TW Sched. 4/16-4/18

Elvindor - Heavens Tear
Elvindor - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Etherblade (West)

Violence @ Tao - 20:00
Sonic @ Tao - 20:03
Khan @ Tao - 20:06
TERRORIST @ Enrage - 20: 09
.Vicious. @ Enrage - 20:12
EverLoyal @ Enrage - 10:15


Tao @ Enrage - 14:00

Caesar @ Tao - 20:00
TheEmpire @ Tao - 20:03
Triad @ Tao - 20:06
"WaR" @ Enrage - 20:09
Radiance @ Enrage - 20:12
Bloodrayn @ Enrage - 20:15


Belial @ Tao - 20:00
Synesis @ Tao - 20:03
Enrage @ Tao - 20:06
BaXian @ Radiance - 20:09


**EDIT**....Colors will come when i feel like it
Post edited by Elvindor - Heavens Tear on


  • SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear
    SgtSIaughter - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,225 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Elvindor stole my bike.

    |:::::::::::::: Friday :::::::::::::|
    | Violence..@ Tao........| 20:00 |==|
    | Sonic.....@ Tao........| 20:03 |==|
    | Khan......@
    Tao........| 20:06 |==|
    Enrage.....| 20:09 |==|
    | .Vicious..@
    Enrage.....| 20:12 |==|
    | EverLoyal.@
    Enrage.....| 20:15 |==|


    |:::::::: Saturday Evening :::::::::|
    | Tao.......@ Enrage.....| 14:00 |==|


    |::::::::::::: Saturday ::::::::::::|
    | Caesar....@ Tao........| 20:00 |==|
    | TheEmpire.@
    Tao........| 20:03 |==|
    | Triad.....@
    Tao........| 20:06 |==|
    | "WaR".....@
    Enrage.....| 20:09 |==|
    | Radiance..@
    Enrage.....| 20:12 |==|
    | Bloodrayn.@
    Enrage.....| 20:15 |==|


    |:::::::::::::: Sunday :::::::::::::|
    | Belial....@ Tao........| 20:00 |==|
    | Synesis
    ...@ Tao........| 20:03 |==|
    Enrage....@ Tao........| 20:06 |==|
    | BaXian
    ....@ Radiance...| 20:09 |==|

    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." ~Sun Tzu

    "Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
    ~Iron Mike Tyson
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    1 change, Tao loses to Enrage saturday evening, that's all that happens this week.
  • Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear
    Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 916 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Maybe I'm crazy. 14:00 = 2pm. 2pm = Afternoon. So isn't Tao vs Enrage (first battle) in the afternoon and not the "evening"?
    I call it how I see it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz! :D
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Likely different time zone for Elvindor
  • Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear
    Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 916 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Sgt is the one who said it's the evening though. o_o;;
    I call it how I see it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz! :D
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lets see.

    Friday: Boring TW day, not worth a mention

    Saturday: Tao will lose to Enrage most likely. As for the whole Caesar, TE, Triad gank, I see Tao pulling off a full successful defense. Won't be surprise if a **** up happens though. b:quiet

    Enrage kills Rad in 30 mins or less, unless they want to PK farm.

    Sunday: Belial and Enrage again. Repeat of last weekend? D:
    Lets see.....Enrage most likely wins.

    End Result:

    -Rad remains the same
    -Tao loses a land
    -Enrage gains a land

    Otherwise.......surprise us! :D
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yes it is in the afternoon. :O
  • Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear
    Mystic-Night - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wups I fail, forgot about sunday lol
    Tao no shows Enrage, tao loses 1 land only, to us
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Guild that will be pk farmed this week as every other is Caesar for a start and Belial IMO, TE and Triad dont the men for that.
    Rad has probs with killing Enrage cats this is info for non-factors, hardly being pk farmed ahaha b:thanks

    Anyway how interesting after Radiance bid there were some nice !instant bids
    War (155,207,188 refund), Bloodrayn (83,842,911 refund) and TERRORIST (51,716 refund)
    And wow the TW bidding times have changed ! Tao and Rad dont have the same time slot anymore b:scorn

    good luck to everyone this week b:thanks
    Fortune favors the brave

  • Iulius - Heavens Tear
    Iulius - Heavens Tear Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    interesting end of the week
    Gl to all on wars!
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    TE and Triad dont the men for that.

    o.o in plain English this would be....?
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Friday - boring, 5 min wars.
    Saturday noon - Tao vs Enrage 1 on 1 (hope there will be no lag b:cute) 30 min maybe... (tho i hope for more b:chuckle) - Tao loses 1 land to Enrage.
    Saturday night - Enrage vs Rad 30min-1 hour, Enrage vs WAR about 15-20 min, the other one 5-10min. Tao will have some fun too, no1 loses any land today.
    Sunday - Tao will send like 3/4 of the guild to Belial, finish them in like 5 min then all jump to Enrage, 1/4 to Synesis finish as fast as they can and inforce Enrage battle. Belial will prolly just leave their base and beg Tao to dont hurt them too much since they couldnt get a luckier time slot to walk away with a free land. Enrage vs Tao about 30-45 min.

