Family Integrity

I_Sell_Eeet - Dreamweaver
I_Sell_Eeet - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Tideswell (East)
Aparently families have rules that if u dont abide by, u become hated by your "family"

But it doesn't seem like much of a "family" to me.

This is what happens apparently in Cala if u "betray" them by trying to benefit the server.

I was in a catshop selling ironguards, and Calamity members started harrasing me, Riding large mounts over my shop so that people could not see it, leaving rude messages, and saying things like this, btw if im not "allowed" to post these pics please some1 just remove them if thats the case, just thought people should know.
Post edited by I_Sell_Eeet - Dreamweaver on


  • ButtSekks - Dreamweaver
    ButtSekks - Dreamweaver Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    My fav one is of Triton threatening with a GM.

    Seems like a crabbing fest (pun intended). I can see how they are upset and feel betrayed that one of their members is choosing greed over faction. How many other factions have felt the same when members have left for calamity because "I want TW pay."

    Or when I asked my friend why they chose cala, "I want to teleport over most the map."

    Greed > faction = result.

    This is not to say their are not excellent loyal faction members in Calamity. In fact many people I respect and all of those "good apples" are on my friends list. In the end I wish them luck in finding this non-loyal member who does not obey their rules. I don't however see how he is helping EQ if hes selling them in a public cat-shop. Good luck to them in their mole hunting search, tin foil hats for everyone!
  • Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i think its funny that the entire time he mentions helping eq, and mentions miz,

    miz got kicked from eq, why would he help them?

    someones missing a few braincells i see?

    and selling ironguards in a catshop in arch doesnt necessarily mean that its all for eq. i think calamity is making a way bigger deal out of this than they should be. people in eq give away detection pots all the time and the officers dont even care, i think its time u take the crabs out of your pants and start realizing that this is just a game, and that we're all just trying to have fun...stressing people out online, is NOT fun.

    "nobody is allowed to go near the 1k officer, if any cala member other than an officer goes near the 1k officer, they will be automatically booted"

    what a wonderful family!! boot your "family" members for no damn reason! i think you have lost your "family" title cala, more like a concentration camp now. good luck with that.
  • vitocorleone
    vitocorleone Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ty Calamity for the Apoc :D Kiddin.... just kiddin

    But whats to worry about other factions got thier hands on couple of ironguards which might help them a bit.

    But think on the other hand Cala gets to make all thier ironguards they want for all thier TW.
    They shouldn't make excuses for losing.

    Big faction like them getting so much money for thier gear all should win all TW.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I just love how when something like this comes along and a couple of people... from one faction do something that is... less then... honorable... the entire faction gets blamed.

    Every faction has there bad apples. =x There's really no real sense to blame an entire faction for the words that a few of there members carelessly spoke to others. No one can be every where at once.

    I know that it isn't easy overlooking a faction that has many bad apples, and where the leader just doesn't seem to give a damn what happens, and for the player looking in on the faction to NOT hold the entire faction at fault.

    Either way... this just really seems like another reason/sad attempt to shame/hurt the reputation of another faction, that is rather sad and pathetic, this is just a game, EQ is proving everyday that there are enough people in the Dreamweaver server to rise up and fight for a common cause, I can't really see cala painting the map red, (so really why even post something like this?) unless something major happens to eq, which I also don't see happening anytime soon.

    Either people will join them, and see about these 'so called, rules' and decide that they aren't to there liking, and leave. =x I mean as I am sure the leaders of cala is aware it is easy to lie, and lead people to believe you aren't in it for the pay, and then when they get said pay, they leave to help another faction, it does, and will almost undoubtedly happen... which it probably already has, it would be fairly futile to attempt such a thing; besides, how much more interesting is it for them when there ex comrades are fighting them on the battlefield, with similar/superior gear? It does make for a much more interesting battle. =x

    Just my two cents
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    First off, the OP's pathetic attempt to slander Calamity is.. well.. pathetic. Oh... and also, stop taking advantage of your faction, joining them just to make a profit off their unique apoth is just low. (Though I did find it somewhat ironic when some of your members said the person was greedy for selling apoth when you all want to hoard it for yourselves so nobody else from outside the faction can get it).

