Appearance of Guild Icon... Assistance?

Belgare - Sanctuary
Belgare - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Support Desk
Hello folks, I was hoping someone could lend me their expertise, or insight - whichever.

I submitted this icon for my guild and when it finally showed up in game after last evening's update, it appears to have ... changed.

Originally when I submitted it, it looked like this... [IMG] World/fffff.jpg[/IMG]

Note it is crisp.

In game, however, it looks like this... [IMG] World/2010-08-0614-39-39.jpg[/IMG]

Note the edges of the white letter. It seems the white has bled into the black bordering. The original icon has been "smeared" and I cannot stop looking at its bleeding edges.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what has gone wrong, and tell me if it's possible to fix it. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and this will not do. b:laugh

Here's another image of the icon, where it shows red bleeding into the black border. *sigh*
[IMG] World/th_djkjkla.jpg[/IMG]


  • Tinetta - Dreamweaver
    Tinetta - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I don't really notice the bleeding right off hand. I do how ever notice that the image coloring has been brightened up in game from the original color. The bleeding i do see what you mean. It may have been a error with the update. It has caused other issues with the game. One I know of for sure. Others i'm not sure if they are because of it or what but yeah. The only thing i could recommend is contacting a GM about it and see if they can fix it for you. That or resubmit the image completely.