PWI iPhone app

Sedokk - Harshlands
Sedokk - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Suggestion Box
I suggest that a PWI iPhone app is made. It could have the world rankings for lvl, pvp and factions. You could view stats about other ppls players, like how many people they have killed ( And not just kills where the other players dont attack back like on the PWI profile thing), what lvl they are, what faction they are in, what server they are on, what class they are and what build they use. You put this forum or an app specific forum on it. You could view all the latest territory wars on your server. You could put the perfect world encyclopedia on it. You could even have perfect world mini games. I reckon this would be awesome.
Post edited by Sedokk - Harshlands on


  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    YES! and a mobile AH to promote the AH more and give ppl a reason to NOT leave their computers running for obscene amounts of time as a cash shop. and maybe some kind of chat function where you could instant message your friends/guild in-game

    this has be discussed other places and it is MOST DEF a GREAT idea b:victory

    I would even be willing to spend ZEN to get this. Just don't pull a monthly subscription fee on it like another game that has something similar and just makes you want to say WoW (not really... but you get it)
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Sabatier - Raging Tide
    Sabatier - Raging Tide Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    use the frelling search will ya.. this has been suggested at least twice in recent memories..

    and i can't see it happening - it doesnt fit in with pw's business model here or in china.