    HF all and GL on TW b:pleased
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Friday - boring, 5 min wars.
    Saturday noon - Tao vs Enrage 1 on 1 (hope there will be no lag b:cute) 30 min maybe... (tho i hope for more b:chuckle) - Tao loses 1 land to Enrage.
    Saturday night - Enrage vs Rad 30min-1 hour, Enrage vs WAR about 15-20 min, the other one 5-10min. Tao will have some fun too, no1 loses any land today.
    Sunday - Tao will send like 3/4 of the guild to Belial, finish them in like 5 min then all jump to Enrage, 1/4 to Synesis finish as fast as they can and inforce Enrage battle. Belial will prolly just leave their base and beg Tao to dont hurt them too much since they couldnt get a luckier time slot to walk away with a free land. Enrage vs Tao about 30-45 min.

    HF all and GL on TW b:pleased

    You forgot TE, we will have fun too b:victory
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:surrender sowwy Asmo, TE will have some fun too b:chuckle
    Oh and btw Santacruz, you better use those quest blessings in TW not in cube b:avoid *i spy* xD
  • sleepcat
    sleepcat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I have too many of those quest charms actually. I'm trying to figure out where to use them outside of TW. :(
  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    i have many too but since they stack up in 1 slot i dont worry about the qty... u never know when u have to pull a 3 hours TW and use 6 of them b:laugh
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:surrender sowwy Asmo, TE will have some fun too b:chuckle
    Oh and btw Santacruz, you better use those quest blessings in TW not in cube b:avoid *i spy* xD

    Hmm i think i can forgive you b:chuckle

    and those charms are really helpful....especially when you forget them 99% of the time :'(
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oh and btw Santacruz, you better use those quest blessings in TW not in cube b:avoid *i spy* xD

    trying to get my damn 3rd fairy culti done b:cry

    hitting room 38 is harder than it would first appear to be lol, out of about 30+ goes i hit it once but messed it up due to bad timing xD

    stop spying on my armour, i feel so neked b:surrender
  • Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear
    Sacredxstar - Heavens Tear Posts: 916 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    trying to get my damn 3rd fairy culti done b:cry

    hitting room 38 is harder than it would first appear to be lol, out of about 30+ goes i hit it once but messed it up due to bad timing xD

    stop spying on my armour, i feel so neked b:surrender

    That was hard. I remember it well. Took me about 3 tries though. I got into it the first time, but I messed up too. :D

    Also, I think doing a full rebirth is harder. Finding the squad that's willing to help you is hard enough. I'm still stuck with my 2nd fairy and waiting on a full rebirth run for about... 4-5 months now?
    I call it how I see it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz! :D
  • Santacruz - Heavens Tear
    Santacruz - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    That was hard. I remember it well. Took me about 3 tries though. I got into it the first time, but I messed up too. :D

    Also, I think doing a full rebirth is harder. Finding the squad that's willing to help you is hard enough. I'm still stuck with my 2nd fairy and waiting on a full rebirth run for about... 4-5 months now?

    RB is hard to get but i think id prefer that stage over the cube =<

    ive spend about 90 mirages (180+- dice tickets) so far trying to get to 38 lol, its enough to make you cry

    wtb insta teleport to room 38 please b:sad
  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    o.o in plain English this would be....?

    this means there are not enough players and high enough level playing TW's in those 2 factions to be PK farmed from kapish?
    Fortune favors the brave

  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You highly underestimate TE when it comes to people/lvl and even though TW is for fun and no hardcore 'ifwegetlandweneedtokeepitorelsetherewillbevictims' stuff, but we can/are still a huge pain in the butt (as proven to Tao last week). That's a real fact.
    this means there are not enough players and high enough level playing TW's in those 2 factions to be PK farmed from capisce?

