Force of Will

evilramen Posts: 173 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Wizard
ok, a while back, i heard from a wiz that even tho you can't seal a boss, eg WB, it can still interrupt a cast or spell. is this true?

what i am trying to say is that can we use FoW to interrupt Boss's AOEs?
Post edited by evilramen on


  • DizzieLizzie - Raging Tide
    DizzieLizzie - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You get a line that says resist and pretty much thats it.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yes, you can interupt a boss when he's channeling. it's the seal that folow's after the interupt the boss is imume to.
    So when sealing the boss, he'll show 'resist', but he'll still get interupted. I've used FoW to help interupt pole's axe debuf with fail barb's tanking.
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • evilramen
    evilramen Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yes, you can interupt a boss when he's channeling. it's the seal that folow's after the interupt the boss is imume to.
    So when sealing the boss, he'll show 'resist', but he'll still get interupted. I've used FoW to help interupt pole's axe debuf with fail barb's tanking.

    ^ that was what i am talking about, sry about my bad wording at OP.b:chuckle

    Boss only resist the seal effect, but it can still interrupt.
  • Xiral - Harshlands
    Xiral - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    On another note I am upset that the seal does not last as long as the skill description states. When you consider classes like assassins can stun/stun/seal why does FOW seal have to be so short.

    Also we get the worst class specific genie skills. Oh yeah sins and psych get none but I have no feelings for two classes that definitely need re-balancing. (Oh I'm fair, Herc and Nixes need nerfing too). This game has poor class balancing for a game that touts PvP as one of its main features.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    On another note I am upset that the seal does not last as long as the skill description states. When you consider classes like assassins can stun/stun/seal why does FOW seal have to be so short.

    Also we get the worst class specific genie skills. Oh yeah sins and psych get none but I have no feelings for two classes that definitely need re-balancing. (Oh I'm fair, Herc and Nixes need nerfing too). This game has poor class balancing for a game that touts PvP as one of its main features.

    Where does this QQ come from?? We are already one of the most powerfull classes endgame, a longer seal would make it overkill.
  • Xiral - Harshlands
    Xiral - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Everything is a QQ. Get over it. People have a right to voice their OPINION. If its a QQ (so tired of hearing that bs line all the time) it my right to say if I find something problematic to me.

    The time for the effect of the skill is NOT correctly refected in the skill description.

    Question for you: Are you one of the most powerful classes end game for real cause right now I can get on a sin 10-15 levels lower than you and make your argument null and void.

    I look around Harshlands and I certainly do not see many wizards running around pwning anyone. On the other hand I can count several BMs(especially using fist and intv gear), sins, archers, venos and even barbs who are pretty darned powerful endgame.

    Also since you dont mind show me how the genie skills specific to wizards help us as compared to the class specific skills for say bms (True Emptiness anyone?), barbs or even clerics.

    I hear all this talk about wizards being awesome endgame but I suppose you all forgot that quite a few things have changed since that line was first introduced like 5aps, unlimited stealth, TE, and don't forget old favorites like Nix bleed. Also you forgot the very important part of the wizards are oh so powerful endgame: the money it takes to make them good enough to compete on the same level as the other classes.

    All that said all I am saying is that I would like FOW to last as long as the skill description says it should and that at least revise one of the wizard skills e.g. aquaflame armor.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Everything is a QQ. Get over it. People have a right to voice their OPINION. If its a QQ (so tired of hearing that bs line all the time) it my right to say if I find something problematic to me.

    The time for the effect of the skill is NOT correctly refected in the skill description.

    Question for you: Are you one of the most powerful classes end game for real cause right now I can get on a sin 10-15 levels lower than you and make your argument null and void.

    I look around Harshlands and I certainly do not see many wizards running around pwning anyone. On the other hand I can count several BMs(especially using fist and intv gear), sins, archers, venos and even barbs who are pretty darned powerful endgame.

    Also since you dont mind show me how the genie skills specific to wizards help us as compared to the class specific skills for say bms (True Emptiness anyone?), barbs or even clerics.

    I hear all this talk about wizards being awesome endgame but I suppose you all forgot that quite a few things have changed since that line was first introduced like 5aps, unlimited stealth, TE, and don't forget old favorites like Nix bleed. Also you forgot the very important part of the wizards are oh so powerful endgame: the money it takes to make them good enough to compete on the same level as the other classes.

