Why the rush to level?



  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    QQ Who shot the drama-lama.

    The above posted mentioned that he previously already had a higher lvl char, so he didn't bother wasting time trying to lvl more at the same rate. If u go bm bm you're no prob. But I seen some that do an oracle alt of other class... um they think they know how the mechanics work... they seen it... but in fact they don't get it ._.
    One friend has 3 chars over +100 this was dona without hyper & very minimal oracling just to get last % from some lvls. Yet when rolled a new char was asking me questions about the new rolled alts class all the time, pretty basic questions from my perspective b:chuckle Also I got to hear some QQs about party wipes from inexp in the new role. But thye doing very good now with some practice & advice

    Well there is a bit of difference, IMO. Once you get 9x-10x by regular means, you've already learned much of the game... the only real difference is how to play the new class and how and when to use specific skills... all of the regular mechanics of the game are known to you, genie skills, instance and boss specifics and other things.

    Once you've gone through the game once or even twice, learning a new class isn't all that difficult if you've been paying attention.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • ////III - Harshlands12
    ////III - Harshlands12 Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ^ stole my line
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well there is a bit of difference, IMO. Once you get 9x-10x by regular means, you've already learned much of the game... the only real difference is how to play the new class and how and when to use specific skills... all of the regular mechanics of the game are known to you, genie skills, instance and boss specifics and other things.

    Once you've gone through the game once or even twice, learning a new class isn't all that difficult if you've been paying attention.

    Yea... but seems some of them are only starting to learn that at 90...

    + That's also considering if your main is a decent character... I doubt that much ppl do "serious" research on thier chars, genie skills, browse forums; they just play... get bored. Roll another. You wouldn't believe how many venos I had to nag for brambles or sparks & then after a "huh? o.O" explain further or teaching over 90 (& sometimes +100 before the hype) barbs on which skills to use in what sequence... To me it's just duh ._. basic stuff, to others it's smth they haven't heard about or used before.

    Though this game isn't rocketscience... it's not that hard to learn once you teach even those noobs. However, it is very annoying that you end up to be the one teaching those ppl stuff they were supposed to figure out themselves maybe um.... 50 lvls ago...
    + There are some that just don't get it... no matter how hard you explain...
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yea... but seems some of them are only starting to learn that at 90...

    + That's also considering if your main is a decent character... I doubt that much ppl do "serious" research on thier chars, genie skills, browse forums; they just play... get bored. Roll another. You wouldn't believe how many venos I had to nag for brambles or sparks & then after a "huh? o.O" explain further or teaching over 90 (& sometimes +100 before the hype) barbs on which skills to use in what sequence... To me it's just duh ._. basic stuff, to others it's smth they haven't heard about or used before.

    Though this game isn't rocketscience... it's not that hard to learn once you teach even those noobs. However, it is very annoying that you end up to be the one teaching those ppl stuff they were supposed to figure out themselves maybe um.... 50 lvls ago...
    + There are some that just don't get it... no matter how hard you explain...

    I read up on every class's forums even before I started playing them, just to understand the basics of each class... Makes you sigh really hard when you realize that the noobs you're partying with in some cases understand even less than you do, even when all you did was read about it... And this is in things like FCC, RB, and TT...

    I had a level 80 barb in a RB run who, when asked to grab aggro off of the Wizard, replied "I don't have that skill on my genie". The entire party immediately facepalmed.

    Now that I'm actually playing each class, I'm starting to understand even more the role of each one. Obviously, per my levels, I've nowhere near the experience of those who seriously play, but it's enough to understand just how stupid my party members are some times...

    And sadly, the rush to level is a huge part of that. I'm not against Hyper, exactly, as the only real useful place for it is Frostcovered, and you at least have to be a high enough level to use it there, but the Oracles, BHes, and MQs have pretty much destroyed the way leveling was done. I'm not saying leveling the old way produced amazing players every time, because, hell, noobs will be noobs regardless, but nobody here can really deny that the current ease of leveling hasn't at least made it much easier for a complete moronic noob to obtain a high level.