Puppie's BM PVP guide :)

Puppygirl - Archosaur
Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Blademaster
Hi, this guild is a little advanced, and more for higher level BMs, so if you are like trying to get a guide for level 20, don't look here pls. This guide is more for like 60+.

First i'd like to say that BM isn't the BEST killer. We don't do an amazing amount of dmg like a mage, and we don't get a lot of kills in a small amount of time like an archer. BM can kill, but a BM is much better at saving allies from being killed, or supporting them. You will see what I mean from the guide XD

If you are a PVP BM, you have to choose between two builds. The first build is a build with a lot of VIT, and little DEX. You will be able to do ok dmg, but you will miss archers, and assasins a lot. Also, you will be able to live through more dmg, and this means you can live to stun another day.

The other build is DEX + STR and the rest in VIT. This is the build I love most, and the build I will talk about. You should have just enough DEX to wear your best fist, and enough STR to wear your best Axe. The rest of your stats "which won't be many at lower level" will go into VIT. This is a very good 1 v1 build, but does not shine so well in TW. If you want to be amazing, you will need to get 4 socket armor, and embue god stones to give you the VIT you are lacking.

My suggestion would be to stick to Fist or axe BM and put the rest in VIT until you are high enough level, or get armor that you plan to be using for a long long time. Then I'd get that gear 4 socket, and use god stones. This should give you plenty of HP, and then you can restat to your PVP build.

At this point of the guide, we are assuming that you have enough HP to get by, enough DEX to wear your best fists, and enough STR to wear an ok axe. When choosing your fists, you should likely focus on attack speed, and dex. Your axes should focus on VIT. This way, when you have your axes on, you can tank just a little more while you are stunning, and your fists will increase your speed, accuracy, w.e while you are attacking.

The best thing to do is to put your axe and fist on your bar. I like to have attack as F1, axe as F2, and fist as F3.


Ok... so there are differnt fighting situations...

Group PVP
1 v 1 PVP
Being ganked

If you are in group PVP, the best thing to do is to get your axe out, buff up, choose a target with your mage, and run in, AOE stun, use the AOE dragon skill that doubles dmg, and then AOE while your mage AOEs. If you and your mage is strong enough, you will do enough dmg to make them say "hax?" This only works if they are close togehter btw.

After this, you will generally have a couple archers shooting at your mages "if they are smart", a couple mages and clerics attacking you, and a WB attacking whoever. It's a good idea to use alter Marrow skill to make the mage dmg on you less, and tank it while you run to stun the archers after your mages. Once the archers are stunned, change to your fist, and attack switching to axe to stun when needed. Cyclone Heel is a good move to use to increase attack speed as well. This is best to use just before you spark. If your mage is smart, they will quickly kill the archer, and you can focus on the mage on you.

The mage will likely run away, so it's best to use Tiger Leap to leap toward them, and then stun them as fast as you can. Then switch to fist, and they should die really fast.

If you are fighting other BMs or WBs.. these are harder to kill. If you have a mage to help you, you shouldn't have a big problem, but if it's one vs one, it could take ahwile. In this case, the best thing to do is to look at their buffs. If they are using alter marrow to increase their P Def, then it is smart to use one of those potions that add magic dmg to your weapon. These are great to carry around along with the pills that make you invincable to stun. after you have added magic dmg to your weapon, it's best to keep stunning them, while building up chi. It's good to spam aeolian blade since this doesn't cost chi, and can be used with fists. After you have 399 chi, it's best to use use the spark that only cost 1 chi. Your enemy, if he's smart, will see that you sparked, and will try to stun it. After he wastes his stun on your cheap spark, use the one that cost 300 chi, stun him, and this should basicly kill him. If he sparks, the best thing you can do is wait about 4 seconds "spark makes you invincable for a couple secs", and then use stun on him. If he sparks again, just tiger leap, and kite him until his spark wears off. Some people might call it coward... I call it smart.

If you are fighting a SIN... IDK I've never faught a sin.. but I'd guess that you would just try to stun him, and land as many hits as you can....

