Different Minigames for different Levelgroups, every 4 hours. PLS Look inside!

ladyamen Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Suggestion Box
Hi, I think this would be really fun, I hope so badly that this will couse some attention!
They should be for every 10 levels a different kind of a minigame, which could be entered by 20-30 people for an instance. The goal of all of them should depend on the minigame. Inside they can form some squads and try in a timelimit to fullfill it.

So level 21-30 have a timelimited run, where they have to kill ALL (every single mob) to open doors and get further, and in the end there is a boss which should be killed too. For the whole run is a timelimit. If they fail they will gain no reward at all, if they win a greatly exp boost and 1 or 2 really rare Items.

level 31-40 have another Miniquest avaible, so they will be teleported to an area, where they must not kill all the mobs, but just 3 Bosses so quickly as possible. (couse there is too a timelimit)

Level 41-50 have to earn some chests to find some keys which is needed to open the final door to the Boss, and another group until then fighting mobs and trying to clear the way through.

Level 51-60 habe to survive some ammount of time. If they kill the boss, there will be some special reward!

And so on...

Some rules: the whole time, it must be at least one player alive! Or the quest will fail. Every player can revive himself 2 Times, the 3th time he dies, he will be teleported back, and for him the quest will be over, the other can go on.

There should be a NPC which can be contacted, in the last 3 minutes before the quest starts, and be teleported there. If the Instance is full (max. 30 Players) the quests starts, if its not full, the chances decreases drasticly that they can win, but it starts as well. There should be more than one insctance of course, some kind of A,B,....E which are opened one after another. And there should be an Icon where you can register for yourself for the game, so you are not forced to go to the NPC, and can participate, no matter where you are. There SHOULD BE A SERVER TIME DISPLAY! so everyone could orient on the same basic time and knows when exacty the Minigame will start.
And if you win, you should go to the NPC and gain the Reward.

Some positive aspekts: Brings people of the same level together
Dont allow to high levels or to low levels to participate, so its not too easy and a makeable and fun challange
Something what prevent people to get bored
Not too often, and limited so you can try again if you failed to register quickly enough and make it coveted
Allows to choose People for themselfes how fast they will grow up
Bounded Items, so they can not gain any money from the reward, so it just for fun only.


  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Suggested Here other day too ;)
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous