Rate my build choice, etc.
Trawne - Lost City wrote: »i'm not mad at all. keeping your mouth shut could work both ways. you decided to stoop to a level of insults. you've also shown you have little knowledge of how this game works. you really need an attitude check if you're going to keep posting here before a mod gets tired of your verbal bashing and choices in language. quite inappropriate for these forums
I decided to speak my mind because I felt that my boyfriend was being insulted by ritsuya, which was highly uncalled for, and I don't just sit back and let people talk down to him. And then, I felt that I was being insulted by you, which I was, I also don't appreciate when people insult me. You get what you give. If you're going to be mean to me, I'm going to be mean to you. If you had stuck to only commenting on the Rank 8 Armor, rather than deciding to try and stick up for ritsuya, who was in the wrong, none of this would have even happened. My response to ritsuya would have been the end of it.
And before you start threatening me, I would go back through and read what you have posted as well. You used capital letters, you used fowl language, you verbally bashed/insulted, you admitted to aiming your negative behavior toward me, and you got off topic. So, if you submit a ticket I'm positive that they will go through this thread and see what both you and I have posted.
Now, I'm done with speaking my mind. The only reason I even came on this forum was to check up on the responses to Rated's post for him. I don't even usually go on forums because of **** like this.0 -
TurboTaxi - Lost City wrote: »*sigh* heres a few questions if you dont mind:
1. do you plan on staying lvl 29?
2. do you have any other char past lvl 8x?
3. what do you plan to do endgame?
4. do you plan on going sage or demon?
5. Will you be committing yourself to any factions? lots of pvp goes on with tons of people.
6. are you at all interested in Territory Wars?
Right now I am not on my computer because verizon is full of...."idiots". Theres a broken cord or something outside and they are being very lazy etc. about the situation, so for a while i will not have my own net etc.
1. No I do not plan on staying 29, the day I hit 29 is the day we moved to a new house etc blah blah xD. I plan on attaining the highest combat level I can to be honest.
2. Uhm still fairly new and most of my time up until now was character switching testing etc., so i think 8x is 80+ and no, rated is my highest character, but on any game I play I always research and gather info on what i am doing/should do.
3. Endgame is helping out people, which i always do anyway, and do a ton of pvping.
4.Endgame sage/demon wise, well....I am a skill spammer, even if i had enough cash to go interval, i am a spammer at heart xD, it's just what i do, as of right now, I think the sage form will give me a better outcome for my uses.
5. I am looking to start my own faction for tw and pvp etc., but that won't be for a while.
6. I dont know everything that goes on in/about tw's but my love for any game is killing ****, people npcs' it's all the same to me xD.
Your thread on the build helped me a lot, and when my girlfriend told me you were the one replying now I wanted to talk to you personally. I got the whole thing of assassin from you. Hit without getting hit, etc. Truthfully def isnt needed for what I will do, bh's etc i will squad "obviously" and pvp will be with friends fct mates etc. but i kive destroying people by myself though. If you have any more questions for me feel free to ask, and I will try to get on sometime to reply.
P.S. Basically, I am raising my str to what my newest wepon entails me to have, so the quingzi weps = more str etc. but I am not hoing to waste pts that I can use on dex for armor, I hope you get what myself and my girlfriend have been trying to say because you seem like the only one on here thats here to actually thorouhly read and examine our replies xD. No offence but Trawne, you started **** with my gf, so you initiated the "flame" war, so please if you don't have any "insightful" input, get off my thread before I show you what bashing is, and I really don't want to have to do that dude. kthxbaib:bye0 -
Rated_PG - Raging Tide wrote: »Right now I am not on my computer because verizon is full of...."idiots". Theres a broken cord or something outside and they are being very lazy etc. about the situation, so for a while i will not have my own net etc.
1. No I do not plan on staying 29, the day I hit 29 is the day we moved to a new house etc blah blah xD. I plan on attaining the highest combat level I can to be honest.
2. Uhm still fairly new and most of my time up until now was character switching testing etc., so i think 8x is 80+ and no, rated is my highest character, but on any game I play I always research and gather info on what i am doing/should do.
3. Endgame is helping out people, which i always do anyway, and do a ton of pvping.
4.Endgame sage/demon wise, well....I am a skill spammer, even if i had enough cash to go interval, i am a spammer at heart xD, it's just what i do, as of right now, I think the sage form will give me a better outcome for my uses.
5. I am looking to start my own faction for tw and pvp etc., but that won't be for a while.
6. I dont know everything that goes on in/about tw's but my love for any game is killing ****, people npcs' it's all the same to me xD.
