Best Biuld for venos?

Posts: 111 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Venomancer
so i made a veno and was wouldering whats the best biuld heavy , but i want to do high dmg , arcane but i die really easy , or La what looks awsome b:chuckle can some of you guys give me some ideas ^^?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
Post edited by XTryToBeaTMe - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    HA is hard because you HAVE to use your magic weapon in Fox Form, so you need to be able to wear your magic weap. with Heavy Armor. Which means that you need A LOT of extra stats from points maybe 100+points at endgame. There's a whole sticky about HA Venos. Also, LA isn't bad, but your magic damage suffers, which means weaker heals, but your physical attacks are somewhere in the middle meaning you can do more damage in Fox Form.

    You shouldn't die that much, even as Arcane because you should be tanking with your pet. Just learn to control your aggro. All you have to do is cool down on your attacks and alternate them with heals. I prefer arcane but that's just me. My Veno is only level 49, but I'm just sharing my opinion from my experience and what I've gleaned by prowling the Veno forums.
    [sigpic] [/sigpic]
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    if you ever played a pure mag wizard with no refines and shards till higher lvl then arcane armor veno should be piece of cake

    plus there are plenty of threads about veno builds
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    IMO, AA is the best build. I have tried LA and my magic damage sucked. I don't really use foxform that much (except on bosses) so that didn't help much either. If you really want to find the best one for you, make 3 different venos and try the different builds on each one of them. You can always delete them later.
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I have to agree on AA being the best choice (at least for PvE...I don't PvP much so can't commento n that) I have originally started as LA and it was Ok untill 70 or so. At that point I run in to 2 problems. First, the increased dex gave me high enough crit % for it to start being problem when it comes to pet holding agro - you can pace your attacks as much as you want but if you get crit or 2 you're bound to pull agro on your self. The little extra pdef from LA does not make up for that. Second, wiht no spare points to put into vit my HP was really low and I wasn't rdy to start wasting mirages to refine lvl 70 equips. Bought a reset note and switched to AA/53 VIT and been happy wiht it since than.
  • Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    AA is definitely the best way to go for PvE. If you plan on PvP, you may look into the HA build. HA though, is a difficult build to make as stated earlier. Read the stickied HA thread. It's very helpful. And try comparing that to the stickied AA veno thread. Remember, it's your character, so do whatever suits you best.
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Trying the builds would be a waste of time and resources since advantages change over levels. I think the best bet is to choose a build that suits they way you would like to play.

    There's going to come a point even for pure mags where the pet is only sometimes the tank, but more often the buffer. Examples being 1) On FB59 bosses: I'll Sage Soul Degeneration -> Amp -> Ironwood -> Tangling Mire -> then go for DPS which eliminates any waste of time pet healing. 2) Rounding up a dozen mobs in Valley of the Scarred with the pet then AoEing them. An -int build could use the pet similarly.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ok this is what i have for LA
    LA Has good Phy and Other Res...

    And this for AA
    AA has very low Phy Defence , so ii put loads of Garnet shards in there

    I Couldent biulda aHa was so hard o.o
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ok this is what i have for LA
    LA Has good Phy and Other Res...

    And this for AA
    AA has very low Phy Defence , so ii put loads of Garnet shards in there

    I Couldent biulda aHa was so hard o.o
    if you take that LA build as reference then this AA is something better
    its your AA build but belt changed, shards changed from citrine to garnets and that str/dex ->vit

    see? already a much better build than that LA but for pve only just use all that vit to 100 or even 5 if you have some refines plus you take care of yourself
  • Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I am lvl 88 arcane veno +pure mag. I die rarely, so perhaps you can grow some skills? b:cute
    b:heart C. G. C. b:heart
    - a guild/faction on many servers, where ethics and behaviour actually matters and makes a differense

  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    well if you want to be realy good at pve go AA you will get imense magic attack,
    if you want to pk on the other hand go HA like me
    you can also go LA for idk what i think that build is pretty useless.
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    ok this is what i have for LA
    LA Has good Phy and Other Res...

