Allorah - Raging Tide
Allorah - Raging Tide Posts: 25 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Guild Banter
Here are a few key topics that you will need to know, as these make our faction a little unique in comparison to your average factions. We are not just a faction but a family. We work as a team and treat each other with respect. We are highly organized, fun and have as little drama as possible. We are also composed of mainly adults over the age of 18.

Application Process:
*To join our faction you must be either interviewed in our GSC voice chat server OR fill out a guild application in our forums. Click Here To Visit Our Guild Site
*We value our players and want to get to know each one on a personal level.
*If you are a glory seeker and only want to TAKE from the faction without giving back, please do not waste our time and apply.
*GSC is a REQUIREMENT. You may download it from our website.
*We do not require you to talk on GSC after your interview but you must have GSC to listen
*If for any reason you cannot get GSC, we are sorry but you will not be accepted into the guild.

Age and Maturity:
*We accept ages 15+
* If ANYONE, minor or otherwise, feels disrespected or harassed in ANY way please take a screen shot and send it to the guild leaders and Marshals so the situation can be rectified.
*If you are a minor and have the above issue, it is your responsibility to tell an adult in your real life.
*Do not lie about your age, we will find out... we always do.
*If any illegal minor/adult solicitation occurs ingame anyone in the faction has the right to turn it in to the proper authorities.
*We are a family and look out for one another as well as try to provide a safe environment of gameplay for all players.

MVP Titles
*We have additional titles in game as the game only allows a specific number of officer titles to be handed out and due to RL commitments that hinder carrying out officer jobs such as recruiting.
*Members of MVP title have access to all officer discussions and are encouraged to give their opinions.
*MVP's are given to those who would have a title but have other RL commitments that prevent them from being able to be ingame as much as they would like.
*MVP's can regain there rank titles ingame should their RL allow and there are open spots.
*Other than ingame "add member to faction" these are officers and should be given the same respect as those carrying a title.

Forums Participation:
*We have forums for a reason: to keep all members updated on what's going on in the guild. We expect you to use them as we may not be available ingame to answer all questions all the time.
*We expect you to be active on the forums. It is your responsibility to check the forums AT LEAST every 48 hours.

*If something comes up and you are not able to be online for a while please let us know. We have created a thread specifically for this purpose.
*We understand everyone has a RL and just need to be informed to hold your slot in the faction and not to marked as an INACTIVE.

Boss Day:
*All levels help in killing the bosses you have been saving up all week.
*Culti bosses do not have to wait until boss days as we encourage culti for skills.
*This is not mandatory but if you like being helped please try to help others if even for a little while.

FB/BH/TT & Other Dungeons:
*We have a good number of members at each lvl. Please try to find groups of your lvl to squad with for these events.
*Higher lvl's do frequently help in these events BUT they can't always be helping as they are trying to do their stuff and lvl too.
*We all do this out of courtesy and respect for each other. Please do not abuse it or take it for granted.
*70% of the time you will not need to seek a PUG to complete your quest.

*Your tabs, your drops
*Your wines, your drops
*If you specify prior to the run you would like to split it different then please work that out PRIOR to the run.

TT Loot Distribution:
*Each TT squad can determine their own distribution but we have come up with what we think is a fair system of distribution.

Territory Wars
*We are a faction that goes to TW. And we are known for our team work.
*TW is optional but it's a heck of a lot of fun!

If you have any questions please PM me ingame :)