Sorry, but one more thread about fox form

Akubi - Lost City
Akubi - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Venomancer
I created venomacer and I chose only melee fox form. But I don't know how about armors? Now, my veno is using light armor, but I'm thinking about heavy armor. What's better for only fox form: light armor or heavy armor? I know, that light armor have more magic defense, but heavy - more physical defense. But is differents between damage? More str for heavy armors - much more damage than light armor? Which pets are best to have for non-cash fox fom venomancer (fly and land)? And last question: does that type venomancer have potencial in end game? Or I am waisting time? Please answer :)
Post edited by Akubi - Lost City on


  • Vixter - Harshlands
    Vixter - Harshlands Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    heavy is usually the best choice for melee builds. but it can be hard to get enough intel to weild a magic weapon, which u will need to wear. why? well, to use skills in fox form, u can only use them with a magic weapon. u cannot change ur gear/fashion/anything while in fox form. although dmg will probably be low, you will also need the magic weap to do any dent on healing ur pet.

    that being said ... as a melee fox, it really wouldnt matter if ur holding a lower lvl weapon that your lvl will allow you, but you should still wear as high of a weapon as you can get for the more physical dmg from it.

    as heavy, the only advantage of going light is the little bit more of magic defense but with less phy def... less phy def will probably make a huge difference in the dmg u will receive, so i recommend going heavy, with either HP or mag def shards, and of course mag def necklace/belt and phy attack rings. with mag def belt/neck u will make that mag def back and possibly more than if u were light.

    always the sawfly for air, it has the best DPS. and i would say either use a high DPS pet like scorp, or the little bear for stun (which would be very nice as a melee character) or the usual magmite/walker as most venos do.

    end game uh ... well u can tank bosses for sure but holding aggro is a whole other matter (which will be hard to keep aggro VS any other high DD or barb. u wont deal high DD in fox form, even with heavy armor and most STR, because the p.attack on the magic weapon blows compared to axes. and there are no fox skills that draw a lot of aggro like barbs flesh ream) ... -my opinion-, your wasting your time if you want to get to end game like this, especially if your interested in teaming a lot ... but everyone has their different play styles. someone might find u interesting, or want u to tank bosses. only problem is keeping aggro like i said before.
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Light armor needs 1 dex, 1 str, 3 mag per level. Heavy needs 2.5 str, 0.5 dex, 3 mag per level, which is 6 points per level. You only get 5 points per level, so you need to make up the extra point from +stat gear. Unfortunately, it gets expensive and time-consuming to find and acquire such gear. So heavy is not recommended as a leveling build. You can try it if you like, maybe go with a lower level weapon and armor, but it's not recommended. It's suggested you restat once you get to 70, 80, or best yet, 90, since those are the levels where TT armor becomes available.

    Your patk is (1 + str/150 + mastery + spark) * (equip_patk). str/150 is pretty small, so at low levels there isn't much damage difference between light and heavy. At higher levels, you're looking at e.g. for level 90, 94 str for light vs. 227 str for heavy. With level 10 melee mastery you get a 120% bonus. So the left hand side becomes (1 + 94/150 + 1.2) vs (1 + 227/150 + 1.2) which is a 31% melee damage advantage for heavy. That becomes about 29% after you account for criticals.

    With Sage melee mastery (200% bonus), it's an overall 22% advantage for heavy.
  • Bridigan - Sanctuary
    Bridigan - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    For now, Light armor is probably the easiest way to go. A hard armor built can be difficult and expensive to pull off, so you might want to wait until you have more money and experience. There is a guide for the HA build stickied at the top of the forum:
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