Qustion about Land pet

Akubi - Lost City
Akubi - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Venomancer
Hi all. I have problem with land pet. My land pet is Scorpion since 1lvl because I heard that this pets it's the best for dps. Yes, it's very strong pet, but I tired with him in bhs. He always got aggro and die fast. Which pet should I pick instead of Scorpion? Crystaline Magmite, Glacial Walker or just leave Scorpion? I know that I never have herc and nix, who can recommend what is the best land pet for bhs and something?
Post edited by Akubi - Lost City on


  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Glacial Walker is currently the strongest in-game pet (after the hercules) in terms of tanking. Crystaline/Volcanic Magmite can do the same only that they have a bit lower p.defence than the Glacial Walker and a lot lower m.defence than the Glacial. However both pets are really slow (6.0 m/s more or less).
    The Shaodu Cub can be a good tank as well and it comes with a higher speed (7.0 m/s ) but it will have a bit lower p.defence than the Glacial/Magmite but has a good m.defence.

    My preference is to use a Kowlin in BHs. I chose the wolf when I first started the game so the Kowlin (and the nintetail firefox) are currently my only best support/attack/dps pets. Although the Kowlin is super squishy and does grab aggro often I try to do my best to keep it alive. If I'm the veno who pulls I'd rather have a fast pet for luring. I also prefer having a fast pet with high attack that can grab aggro fast in case the cleric is in danger. So I believe using your scorpion in the BHs is the best thing to do. It helps the squad kill faster and it can save the life of a squishy class.

    In case I'm a secondary veno I still use the kowlin for attack/dps but if the tank is missing then I use my Shaodu Cub or Armored Bear to catch the mobs the first veno is luring. Of course in case I am the tank I use my tank pets.

    Don't worry about it dying fast. A dps/attack pet is the best way to help your squad in my opinion (in situations when the squad seems not to be very good I use a tank to be sure). You'll eventually be able to guess when your pet might steal aggro and become better with your heal pet timing.

    Personal experience: I used a kowlin in BH79 even when it was lvl 73 and it could die with 1-2hits. It died a lot but in the end I learnt to control it. Now it's my level though and makes things easier.
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