A Demon Or Sage Pyshic?

hulk008 Posts: 4 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Psychic
i was told demon is to pk and sage is to tank

i wana be able to kill mobs..i dont care about pk, so which way to go?
Post edited by hulk008 on


  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Both are good, imo.

    Generally Sage means more defense whereas Demon means more offense.

    For instance, Sage will extend the duration of Psychic Will (physical damage immunity), increase the duration of Soulburn and provide Bubble of Life with the ability to purify.

    Demon on the other hand will turn Tide Spirit into a crit machine, double the damage of Aqua Cannon (your hardest hitting AOE, other than Red Tide) and give Sandburst Blast a debuff that decreases the target's earth resistance.

    Another great example is Soul of Silence: Sage increases the silence duration to 5 seconds whereas demon increases the probability that the target even gets silenced. Glacial shards does the same (sage increases the duration of freeze, demon increases probability).

    I'd say go Demon if you want to be dangerous as hell to others, go Sage if you enjoy strategically using your skills and abilities to both save yourself and take down your opponent.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • KanariaRose - Archosaur
    KanariaRose - Archosaur Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Demon for me >.>. I have nothing against the sage skills, but my thought is im a psy, i'm meant to be squishy, why try to be more durable when i can double aqua cannons attack and get a sexy red spark lol.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Demon for me >.>. I have nothing against the sage skills, but my thought is im a psy, i'm meant to be squishy, why try to be more durable when i can double aqua cannons attack and get a sexy red spark lol.

    Worth mentioning also that most Psys are Sage.

    But yeah you can look at it either way. Psys are squishy as hell; I dunno a single Psy on my server who is known for lasting long in group fights. If you want my opinion, I would say that if you're going to do it with any class, Psy is THE class to neglect defense to focus on offense. We can't run away like a wizard, we don't have physical defense like a wizard, we don't have plume shell or heal spells like a cleric and our defensive option generally leads us with modest damage.

    You could either embrace this and try to be the ultimate glass cannon or you could try to even the score a bit and get some better defenses. Either path is good imo, and I think there's a good reason Psys have both black and white voodoo.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • AlysonRose - Heavens Tear
    AlysonRose - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One thing that hardly anyone mentions is that as a sage you get a skill that gives you half a spark for free, which can really help you out in a pinch.

    You also get to actually buff people with SoV without them cursing at you. If you are bleeding, poisoned, or otherwise debuffed, then bubble fixes that. No longer will you be out healing the damage, or wasting a spark for psy will if its not on cooldown. None of your healing gets wasted.

    Sage spark is also kinda like having your own bb dmg reduction for your personal use. As opposed to -chan which really isn't that useful in most situations.

    Demon does have a few nice skills, and helps with crit chance, but its still a chance. Aqua cannon may not hit with the dot. You might have a 50% crit chance for a few sec and not get any. That -chan might let you get in one more attack.

    All I know is that if I'm bored i can walk into fb59 alone, unwined, and unbuffed and kill drake and glut for kicks. Since they dot I don't use white voodoo, just bubble psy will and sage spark if I'm burning too badly. I'm sure a demon psy could do this too, but they would use a lot more pots and spark less often.

    My gear isn't uber so I consider it an accomplishment lol.
  • Exegesis - Heavens Tear
    Exegesis - Heavens Tear Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I would say sage is the way to go cause of the AoE purify and no mana burn on vengeance so its actually useful to put on barbs / bms.. + that chi skill that gives 50 chi... And you always need chi as a psy.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • hulk008
    hulk008 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One thing that hardly anyone mentions is that as a sage you get a skill that gives you half a spark for free, which can really help you out in a pinch.

    You also get to actually buff people with SoV without them cursing at you. If you are bleeding, poisoned, or otherwise debuffed, then bubble fixes that. No longer will you be out healing the damage, or wasting a spark for psy will if its not on cooldown. None of your healing gets wasted.

    Sage spark is also kinda like having your own bb dmg reduction for your personal use. As opposed to -chan which really isn't that useful in most situations.

    Demon does have a few nice skills, and helps with crit chance, but its still a chance. Aqua cannon may not hit with the dot. You might have a 50% crit chance for a few sec and not get any. That -chan might let you get in one more attack.

