Accuracy problem...Solved?

Bartack - Heavens Tear
Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
edited May 2010 in Barbarian
I was testing Demon Bestial Onslaught (B/O)on some mobs while doing a quest (and yes, Demon B/O DOES add 35 percentage points to crit, its soooo nice). I was using Penetrate Armor (P/A) right before B/O, and almost never missed on the mobs. Now, I have Misty rings and amber shards, so my accuracy is pretty good, not to mention the evasion debuff from B/O. Well, in my testing I began to notice that if I landed P/A, I wound never miss any consecutive attacks. I remember reading an old thread claiming that P/A made you hit 100% of the time, and remember reaming that poor 'noob' like everyone else who responded to his thread. But just for ****'s and giggles, I decided to test it out myself.

What I found:

Nerfing my accuracy to a chance to hit at 74%, i would attack mobs without using any skills, and deduced that the hit percentage was very accurate at about 1 out of 4 attacks missing. Now, I started attacking mobs by opening with P/A, and found that on the mobs that P/A connected with, all consecutive attacks were hits, no misses. I must have killed 100 mobs for about an hour in disbelief. I then resumed testing again for about 30 minuets using Devour in tiger form, with the same results. If a physical debuff attack skill landed, I would never miss that mob again.

Is it a glitch? Probably, but its got me swapping rings right now. I dont ask any of u to take my word for it, go test it for yourselves before u flame me here, please. Also, I have not yet tested it in duals or PK. But at least now I know why I NEVER seem to have a problem hitting bosses while tanking (I love to use Devour).

Update: tested it w a veno too, using ironwood scarab gives u 100% accuracy against that target w physical
attacks. Kinda useless but still...

Update update: It doesnt work in duels, i missed after landing a successfull phys debuff. I highly doubt it works in PK. Still nice on mobs though =)
Post edited by Bartack - Heavens Tear on


  • Cirax - Dreamweaver
    Cirax - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    That's interesting - I'll go try it out. Thanks for the tip :)

    I've always avoided PA in pvp for those high-evasion classes because I miss it often (even with bloodbath, 2X 50% accuracy rings >__>) and it wastes chi if you miss . But next time I'll give it shot, and if it connects, I'll try to see if the remaining attacks while debuffed will always connect.
    Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.

    ~Albert Einstien
  • Cybetron - Harshlands
    Cybetron - Harshlands Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    did you use demon PA/Devour?? i tried this with my lvl 10, for a few mobs it seemed to work but after maybe 10 or 12 mobs attacks started missing..
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Interesting. Same thing happens with a veno's ironwood scarab. Think it has anything to do with the p.def debuff?
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Axelire - Heavens Tear
    Axelire - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I remember reading an old thread claiming that P/A made you hit 100% of the time

    Was it this one? b:chuckle

    I'm so glad I'm not delusional and someone else has noticed this. b:thanks
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I usually open with either devour or penetrate armor, because I wanted my next attacks to do more damage...I rarely miss nowadays so I've though nothing of it. I thought this was accepted knowledge. I do wonder if it makes a difference with demon P/A vs Regular though....
  • Mhweewa - Dreamweaver
    Mhweewa - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ATM I'm lvl 86 and in human form I use P/A as my opener. I have noticed that it P/A hits, then it is 100% accurate for any additional skill/attack. However, if P/A misses, then I do have other skills/attacks that miss. So, yes P/A does allow for 100% accuracy when it does hit.
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I am a demon barb but do not have demon P/A or demon Devour, they are at level 10. I tested them again today, just for a little while, and the 100% accuracy thing still seems to work on mobs.
  • OMarvelous - Sanctuary
    OMarvelous - Sanctuary Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This is a good thread. :)
  • Cybetron - Harshlands
    Cybetron - Harshlands Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well even if this seems to be working it must be a purely PvE miracle.. I am sure that it doesn't work in PvP coz if it does, then PA/Devour + arma will nvr miss (if PA lands of course)... that would be just too much power to barbs and i don't think GMs would allow that b:angry
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Yeah i tested it in a duel w no luck...too bad. I did however also test it w a veno using ironwood scarab and then phys attacking, and even w less than 50% accuracy, she never missed a blow. Seems to be an unintended side effect of that particular type of debuff.
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Tried, Tested, Success.
    And here I thought it was a myth... Ah well, the more you know, right?
    */gains +1 Wisdom*