[Raging Tides] NoobsЯUs

Noob - Raging Tide
Noob - Raging Tide Posts: 771 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Guild Banter
NoobsЯUs was a lvl 1 faction and is now lvl 2 currently working its way to lvl 3. NoobsЯUs is a unique guild that can provide help to any new players. NoobsЯUs provides a fun and friendly environment so that you can learn more about the game. We do FBs/BHs/Bosses and many more. NoobsЯUs trys to be a drama free guild and does not tolerate the trash talking of others.

NoobsЯUs is looking for casual players who want to learn as well as have FUN. If you are free spirited, chatty, fun please feel free to apply. We have no limit and welcome all “noobs” to our family. We do however encourage you to be active and if you have to be away from game for any reason to please tell me. If you ever decide to leave the game please notify me so I can temporarily remove you from the faction.

NoobsЯUs is unique as I said before. The guild has an item lending service where we provide a list of donated items that can be loaned to you if needed. We also have an item request system. If you are looking for some equips to use that are not in the item lending service you can request it at the item request and I will keep a look out for the items you need.

To join pm Noob in game or post a reply here. You can also register at our website http://noobsrus-pwi.ning.com/ .When you register please put your in game name in the real name field so we can easily identify you :D.

Leader : Noob