need a new change...idea time

FoXyLadyRoss - Lost City
FoXyLadyRoss - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
before i get a ban lol

i recommend ideas to fix the game

#1. add a random map boss (what is that) well in other games (not to be mentioned) they have a map boss for each map ( we can do it in sections) that appears randomly at random spots where ever the most steady grinding is usually... not always. This helped kill bots, and ppl not paying attention. Make this boss extremly dangerous and highly agro. Ultimate boss with a chance at a ultimate drop NOT cash shoppable. This would create alot more grinding, alot more ppl buying dolls, charms hp and mp. THis makes money... and be fun.

#2. bring back the tournament, as well have a arena in a city or outside spot, free pvp, no drops, no shattering no nothing. a free for all that is just fun.

#3. have a random attacker for TW randomly chosen by the game, with a random enemy mob. ex. Essence owns more land so their odds of being targeted is higher. and the "army" that may randomly attack them during a TW bidding would be a pve battle. So battle field be filled with "wraith soldiers" with a few bosses that either A) they continue to attack the land owners base for a set amount of time 2 hours or B) the land owner has to take the enemy crystal out to end the battle.

either one the mobs would give exp, and random dq's to make it worth it, and fun

this would create 1)a new battle feeling 2)harder for anyone to hold all the land since u might have a TW with other guilds then a random one to 3)chance to make a little coin while doing TW

#4. Allow ppl to see their pks on line, everyones.... no reason they can't WoW does it and a few others i think. be fun to see

#5. have gms show up and do stuff... do a wraith invasion call, do a pk a gm event, do a contest like "last choas" where a dungeon is created for a quiz. The gm ask game questions u got to run to left side for answer A or run to right side for answer B. more answers u get right more of a prize u get... u answer wrong ur out.

#6. have a dungeon, where u can go in pay a fee of course and be allowed to summon "mobs/bosses" to battle like what again Last Choas. they did it by lvl selection, so u choose level 85 mobs and they would come in 5 waves which u had to survive.

My ideas to help create a better game.

Post edited by FoXyLadyRoss - Lost City on


  • Biggyluv - Lost City
    Biggyluv - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I recommend you get level 30 and come to west gate and just let me kill you over and over.
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Belongs here. And stop posting the same thread over and over, even if it is different sections.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Linwiz - Lost City
    Linwiz - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Is going to go out on a limb and guess you are Tradeness (from the last line in post) not that level 25 avatar

    Anyway, all those have been said before, yet it all continues to be ignored