Do I really need other pets?

xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Venomancer
So, after long months of saving up, I got my Herc in June and I love it, haven't used anything else since then. However, here in the forum, I read things like a Veno should have different kind of pets for different situations. Like, a fast runner pet for pulling (Kowlin), a ranged one for... uhm, pulling again? xD (Eldergoth), a flying pet for PVP or grinding (Nix), a water pet (Plumpfish), and so on.

Do I really need other pets? :S The Herc is fast and tough enough to pull anything and my squad mates never complain. It's perfect for grinding (I have no problem with its running and killing speed) and I don't PVP. Also, I'm that kind of girl who likes to keep lots of money in bank for later lvl gear (I don't buy unnecessary ****) and I'm also very impatient = I wouldn't buy or tame a rare pet just because it runs fast. x.x I'm also not planning to get a Nix, because it's mainly for PVP and I never PVP.

Will people think that I'm a noob because I only have a Herc? x.x

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language.
Post edited by xixiri on


  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    There are things that a herc can't really pull and a ranged pet is better for - especially bosses which hit hard enough (or have enough guards) that the herc may be badly hurt from the pull, and are fast enough that you won't have time to properly rebuff it before the boss arrives.

    Other than that - you need something that flies and something that swims.

    you probably want a pet that does better damage / debuffs / interrupts than the herc, for those times when you're not being the main tank. I admit, however, that I've been too lazy to train one up properly and the herc is good enough for that most of the time. But it's not being the very best you can be.

    The best free luring pets are the ranged ones (monkeys and cacti). No need to train them up, really.
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Thank you. Blah, I feel like a noob, I don't know much about pets. b:shutup
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xixiri wrote: »
    Like, a fast runner pet for pulling (Kowlin)

    Useless pet, should be an all class.
    a ranged one for... uhm, pulling again?

    Not just pulling. Marksmans/ Sharpshooters can tank some things before a Herc can. Not just that, but they can allow you to solo mobs and bosses outside of their AoE. They can also hit air mobs from the ground that other pets can't. More:
    Do I really need other pets?

    You don't need any just like you don't need a weapon or armor.
    The Herc is fast and tough enough to pull anything and my squad mates never complain.

    When it gets hit luring, do you like resummoning it already injured while a mob or boss in in your face? When you're luring from mobs that freeze, seal, sleep, etc can it take the hits before it can reach the target?
    It's perfect for grinding (I have no problem with its running and killing speed) and I don't PVP.

    For particular situations yes, but there are pets that can out grind under various circumstances like a ranged pet for [?]kiters, Nix for flat lands, Scorp for 1-2 hit kills, Dark Wanderer for light hitting/ archer phys only 1vs1.
    Also, I'm that kind of girl who likes to keep lots of money in bank for later lvl gear

    That's crazy. Part of this game is vending. Letting coin sit in the bank means it can devalue as prices go up, and you lose potential profit (takes money to make money). Unless the idea of that just sickens you and you're happy grinding all your coin that is.
    Will people think that I'm a noob because I only have a Herc? x.x

    There'll always be someone out there.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Silest - Sanctuary
    Silest - Sanctuary Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I've been using herc since level 41.. and I can tell you now, don't rely on him as the all-purpose pet.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I've been using herc since level 41.. and I can tell you now, don't rely on him as the all-purpose pet.

    I have a bunch of pets at 101, and I can tell you that less is better. If I'd known then what I know now, I may not have DD pets. If they raise the level cap to 150, venos are screwed. That is unless they come out with a CS item or drop that gives pets incredible amounts of XP or change the way pets get XP, or change the XP per level for them. (they've actually done this with Genies so here's hoping). People might want to start complaining now?
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • xixiri
    xixiri Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    That's crazy. Part of this game is vending. Letting coin sit in the bank means it can devalue as prices go up, and you lose potential profit (takes money to make money). Unless the idea of that just sickens you and you're happy grinding all your coin that is.

    By keeping money in the bank, I meant that I do not spend it on stupid things and I like to keep the coins for higher lvl gear. Like now, I just turned 80 but alerady saving for lvl90 stuff (coins and mats), because I am not allowed to buy zen, so I cannot spend mindlessly. I do not buy aerogear for 20mil+ just because they look good, I have a maxed Skymanta I got for 3.5mil and happy with it. I only have one fashion set and I usually wear it for months and sell them when I like something else. I don't even have a mount. This is what I meant, sorry if you misunderstood me, my English is not too good. I do take my coins out of bank when there's a good deal - like yesterday I got a very cheap Ninetails for 7mil, sold it for 9mil. I like to hunt for underpriced stuff and resell them, so no grinding for me. (: I also TT for mats and sell what I don't need.

    @ Pet related stuff - Thank you for the help, I think I'm going to get some more pets and test them. ^.^
  • niajade
    niajade Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    When it gets hit luring, do you like resummoning it already injured while a mob or boss in in your face? When you're luring from mobs that freeze, seal, sleep, etc can it take the hits before it can reach the target?

    There'll always be someone out there.

    You can put your pet on neutral (to not move at all) and then if the mob is close enough, you can use Tame (as a method of luring).

    I find using the Tame skill to lure has pretty good distance btw.

    When I lure at long range I prefer the baby polar bear -- and I click his shield skill before he runs in.

