Genie info (for sin and bm)?

Kentroyven - Harshlands
Kentroyven - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Alright so i know genies can be pretty damn powerfull but i dont know exactly how to use mine to my full potential

i get that skills you want- effect -> the attributes and affinties you want

but what about starting genies?
would their be any reason for me to change my genie to another one
(notice both my genies are Zeal (bm genie - lev 36 17/30 lucky points) (sin genie lev 14 9/10 lucky points) Noneattribute or elemental affinty points are spent on ether genie

both genies have magic default should i perhaps change to a str / or dex default ? or keep with them?. I know earthflame is decent for pulling mobs but i dont need that (rarely do) soo should i change my genies or stick with them?

Also can anyone recoment good genie skills for a BM and/or Sin to have?
Post edited by Kentroyven - Harshlands on


  • LeLelle - Sanctuary
    LeLelle - Sanctuary Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Your avatar says 50. If this is one of the characters with the gold genie, then that means you are just starting out on BH39. If you spend a lot of time in that dungeon, you may yet change your tune regarding use of the pull skill on your genie.

    In my opinion, at level 50, the 15 point bias is no longer relevant. It doesn't help you get beyond the 2 point per attribute penalty incurred after 40 attribute points. At earlier levels, the 15 point bias in STR or DEX (the skill mechanic attributes) can help get the skills going.

    Whats important now are the lucky points.

    I'm sorry I can't help you with BM or Sin specific skills. But the reading that I have done suggests than many classes use thier genies in the same way. Second Wind to save your butt in a pinch. Holy Path to get you through Delirium and TT 1 dungeons more efficiently.

    Also, think of general areas where you would use your genie the most. Serious duelists have PvP specific genies. The skills I mentiond above would be for dungeon running. I once worked a genie to specialize in underwater farming.

    Use the forum search function and search words "genie skill" either at all classes level, or at BM or Assasin forum level. It will turn up much discussion on the subject.
  • Kentroyven - Harshlands
    Kentroyven - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok well i tend to do most things with a veno friend so pulling is nto much of a problem for me. (and my lev is 56bm, 44sin so i know what bh39 can be like :P )

    k i heard good things bout second wind and holy path before might look into them. But isnt holy path only bm?
  • Kentroyven - Harshlands
    Kentroyven - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    In my opinion, at level 50, the 15 point bias is no longer relevant. It doesn't help you get beyond the 2 point per attribute penalty incurred after 40 attribute points. At earlier levels, the 15 point bias in STR or DEX (the skill mechanic attributes) can help get the skills going.

    Whats important now are the lucky points.

    can you explain this a bit?
  • LeLelle - Sanctuary
    LeLelle - Sanctuary Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Here are the four genies:
    Abvr  Bias       Name        Season  Color
    Str   Strength   Infliction  Summer  Red
    Dex   Dexterity  Longevity   Spring  Blue
    Vit   Vitality   Dicipline   Winter  White
    Mag   Magic      Zeal        Fall    Orange

    For all intensive purposes, there are two important distinctions
    Default Skill
    Bias - skill with 15 initial points

    The only default skill worth worrying about is Earthflame which comes with the Zeal genie.

    You have two sources of points that can be applied to attributes: Level Points, and Lucky Points.

    You get Level Points every level (1 I think), and Lucky Points every 10th level.

    You take these points and apply them to the attributes of the genie - 1 point per one attribute increase. Once an attribute hits 40, it takes two points to increase an attribute point.

    I once believed that the biased attribute would have a higher penalty level. For example the Zeal has a 15 point bias in Magic. So you could continue applying points at a 1 to 1 ratio in magic until 55 (40 + 15). It turns out this is not true. All attributes are 2 to 1 for anything over 40.

    In the earlier levels that 15 extra points is useful as you don't have many level points or lucky points to throw at an attribute. In the earlier levels, you will probably want those extra 15 points to go to the skill mechanic attribute of STR or DEX.

    But once you have plenty of points to put into attributes, then the original bias is just more points already applied to one of the attributes. In later levels, it starts to become true what people say: there is no difference in the genies.

    But you do want a nice genie. You want a genie with many lucky points.

    ps. All of this is meaningless if you are looking to color coodinate.