Does every one hate the word "Psychic"?

Gothits - Sanctuary
Gothits - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
edited June 2010 in Psychic
Ealier today someone made the absurb comment( and he was a barbarian) that he's not joining squad with a psychic. Also whever I say that I can tank or I can DD(damage deal) which I can with my 100000hp charm, I'm totally ignored. So I want your oppinion. Think this class deserves a little more respect or what?b:victory
Post edited by Gothits - Sanctuary on


  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I for one do not hate psychics. o___o;;

    They do insane damage and are good for DD. I guess the reason why Barbs might hate psychics is because they could steal aggro from the tank (however, that should not happen with good tanks)

    Their name is even stuck in my head >_> I had a physics test the other day and I told it friend, "I totally failed that psychics test." She just gave me a blank stare xD
  • Anemone_ - Harshlands
    Anemone_ - Harshlands Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I for one do not hate psychics. o___o;;

    They do insane damage and are good for DD. I guess the reason why Barbs might hate psychics is because they could steal aggro from the tank (however, that should not happen with good tanks)

    Their name is even stuck in my head >_> I had a physics test the other day and I told it friend, "I totally failed that psychics test." She just gave me a blank stare xD

    I agree, we can pull a lot of hate so that could be what he is referring too.

    Chances are that he is in fact just a fail barb saying those things to make excuses for his own shortcoming.

    Don't let it bother ya. Psys have a ton to offer pve wise.
    Especially when you get to do FC.
    Who doesn't love pie!?
  • FantaO - Heavens Tear
    FantaO - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It wont be like that forever. Once more psychics understand their class better and learn to play in a squad, we will be accepted. Oracle sales didn't help much with this.

    Psychic is more than just a full out DDer like most seem to think. That's the archer and wizard's job.
  • TiaDaIma - Sanctuary
    TiaDaIma - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think most of what's been said is true, however there are always going to be people that are angry for the sake of being angry. Those folks that have to have something to complain about. Back before a lot of people had hit 90, when there was no bounty hunter and there was no oracle packs/sales, and there was no FCC, people were mad because wizards were "so underpowered and died all the time". Now people have realized that's total nonsense.

    Then nix and herc came out and all of a sudden venos were hated and despised. "omg veno so OP can't win, halp." "omg veno take away barb job, stupid veno!" But people figured out ways around the nix by actually playing and learning what to do. And people realized herc isn't the all powerful super unkillable tank they made it out to be, go figure.

    Now guess what, tideborns came out, and unfortunately we live in a oracled/bh'd world where very few actually learn to play their class properly, and thus until something new comes out again that they can complain about, they will complain about tideborns.
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I think most of what's been said is true, however there are always going to be people that are angry for the sake of being angry. Those folks that have to have something to complain about. Back before a lot of people had hit 90, when there was no bounty hunter and there was no oracle packs/sales, and there was no FCC, people were mad because wizards were "so underpowered and died all the time". Now people have realized that's total nonsense.

    Then nix and herc came out and all of a sudden venos were hated and despised. "omg veno so OP can't win, halp." "omg veno take away barb job, stupid veno!" But people figured out ways around the nix by actually playing and learning what to do. And people realized herc isn't the all powerful super unkillable tank they made it out to be, go figure.

    Now guess what, tideborns came out, and unfortunately we live in a oracled/bh'd world where very few actually learn to play their class properly, and thus until something new comes out again that they can complain about, they will complain about tideborns.


    ........of course, being in the same race as those damned Assassins doesn't help our Rep.

    I don't see why people hate Psychics. We can buff, DD, tank (this is assuming your build isn't pure mag and your P.Def sucks) and even backup cleric. (I end up doing that a lot for some reason.) I mean, in comparison to other classes, we're not exactly powerful. A wizard at 8x level is definately going to be stronger than a Psychic the same why complain?
  • Kai_Umi - Heavens Tear
    Kai_Umi - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    one thing i would like to say is don t generalize, most of ppl don t hate psy
    then a few thing :

    1- This barb is fail and don t know how to keep his aggro

    2- Some psy just go rush burst on boss and should learn to control their aggro

  • Szol - Harshlands
    Szol - Harshlands Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i hates the psys !!!!

    p.s HAI ANE b:laughb:laughb:thanks
  • Kaloissa - Archosaur
    Kaloissa - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i have played a barb and a psy and i will say, aside from fire mobs i could keep aggro against a psy. now playing a psy and seeing this massive insane OP damage i do, i feel better about my tanking ability b:laugh
  • Anemone_ - Harshlands
    Anemone_ - Harshlands Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i hates the psys !!!!

    p.s HAI ANE b:laughb:laughb:thanks

    Ohh noes! Szol has invaded the thread, Hide the women and children! b:laugh

    Who doesn't love pie!?
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    ........of course, being in the same race as those damned Assassins doesn't help our Rep.