    Italian, verb is "capire" : to understand, and in form of question becoming lei capisce (a form of politeness, or can be also tu capisci) : brievely capisce, the combination of sc is read as english sh (like in shore, etc.) before vowels e or i (and as s + k in all other cases : example io capisco, loro capiscono), that is how pronunciation become close to capeesh as accent is on i and final e is becoming almost silent : barely pronounced and heard.
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear
    Monoftalmus - Heavens Tear Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    nock your self out mate, learn something new

    TE is a small faction powerd up by Enrage alts. Cant field 80, ppl in TW dont have charm in most cases.

    There has to be a clear separation from Caesar that has close to 80 and some very good players that can acctually play for more than 30 minutes while also attacking and defending. Then Belial that also can get 80 sometimes etc. And on the other side TE, Synesis, Triad and a whole basket of small factions just tryin to get in same time slot.

    There is clearly not much to pk farm against Synesis, TE, Sonic, Triad etc
    Fortune favors the brave

  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    knock your self out mate, learn something new <--- first link on google

    TE is a small faction powerd up by Enrage alts. Cant field 80, ppl in TW dont have charm in most cases.
    And on the other side TE, Synesis, Triad and a whole basket of small factions just tryin to get in same time slot.

    There is clearly not much to pk farm against Synesis, TE, Sonic, Triad etc

    :p anyhow

    Like I stated in my previous reply, TE is not a hardcore TW faction, owning land is nice and all, but to have fun you don't need to field 80, have all charms and ubergear +12.

    About the time slot: well ofcourse we want a good time slot, who doesn't? If let's say Radiance (picking this one cuz you're in it) loses all land (picking a possible scenario, not a most likely, before i get flamed for thrash talking -_-") they will also/most likely gank to gain a land back to start over again instead of 1vs1 against Tao/Enrage .

    About the PK farming then: everyone can do that if they want, but please quit the immature QQ'ing during it or the "this is your lesson for ganking up on us and losing land blablabla", it's called strategy.
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear
    Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You highly underestimate TE when it comes to people/lvl and even though TW is for fun and no hardcore 'ifwegetlandweneedtokeepitorelsetherewillbevictims' stuff, but we can/are still a huge pain in the butt (as proven to Tao last week). That's a real fact.

    b:question Are you serious? You were a huge pain in our butt in TW? I mean aside from the kissing **** and bidding at set times/places, how were you a pain in our ****? MsE even LOLd about us pulling the cats back to farm. Please, explain.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    b:question Are you serious? You were a huge pain in our butt in TW? I mean aside from the kissing **** and bidding at set times/places, how were you a pain in our ****? MsE even LOLd about us pulling the cats back to farm. Please, explain.

    The reaction given during the TW were enough to know. Anyhow right now it isn't my intention of creating yet another flame thread about it.

    1 question (yea a real question, not sarcastic blabla): if we wouldn't have bid on you, would you've been full force to Enrage after the Belial fight?
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Fliiick - Heavens Tear
    Fliiick - Heavens Tear Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    The reaction given during the TW were enough to know. Anyhow right now it isn't my intention of creating yet another flame thread about it.

    1 question (yea a real question, not sarcastic blabla): if we wouldn't have bid on you, would you've been full force to Enrage after the Belial fight?

    We were full force to Enrage after the Belial fight...
    ~Almost original Tao member~
    Former Tao Director

    IGN: Fliiick
    Cleric 100
    Currently Radiance
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    <this could be a mistake at my side, seeing as how i wasn't fully awake during TW>
    Right after we entered TW, i saw quite alot (more then 20) of Tao almost the full force went to us almost immediatly the Belial fight? (like i said , i could be mistaken here <.< )
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

  • Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear
    Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    <this could be a mistake at my side, seeing as how i wasn't fully awake during TW>
    Right after we entered TW, i saw quite alot (more then 20) of Tao almost the full force went to us almost immediatly the Belial fight? (like i said , i could be mistaken here <.< )

    Mmmm, yes, but again, if you READ (I know its a big word), I said aside from kissing someones **** and bidding where and when you're told to...
    Yea, you had about 12 of us in your war. But I feel like a faction who couldn't even get a cat out of their own base against 12ish people shouldn't be smack taking in forums.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • Asmodiel - Heavens Tear
    Asmodiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,442 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Mmmm, yes, but again, if you READ (I know its a big word), I said aside from kissing someones **** and bidding where and when you're told to...
    Yea, you had about 12 of us in your war. But I feel like a faction who couldn't even get a cat out of their own base against 12ish people shouldn't be smack taking in forums.

    Tell me where exactly i started smack talking? I asked a QUESTION (now that's a big word), and cuz of that...i am smack talking? Get a grip ffs
    "One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel