Magicians Extinction?

MagaMaghetta - Dreamweaver
MagaMaghetta - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Suggestion Box
The number of new wizards is declining; Why? Psychic is increasing, I propose a change in skill or stat wizards to equalize the situation. sorry English translator, xd
Post edited by MagaMaghetta - Dreamweaver on


  • Thedarkrealm - Lost City
    Thedarkrealm - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    theres a drop in clerics too and an even bigger drop in GOOD clerics...
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Perhaps a drop in the overall number of people actually playing on any one server? You can never find that Barb/Cleric/Archer/Wiz/BM/Veno when you need it! The TB are still fairly new and people don't fully appreciate their roles within the party yet.
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Perhaps a drop in the overall number of people actually playing on any one server? You can never find that Barb/Cleric/Archer/Wiz/BM/Veno when you need it! The TB are still fairly new and people don't fully appreciate their roles within the party yet.

    Agro thieves? Cuz trust me, my wizard can easily steal agro from most classes my level, but I nerf my own attacks, know how and when to hit not to steal, unlike most of the new oracle noobs, who simply faceroll or macro and then blame the tank for not keeping agro.
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*

  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Aedrian, I do wonder what you think you just read...
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Aedrian, I do wonder what you think you just read...


    or something like that...
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    or something like that...

    thats what I think too.

    My wiz kills almost as slow as my barb, but she can tank. If a wiz can't tank is a fail wiz b:bye

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Any class can have idiots in them, I've seen plenty. But you also have to remember, people LIKE to try new things and TB are still fairly new like Ophida said. Also you need to take notice that a fair ammount of TB are usually PK players. Doesnt mean all but a few are, TB skills are geared toward High damage and High kill. IMO they are a mix of cleric, wiz and veno, regarding Psychics. We get an aoe heal, though no where as good as a cleric and even worse of a cool down then wizzys. High damaging skills, Ability to play both Offence and Defence and lower cast time. Not only that but the up side of having a Psychic in squad is it can make the clerics job a lil easier. Toss in an aoe heal to give a lil jup to hp regen, put increased vigor on the tank so the clerics IH can recover more hp faster and a lil less mana cost.

    I knwo that probaby wen't a little off topic but the bottom line is- people like new stuff weather its a class, fash or new mount. Once the novlity wears off of any said new item people tend to forget and go back to what they were doing orignally. Just be patient and you'll see things start to re-balence in time.
  • Borsuc - Raging Tide
    Borsuc - Raging Tide Posts: 1,526 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The number of new wizards is declining; Why? Psychic is increasing, I propose a change in skill or stat wizards to equalize the situation. sorry English translator, xd
    Look at Pick a psychic skill, then pick a similar wizard skill (ex: Spirit Blast & Stone Rain), compare.

    In case you don't know how, take the total cast time (channel+cast) of both spells, divide the wizard's one by the psychic's one, and multiply that result with all factors in the psychic spell that would change if he spammed that skill often. Example: a 500 damage spell that casts twice as fast as a 800 damage spell would equal 500*2 = 1000 damage. (just an example)

    Only few skills fare skill-vs-skill wise, Gush being an example.

    There is no question about which skills-vs-skills wise is better. Balance between skills is very important, more than "overall class balance". For example, having an OP skill that is necessary to compete with other underpowered skills in your arsenal is NOT a balancing solution.
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Look at Pick a psychic skill, then pick a similar wizard skill (ex: Spirit Blast & Stone Rain), compare.

    In case you don't know how, take the total cast time (channel+cast) of both spells, divide the wizard's one by the psychic's one, and multiply that result with all factors in the psychic spell that would change if he spammed that skill often. Example: a 500 damage spell that casts twice as fast as a 800 damage spell would equal 500*2 = 1000 damage. (just an example)

    Only few skills fare skill-vs-skill wise, Gush being an example.

    There is no question about which skills-vs-skills wise is better. Balance between skills is very important, more than "overall class balance". For example, having an OP skill that is necessary to compete with other underpowered skills in your arsenal is NOT a balancing solution.

    i'll make it easy for you. with very few exceptions, psy skills are at least 50% faster and do the same dmg, or cost way less chi.