Your thread on the build helped me a lot, and when my girlfriend told me you were the one replying now I wanted to talk to you personally. I got the whole thing of assassin from you. Hit without getting hit, etc. Truthfully def isnt needed for what I will do, bh's etc i will squad "obviously" and pvp will be with friends fct mates etc. but i kive destroying people by myself though. If you have any more questions for me feel free to ask, and I will try to get on sometime to reply.
P.S. Basically, I am raising my str to what my newest wepon entails me to have, so the quingzi weps = more str etc. but I am not hoing to waste pts that I can use on dex for armor, I hope you get what myself and my girlfriend have been trying to say because you seem like the only one on here thats here to actually thorouhly read and examine our replies xD. No offence but Trawne, you started **** with my gf, so you initiated the "flame" war, so please if you don't have any "insightful" input, get off my thread before I show you what bashing is, and I really don't want to have to do that dude. kthxbaib:bye
lmao try it bud, really. i have nothing to do. i'm here all day every day. it'll be quite entertaining. i can post in here if i want. it's not your forum, you dont control it. you're build may look good, but it will only work when you get rank8 gear. any pk you get that isnt secluded and has more than a couple people in you will die before you can do anything. even in a 2v2 fight you will be focused and dropped before you can stop both of them. it appears this is something you will have to learn when you get higher since both you and your girl are too thick headed to take ANY kind of criticism.I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
Rated_PG - Raging Tide wrote: »Right now I am not on my computer because verizon is full of...."idiots". Theres a broken cord or something outside and they are being very lazy etc. about the situation, so for a while i will not have my own net etc.
1. No I do not plan on staying 29, the day I hit 29 is the day we moved to a new house etc blah blah xD. I plan on attaining the highest combat level I can to be honest.
2. Uhm still fairly new and most of my time up until now was character switching testing etc., so i think 8x is 80+ and no, rated is my highest character, but on any game I play I always research and gather info on what i am doing/should do.
3. Endgame is helping out people, which i always do anyway, and do a ton of pvping.
4.Endgame sage/demon wise, well....I am a skill spammer, even if i had enough cash to go interval, i am a spammer at heart xD, it's just what i do, as of right now, I think the sage form will give me a better outcome for my uses.
5. I am looking to start my own faction for tw and pvp etc., but that won't be for a while.
6. I dont know everything that goes on in/about tw's but my love for any game is killing ****, people npcs' it's all the same to me xD.
Your thread on the build helped me a lot, and when my girlfriend told me you were the one replying now I wanted to talk to you personally. I got the whole thing of assassin from you. Hit without getting hit, etc. Truthfully def isnt needed for what I will do, bh's etc i will squad "obviously" and pvp will be with friends fct mates etc. but i kive destroying people by myself though. If you have any more questions for me feel free to ask, and I will try to get on sometime to reply.
P.S. Basically, I am raising my str to what my newest wepon entails me to have, so the quingzi weps = more str etc. but I am not hoing to waste pts that I can use on dex for armor, I hope you get what myself and my girlfriend have been trying to say because you seem like the only one on here thats here to actually thorouhly read and examine our replies xD. No offence but Trawne, you started **** with my gf, so you initiated the "flame" war, so please if you don't have any "insightful" input, get off my thread before I show you what bashing is, and I really don't want to have to do that dude. kthxbaib:bye
oh cool ok, thats exactly what i anticipated from ya. you wanna log on and just plain have a good time with friends/buddies with no strings attached =] and hey, thats great man. sounds good
~imo things to look out for though~
theres actually a few reasons we're so hard on trying to "help" you. mainly because of the competitiveness of "the serious mmorpg player" in perfect world. with that being said, it just goes a very long way in terms, which i will try explaining here. you'll definately be running into these people and it might, in fact, change your views/goals toward the game in the future.
in perfect world, they're called "catshoppers". rofl. people that spend thousands of dollars on the catshop in order to get THEE best items/gear. only reason why i mention this is because you mentioned you wanted to pvp a lot. in that case, you'll definitely be running into these people, and with the build you plan on using, you'll have absolutely nooooo chance against them. so the best thing to do would be avoid them since they're basically eeeeverywhere. 60-80% of people that made it past lvl 80 are most likely catshoppers. (dont let that scare you, but perfect world just tends to make you wanna be better than the next guy. if not, then its really going ot make you wanna try. and the only way to do this in the most effective fashion, is to catshop. if you have no problem avoiding this common dilemma, then more coo-toes to you, mate! ^_^ haha)
many serious players in perfect world actually use "the catshopper" as a personal parameter on viewing their own pvp potential. meaning: asking yurself this question, "is my character strong enough to handle a catshopper???" this would help you see how effective your toon will be generally in the pwi pvp world.
how to be aware of their presence? check this tip out:
cool tip: you can right click on the "face picture" of any other player and "view their items". cool thing about this is that you can do this while stealthed, as well. lol
stealth seems simple, but its actually quite complicated. and TRAWNE actually took the time to write a fantastic guide on the specific mechanics of stealth ingame =] if you wanna look more into that, check it out right here:
again, im not writing this to scare or turn you away bro, but more so you will be more better informed ingame, and that your gameplay experience with your friends will be even more greater =] considering the build you've chosen. like i've said many times to the other guys, us assasins have to continue to stick together =] otherwise, how else will be beable to continue to seperate our class from the others? ^_^ rofl
feel free to reply or ask more questions on/in any of the topics i've posted, if you feel you've become interested in any of them."Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)0 -
Wow...reading this thread was quite interesting (which was good, as I am bored waiting for server maintenance to end).
Alot of flaming going on in the beginning but you all worked it out in the end; I was pleasently surprised not to have seen that a GM/Mod closed this thread.
If I may, I would like to sum up what everyone is trying to tell you. At the level you are, the game is very easy; deviating the build that the game designers had in mind for your class is easy to do and can even be advantageous (I was a heavy armor vitality build until about 40, and still am a hybrid build). However, the game play changes drastically around 50-70 in such a way that no amount of number crunching can predict; only by experiencing this can you understand what I mean. I am very much regretting my hybrid build and am respecing soon to an ALMOST pure dex build (I'm keeping 40 vit).
Don't get me wrong, I respect you for your experimentation with your super dex build and the amount of research you seem to have put into this (I would also like to go on a slight rabbit trail and also commend you for the very mature way in which you replied to your haters and to your girlfriend's devotion to you), but judging by the fact that many people have tried other builds for assassins but they just cannot usually compete with the pure dex build, we believe that somewhere around mid-level you will regret your choice.
I am not saying that it WILL fail, I'm simply saying the odds are that it will. If it does work out for you, then I salute you in the most respectful manner sir.
Hope I was helpful
P.S. to all of you people who have nothing to do but flame people for deviating from the norm, go back to 4chan where you spawned fromb:byeDemon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »P.S. to all of you people who have nothing to do but flame people for deviating from the norm, go back to 4chan where you spawned fromb:bye
i hurd you leik mudkipz b:chuckle.
the build will work, until mass pvp comes in. then it will fail, until he gets rank8. then it will be all good again. in single combat, where he isnt getting jumped, he will kill a little bit quicker than others, and have a better chance of getting the kill using skill combos. if he gets interrupted, or even just gushed by a wizard nearby, he'll drop like a sack of potatoes. i may not be all sugar coating babysitter sweet about it like they wanted, but i do have experience with the build and he'd rather learn the hard way, which is fine. some people are just that stubborn. hell if i wasnt i wouldnt still be posting b:victoryI hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
Trawne - Lost City wrote: »i hurd you leik mudkipz b:chuckle.Trawne - Lost City wrote: »the build will work, until mass pvp comes in. then it will fail, until he gets rank8. then it will be all good again. in single combat, where he isnt getting jumped, he will kill a little bit quicker than others, and have a better chance of getting the kill using skill combos. if he gets interrupted, or even just gushed by a wizard nearby, he'll drop like a sack of potatoes. i may not be all sugar coating babysitter sweet about it like they wanted, but i do have experience with the build and he'd rather learn the hard way, which is fine. some people are just that stubborn. hell if i wasnt i wouldnt still be posting b:victory
BTW, was my summary correct? I didn't miss anything or say something that wasn't said did I?Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »b:laugh Touche
I agree, sometimes you just have to give it to them with a bit of thought love, I'm not knocking you, I think all of your explanations were very good. I was blasting the jerkbags who like to respond with comments such as "reroll a -fill in the blank-", or "fail!" etc.
BTW, was my summary correct? I didn't miss anything or say something that wasn't said did I?