    And second off.. Calamity shouldn't make such a huge deal about their apoth. Yes, you earned the land and the ability to make them however the advantages they give aren't so insane it becomes a catastrophe to make them available to other players.

    I understand you have rules, and this person broke them, they don't deserve the Calamity title over their head and should be booted. Then again, you did let them in allowing them access to your apoth, which means they can do as they please with it. Maybe, and I mean no disrespect by this, you guys should be a bit more thorough with your interviews and the way you recruit?

    In any case, it's a game. No need for all this drama... Hope you guys find their main and boot 'em though, like I said... taking advantage of your faction is low.
  • Lieal - Dreamweaver
    Lieal - Dreamweaver Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    In any case, it's a game. No need for all this drama...

    I have to say though, this has been going on for a long time already. Nevertheless, it's amusing to see this posted. b:chuckle
  • zxcqwe
    zxcqwe Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    and selling ironguards in a catshop in arch doesnt necessarily mean that its all for eq. i think calamity is making a way bigger deal out of this than they should be. people in eq give away detection pots all the time and the officers dont even care, i think its time u take the crabs out of your pants and start realizing that this is just a game, and that we're all just trying to have fun...stressing people out online, is NOT fun.


    because detection pots play such a huge role in tw, I think you're the one missing the few braincells.

    BTW, weren't you the stupid girl that have always QQed about not getting into tw, you should shut your mouth, you have no room to talk you non factor.
  • DocSavage - Dreamweaver
    DocSavage - Dreamweaver Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ^^lol says the person too weak to post such inflamatory/defamatory comments on a main account.. big man behind a noname avatar eh..

    btw creating accounts purely for this purpose is against TOS as far as i read it.. but whatever keeps your epeen stroked i guess

    to the OP, factions have the right to create whatever rules they like - if you want to enjoy the positives of a faction, you have to take the negatives too. if the negatives get too much to handle. the "Leave Faction" button is always there. Personally in your situation would just have stockpiled as much of these city pots as i could for a rainy day. Re the folks who were harranging you - call their bluff and raise a ticket. this you have a stong case there for a one day ban at least ;) and if its a friday saturday or sunday they get banned well i guess they will miss TW

    to the folks who were harassing the OP in game. grow up. it is just a game after all. If you had any real respect for your faction rules, you would have notified one of your officers of this infraction and left it to them to deal with in an adult manner. if the one with the largest amount of text in the pics is an officer - well you need to learn to handle things a little better than attempting to bully the guy - as it is what you are doing there is bordering on preventing a fellow gamer enjoying an aspect of the game ie ability to sell items via catshop. That too is against the TOS. Not saying you can't enforce your own rules - but enforce them and move on.
  • Magiere - Dreamweaver
    Magiere - Dreamweaver Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The funniest thing is that you don't even have to be in cala to have those, and they directly assume the worst ^_^

    I myself got over 300 left from mini wb hunting, and i stopped doing them long ago o.O
    Originally written by Satchiko to me regarding old spice commercial :
    Hello Perfect World. Look at your cleric, now back to me, now back to your cleric, now back to me. Sadly it isn't me. But if you stopped being a noob and started wearing sunglasses you could act like you're me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on Dreamweaver with the cleric your cleric could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. It's an inventory filled with the gear you want. Look again, the gear is now diamonds. Anything is possible with sunglasses. I'm flying on starter wings.
  • Desire - Dreamweaver
    Desire - Dreamweaver Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I laughed IRL cause of this b:laugh funny thread. b:chuckleb:chuckleb:chuckle
  • Binky - Dreamweaver
    Binky - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Funny as ButtSekks is Ajays seller alt so i guess a lot of people Have issues posting from mains 0o(
    And yes this is a issue its more a matter of when your a part of a group Show the rest the respect deserved its realy simple!
    And the likely hood this person is not in Eq are actually low but there still is someone suppling them win or lose this is something of the many low Things employed By a lot of the Leadership( this is not to say names) In eq so either way yes its a game, But being a part of a faction is also showing respect to your memmbers which this is not whats happening....
    P.S There are a few realy good peeps in Eq so this is not to show a veiw of all Eq as there are some realy standup good people there that dont deserve the neagative veiw and i continue to wish them the best!

    One last thing after reading the post in its entierty i noticed a lot was cut and i mean a lot so way to post **** thats not even factual yheaaaa for misleading people!!!!!!
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Kinda funny, imo. Just because you make/sell apo doesn't mean you're a traitor. =/ I don't always donate my herbs for TW; I normally sell them so I can get the gear and charms for TW. I donate about 10% of the herbs I farm.

    And like Lady_Krissy, I agree that it was illogical to bring up Miz. u.u
  • Hazumu - Dreamweaver
    Hazumu - Dreamweaver Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    And what's even funnier than that, is that if they're so worried about oppressing the server from having those apoth items, what stops them from just buying them using faction funds? They can't afford it....?......


    Well, I can somewhat understand, rules are rules and apoth items does give an advantage. But really, Cala could have handled this SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than this.
    Binky wrote:
    this is something of the many low Things employed By a lot of the Leadership

    Yes, I can just FEEL the respect you have to your new recruits....

    It wouldn't be so bad if you just said low lvl members (I assume you meant low as in lvl and not as in person... I could be wrong on that too though) but then you call them THINGS? They're not even people to you? Yes.... I can feel the respect....
  • Sabatier - Raging Tide
    Sabatier - Raging Tide Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ah Zumi.. straight for the jugular b:victory

    sure you are not a full attack cleric? b:chuckle
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's not like its the worlds end som1 sell apoth form our 1K officer.

    But I do have to say that whoever the person is, then you do still not have any right to break the rules. if people decide to call X person a traitor for doing or not, is their own choice. But to me its very disrespectfull to yur faction, and if i get to know this person i'll kill X person until X person is kicked or myself.

    i want to do like nef. guard 1k npc. only officer makes apoth. Wouldnt be hard to put a alt standing at 1K npc recording live stream cam to a video link on forum for everyone to watch. make it save for a few days. if any IG's in big amounts around then check who had been near npc...

    either way not likely cala will do it, but i would vote for it.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Aparently families have rules that if u dont abide by, u become hated by your "family"

    But it doesn't seem like much of a "family" to me.

    This is what happens apparently in Cala if u "betray" them by trying to benefit the server.

    I was in a catshop selling ironguards, and Calamity members started harrasing me, Riding large mounts over my shop so that people could not see it, leaving rude messages, and saying things like this, btw if im not "allowed" to post these pics please some1 just remove them if thats the case, just thought people should know.

    Yes, you're right, there are rules and when you break the rules, your "family" will be angry with you - especially when it could benefit our biggest enemy.

    And don't give this **** about benefiting the server, you're doing it to benefit yourself and we've all seen the screenshots where you told another Calamity member that you were doing it to raise money to get your own weapon to +10.

    You are greedy and selfish and you don't belong in Calamity.

    And you're a disgusting coward for not coming forward on your main account. If you really don't think you're doing anything wrong, then why hide behind this alt? And if it bothers you so much, all the "hating" on you, why are you still in Calamity? If we're so awful, get out, you're stinking up the place, anyway.

    Calamity, like any faction, has rules. If you can't abide by the rules, you don't belong here. It's the way of life - follow the rules or face the consequences. The consequences here are having your family think of you as a traitor and wanting you to leave. I hope you're happy with your stupid +10, traitor.

    I realize this doesn't seem like a big deal to some people, but Calamity worked damn hard to earn those lands and the benefits of them - the rest of you did not and do not deserve access to the same benefits. Calamity isn't denying anyone anything, we are only looking to hold on to what we earned, and this little traitor is taking that away from us.

    Yes, Magiere, you DO have to be in Calamity to get Ironguard Powders - they can only be manufactured at the 1k Officer. The only other way would be for someone in the faction to give or sell them to you, which is against Calamity's rules.

    And Graviora, we're not talking herbs here, who cares if he wants to sell herbs? We're talking about an exclusive-to-Calamity apothecary item this person was selling that is otherwise inaccessible to anyone outside of Calamity.

    And god, Zumi, get off your high horse. You don't know the first thing about Calamity. It's not about we should just buy them with faction funds, or whatever the hell you're talking about, it's about this loser selling out his faction, his family, for personal gain - you think that's deserving of respect?

    EDIT: Heartstone, you have a good idea there, however.... Apothecary is my only skill. I do not blacksmith or tailor or anything but apothecary. I gather my own herbs and make my own items for TW because I ENJOY it, it's my craft, and I wouldn't appreciate having it taken from me. I was in 1k yesterday, making IGs and White Teas for TW, and I was questioned by an officer asking if I was the one selling the IGs. I laughed hard IRL - you guys will know me well enough eventually to know that I'm an apoth hog - I don't share with anyone, not for money, not for anything. I've never sold a single herb, even, in a year and a half of PWI. I hoard that stuff like the end of the world is coming and it's all that will save me :D So, if the rule were to come up that only officers could do 1k apoth... well... I'd break the rule. It would be unfair to tell all of Calamity that they can't use their hard-earned apoth skills in 1k - sure it would out the traitor eventually, but at what cost?

    Calamity is not a police-state, so let's not turn it into one. I did appreciate being asked flat-out, though, I really did. I'd hate to think that someone would think I was the one and not say anything and just log in someday to being factionless because I was suspected. I think the officers are dealing with this the best way they can at the moment and we all just have to let them do their jobs. It's obvious to me that this fool, the OP, is an attention... hussy? Otherwise, why try so hard to hurt your family this way and then to come here and rub it in our faces? Grow up, you little ****, and go away, we don't want you, whoever you are.
  • I_Sell_Eeet - Dreamweaver
    I_Sell_Eeet - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    i want to do like nef. guard 1k npc. only officer makes apoth. Wouldnt be hard to put a alt standing at 1K npc recording live stream cam to a video link on forum for everyone to watch. make it save for a few days. if any IG's in big amounts around then check who had been near npc...

    either way not likely cala will do it, but i would vote for it.

    Hmm guards camera's...sounds like a prison
  • Binky - Dreamweaver
    Binky - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    And unlike your intention it will not turn into one!
    And for those that dont understand or agre honestly we dont care.
    If you want the apo so bad then earn it plain and simple take the city and partake in the fruits or your labor,
    Not on the back of others because you know thats the only way you can get it.
    And as for the misreading of my typinh it was to speak of the quality of the individuals in a opposite faction to attain the items underhandely and then post in forums to try and make others look bad as some way to feel superior,I mean it is a game so play it if the apoc was meant for the server it whould be made everywhere not by a officer in a city that only the owners of said city were able to access...I mean i guess i can understand eq being upset after all i think they had this city before twice even and lost it to cala so i guess this is easier then earning it back!
    I just think if you want something then earn it you want it handed to you at others expense i have no use for you at all.
    Sorry if i think that i whould rather not have someone in faction willing to do this to there fellow faction mats all to make a buck if that makes us less a family then honeslty id rather have what we have whatever you may call it then your vesion of a family that whould do anythign to get ahead as a individual regarless of what his (family) though of it!
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hmm guards camera's...sounds like a prison

    Still hiding.... coward. And if you don't like the idea, maybe we should do it just to make you mad enough to GET OUT because you aren't wanted here.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    And what's even funnier than that, is that if they're so worried about oppressing the server from having those apoth items, what stops them from just buying them using faction funds? They can't afford it....?......


    Well, I can somewhat understand, rules are rules and apoth items does give an advantage. But really, Cala could have handled this SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than this.

    Yes, I can just FEEL the respect you have to your new recruits....

    It wouldn't be so bad if you just said low lvl members (I assume you meant low as in lvl and not as in person... I could be wrong on that too though) but then you call them THINGS? They're not even people to you? Yes.... I can feel the respect....

    Hazu... I believe that when Binky; said, "low things" in that context... he or she meant as in low pathetic... sad attempts to do SOMETHING to help there faction get the upper hand. In other words I don't think Binky, wants to point the finger at anyone. =x

    Also as I stated earlier, I think its rather absurd to try and enforce a rule like "keep the stuff you made/make with certain npcs, in faction" rule. =x I mean all one person would have to do, is collect enough for 9999 of each potion go there once, and make all they want, and by the time someone checks those "cameras" the damage would be done. =x Not to mention how easy it would be for one person to just make there apo items, and to just give it to a friend. =x (in a trade menu, no one can monitor those. =x I mean even if you don't give apo out until TW, whats to stop someone from 'hoarding' the apo items, and just saying "oh, I used them I have none left" even leaders/strong loyal people appointed to watch the squad window to make sure that they are using them, will sometimes fail to catch to make sure someone is using them at all times. (Even if they decided to make video capturing a requirement to lead a squad in tw... that would be too difficult to pull of, what are the chance that you have enough people who are loyal enough, to show the whole video if you have any doubts about someone using there pots? =x) That would be a lot of video to go through. xD

