Fix fireworks price to 1gold each

neosoro Posts: 6 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Cash Shop Huddle
Lol, first they make Dragon Quest unworth to do!
Late gratz, then they make chest of coins and dumb hammers at zen price enough to not be worth too , putting chest as cube prizes(hard and expensive to finish cube) and from damn Frost runs prize too(oh, 2 chests from frost run, awesome),
Then they make end game gear come from 1$ dollar pack(sorry if i forgot to mention sales ouch), dont matter name of the pack, did they stop? Not.
They made 2 new classes to **** anothers classes being 20 levels lower(without their demon/sage skills, wonder when they have it), they made rage for sins and soulforce(something based on refine($$)) for psy(only), well, If I feel this bad, I woud to reroll for one of thoses, but not thanks, I wont spend more RL $$ to reach same level as my main now) then?
They made crafts skill cash shopable(i firstly liked this game cuz craft system, so complete, and so fail at this part about cash shop it, just when i spent worths 50 gold in level 6,you come with level 8 crafts skill for 30gold), over?
Nah, they made 2x events(ilusion) so we dont get a slap at face when they nerf useless(but income money for non cash shoppers) DQ prices... very good!
I dont think i wasted 2 years, it was fun, WAS, it isnt anymore!
Before FIXing DQ price, try to fix frostcovered city drops,Try to make DQ worth to grind making it exchangeable for end game too(not that dumbly useless and uber crazy to get actual dragon quest stuff), fix dumb hammer zen price(at least 2 gold),make knockback skills works at pvp(dont come saying it is fine not working, cuz veno nix bleed not fine , why not at least knockback work then? cuz we didnt pay 250dollar for the skill as the nix was paid? i see$$ is the problem),
well, try to make this game playable and fun as it was someday, think my hint gonna broke you PWI?
more ppl gonna play and feel cool to use cash shop on clothes and refine and in game marriage and dumb 5 minutes aura flowers if u do right! Think i gunna use my last 500zen on fireworks to gratz you PWI!
I know It not gonna hurt u when I quit, but I am sure I am not leaving alone if it happens.
For players now, good luck cash shoppers on ur future +12 gears, and pre gratz, and same for non cash shoppers if they are going to spend 200 years playing for free! Hope i am quit before warsoul weapons come in the 20000dollar pack!(its intense, but i woud pay 1000dollar on it) Cash shoppers will bull**** what i am saying cuz they dont need to take an entire day to make 100-300k on DQ grind! and players dont see PWI make things look impossible to farm like hh100 mats and nirvana entire process as same for refining so ppls feel confortable to CS it!
Note, i didnt quit, i want to see game crash before quit! Or stay having fun, if u let us PWI!
Why do I say this all? Because I am poor? Yes, I am poor! But even like that I used to cash shop, so I am not mad cuz I am poor to play a free to play game, I am mad cuz u gonna ruin your business and my good times fun! I care about the game like everyone that plays, not only cash shoppers care! IJS
Post edited by neosoro on


  • tseikkis
    tseikkis Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I am a cash shopper but I have to agree with you. I've spent real money to make the game easier and reduce grinding, but the moneygrab it's become is just ridiculous. I'm not buying anymore gold from these greedy (insert censored word here). All 'improvements' of late have been more of a pain in the behind than what they should be, making the game more FUN for players. More fun means more players means more cash shoppers. Spending 100k to run back and forth in an empty dungeon on a daily bh is just not my idea of fun. Adding two new DD classes was quite a lovely idea too, now we spend our time looking for barbs and clerics who have become rare. FUN! You'd imagine they'd take the hint when cash shoppers like me STOP BUYING gold because of what they do... if this keeps up, I expect the game to die eventually. As it is, I'm completely stopping cash shopping and playing only occasionally to help guildies out. I have no desire to level over 100 now, since it would then take a lifetime of grinding or a load of real money to play. It's a shame, it really WAS a fun game.
  • neosoro
    neosoro Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Even trough about keep being cash shopper, but i noticed that what i can spend is not enough to make a decent char in a free to play game b:surrender
  • neosoro
    neosoro Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    They forgot the essence of playing (TO HAVE FUN)
    now it become: PAY TO BE THE BETTER !
  • DrHook - Lost City
    DrHook - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Think about it, WoW, and other comperable games cost about 12$ a month making the total yearly cost around 134$. In PWI a year of play costs nothing, but what does endgame gear+charms+orbs+crafting+battle pets cost? In truth it costs either a **** tone more than 134$ or well over a year of your life. -_-
  • neosoro
    neosoro Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    if your not cash shopper, forget end game unless u gonna play for 50+years, when they already have new stuff b:laugh

    Everyone, feel free to say what u think so they can think what to do!b:pleased

    Hope enough ppl read this before they block and hide this thread!
  • DrHook - Lost City
    DrHook - Lost City Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Ya know I once swore that Id never P2P... Times might be changin.
  • tseikkis
    tseikkis Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Think about it, WoW, and other comperable games cost about 12$ a month making the total yearly cost around 134$. In PWI a year of play costs nothing, but what does endgame gear+charms+orbs+crafting+battle pets cost? In truth it costs either a **** tone more than 134$ or well over a year of your life. -_-

    Exactly. I started playing PW years and years ago in PWMY because I didn't want to go for games that require a monthly fee, since I can't play every day, not even every week. I was happy cash shopping when I needed items, probably paying PW similar sums that I would have paid to play WoW, but without paying for *time*. Now I'm thinking playing WoW would actually be lots cheaper, even if I paid for weeks I don't play at all. Makes you think.

    Actually, makes you leave. b:cry
  • Mahn - Sanctuary
    Mahn - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    PWI might be Free 2 Play, but it's Pay 2B Relevent
  • Sandaili - Dreamweaver
    Sandaili - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One thing no one brings up is that in WoW it's almost the same since people get away with buying gold. Yes, you can get banned. I know a lot of people who got away with it. The economy suffers. Players corner the market and it stays cornered. I just want this game to have some actual content that's fun instead of the constant grind for money that it has become.
  • konariraiden
    konariraiden Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    References to other MMO's in not allowed. necro'd. GG.

    I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!
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