7thHeaven Now Recruiting!

XHainekoX - Dreamweaver
XHainekoX - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Guild Banter
Hi everyone!!
Ever been in Guilds who never talk to you? Ever been in Guilds who all have their own 'cliques' and dont really talk to the new members?Or maybe been in a guild,where they arnt really willing to help you,or take their Drama to the WC,or spread their drama like wildfire?Sick of Guilds having a level limit to join?

Well...A friend and I decided,we will make our own Guilds. She has been in a few,and folk never spoke to her,and even when she tried to make that effort,they never bothered to include her.I myself,have been in 2 or three since joining PWI,and Ive only liked one of them. I was in Haven for a while,but my computer was in for repairs for a week,and when i came back? I wasnt in the faction anymore.So i decided not to bother asking to be let back in.

We at 7thHeaven are all fun,we dont just soley talk about the game,we talk about everything and anything,we want to get to know our faction members!b:thanks

♡-You dont have to be any Specific level to Join
☆-You have to be willing to have fun! No boring people please :P
❤-You have to be willing to aspire to be great in PWI,Have the inspiration to get better!
★-Be willing to Help,We love to help our members..be it a few levels lower,or new starts to Perfect World.

So if your up for having some fun,and getting to know some fun folk who will back you up in any fight,even if they are too low levelled,we will do our best to stick by our Nakama,no matter what!

If your interested in Joining,Leave a message here on this thread,Or just PM me in Game! :)

Name: Your In Game Name
Class and level: We dont really care about your level,we are just curious to know :D

You can Also Contact the 7thHeaven Director- Bella_Muerte and she will process your invite as well :)

Thanks Everyone!!b:victory