) or simply buy the sword itself (back then was 600k (cheapest - no shards) now it's like..300k? with shards). Almost everybody has TT armour/weapon so not many people need the mats anymore.
    The high level mats are still popular (TT80 gold....TT90 and TT99) but the lvl 60-70 ones are not so rare anymore, are not so wanted anymore, are not so expensive anymore.

    It's not bad to farm TT just don't focus on it too much. It's not useless, it's just not worth the time anymore. Imagine spending an hour in there and expecting to get 15 mats altogether and you end up with 7 (random number). This is what I'm talking about. In an hour you can farm mats or herbs and sell them in AH and get the same amount of money (or more) faster because TT mats won't always sell in a day but manufacturing mats most likely will.

    You can ignore the quest or you can do them along. However you wish but quests do give some money so I wouldn't say to ignore them completely. Especially not the hidden lvl 50 one (from elder of a Thousand Streams city) which gives about 100k or the Goshiki chain quest which gives 800k in total plus tons of mirages. Just remember one thing. It's a game and you are supposed to have fun! If the game becomes "a must do" then it's not a game anymore. Don't be very stressed about money and farming :)

    I think Bash can be kept up to date because you'll eventually start getting more and more money and 200k shouldn't hurt too much (considering you focus only on a pet since you are getting a Hercules). It will mostly be necessary to have it up to date when you'll find yourself tanking bosses and soloing FB/BHs for others or in the case you love spamming skills like me >_>

    I don't know what skills the Glacial Walker has because I never used it. Bash should have a good lvl and later tough should be leveled (at least...if you are still far from getting a herc). The rest can be left like that I think. Get a faster pet for luring however. Even if you don't intend to level it up. You can have it just for pulling. Fast or ranged pets can pull faster and more effectively. Your squad won't be happy if you can't lure fast. Some of them don't mind but some others get frustrated and the right luring pet will just make things go faster.
    In general, Venomancer is designed to use different pets for different occasions. At later levels (eg. lvl80) you'll be expected to have a fast/ranged luring pet, a good attack/debuff/DPS pet and in msot cases a Hercules.

    Well for now it's alright to just use just a pet, especially if you play alone or with a couple of friends. I kinda did the same thing ^^
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thanks for the detailed information.
    About the luring pet, I am just going to get myself an Eldergoth Sharpshooter cause he is in Sundown Town, where I am at the moment anyway.
    Regaring the matter of coin-farming, what do you think about me using my lvl 24 Psyschic for Hay-Farming. I'm selling 5 for about 60k, but when I read that _Tweakz got like 40m in 3 days only doing TT-runs, well I got like *wtf*b:shocked my 500k per day with my lvl 24 hay selling is in comparison minimal oO.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well, I don't know if I should believe others or not when they say those insane numbers. Especially when they don't mention how many hours they played, what TT they run exactly and how many mats they obtained, how fast those mat sold and for what price.
    If you can play 12 hours per day you can make a lot of money for sure and you have plenty of time to do a couple of TTs and farm mats.
    The hay is good as long as it sells and you also level up your sounds good! 500k for a lvl 24 characters sounds really good to me. Then again, I never was that great with money and I can't keep them in bank either. Knowing that they are virtual money I tend to spent them so much on things I like...
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Same hereb:laugh, I can't seem to keep my money.

    I just want so many things and eventually I end up with buying lots of stuffs b:shocked

    Well in one day i got so much information and I'm all set now xD.

    When I think back, I started that Thread about 9 am and now its 9 pm here. All of that in one day.

    Thank you, especially Desdi and SerenityMare
    This forum is awsome, nice people and fast answers and even detailed b:pleased.

    Whenever I feel the need for advise I will show up again and hey I might some day be the one who is giving advises b:laugh
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Anytime ^^

    Have fun playing and I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to ask any questions if you need anymore help.
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Today in the Morning at 2 am I finally got my Noxious Gas and I tried it and I even hit lvl 50 b:laugh, however I always seem to fail to get all with this spell, so can you give quick guide on how to? b:laugh

    Ah and btw, do you use Magic Swords in End-Game, because they have the highest Phy.Atk out of all Magicinstruments.So the Fox form gets more out of it. If that is the case, I was wondering why PWI is giving us Venos A Pataka as a Rank IX? xD

    And before I forget it, I just changed my mind Desdi, I try using more pets, as Veno is such a versatile Class with that many pets b:pleased.
    At the moment I am using a GLacial Walker, Dark Wanderer, Cloud Skatefish and an Eldergoth Sharpshooter.
    I will try to keep my Skatefish, Walker and Wanderer always on my level, but what about the Sharpshooter? I caught him for luring, so is it worth leveling him? Can he still succeed in luring against high level mobs, like 80+, even though he is lvl 46? Or should I just get a new one at a certain level?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You know...I have the same question about that Rank IX lol. They gave the sword to the Wizards instead (if i'm not mistaken) which is pretty weird.
    FB19 also rewards you will a pataka. They probably chose the as the "signature weapon" that characterises the class but with fox form around it doesn't make sense.

    For Noxious Gas you mean that while you AOE some of them don't get hit? If this is the case then it's because your Noxious Gas is still a baby b:chuckle The level 1 has only 4.5 metres around and the level 10 one has 9.0 metres. It will get better once you level it up ^^

    I know the sharpshooter is a great pet. I haven't used it personally but I've heard many Venomancers saying that they are able to tank Qinzi and FB39 bosses quite early because of the ability of the pet to do ranged damage. Those bosses I meantioned do less damage when they do ranged (especially Calcid, the second FB39 boss, he only does DoT fire attacks if you keep the distance) but it's up to you. Some people would just prefer the Walker because of the looks or just because they don't feel like leveling the Sharpshooter. However you do need to level it up a bit in the future because I'm sure there will be times where he'll get hit once or twice. The next ranged mob available is a lvl 91 (or lvl90?) cactus in Eden (fb89).
    Do you know about Room 4 in Cube of Fate? That's a place where you can train the pets faster and there are some other "mobs" near City of Raging Tides where you can train the air pets...but I keep forgetting the name

    Also, congrats on the level b:victory
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Mauntille - Heavens Tear
    Mauntille - Heavens Tear Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    +1 to Desdi, just filling in a couple holes...

    Like Desdi said, nox definitely gets better in the higher skill levels. You may want to try targetting mobs in the back center of the bunch if you're not hitting mobs you think you should be hitting.

    There are 2 cactopods in eden, levels 91 and 89, but yeah, keep the levels on the eldergoth up since those are a long time in coming.

    The flying mobs near Raging Tides are Staunch Worms, level 100. They're very easy to kill except that they are immune to magical damage. Normally you can just send your pet in to kill them, but they flee, so if your pet is too low level, you'll have to chase them around a bit.

    Grats on 50. :)
  • MaouHime - Raging Tide
    MaouHime - Raging Tide Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Omg xD
    And here I AOEed from lvl 20 mobs to 35 mobs to lvl my Skatefish xD and it was kinda funny b:laugh