    All I know is that if I'm bored i can walk into fb59 alone, unwined, and unbuffed and kill drake and glut for kicks. Since they dot I don't use white voodoo, just bubble psy will and sage spark if I'm burning too badly. I'm sure a demon psy could do this too, but they would use a lot more pots and spark less often.

    My gear isn't uber so I consider it an accomplishment lol.

    but doesnt demon do more damage than sage? due to the amount of damage we do..isnt the best defense a strong offense? basically killing the mob from range before it gets to us? xD
  • Derressh - Dreamweaver
    Derressh - Dreamweaver Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hulk008 wrote: »
    but doesnt demon do more damage than sage? due to the amount of damage we do..isnt the best defense a strong offense? basically killing the mob from range before it gets to us? xD

    While this may be the case with mobs, the same cannot be said about bosses/PK

    For bosses, especially FB bosses, you're not killing it before they get to you unless you're 70+ levels higher than it.

    And for PK, there is ALWAYS the chance that someone, somewhere, will sneak up on you and hit you before you have a chance to react.
    I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
    So I post on my Barb.
    [On possibly-permanent hiatus]
  • hulk008
    hulk008 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well i heard sage is only good for the bubble of life a few other lil tricks..and demon is good for red tide and a few other tricks
  • Ellantria - Heavens Tear
    Ellantria - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The way I see this is like this.

    Sage Psy is better. Why? Simple.

    We are not wizards. If you want to go Demon for 'damage' you'll be let down. Only two skills become OMGWTFBBQHAX damage when you go Demon, that being Red Tide and Aqua Cannon, both of which are not really something most Psys cast every chance they get, what with Red Tide's two spark cost and mediocre damage and Aqua Cannon's suicide range.

    If you want to hit for 400k normally, go wizard.

    Now then, on the other hand, Sage really opens up how I think Psys are meant to be played. Sage opens up your tactical options. Vector, quite possibly one of our best skills, gains a chance to cost no spark. That's an extra spark to play around with. Psychic Will gets a time extension giving you a whopping 10 seconds of total physical immunity. That's ten seconds a BM, Archer, Barb or Sin will be at your mercy.

    On top of that, Soulburn gets a duration boost to ten seconds. I'd rather have my opponent squirming around, trying to decide whether to try and kill me and hope he doesn't die before I do rather than getting to cast my super situational skill five seconds earlier.

    Soul of Vengeance costs no mana as a sage, which means you can now cast it on other people without them getting pissed at you. Silence, when it triggers, gives you five seconds of breathing room. Of course, you aren't really relying on silence to trigger, are you?

    Sage soul of stunning becomes better the higher your soulforce gets, and Sage Soul of Retaliation just might give you the HP you need to not die. Sage Bubble of Life lets you get rid of those annoying Dots and debuffs without having to wait them out.

    Sage Empowered Vigor gives you a four second faster cool on charms. With that on, that could mean the difference between your charm ticking and you surviving, or you dying right before your charm cools. Diminished Vigor is the exact opposite. It gives you a greater chance of killing that annoying charmed barb before he gets healed to full.

    Sage Black voodoo lets you hit even harder, with a total of 25 attack levels, rather than 22. Sage White Voodoo gives you an extra 5 defense levels, making you that much harder to kill.


    If your motto as a psy is 'kill it before it gets to me', Sage is the better choice. It gives you better options to harrass and hex your opponents, making it impossible for them to damage you without getting hurt and making you invunerable to their melee attacks.

    Sage Psy is the better choice. Demon is for wannabe Wizards.
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ellantria, I am impressed. Mery me?
  • Ellantria - Heavens Tear
    Ellantria - Heavens Tear Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Sorry, but I've already got someone I'm planning to marry.

    ;p Thanks for the offer though.
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ...straight rejection without even put into consideration...b:cry

    *Hypnos sits in corner and starts drawing circles...*
  • KittyTaco - Lost City
    KittyTaco - Lost City Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ...straight rejection without even put into consideration...b:cry

    *Hypnos sits in corner and starts drawing circles...*

    squares are cooler.
  • Arishock - Dreamweaver
    Arishock - Dreamweaver Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    If you want to hit for 145k crits, go wizard.

    i hit a 231k as a sage psychic b:beatup
    had a bunch of debuff's on it, but i was still beating off to my damage log for a week.

    and whereas ellantria pointed out all the amazingness of most of the sage stuff, another thing is, with demon, the channeling on the spark isn't a big issue, considering how fast we cast naturally. also, Mo Zun's challenge or whatever it's called (lowers target's chi by 50) is only really useful in PVP, and even then i don't think ppl ever use it.