    And this for AA
    AA has very low Phy Defence , so ii put loads of Garnet shards in there

    I Couldent biulda aHa was so hard o.o

    i hope my build will work ok for you
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    nobody get max stats on all those items, not even that quest reward (mogwai belt). getting max stats on all of them is pretty rare and i guess since those LA and AA builds have some items to share, i guess he is taking some items from his archer
    dont make the mistake to go HA till lvl 100 or so, it only gimps your magic attack and channeling. you cant make a good HA build with average gear
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I played a AA veno on a different server, and decided it was almost cheap it was so easy but its soloing ability is awesome. I encouraged my wife to go AA also because it really is an excellent build.

    Its just a little too cookie cutter for me, though. And like I said, repetitive as you tend to use the same 4-5 skills over and over and are never really in danger if you play right.

    So I made a HA veno with the goal in mind of support in pve situations. I'm only level 51 so far, but its going well. I have a lot more options of how to play that way.

    Here's my opinion. AA is the better build for pve, but kind of boring. HA is not as good, but better to have in a party and better pvp. So, up to you what your goals are.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    kenlee wrote: »
    nobody get max stats on all those items, not even that quest reward (mogwai belt). getting max stats on all of them is pretty rare and i guess since those LA and AA builds have some items to share, i guess he is taking some items from his archer
    dont make the mistake to go HA till lvl 100 or so, it only gimps your magic attack and channeling. you cant make a good HA build with average gear

    true BUT
    if you dont get max stats you can always get higher lvl tome,and the rings should be replaced at lvl 93 with OHT rings for better stats ^^
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I was light armored till about level 76 or so. I restatted to vit/mag build (2 vit, 1 str, 7 mag) and I have never looked back. I have enough hp to shard purely with garnets, so my p.def isnt exactly lacking either.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Whol builds an AA with Cape of Tauren? b:chuckle
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'm saving up for pretty cape of elite leather. Or an event cape. I dunno.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I wish I'd gotten this cape instead of 2 of my trophy capes: ☆Wings of Cloudcharger
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    oh i got the money and the event gears ect xD ,, just needed someone to help me with my Biuld ^^ this is what my bm has atm XD . thats why i was going to go heavy
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Lifes like a movie , Just make sure your the lead role in yours b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    was better if that cape was -int instead of -channeling. its not like you are making that veno a main or gonna farm better than that bm at high lvl plus -6 or not those stats still help on building a heavy veno

    take off that bm weapon and use that sword you used in previous builds and here it is
    but you can swap rings on veno with magic rings since it has kinda low magic attack
  • Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    tweakz wrote: »
    I wish I'd gotten this cape instead of 2 of my trophy capes: ☆Wings of Cloudcharger

    Whoa nice, where does one obtain such a tasty morsel as this??
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    oh i got the money and the event gears ect xD ,, just needed someone to help me with my Biuld ^^ this is what my bm has atm XD . thats why i was going to go heavy

    you're losing a interval with lunar sleeves, and losing interval by nirvana-ing the sleves instead of the pants. P-def ornaments on HA is kind of a waste too.

    PW database falls a little short with HA veno builds though, cause if you're only using 1 set of gear and not switching different pieces depending on situation, you're doing it wrong.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    i wanted make example build for u in calculator but accidently closed it before i saved <.<
    use that event cape on ur veno,use garnet shards,and if u want to pvp add some vitality.u wont lose much atk,compared to LA and HA.if u planning to pve only with it,go pure magic.
    i prefer gold 90 necklace besides sky demons pearl,and get rid of that belt too,u need pdef one.and rings,i know u got money so if u can get lunar ones,if not,u can always get oht ones with really nice stats for cheap,just check ah now and then.i got one with +15 magic and +5 vit for 500k b:chuckle
    and use tome from ur bm,or if u planning to get new one,get magic + vit,or magic only.
    i always keep my vit high as my lvl but i had same atk as pure magic builds with extra stats from gear.
    u can easily get 3-4k pdef in human form without any buffs,and with +5 refines which i see u can afford,just need to build it properly.
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Whoa nice, where does one obtain such a tasty morsel as this??

    Looks like it was only available from various packs, none of which have gone on sale lately (if ever in PWI.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Looks like it was only available from various packs, none of which have gone on sale lately (if ever in PWI.)

    It was in the tigerpacks for sure. I don't know about the sunshine ones though.
  • Posts: 1,307 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    It was in the tigerpacks for sure. I don't know about the sunshine ones though.

    I don't think they're in the sunshine ones :[
    Thank you so much ForsakenX for the sig b:cute


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