If you are fighting a VENO, the best thing to do is to get your axe out, AOE stun, AOE over and over until her pet is dead, and then finish her off alone. Chances are she will be running, so have tiger leap ready.

If you are being ganked, the best thing to do is to fly straight up. What I like to do is go really high up, and then when only 1 person is below me, I drop off my blade, and get back on just as I reach the enemy, then I quickly stun lock, and kill them as fast as I can.

In duels, this is the funnest part of BM. BM does really well in duels. In a duel, you usuelly start like 20 feet apart, so the best thing to do is to wait for the count down, and use your sprint skill. If you are fighting someone who may stun you, then use the sprint skill that costs a spark, that makes you invincable to stun. After you get to them, quickly stun, and switch to fists. do as much dmg as you can, and try to keep them stun locked. If they P Def marror, then add magic attack to your fists, and keep attacking, if the mage runs, then tiger leap to them and keep stunning. If they spark, then either stun it, or kite it. Never fight a spark fairly.

One of the best things tha will win in a duel is your gear. VIT stones will make you amazing, and refined weapons never hurt. + Magic Attack stones are very nice too. They add about 300 dmg a hit at higher lvls.

Thats all I can think of for now I'll add later if I think of it XD
Post edited by Puppygirl - Archosaur on


  • Puppygirl - Archosaur
    Puppygirl - Archosaur Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    the most important thing is u need experience.. a lot of times wen u just start out u will make a mistake and instead of hitting f3 to change to fist, u will hit f2 and accidently take ur axe off... so ur attacking with no weapon... or maybe u will use the wrong stun... or stun to early on some1s spark... or maybe u will duel someone who used a spark to heal themselves.. n u didnt see it.. or maybe u will try to stun an archer who has that eagle skill up that stops stuns.... the best thing 2 do is 2 just find out WHY u lost and try 2 remeber not 2 make that mistake...

    experiencs matters a lot
  • AngleSnipe - Heavens Tear
    AngleSnipe - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I spend 10 hours a day killing the same mob, I r pro BM, yesh, I bash drake-ray, and I dont use marrow. I spend thousands on socket stones and cashshop gear and still get owned, woot I be pro b:chuckleb:laugh
  • Loregenome - Archosaur
    Loregenome - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I spend 10 hours a day killing the same mob, I r pro BM, yesh, I bash drake-ray, and I dont use marrow. I spend thousands on socket stones and cashshop gear and still get owned, woot I be pro b:chuckleb:laugh

    isnt that wat everyones supposed to do?b:avoidb:puzzled
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I never knew equipping fists increases accuracy.

    I feel smarter now.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver
    __Nanayo__ - Dreamweaver Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    One of the best things tha will win in a duel is your gear. VIT stones will make you amazing, and refined weapons never hurt. + Magic Attack stones are very nice too. They add about 300 dmg a hit at higher lvls.

    ...Que? O.O
  • AngleSnipe - Heavens Tear
    AngleSnipe - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Fear my 2 soc + 12 Warsoul Fists, with 2 G12 SAPPHIRE GEMS! b:shocked
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lvl 20s need PvP guides. It is possible to wield axes and fists while having points left for vit. There are god stones in this version of PW. Spam AoEs constantly without thought in group PvP. Barbs attack everyone in sight. Genies do not exist, therefore stunning works 100% of the time. You should stunlock BMs and Barbs while they're at full health. When being ganked, go up. Everyone starts duels 20ft apart, don't attempt to run closer. Apothecary pots are socially acceptable in duels. Shard magic stones into your weapons. A high level BM uses the wrong stun and equips the wrong weapons all the time.

    This guide kicks ****. Srsly.

    9x Demon Cleric
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I think she meant elemental shard when she talk about magic shard, but it can add 300 damage?????
    She also said to equip an okay axe (read: lower level), so you will have enough point for VIT.

    But still, this is a horrible guide.
  • Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver
    Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If a bm uses alter marrow physical just bramble rage him... GG
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hi, this guild is a little advanced, and more for higher level BMs, so if you are like trying to get a guide for level 20, don't look here pls. This guide is more for like 60+.

    First i'd like to say that BM isn't the BEST killer. We don't do an amazing amount of dmg like a mage, and we don't get a lot of kills in a small amount of time like an archer. BM can kill, but a BM is much better at saving allies from being killed, or supporting them. You will see what I mean from the guide XD

    If you are a PVP BM, you have to choose between two builds. The first build is a build with a lot of VIT, and little DEX. You will be able to do ok dmg, but you will miss archers, and assasins a lot. Also, you will be able to live through more dmg, and this means you can live to stun another day.

    The other build is DEX + STR and the rest in VIT. This is the build I love most, and the build I will talk about. You should have just enough DEX to wear your best fist, and enough STR to wear your best Axe. The rest of your stats "which won't be many at lower level" will go into VIT. This is a very good 1 v1 build, but does not shine so well in TW. If you want to be amazing, you will need to get 4 socket armor, and embue god stones to give you the VIT you are lacking.

    My suggestion would be to stick to Fist or axe BM and put the rest in VIT until you are high enough level, or get armor that you plan to be using for a long long time. Then I'd get that gear 4 socket, and use god stones. This should give you plenty of HP, and then you can restat to your PVP build.

    At this point of the guide, we are assuming that you have enough HP to get by, enough DEX to wear your best fists, and enough STR to wear an ok axe. When choosing your fists, you should likely focus on attack speed, and dex. Your axes should focus on VIT. This way, when you have your axes on, you can tank just a little more while you are stunning, and your fists will increase your speed, accuracy, w.e while you are attacking.

    The best thing to do is to put your axe and fist on your bar. I like to have attack as F1, axe as F2, and fist as F3.


    Ok... so there are differnt fighting situations...

    Group PVP
    1 v 1 PVP
    Being ganked

    If you are in group PVP, the best thing to do is to get your axe out, buff up, choose a target with your mage, and run in, AOE stun, use the AOE dragon skill that doubles dmg, and then AOE while your mage AOEs. If you and your mage is strong enough, you will do enough dmg to make them say "hax?" This only works if they are close togehter btw.

    After this, you will generally have a couple archers shooting at your mages "if they are smart", a couple mages and clerics attacking you, and a WB attacking whoever. It's a good idea to use alter Marrow skill to make the mage dmg on you less, and tank it while you run to stun the archers after your mages. Once the archers are stunned, change to your fist, and attack switching to axe to stun when needed. Cyclone Heel is a good move to use to increase attack speed as well. This is best to use just before you spark. If your mage is smart, they will quickly kill the archer, and you can focus on the mage on you.

    The mage will likely run away, so it's best to use Tiger Leap to leap toward them, and then stun them as fast as you can. Then switch to fist, and they should die really fast.

    If you are fighting other BMs or WBs.. these are harder to kill. If you have a mage to help you, you shouldn't have a big problem, but if it's one vs one, it could take ahwile. In this case, the best thing to do is to look at their buffs. If they are using alter marrow to increase their P Def, then it is smart to use one of those potions that add magic dmg to your weapon. These are great to carry around along with the pills that make you invincable to stun. after you have added magic dmg to your weapon, it's best to keep stunning them, while building up chi. It's good to spam aeolian blade since this doesn't cost chi, and can be used with fists. After you have 399 chi, it's best to use use the spark that only cost 1 chi. Your enemy, if he's smart, will see that you sparked, and will try to stun it. After he wastes his stun on your cheap spark, use the one that cost 300 chi, stun him, and this should basicly kill him. If he sparks, the best thing you can do is wait about 4 seconds "spark makes you invincable for a couple secs", and then use stun on him. If he sparks again, just tiger leap, and kite him until his spark wears off. Some people might call it coward... I call it smart.

    If you are fighting a SIN... IDK I've never faught a sin.. but I'd guess that you would just try to stun him, and land as many hits as you can....

    If you are fighting a VENO, the best thing to do is to get your axe out, AOE stun, AOE over and over until her pet is dead, and then finish her off alone. Chances are she will be running, so have tiger leap ready.

    If you are being ganked, the best thing to do is to fly straight up. What I like to do is go really high up, and then when only 1 person is below me, I drop off my blade, and get back on just as I reach the enemy, then I quickly stun lock, and kill them as fast as I can.

