Heelllppp Pleeeaaazzzeee!

Luffzcookiez - Dreamweaver
Luffzcookiez - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
ok so im a begginer and i want to know these few things

- how long do they usaully do the fixy thing and how do you know if their done?
- for a venomacer (EPIC FAIL at spelling i think) what is the were fox form thing?
ok thats it!! b:pleased
Post edited by Luffzcookiez - Dreamweaver on


  • Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear
    Gryphyyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hello and welcome to PWI. =)

    -The maintainence sessions usually last about 2 hrs (10pm PST - 12am PST). Its usually stickied under "General Discussion" forums. Click HERE.

    -I am not a veno so, I cant answer that question. You can try searching veno builds/guides in this area for more info.

    -Embrace is an action that allows a male character to hold (ie. embrace) a female character. Its a nice way to build up chi (required for special skills).

    Hope that helps! Enjoy the game!

    Karma | ex-GoldDigrz | ex-xWaRx | ex-Reunited | ex-Tao
    Status: Semi-Active | Mood: Apathetic
    Gryphyyn (10x Archer) | Tyyphoon (10x Assassin) | Ryyft (8x Seeker)

    Fearless. | karmapwi.com
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    The werefox form gives you extra phys. def. and you can do certain skills with it.
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • RT_Deviance - Heavens Tear
    RT_Deviance - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You can learn the werefox skill at level 10, Werefox form is more melee attacks but you do have some nasty hexes can only be cast in that form.
    If your going to yell "Heal" at me and then cuss at me, please do me the courtesy of yelling it in English

    So I can laugh as I watch you Die

    I play a Vampire not a Priest because I am Not a Heal bot for a whining "Tank Class"
  • foxgirl203
    foxgirl203 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You can learn the werefox skill at level 10, Werefox form is more melee attacks but you do have some nasty hexes can only be cast in that form.

    so at lvl 10 u can turn into a fox?b:shocked thats so cool!
  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I always thought it's level 9, but doesn't really matter.

    Yes, you can turn into a fox. It's even cool, first few times. Other than that, it's quite boring --- foxes have very few animations, and looks do not incorporate your human form looks and gear. Thus, all foxes are exakt clones.

    [ Same applies to barbarians and their tiger form ]

    Of course, it's the usual "save money" thing. *All* classes in PW are humans, so they can all use the same animations. You can't really apply the existing human animations to foxes/tigers... so all of that would need to be redone. Even the tideborn probably use the same skeleton --- considering that all races have a swimming animation, the meremaid animation probably didn't even need additional control points (although that's just a wild guess, I'm not an artist or a 3D modeller/animator).

    Along similar lines, you can't stick human armor textures onto foxes/tigers (well, technically you can, but the results won't be anything you'd like to publish) --- so again, lots of additional artwork.

    Sure, knowing WHY it's setup like this doesn't make much of a difference, it's still boring :-)
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You can't really apply the existing human animations to foxes/tigers... so all of that would need to be redone.

    As a sidenote - you can you know. They've got a head and four limbs, just like a person.
    The results are universally hilarious - little foxes strutting around on their hind legs like puss-in-boots.

    But yes - the foxform is very cool, but kinda boring to watch after a while. But that first while is great.

    Tigerform stays funnier for longer if you keep saying things like "Rawr!"