    Sage's master li's technique is amazing in any situation, 50 chi for free every minute is amazing, especially considering how spark reliant we are

    as far as damage dealing is concerned, i think they're relatively even. sage is more reliable, demon is more 'spike' damage
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The way I see this is like this.

    If you want to hit for 145k crits, go wizard.

    My psy is sage, and the highest crit i got with it so far was 224k >_>

    had a bunch of debuff's on it, but i was still beating off to my damage log for a week

    that would make a great sig xD
    Retired b:bye
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Mozun technique is pretty useful in TW, not very common in PVP though...unless group pvp...even then its use is limited
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    im a wizzy and i never hit 145k crits b:cry

    i do hit 145k uncrits b:surrender
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Endofdark - Lost City
    Endofdark - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    now thats what i was looking for

    any demon got resources like that?
  • emceeshook
    emceeshook Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Reading all those benefits the Sage Psy has it looks like I would go to Sage later on lol

    But I also heard that the Demon is a running Crit machine which would be a nice burst damage, but most times, burst damage results in death in PvE against bosses lol

    Such a statement of Demon psy would be nice, equal to that from Ellantria, well described b:thanks
  • Endofdark - Lost City
    Endofdark - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    final choice, demon, for the following reasons

    1. demon is more my gaming style
    2. im not planning to solo bosses, ill do the dd and finshing
    3. only thing ima probly miss about sage is bubble, but wouldnt need it
    4. for the normal mobs, i can kill them faster, espcially with the short demon time
    5. if i already like my dmg, ill defaintly love to see it be doubled more often
  • XKi - Lost City
    XKi - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Why are you talking about mobs on a pvp server? b:shocked
  • Hypnos - Raging Tide
    Hypnos - Raging Tide Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    he lookin down on pker b:avoid
  • Endofdark - Lost City
    Endofdark - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    because im not a big fan of pking..really dont care about pk, if u can own a mob you can own a player

    and im on pvp because of my friend and pve is not fun cuz to many ppl take spots
  • Knuddle - Lost City
    Knuddle - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hi endo b:bye
  • CIoudStrife_ - Lost City
    CIoudStrife_ - Lost City Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Pretty sure youll regret that as the ONLY two skills that are really that much better are Aqua cannon and landslide. All the other skills sage wins hands down. Unless you have high crit already through gear (15-20%) you will barely notice the increased crit chances with landslide and tide spirit. Not worth going demon. Still demon aqua cannon b:dirty
  • Endofdark - Lost City
    Endofdark - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    hello :)

    and that just means i dont have to go looking for all of those sage skills

    and besides..slow mobs down..when they get to u landslide em, use 89 skill..and u can defaintly use aqua cannon as there approaching u as a finsh or w.e
  • sonnefury
    sonnefury Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What many neglect to take into consideration is the level at which you can get the various Sage/Demon skills and the amount of time between getting your 89 skills and the higher ones. Also, remember that Sage Aqua/Earthen Spirits give you +25% more damage to your current damage skills verus the +1% Crit that Demon provides.
  • Psychel - Dreamweaver
    Psychel - Dreamweaver Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think I would go on as a sage psy then since it seems beneficial and I like tactical class characters...(only when I reach level 89...lol)
    Wow, I see you... Now you don't... isn't that trolling? b:shutup
  • Moobysnax - Lost City
    Moobysnax - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Demon psy are the least used class in the game o.o. I'm gonna go demon partially for that reason (on my psy that is). The other reason is.. crit. Having skills that will boost the crit rate to be comparable to an archer with damage that is almost as good as a wizard is sawweeet. Otherwise sage is really the only choice for a psy.
  • $Flash$ - Heavens Tear
    $Flash$ - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Tis why when I trade this 'ol sin in for a Psy it will be Sage