    I have had a Hercules for over 3 years now and I prefer a luring pet when at long distances I can 'see' the connect strike (some animation on the screen). So I can recall the luring pet and then call my herc.

    Actually I like the rarer armored cat (sorry but i am from a different version and forget this versions pet names) for luring - it is fast and I can see the strike from a distance (red glowing circle).

    I also have a back up tanker... always.... this backup has saved many potential party crashes when I either hit a lag spike and could not heal fast enough or some thing unexpected happened and some how MANY mobs attacked us. I think it's always best to be prepared (I used a Golem my level as backup).

    I also have 3 lurers, so in cases where I need to lure using pet and do it fast-fast-fast...
    this is fast... no rehealing pet after luring or rezing.

    Honestly, I have a full pet pack - always have because I am a PVE'er. Two air, Two land, Two tankers, Two backup lurers (fast ones which handle different elements better). I keep a water ones too - generally two (tanker and high attack) and just keep them leveled and stored in my bank for when needed.

    I soloed my 3rd fairy culti myself - up to GV so.. I think that proves my pets kept me from stopping to find a party. That water one is hard if your alone and the water pets really do save your butt time to time.

    Best to use spare time to level them and once you get into the 3/4 level of Chronos then you can go aoe to power level them rather fast...

    Proud to say when i left my old PW (other version) I had all of my pets level 100. You get so very fond of them over time too...

    All in all - the noob pets you start out with, grow to be fairly strong... max their skills, keep their loyalty at 100% and they wont let you down. Keep your heal maxed also...
    Yestermoon - SB | Dawnglory
  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    well, it might be a good idea to keep a back up land pet incase your in a situation where the herc dies and u cant finish the mob off yourself, so probably a magmite/golem/walker or armored bear for that case.

    as for luring, i always use my herc to lure too but now i can go into fb89 eden and tame a cactus, which are good for luring from far, so i think ill get one of those (although theyre very squishy).

    but i know how the OP feels, herc seems to do everything good, from grinding, tanking, to lureing, and thats ok, but back up pets can come in handy in a lot of situations.
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    xD LOL the real answer is... CUZ U HAVEN*T LEARN oR WANNED TO TEST PETS AND LVL EM...KOLWIN I NOT WASTE..atm..cuz all pets are good for 1 thing...

    all tameable mobs are in a grop . like wolves ALL wolves form 2-50 have same build. same skills. atilope grop is pets w hige pet in mag def is frog.
    u get grop w scopions..their build have low pdef/mdef7hp but hige patk ...same build as sawfly.

    magnite/gw are almot the same, they got good pdef7def and patk. but their hp sux.

    blblaajahdhasdhauisdgh if u don't understad its not my prob <.<

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Aniella - Harshlands
    Aniella - Harshlands Posts: 729 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    tweakz, why u hate kolwin so much u had 1 ^^ and u wanned to waste a rare scroll on why u say u hate badly. all know kolwin have bad hp/def. but he is not useless at lvl 8x my kolwin soloed 2th boss in fb51. he didn't die cuz he got a bit good mag def.

    stop say kolwin is waste..he is only and the best looking pet u can have that don't look like papir shiieet xD and have good speed...he is lure pet..and as lure pet he only need speed.

    QQ If i did Crazy stone at 3x AND not 6x, i had been lvl 105 now!
    Didnt know about Bh/CrazyStone before lvl 6x LOL
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I've cut my pet bag down a bit, mainly because I'm sick of keeping pets leveled, and I've noticed I don't really NEED to be using the most optimal pet in every single situation. That said, here's what I'm currently using
    Herc - Main tank
    Nix - Air tank/dps
    Dark Wanderer - indoor dps
    Marksman - puller/range tank
    Ethereal Inamorato - Main puller
    Armored bear - Debuff/puller (though I've never used the debuff role other than during a pull)
    Plumpfish - Water tank (will replace with a turtle one day).
    xD LOL the real answer is... CUZ U HAVEN*T LEARN oR WANNED TO TEST PETS AND LVL EM...KOLWIN I NOT WASTE..atm..cuz all pets are good for 1 thing...

    The only thing a Kowlin has going for it is it's speed. Comparing it to other land pets using my spreadsheet:
    In HP it comes in at 172/233
    In Accuracy it's 221/233 (useless stat)
    In Evade it's 73/233 (useless stat)
    In Physical Def it's 207/233
    In Magic Def it's 176/233
    In dps it comes in at 51/233

    Out of the four useful stats it's not a top 20 finisher in any. The one stat where it has an advantage is speed but range accomplishes the same goal as speed.

    An Eldergoth Marksman has an attack range of about 10m (it's slightly larger, 10.3 or something but I'm not sure how to measure it perfectly). Using level 90 stats (because we don't have speed stats at lower levels to use) a mob at 25m can be pulled by a Marksman in 1.92 seconds ((25-10)/7.8). The Kowlin needs 2.4 seconds (25/10.3). If we use a longer pull such as 50m (the cutoff for the pet to attack) a Marksman needs 5.13 seconds while a Kowlin needs 4.8 seconds. You might look at this and say, see a Kowlin is superior but that's a very long pull. A pull of even 35m is very long, and a marksman has the advantage in speed until 40m where they're equal. On top of that the marksman always an advantage in survival, first due to stats and second due to distance.

    The numbers are even worse for a Kowlin once the Eden pets are brought into the picture because they have over twice the attack range and a higher run speed.