    All that said all I am saying is that I would like FOW to last as long as the skill description says it should and that at least revise one of the wizard skills e.g. aquaflame armor.

    To answer your question, I said 'one of the'. Sin can be one of them too, if you like.
  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    On another note I am upset that the seal does not last as long as the skill description states. When you consider classes like assassins can stun/stun/seal why does FOW seal have to be so short.
    Note that it actually does last as long as it states. You just don't have the ability to take full advantage of the time, because you're spending 2 seconds or so of it on cast time.
  • Xiral - Harshlands
    Xiral - Harshlands Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That is one of those really smart answers that is technically correct but still wrong. Much like how the legal system makes a complete mockery of itself at times.

    So let me put it this way. We don't get the full extent of the seal. I don't care how it is lost or whatever it is due to, I would like to have the full extent of the seal.

    Lets see what other smart answers people who are unwilling to open their eyes and just admit a thing is wrong I will get in response. Another bunch of people who settle for and make excuses to justify why they settle for it.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That is one of those really smart answers that is technically correct but still wrong. Much like how the legal system makes a complete mockery of itself at times.

    So let me put it this way. We don't get the full extent of the seal. I don't care how it is lost or whatever it is due to, I would like to have the full extent of the seal.

    Lets see what other smart answers people who are unwilling to open their eyes and just admit a thing is wrong I will get in response. Another bunch of people who settle for and make excuses to justify why they settle for it.

    I can definitely see where your frustration is coming from, but remember it is a trade off. Although the seal starts before the casting phase of using a skill so that you really only have 3 seconds to attack while your opponent can't attack, the interrupt starts after the .5 seconds of channeling (before -channeling bonuses). I really like the fact that our interrupts are amazingly fast, it makes countering it very difficult for our opponents. For instance, if I were fighting an archer lets say.. and I start my sutra to kill them, I can just watch for their stun and use fortify to resist it. I can tell you alot of people try to immune themselves with domain or spark etc, but that almost never works. Obviously if you were to just keep the same .5 seconds channeling and make it like a 7 second seal, that would be ridiculously overpowered end game. I guess what I'm trying to say is that our seal is meant more as an interrupt as opposed to something to hold somebody while you attack them.

    I wholeheartedly agree that wizards needed some kind of buff for our lowbie levels, maybe just making our 79 skills like 29 skills would fix it.. but I wouldn't hold your breath. Things really balance out alot end game, the 2 main things that still bug me though is getting purged (without the possibility of purging back), or just a sin's stealth in general. Oh and of course fighting people that have put enough money in this game to buy several cars.
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  • MrHanky - Harshlands
    MrHanky - Harshlands Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    to answer your actual question you can cancel boss aoes.
    you can cancel damage aoes not magical ones like sleep or silence type stuff.
    you can try it in FC ...
    when the super slash guy starts chanting super ... duper thingy hit FoW :P
    well it dont work on him it actually makes his AoE come out immediately as does alacrity for barbs and bm cancel skills also make that happen.
    Ok now for a real cancel theres the boss right before you teleport near exp room that sleeps you.
    you will see him talk ... wait.
    look at his feet when you see circle of light under his feet use FoW.
    No AoE but he still casts sleep.

    Last boss in FC stand back and hope everyone is all together so he dont turn left and right on you.

    Watch for him to speak then watch his chest.
    When you see purple stuff fly from him then hit FoW.
    He casts 3 AoEs. Small Big Small. if you do it when i say you will get the big one and there is no need to duel for peeps with low hp.

    Nirvana has this crazy boss that does some crazy attack that you can cancel also. I forgot his name but he's the one in the lava pit ... just stay way back and if he does the skill he charges you. If you FoW he wont one shot you :P if not yer dead.
  • MrHanky - Harshlands
    MrHanky - Harshlands Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    so yea people think he resisted it, it dont do nothing.
    let them think it.
    the boss is resisting the seal. the skill has 2 parts and cancel is the other part.
  • MrHanky - Harshlands
    MrHanky - Harshlands Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited May 2010
  • Bobobobobo - Lost City
    Bobobobobo - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    lol another triple post FTW
  • Tsuyoginos - Heavens Tear
    Tsuyoginos - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's a game. Stop crying. That's how it works. It lasts for however long it lasts. Crying here won't get you anywhere. Instead of worrying about how you don't get the full seal, find ways to utilize the time you do get. >.<
    [sigpic] [/sigpic]