PWI cut its own throat??

IIZoaII - Archosaur
IIZoaII - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Chronicles
I understand that the PWI team came up with with plenty of stupid games thinking that they will last and be liked and enjoyed as much as perfect world, but guess what? thats not going to happen since the english PW developers didn't acctually make PW, they just transulated it, they fail at making other games(PERIOD)

now then with that being said your stupid anniv. packs made all the high lvls,80+, none cashshoppers quit, your new upcoming patch willl make all the low lvls none chashshoppers quit.

but guess what again? they are not going to quit PWI to play your other games, no that would be a waste of time for them since they already know HOW WELL YOU CAN RUN YOUR GAMES.

bring pwi back the way it was before the packs or get the #%&! off!! nuff said

pst. call this QQ, troll, flame w/e you want this is how i feel so i don't give a damn!
Post edited by IIZoaII - Archosaur on


  • _Krue_ - Heavens Tear
    _Krue_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You're an idiot for thinking the 20% DQ nerf is going to hurt people badly. 1,000 coin items are now 800 coins. Its actually a good thing because its the more quiet way to drain the inflation of coins on the economy. Which in turn will lower the gold prices, if players aren't idiots.

    Your QQ is a fail QQ.
    ಸ_ಸ ~~ Drama-Sauce-Face, 50% ownership to kon ♥♥
  • NPH - Harshlands
    NPH - Harshlands Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm going to assume the main topic here is about anniversary packs and the amount of cash shoppers in PWI.
    Yes there are a lot of cash shoppers, some willing to drop thousands just to get the upper hand in the game, but the truth of it, that doesn't matter. People cash shop to get better gears, that is a fact. The people wanting to get better gears are 1 of 2 things, 1 being a person who can't play at all so they get gear to seem better, and 2 being a person who cash shops to become the best, because they are good at the class they play. The most common cash shopper is #1.
    This game is full of cash shoppers, and most likely, any game you go to is, thats the honesty of it, people will always try to be the best, going to any length to achieve that. From my own observations, I think that the majority of heavy cash shoppers are those with no skill whatsoever who just do it to seem better, realistically still being horrible. If a good player who spent $100 pvp'ed against a person who spends thousands but knows nothing of their class, its a pretty big chance the person who spends least but knows more will win. Nomatter what you do, nomatter how hard you try to be the best, somebody else will be there spending twice as much trying to get that goal first.
  • IIZoaII - Archosaur
    IIZoaII - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You're an idiot for thinking the 20% DQ nerf is going to hurt people badly. 1,000 coin items are now 800 coins. Its actually a good thing because its the more quiet way to drain the inflation of coins on the economy. Which in turn will lower the gold prices, if players aren't idiots.

    Your QQ is a fail QQ.

    is gold all you can think of?? and you call me an idiot? lol your lost in your own one prespective view thinking.