    I don't see why people hate Psychics. We can buff, DD, tank (this is assuming your build isn't pure mag and your P.Def sucks) and even backup cleric. (I end up doing that a lot for some reason.) I mean, in comparison to other classes, we're not exactly powerful. A wizard at 8x level is definately going to be stronger than a Psychic the same why complain?

    K, Psy vs wizard comparison from my perspective as far as total destructive capability:

    1-29 Psy
    29-51 Wizard (this is where the psy's aoe trio starts overtaking wizard's DB and Soulburn was added at 49)
    51-59 Psychic (Wizards then gain access to their powerhit aoes, though it may take a couple levels of these to overtake the psys spammable aoes so it may be -62 or -65)
    59-99 Wizard (Psys just can't overtake the dph of wizards nukes without the 100 skill)
    100 Wizard, though the Psys gain some additional damage capacity, water dragon has a 500% while the max psy (Stone Smasher) has a 400% leaving them slightly behind.

    1-29 Psy
    29-39 Wiz
    39-79 Psy
    79-89 ?
    89-99 Wiz Many of psys skills don't get upgrades until 99 due to improper fix on skill books
    99+ Psy Bam! Suddenly Psys have all of their skills available to them and can throw massive damage all around the place...
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Grisha_king - Archosaur
    Grisha_king - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    psychic is best char if u know play with this char .

    when i was lvl 50 losed 80% of times.. now just found tactics to win.. for example to kill barb u need psy will on start and then .

    i like psychics :D

    the dude up to me.. dont forget than psychics have 4 new spells..
    the one for lvl 79..
    make psy best DD from lvl 79-99.
  • Soully - Dreamweaver
    Soully - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i have these problems too b:sad

    all ppl are complaining and shouting on me just when i accidently took agro
    i cant understand it

    i know we psys have to learn to controll our DD

    but nobody is telling me HOW

    do you know what is important to controll DD and not steal agro?
    Hate2Love - The best loveliest and funniest fact of the world!b:dirtyb:kiss

    My toons ingame (Dreamweaver):

    Soully (Psychic)
    Corlly (Venomancer)
    Cavy (Barbarian)
    Jazz_s (Cleric)
    Leylaa (Assasin)

    other classes will come soon b:chuckle

    See you all ingame!! b:laughb:bye
  • ryukage
    ryukage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I don't see why people hate Psychics.
    Frankly, many MMO players suffer from xenophobia because most of the people you will meet on these games have a severe inability to adapt to changes, and would much rather blame the newest thing than blame their own faults. Logically speaking, PW especially is a game with a severe lack of in-class diversity, so new classes are inevitable. And once newer ones come out, you'll see that much of the hate will shift to them instead. People are just that silly.

    There are a lot of noobish Psychics, but there's a lot of noobs in every class. Every class has a high number of oraclers and people who are just plain out stupid; so yeah. blaming any of this on Psychics is just a sad excuse for QQing nowadays.
    We can buff,
    Minorly, but yeah. Only being able to buff one person at a time makes us not the biggest help in this category, aside from a few specialized uses. (Empowered Vigor on Cata-pulling Barb in TW... FTW!)
    Expertly. b:victory
    tank (this is assuming your build isn't pure mag and your P.Def sucks)
    I'm pure mag, have always been pure mag, will probably never stop being pure mag, and I tank all the time. So in regards to your comment... LOLWUT?
    and even backup cleric. (I end up doing that a lot for some reason.)
    I fear the strength of Bubble of Life is being overestimated in this statement...
    I mean, in comparison to other classes, we're not exactly powerful. A wizard at 8x level is definately going to be stronger than a Psychic the same why complain?
    Well now that our class is actually complete, we stack up pretty well. We have the power we need to function, and the tactics we need to make it all work.

    That being said, there's really nothing overpowered in the Psychic's arsenal either, once you actually think about how the skills will ultimately be used; so I'd agree that any complaining from the other classes now would be a waste of their time.
  • Soully - Dreamweaver
    Soully - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Hey all b:pleased

    Its really sad that the ppl move the fault of a fail bh etc. to the tideborn (especially psychics) just because they made something wrong and dont want to stay as a Noob

    For example the tank didnt hold agro or the cleric didnt heal the tank

    Some day i did bh39 and it was fail because i accidenlty stole agro from the barb and the cleric didnt heal me so i died. But the crappy thing was that the barb died too. Weird? Right?
    Ok i stole agro i know this shouldnt happen but why the cleric just didnt let me die and still healed the barb?

