Veno Bramble Hood



  • Admante - Dreamweaver
    Admante - Dreamweaver Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The problem I have is: The devs removed the 200% damage reflect of bramble in open pvp because it was considered to be too powerful. Then they introduced the Psychic skill, Soulburn.

    Soulburn may only last 8 seconds, but its damage potential is far greater than that of Bramble Hood. It works on any attack or spell that deals damage, not only melee attacks. It damages you even if you attack someone other than the Psychic who cast it. And as far as I know, Soulburn cannot be purified.

    If Bramble Hood's damage reflect was deemed too "overpowered" then Soulburn should be considered the same. If the devs refuse to alter Soulburn, then at the very least, they should fix Bramble Hood's damage reflect in pvp.

    Pretty sure developers meant for Tideborn to be OP. Then they can tell their friends "They like my class better."
  • Cybetron - Harshlands
    Cybetron - Harshlands Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Sure.. while they are at it let Demon and Sage Roar work for barbs in PvP - the next time i see a 3 sparked fist bm all i'ld have to do is Roar and poof he's dead. There's a reason why GMs have nerfed skills that reflect dmg and it's quite apparent... b:chuckle
  • Nashie - Harshlands
    Nashie - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If Psychic's skill works on PvP I don't see why Bramble Hood shouldn't.
    And as someone said earlier... you only attack the Veno during Bramble Hood if you want LOL, smart people will stop... it would just be used to buy time.. as a recover.

    When Assassin's shadow escape to regenerate HP/Spark/Prepare for the next attack after being almost wiped people can't attack them. Is it any different? (Just saying both skills are mainly useful as a quick recover to be able to strike again after).

    People know when a Bramble Hood is casted it's not like it's animation is the same as Bramble Guard. Usually Veno's in duels, I mean, I speak for myself... I use Bramble Hood to safely Amplify Damage and Beffund Mist... as the first thing BMs seem to do is Stun you, might as well make them waste the stun... BUT In a PvP I think it would mainly be used to recover. Like, you're almost dead, so you kite a little and cast Bramble and you have 15 Seconds to regain that HP and Purge your target again, or Amp.

    (If I were a BM and saw Bramble Hood being casted I would, for example, run away, stun the Veno's pet, stay far from the Veno while Bramble Hood was on and as it lasts 15 seconds, just need the timing in mind... Spark Burst in the last seconds and rush to the Veno with that speed skill. See?! Of course this is theoretical but eh, I'm not a BM. But what I want to point is I think an experienced player is capable of sorting out a tactic to surpass it.)

    Think of Bramble Hood as Spikes that come out of the Veno's body temporary... You just hug the Veno if you want to.

    Again, If Psychic's skill works on PvP, ours should too.
    Not butthurt, neither QQing, I've quitted from suggesting it to the GM's already, just pointing out my opinion again.

    P.S-> Usually GM's answer is that they would do the changes if it was needed to, that is, if PvP was unbalanced in some sort of way. (I comprehend that they view it as balanced due to the fact that Nix's Bleed as full effect on PvP, but again It's not like everyone can afford a Nix.)

    I honestly don't need it fixed... I'm already used to not using it in my strategies as I prefer to not mess with BMs or Barbs. It would just be nice to have it... In time to time it would be fun to see a noob dying on it =P and it would make defending from BM's/Barbs rpkr's a lot easier, as it would destroy the surprise factor in the opponent attack and you could get ready for an actual fight and not just being ganked. T_T
  • SupaRoyalty - Lost City
    SupaRoyalty - Lost City Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Since the past 20 updates have been mostly cash shop related.. and since most topics in the suggestion forum go unread.. this thread is useless.
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    While they're at it make Knockback Arrow work in pvp.. it's totally worthless atm.
    totally worthless? it works against pets noob
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If Psychic's skill works on PvP I don't see why Bramble Hood shouldn't.
    And as someone said earlier... you only attack the Veno during Bramble Hood if you want LOL, smart people will stop...
    See, the problem is the people who've invested in -int gear to attain 5 atk/sec do so much damage so quickly, they can't stop themselves from attacking before they kill themselves on Bramble Hood. Curiously, these are often the same people who argue that their 5 atk/sec DPS is not overpowered...

    Bottom line is people who make 5 atk/sec -int builds have spent a boatload more $$$ on the game than a veno who gets Bramble Hood for free. So Bramble Hood will remain nerfed.
  • Krisnda - Lost City
    Krisnda - Lost City Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Bramble hood and bramble reflect shouldn't work in PvP. That would be more broken than -int without comparison.
    Then why don't they nerf the Psychics soulforce skills? they are able to use their reflect moves in PvP, why can't we?
    A good moderator should:
    - Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
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    - Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool
  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    See, the problem is the people who've invested in -int gear to attain 5 atk/sec do so much damage so quickly, they can't stop themselves from attacking before they kill themselves on Bramble Hood. Curiously, these are often the same people who argue that their 5 atk/sec DPS is not overpowered...

    Bottom line is people who make 5 atk/sec -int builds have spent a boatload more $$$ on the game than a veno who gets Bramble Hood for free. So Bramble Hood will remain nerfed.

    The same can be said for Soulburn. In a situation like TW, it's relatively easy to cast Soulburn on a person who is busy attacking someone else. If that person is attacking at 5 hits/second, they will most likely die before they can stop attacking.

    I'm aware that Bramble Hood's 75% damage reduction combined with the damage reflect gives the veno a better chance of coming out ahead, but you also have to keep a few things in mind. If a person spends the coin to reach 5 atks/sec they probably have more than double the Venomancer's health, and in the case of a BM, a very large amount of physical defense. Damage reflect is affected by the physical defense of the opponent, while damage from Soulburn is not.

    (I once dueled a fist BM to test Bramble Hood. Even at 4 attacks/ second, I died before the BM even reached 50% health.)
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i see melee classes QQing about a skill that lets them one shot themselfes

    -that lasts only 15sek costs 2sparks
    -which can be easily avoided by using ranged attacks or just waiting

    and of course these classes technically can 1shot me with armageddon/trueemptiness+ZERK+CRIT...

    seriously if you are really that afraid of bramble hood back in open pvp reroll an ranged class then...

    hope it they fiy it
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    We're a has been class and over the hill. Venos are no longer the cash cows like it was earning them revenue from the sales of battle pet packs. The focus is now on the tideborn classes and they've found another way to increase their revenue through whatever-happen-to-be-in-season pack sale.

    New players join and most likely roll a tideborn since all they see on the website and the PWI client starter are tideborns. PWE won't do anything for us venos to antagonise the other classes that are their golden geese now. They wouldn't want one of their new favored class to stealth, triple spark and suddenly 1 hitting themselves on a veno's bramble hood now do they?

    Soulburn isn't even a reflect skill. You take damage with everything you do. I pvped with a high 8x psy using my veno once. Soulburn was cast on my veno. Tried using sage summer sprint to purify it. Nope doesn't work. Cast bramble hood to take less damage and ended up doing damage on my veno. Tried potting to recover the hp lost, some more damage. Switched to foxform to try to melee the psy and ended up with a dead fox. The only options are to do nothing for 8 seconds and hope the psy doesn't nuke your character to death or run. This skill can be wicked and LOL simultaneously. Imagine a psy coming along while you're grinding or killing a boss and casting soulburn on you. That's when its wicked to you and LOL for the psy.

    Pys's reflect skill is soul of vengeance and it reflects every kind of damage, melee and magic. Veno's reflect skills only reflect melee and both brambles don't work in PvP as intended, to reflect. The golden geese classes get a full range of working skills in PvP. All the other classes just has to deal with it or reroll a tideborn and that's what PWE wants us to do. I would reroll a tideborn too but with the way that things are going - no existing bugs fixed, more boutique sales every week, pack sales every other 2 to 3 weeks, no thanks.

    I'll just stick to my veno until I'm too bored or a new and better game that isn't from PWE comes along.

    P/s I just remembered a discussion on expel from another thread. More wickedness and LOL. A psy with expel skill on the genie.

    Pp/s Now remember everyone. Be nice to the psys in your squad and don't go insulting them. They can kill your character without actually pking it. Boss fight scenario. Expel cleric, leave squad, soulburn tank, town tele. Squad wipe. LOL for the psy. I bet the devs didn't foresee this.
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