Your sumarry and replies were very insightful and very welcomed. "to turbotaxi" my aim for any game is to destroy people, "pvp". to everyone, if i do find that it is too hard i'm not "that stubborn" that i wouldnt give leeway to some thought or try for more str, but my whle reasoning for this was for people to tell me if they liked my stats/build ATM<----atm.... :P...but like any forum anywhere, it just never happens like that. My main thing atm is the most damage, and right now at my level i have it "almost" "my gear gives +12/16" I have destroyed almost anyone at my level and somewhat above with little try. I know when I need help and when I am truely in the wrong and can amend for that, but right now I am making my sin, a full out assassin. High damage low chance to get hit, good accuracy, good crit %. I have defeated all classes, barbs bms sins psys clerics venos archers and wizards. Sins by far are the most "dangerous" for me to fight, because they are the same as me by technicality, bms are the "hardest" fights for me, because of their high damage, and great defence. "tangling mire destroys them xD" and the "scariest" are psys, because of their good damage and reflect skills, it makes them a scary class to fight for me, also it is my least researched class. All in all I am here to help people, make friends and p0wn up on some kids
, i dont have vid editing software atm etc, but check out my youtube page for some vids of my last few games etc. themassacrevideos
just how it looks all one word. Enjoy.0 -
The thing about "build ATM" is that unless you plan to spend real money to buy a Reset Stone to allow you to respec, if you change you build mid-game, it will take you forever to fix it, and even then it will probably not be what you want.
And I must call you out on one thing. You stated that your goal is end-game PvP. In that case, why do you want to know what people think of you build ATM? Or were your points about end-game only in answer to those who asked you about your goals pertaining to such?Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »You stated that your goal is end-game PvP. In that case, why do you want to know what people think of you build ATM? Or were your points about end-game only in answer to those who asked you about your goals pertaining to such?
I stated in my last post that my goal for any game is just to destroy people in pvp, this level end game it makes no difference, but all my references to end game points were just responses to peoples' questions. I just wanted to have a few people comment/rate my build atm, not to have this big mid/end game bickering.0 -
All I can say is, you may want to level up a bit more before making so many claims about how good your build is (despite what other experienced players have said). Research and theory can only get you so far.
I don't know who you're fighting at level 29 considering you're on a PvE server and below level 30. I can only imagine it's dueling which to be honest is nothing like PK or TW. Not to mention the fact that neither you nor the people you're dueling have access to all their skills so most of what you say with regards to stunning etc is only theory and you don't actually know how these situations tend to play out.0 -
Astrohawke - Lost City wrote: »All I can say is, you may want to level up a bit more before making so many claims about how good your build is (despite what other experienced players have said). Research and theory can only get you so far.
I don't know who you're fighting at level 29 considering you're on a PvE server and below level 30. I can only imagine it's dueling which to be honest is nothing like PK or TW. Not to mention the fact that neither you nor the people you're dueling have access to all their skills so most of what you say with regards to stunning etc is only theory and you don't actually know how these situations tend to play out.
sorry, but another off topic post is not needed, and i'll claim all I want, even though I am basically new altogether to the game somewhat, I always research to gain a good handle for skills etc, what's to come, type of thing. And yes I am not level 30 thefefore i can not go into pk mode "duh???" In every game I play no matter the type of pvp etc, I excel greatly, and with how creative I can get with even my level 29 skills, pvp for me is basically a walk in the park xDxD. Not to be cocky or anything, but vs my lvl or even a "few" higher I rarely....rarely lose, and when i get a noob higher level that underestimates me, well they learn their lesson quick. So please, maybe you should do some research, especailly on the forums under the forum rules for off topic posting etc. just please from now on, if you have nothing insightful/helpful/or on the basic "your build is:..." read and get off, just leave mmk.
0 -
Rated_PG - Raging Tide wrote: »sorry, but another off topic post is not needed, and i'll claim all I want, even though I am basically new altogether to the game somewhat, I always research to gain a good handle for skills etc, what's to come, type of thing. And yes I am not level 30 thefefore i can not go into pk mode "duh???" In every game I play no matter the type of pvp etc, I excel greatly, and with how creative I can get with even my level 29 skills, pvp for me is basically a walk in the park xDxD. Not to be cocky or anything, but vs my lvl or even a "few" higher I rarely....rarely lose, and when i get a noob higher level that underestimates me, well they learn their lesson quick. So please, maybe you should do some research, especailly on the forums under the forum rules for off topic posting etc. just please from now on, if you have nothing insightful/helpful/or on the basic "your build is:..." read and get off, just leave mmk
not trying to be an ****...atm.... but his post isnt really off topic. he may also seem like he's putting you down, and he might be, but he's bringing up valid reasons why your build is working right now and may or may not when you reach 5x/6x and up.I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
Rated_PG - Raging Tide wrote: »sorry, but another off topic post is not needed, and i'll claim all I want, even though I am basically new altogether to the game somewhat, I always research to gain a good handle for skills etc, what's to come, type of thing. And yes I am not level 30 thefefore i can not go into pk mode "duh???" In every game I play no matter the type of pvp etc, I excel greatly, and with how creative I can get with even my level 29 skills, pvp for me is basically a walk in the park xDxD. Not to be cocky or anything, but vs my lvl or even a "few" higher I rarely....rarely lose, and when i get a noob higher level that underestimates me, well they learn their lesson quick. So please, maybe you should do some research, especailly on the forums under the forum rules for off topic posting etc. just please from now on, if you have nothing insightful/helpful/or on the basic "your build is:..." read and get off, just leave mmk
You asked what people thought, and he is giving his opinion. So, his post is still on topic in that he is talking about your build and referencing other subjects you brought up.