    These are just little mistakes which happen every day. Everyone is making mistakes and its wrong to shout at ppl because of that. b:shocked

    I wrote before a post but i didnt find an answer for my question. Im not very experienced in this game so Im asking:

    How can I controll my damage for not stealing agro?

    For my opinion every class is an amazing thing and has to be respected. Everyone can something different. For sure there are problems with the tideborn because they are relative new. The other ppl have to learn how to work with them together and it cant be perfect everytime. Thats the way of our life.
    The ppl who hate psys should stop complaining about us and try to find a way to work WITH us not AGAINST us. Maybe they will reach more than before. Who knows? b:chuckle

    Hope you share my opinion and Im waiting for some answers for my question. b:bye
    Hate2Love - The best loveliest and funniest fact of the world!b:dirtyb:kiss

    My toons ingame (Dreamweaver):

    Soully (Psychic)
    Corlly (Venomancer)
    Cavy (Barbarian)
    Jazz_s (Cleric)
    Leylaa (Assasin)

    other classes will come soon b:chuckle

    See you all ingame!! b:laughb:bye
  • Born_Free - Harshlands
    Born_Free - Harshlands Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Bubble really depends on how much base mag you have and of course the level of your skill. Right now, mine's about 6, and I end up cleric-ing sometimes in BH's. Go figure. Stacking BoL with Empowered Vigor on a tank can seriously save your squad. Yes, it's no Morning Dew, or Ironheart, but it's an "In Case of Fire, kick @ss" kind of move.

    You seriously CAN tank bosses if you have a VIT build. (Like me, having about 75 VIT and 150 MP, 50 STR, 30 DEX) Sure you do a little less damage, but if you pair off that build with some PDef. gear....survivability much? (I only have about 2.6k of HP, but it's better than nothing.)

    Agreed Soully, the art of being a Psychic is dealing with aggro steal. That's why it takes understanding the game to actually play it well, as with any other class. (Why we steal aggro more than other classes confounds me though. I steal aggro from the most unlikely of classes...hence why I no longer PQ.)

    Hence why the Soul skills and Voodoo magic comes in handy. Just throw up white voodoo, Bubble of Life, stack it with Empowered Vigor, and if your genie doesn't have 2nd Wind, run in the general direction of your tank until he gets the picture to save your hide.
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    psychic is best char if u know play with this char .

    when i was lvl 50 losed 80% of times.. now just found tactics to win.. for example to kill barb u need psy will on start and then .

    i like psychics :D

    the dude up to me.. dont forget than psychics have 4 new spells..
    the one for lvl 79..
    make psy best DD from lvl 79-99.

    Don't Freakin' Say that! You are the people that make other DD classes hate us... Have You Gone the the wizard thread... i mean they have a a 41 page Thread on how much we suck and how they need to join together and take us down. We are a peaceful class. keep it like that dude.
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada

  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    We are a peaceful class. keep it like that dude.

    *reads tideborn lore again....*
    peaceful you says?
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Rangergod - Raging Tide
    Rangergod - Raging Tide Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Bubble really depends on how much base mag you have and of course the level of your skill. Right now, mine's about 6, and I end up cleric-ing sometimes in BH's. Go figure. Stacking BoL with Empowered Vigor on a tank can seriously save your squad. Yes, it's no Morning Dew, or Ironheart, but it's an "In Case of Fire, kick @ss" kind of move.

    You seriously CAN tank bosses if you have a VIT build. (Like me, having about 75 VIT and 150 MP, 50 STR, 30 DEX) Sure you do a little less damage, but if you pair off that build with some PDef. gear....survivability much? (I only have about 2.6k of HP, but it's better than nothing.)

    Agreed Soully, the art of being a Psychic is dealing with aggro steal. That's why it takes understanding the game to actually play it well, as with any other class. (Why we steal aggro more than other classes confounds me though. I steal aggro from the most unlikely of classes...hence why I no longer PQ.)

    Hence why the Soul skills and Voodoo magic comes in handy. Just throw up white voodoo, Bubble of Life, stack it with Empowered Vigor, and if your genie doesn't have 2nd Wind, run in the general direction of your tank until he gets the picture to save your hide.

    I was a Vit build for a while till i reached about lvl 70... my freind, vit build is nice but soon we will be fighting more magic mobs than phy mods so we will need more magic def then phy def, Or do you mean pvp...? well heres the thing we get 10 hp per vit point.. not that awsome... we mine as well get a gem equal to that and get that extra 5 mage points. My point is Gems Over Power our vit = hp gain any day. and anyone can tank with white voodoo and BoL lol
    "In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada