Venomancer Basic's

goat111 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Venomancer
Hello There my name is DarkJess and this is my guide.

*This Guide Will Be Updated Every Month!*

*disclaimer*this is a guide to help people DO NOT TROLL! Thank you*
: I am making this guide because the other guides on the forums are outdated as of late.

On with the guide!

Basic Roles of a venomancer.
1.) Makes more money than any other class
2.) One of the fastest soloing classes/builds
3.) Great support for allies in party
4.) Only class that can solo Twilight Temple instance dungeon (with hercules pet)
5.) Only class currently that can pull/lure ->
(note this has changed since the addition of genies, but we are the only ones who can do it on certain bosses/mobs)


Arcane Armor: This build renders little defence. But has higher magical defence then the other types of armor. The stat build for this is 9mag 1 strength spread over 2 levels.

Vit/Arcane: same as Arcane Armor but with added Vit for extra hp.(reccomended

Light Armor: higher physical defence then Arcane build but lower magical defene and since mobs past level 60 are almost all magical this might not be best. The Build for type of armor is 3magic 1strength 1 dex per level u cannot afford to add other stats because it will mess up your armor or your magic weapon.

Heavy armor: DON’T ATTEMP UNTIL YOUR LEVEL 90+ AND RICH! And I wont cover it because its not for newbies ^_~
Post edited by goat111 on


  • goat111
    goat111 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    bumped =D
  • goat111
    goat111 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And Bumped
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why couldn't you just wait until you have all the information and make a thread?
  • goat111
    goat111 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i does but meh copy n pasty button broken D=
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    goat111 wrote: »
    i does but meh copy n pasty button broken D=

    Oh there is something wrong with copy and paste for some reason...
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I do mean this as constructive criticism but "makes more money than other classes"? Why not add "it's easy mode" if you're shooting for bad stereotypes...

    And shouldn't you add small print to that saying "Requires six months grinding, good merchanting skills or US$200 for Hercules Battle Pet."

    "Lower repair costs" - "Superb MP management" - There are many advantages to the class you can focus on without making such bold statements.
  • Manakel - Dreamweaver
    Manakel - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    goat111 wrote: »
    1.) Makes more money than any other class

    Not really. Plus, it's not "the basic role" of a veno, it's just a side avantage. Grinding, merchanting and cash-shopping for some, are far from being a veno ability. If you were talking about herc venos soloing TTs, yeah maybe... but beside cash-shopping, how do you get the money for the herc ? Just like other classes. Plus, unlike many people can think, venos with hercs soloing TTs aren't insanely rich either. I do have one, solo generally at least one 3-1 per day, and I'm not what I could call "rich". Well, anyways... Venos aren't here for making money, they are DDs, debuffers, pullers, can be tanks as well. b:beatup

    One other thing. There are already many, many guides abour venos builds/skills/pets etc... Why make another one, really ?

    Light Armor: higher physical defence then Arcane build but lower magical defene and since mobs past level 60 are almost all magical this might not be best.

    Ahem... That's what your pet is here for. And btw, if you fight those mobs in fox form, most of them will just melee you. Or you pet, again, if he's holding aggro.
    Heavy armor: DON'T ATTEMP UNTIL YOUR LEVEL 90+ AND RICH! And I wont cover it because its not for newbies ^_~

    Ok, so you're implicitly saying that people reading your guide are newbies ? Don't you think there could be some high-lvl venos, or lower ones planing on restating to HA later who would like some infos ?
    Plus... If no one tells the "newbies" about all the possibilities they have and just tell them "you're too low lvl to know", it's just like a parent saying "you're too young to know" to a child. That's often stupid, and in this case it is. People will remain "newbies" if no one ever tell them.
    Dreamweaver chars:
    Zahikel 101 Cleric, Celestial Demon
    Manakel 100 Veno, Demon (semi-retired)
    Kaeden 93 Archer, Demon
    Asthariel new Mystic :3
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd make a single thread for this..but thanks to what happened last time, Im not making threads here anymore.

    For upcoming venos - have confidence in your pet and your ability. Do not assume what your pet can and cannot handle. Go try it out on the mob and see for yourself.

    I say this because I've met some veno's who doubt themselves and their pets. Before I got herc, me and walker took on just about everything..

    "hmm can my pet tank 2 mobs at once..?"
    Walker can tank 6 at the most AND hold hate.

    ..As an example.

    Hmm yeah confidence is part of veno basics IMO.
  • rinuruc
    rinuruc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'd make a single thread for this..but thanks to what happened last time, Im not making threads here anymore.

    For upcoming venos - have confidence in your pet and your ability. Do not assume what your pet can and cannot handle. Go try it out on the mob and see for yourself.

    I say this because I've met some veno's who doubt themselves and their pets. Before I got herc, me and walker took on just about everything..

    "hmm can my pet tank 2 mobs at once..?"
    Walker can tank 6 at the most AND hold hate.

    ..As an example.

    Hmm yeah confidence is part of veno basics IMO.

    six mobs of which??? depends on your level a lot i think,... (assuming you dont mean a walker with hercskills or a walker with tough activated during the time you hit six of em, because by the time you got the sixth, tough is over, and you got to spam heal al lthe time till pet kills one or two of em)
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't think venos are the only class thats good to make money. i always see clercs w good gear and alot better stuff. cuz clercs are much wanted in squad.
    its alot herc venos..and many herc venos have prob to get squad cuz its alredy so many of em.

    clerc are expeive class to lvl but at higer lvl u may get good stuff and lvl fast.

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    lol the irony. I am currently working on my Venomancer PvP Guide (for 90+ venos on PvP servers), which also includes much of the basics. Probably 75% done writing it and its 27+ pages of plain text copy-pasted into Microsoft Word so far. I guess I'll have to finish it up some time before school starts...