squad box

XoxDARKIxox - Lost City
XoxDARKIxox - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Suggestion Box
hey all ... i thought about something i saw in other game ...

when u need squad u dnt find one maybe for BH . FB . HH and other things

but if there were a window or box that u can write in ur squad direction like " BH 39 " and u can make the lvl range of ppl join u .. this will be more easy for the game and same time the squad system would have the box of making members allow to invite others .. or not invite ... cuz it would be the leader " AFK "

second thing ... something i dnt like , its the less exp u get from squad

i thought about it and and got solution but no one understood it i hope GM or expert players to try to get it

my thinking was about some mobs that appear ... same mobs in the area but it have increased life and so it will be harder to kill and gives more exp

and it could be in diffrent sizes like normal mob .. bigger mob " its more exp more life " ... and giant mob " it will be huge and alot of exp maybe x8 exp or more "

this will be fun and make the game more intersting :D ...

anyway ... thx all
Post edited by XoxDARKIxox - Lost City on


  • Ashivas - Dreamweaver
    Ashivas - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Not 100% sure what you mean. But I would like the ability to put a customized message when looking for a squad, or more members for your existing squad. "Looking for more squad members" is almost 99% useless, gives no info as to what kind of squad, and usually it's ignored, only time i see it is when TW factions are preparing for a TW... Changing it to: "Looking for more BH69 squad members" would do wonders for the ease of finding/making squads. Just make it customizable.

    As to the extra exp, no.
    Ashura Tyrant you foul mouthed little boy! I must keel yew nao =3