I'll tell you though, what works in theory does not work in practice. Most of the time, people will say "all I have to do is this, this, and this, and I'll win." I'll admit, I have even done that myself. The difference is though that I everything I have said as a scenario for PvP are tactics I have used already. I know how they work and what they will do. A few posts ago you said you could just jump up in a tree and attack with a bow. The problem with that is bows only reach 20 meters. Most of the ranged classes skills will reach further than that. Even an Archer can just run away and shoot you with his/her own bow because they have a passive skill to extend their range.
I will also say that this game has the PvP balanced in such a way that theory alone cannot work. In theory, I could keep a Barb locked with no way to attack all day. The problem is that not all skills hit all the time for Assassins. We hit most of the time, but I find that the crucial hits are the ones that miss the most.
After 59, Archers can dodge all of our stuns/freeze/sleep for 15 seconds with Wings of Grace. Psychics can basically make you kill yourself with Soulburn because it makes you take damage every time you attack. In combination with Soul of Vengence, Soul of Retaliation, and White Voodoo, they don't even have to attack you. They can just let you attack them and kill yourself. Sure, you can wait for the effects to wear off, but while you are doing that they are still hitting you, and they do greater DPS than Wizards.
Thinking about stealthing up to them instead? Well, all any class has to do then is time Earthquake and use it to bring you out of stealth. Blademasters can stunlock you and have a lot of physical resistance, Barbs can just tank through most of your damage. Clerics can use Plume Shell and reduce your damage by 80% for 30 seconds, and use that time to just cast any one of their seals, allowing them to kill you easily. Venomancers can just run around while they let their pet kill you, especially since many of them go HA at end game. Assassin's have the same techniques you have, so they can do anything to you that you can to them.
I'm pretty sure by now you get it. Other Assassins have these problems as well, but the difference is we have the armor to keep ourselves alive. It is bad enough that a Wizard can take down nearly half of my HP with just one hit, and that is not even their strongest attacks. What do you think one hit from a Wizard will do to you?
This is not a game where you can just research and develop theories and know exactly how to win every time. In PK, they can get the jump on you just as easily. In TW, you are useless unless you can take some hits. It is easy to win a duel, its a different story altogether in PvP and PK.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.0 -
I have a suggestion. How about we drop this conversation for now, wait till Rated_PG reaches mid-lvl, THEN we continue this. What do you all think?Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »I have a suggestion. How about we drop this conversation for now, wait till Rated_PG reaches mid-lvl, THEN we continue this. What do you all think?
I agree. n__n
I like what all you've posted by the way. You've been very helpful in a respectful manner and I think you're just plain cool. b:laugh xD (other than your assuring Trawne that you weren't talking including him when you mentioned 4chan spawn and haters e_e, but hey it's what nice people do, I suppose, they don't necessarily take sides >->)
I hope to hear, from Rated, that you have posted in the future when he's mid-level. ^-^0 -
Rule #1 : you don't talk about 4chan
Rule #2 : you don't talk about 4chan
b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Rated_G - Raging Tide wrote: »I agree. n__n
I like what all you've posted by the way. You've been very helpful in a respectful manner and I think you're just plain cool. b:laugh xD (other than your assuring Trawne that you weren't talking including him when you mentioned 4chan spawn and haters e_e, but hey it's what nice people do, I suppose, they don't necessarily take sides >->)
I hope to hear, from Rated, that you have posted in the future when he's mid-level. ^-^
Oh, AND he has limited internet access at the moment, so he won't be able to level up for a while. ._. T^T
And I noticed a typo that I made. Just ignore "talking" where I said, "weren't talking including him when". Weird typo. @_@ lol0 -
Hypnos - Raging Tide wrote: »Rule #1 : you don't talk about 4chan
Rule #2 : you don't talk about 4chan
Aw lol. I apologize if the mention of 4chan offended you. b:thanks0 -
Hypnos - Raging Tide wrote: »Rule #1 : you don't talk about 4chan
Rule #2 : you don't talk about 4chan
b:avoidDemon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
it's actually different, but it imply the same[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Ah, kk. I gotchya.Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
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