    Edit: Also one more thing I can understand wanting to keep the apo in there own faction... but as I stated above... it would in my honest opinion be way too difficult to truly enforce. =x
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Healing_Hand - Dreamweaver
    Healing_Hand - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I mean i guess i can understand eq being upset after all i think they had this city before twice even and lost it to cala so i guess this is easier then earning it back!
    I just think if you want something then earn it you want it handed to you at others expense i have no use for you at all.
    Sorry if i think that i whould rather not have someone in faction willing to do this to there fellow faction mats all to make a buck if that makes us less a family then honeslty id rather have what we have whatever you may call it then your vesion of a family that whould do anythign to get ahead as a individual regarless of what his (family) though of it!

    Actually bro, we would much rather use those Ironguards in TW then sell becuase unlike some people, EQ knows how to make coin in game that doesn't involve the use of a credit card, we dont have to sell overpriced Apo.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Dreamweaver sounds.....amusing.

    Sure, me can understand wanting to keep teh ironguards for themselves, but me has to admit that Triton guy be a moron.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hmm guards camera's...sounds like a prison

    as i said before, CONCENTRATION CAMP
  • Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Krissy - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Funny as ButtSekks is Ajays seller alt so i guess a lot of people Have issues posting from mains 0o(
    And yes this is a issue its more a matter of when your a part of a group Show the rest the respect deserved its realy simple!

    and binky i may not be using my mains name, but this is on my MAINS account k? i dont know how to change the name i post with, this is how i started off, and obviously everyone knows who i am, and if they dont, i'm invizyKrizzy. k? i dont have any issues with posting anything from my main. you need to get your facts straight binky.
  • Meowmerz - Dreamweaver
    Meowmerz - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Funny as ButtSekks is Ajays seller alt so i guess a lot of people Have issues posting from mains 0o(
    And yes this is a issue its more a matter of when your a part of a group Show the rest the respect deserved its realy simple!

    and binky i may not be using my mains name, but this is on my MAINS account k? i dont know how to change the name i post with, this is how i started off, and obviously everyone knows who i am, and if they dont, i'm invizyKrizzy. k? i dont have any issues with posting anything from my main. you need to get your facts straight binky.

    I don't see binky mentioning your self centered butt on there :P

    why so defensive? oh wait that's right...creating drama is your thing...

  • Binky - Dreamweaver
    Binky - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Actually bro, we would much rather use those Ironguards in TW then sell becuase unlike some people, EQ knows how to make coin in game that doesn't involve the use of a credit card, we dont have to sell overpriced Apo.

    I think before you try to make a poke Hear im sure cheese and dragoonz might of help support this server as well.
    I mean i totally understand you want to play a game thats free and cost you nothing but someone has to support the server i mean im sure PWI whould so keep these servers running and new content coming out if everyone played for free..Right.
    Seriously make a valid jab, And one that doesnt make a stab at so many people that have put money and effort into this game so that you can play for free...and thats on both sides of the fence heck i think Dragoonz bought someone a new house by now but im not making it out to be a bad thing..and gratz on almost haveing your warsoul dragoonz had to be a pain to get this far..

    P.S. sorry krissy i was refearing to ajay i didnt even notice your post im , Im Sorry
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Yes, Magiere, you DO have to be in Calamity to get Ironguard Powders - they can only be manufactured at the 1k Officer. The only other way would be for someone in the faction to give or sell them to you, which is against Calamity's rules.

    WillowGirl, time to open your eyes and learn something new today.

    About this issue, having a hard-to-get apoth is an advantage and I can see why Cala enforce such a rule. But I would have to say that this is more of an issue within Cala and should be resolved internally. However, all those whispers kinda show the ugly side of Cala.

    About the alt, I would say that there are better ways to sell the powders. Also, what you are doing is creating drama and drawing attention. (Not that I don't like drama xD)
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Magiere - Dreamweaver
    Magiere - Dreamweaver Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Yes, Magiere, you DO have to be in Calamity to get Ironguard Powders - they can only be manufactured at the 1k Officer. The only other way would be for someone in the faction to give or sell them to you, which is against Calamity's rules.

    Ewww, wrong , wrong wrong.
    How can people these days be level 100+ and know absolutely nothing b:sweat

    Open your eyes and scroll down, there are a total of 12 mobs/elite that can drop them and they easily drop 1-3 each time u kill one.
    Imagine doing this during double drop b:shutup

    /Edit meh ninja'd, QQ
    Originally written by Satchiko to me regarding old spice commercial :
    Hello Perfect World. Look at your cleric, now back to me, now back to your cleric, now back to me. Sadly it isn't me. But if you stopped being a noob and started wearing sunglasses you could act like you're me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on Dreamweaver with the cleric your cleric could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. It's an inventory filled with the gear you want. Look again, the gear is now diamonds. Anything is possible with sunglasses. I'm flying on starter wings.
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Funny as ButtSekks is Ajays seller alt so i guess a lot of people Have issues posting from mains 0o(
    And yes this is a issue its more a matter of when your a part of a group Show the rest the respect deserved its realy simple!

    and binky i may not be using my mains name, but this is on my MAINS account k? i dont know how to change the name i post with, this is how i started off, and obviously everyone knows who i am, and if they dont, i'm invizyKrizzy. k? i dont have any issues with posting anything from my main. you need to get your facts straight binky.

    Not real hard, click the "Edit Your Avatar" button right next to your avatar pic at the top of the screen... Doesn't take a rocket scientist, but obviously it takes more intelligence than you can muster....

    And Binky seems to have his facts perfectly straight to me. Calamity has a rule that we don't sell our exclusive apoth items outside of faction. This loser is doing just that, regardless of who he is selling them to. Do you, Krissy, have a suggestion for a better solution to this problem? Does anyone? What are the officers supposed to do when someone breaks a rule? Ignore it? Sorry, seems to me our officers actually have some integrity, unlike this little **** who hides behind a level 1 alt.

    Something has to be done, and if it requires limiting who is "allowed" to use the 1k Officer to find out who is doing it who isn't supposed to, then fine. If that's what it takes, if that will out the person who is so dishonorable as to do this, then let's do it. If it's for the better of Calamity, to find the traitor and get them out, then by all means, I say set up the cameras. It wouldn't really harm me in any way to hand my herbs over to an officer and let them craft my IGs for me, and it wouldn't harm anyone else in Cala, either - so whoever got most pissed by it would likely be the one making a profit off his family's hard work and we'd have our traitor in hand, now wouldn't we?

    I finally looked at all the screenshots - at first there were just too many and I didn't really care to see what the moron had to say for himself. This whole "for the server" thing is really ridiculous. You aren't doing anything for the good of the server, you putz, you're doing it for the good of yourself, so just come out and admit it. You wanna do something good for the server, maybe try helping others with bosses or TT runs or something. Making a load of money for yourself does nothing for the server unless you intend to donate your profits to those less fortunate.

    Calamity doesn't deny the server anything, we challenge the server to build up and defeat us. It isn't Calamity's fault that they can't all do that. If they want 1k apoth, they should level, work hard, and take 1k from us. Otherwise, stop whining about it.
  • Magiere - Dreamweaver
    Magiere - Dreamweaver Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    No offense here but how do you practically want to limit the use of 1k by officers?
    Theres propably plenty of people that use all these Apo's during the week in crazy situations like 3-3, Lunar, PK etc. (cut them all off?)
    Making too much of a problem about some measly apo pots.
    Originally written by Satchiko to me regarding old spice commercial :
    Hello Perfect World. Look at your cleric, now back to me, now back to your cleric, now back to me. Sadly it isn't me. But if you stopped being a noob and started wearing sunglasses you could act like you're me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on Dreamweaver with the cleric your cleric could be like. What's in your hand, back at me. It's an inventory filled with the gear you want. Look again, the gear is now diamonds. Anything is possible with sunglasses. I'm flying on starter wings.
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