    In duels, this is the funnest part of BM. BM does really well in duels. In a duel, you usuelly start like 20 feet apart, so the best thing to do is to wait for the count down, and use your sprint skill. If you are fighting someone who may stun you, then use the sprint skill that costs a spark, that makes you invincable to stun. After you get to them, quickly stun, and switch to fists. do as much dmg as you can, and try to keep them stun locked. If they P Def marror, then add magic attack to your fists, and keep attacking, if the mage runs, then tiger leap to them and keep stunning. If they spark, then either stun it, or kite it. Never fight a spark fairly.

    One of the best things tha will win in a duel is your gear. VIT stones will make you amazing, and refined weapons never hurt. + Magic Attack stones are very nice too. They add about 300 dmg a hit at higher lvls.

    Thats all I can think of for now I'll add later if I think of it XD

    1.Everyone has endless supplies of money to 4socket their gear and put non-existent god stones in them
    2.Who focuses on Dex on fists?
    3.Fists increases accuracy by default.Amazing
    4.Why would i need to tank a bit more when Im stunning
    5.I wonder what happens when the Wizard AoEs when you are next to the target?
    6.Couple of archers shooting at the wizard?Wonder where is he now
    7.Higher lvl archers dont bother kiting or stunning/freezing an approaching melee class
    8.BM tiger leaps,Wizard distance shrink?
    9.Apocthecary pots is acceptable in PvP.Next thing i know,Archers' half dmg penalty gets removed
    10.When was there a spark that costs 1 chi?
    11.If you meant the sparkt hat costs 1 chi,then you demon/sage spark,u will need 400chi.Now,i dont rmb that we get 4sparks now
    12.You ain't the only BM with tiger leap you know
    13.Stunlocking anyone who's at full hp is plain dumb
    14.Stun and land as many hits as possible?Perhaps you need me to read you the Sin's skills?
    15.Venos now stand next to their pet in PvP and not use them
    16.I think most venos in PvP restat to HA with a Nix?
    17.Duels now automatically put enemies 20feet apart
    18.What type of character are you fighting in your duel?Wizards and BMs together?Last time i checked,Duels were 1v1
    19.Magic Attack stones don't add as much dmg as Garnets.
    20.People in PvP now stand there letting you **** their guts out and do nothing back.
    21.You are the only entity in the entire universe who can use Apocthecary pots
    22.Genies don't exist yet
    23.I don't know names of skills/apoc/in-game items.
    24.I kill the same mob over and over for hours and i'm pro
    25.I use less than 1 shortcut bar worth of skills as a BM

  • SquirrelPee - Archosaur
    SquirrelPee - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Why isn't this epic guide stickied yet!?

    QQ @ my avatar T_T
  • NEFERTlTl - Archosaur
    NEFERTlTl - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    wow can we completely delete this post or un-mark it as a guide. I would hate for some person who is just starting out to read this and follow it. Plus after reading some of it (sorry couldn't bring myself to read it fully) it sounds more of a private server based builds. With 4 socket gears etc.
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ummm **** please. you are lvl 40 and barely know anything bout being a BM...I dont even know where to begin with how many things are wrong with this "guide"...actually...this is NOT even a guide. This is just to **** everyone who IS a BM and knows how to play one, to question themselves. Fail.
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    And one more thing...about PKing venos...*** the pet...kill the veno...killin the pet is a waste of time
  • MrBladey - Lost City
    MrBladey - Lost City Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    I'm actually starting to feel bad for you, Puppy, considering how badly you've been flamed for these last few days.
    For honor...
    For glory...
  • oyamajio
    oyamajio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    You guys are so mean. b:sad That's the reason why everyone doesn't want to post anything. If you disagree with what she says, just give feedback in a respectful manner. Don't need to taunt her.
  • Taeknight - Lost City
    Taeknight - Lost City Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I never knew equipping fists increases accuracy.

    I feel smarter now.

    LMFAO, and y do u read bm guidies b:surrenderb:question
  • Taeknight - Lost City
    Taeknight - Lost City Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lol, i just took a look at this, and i cant stop laughin. OMG b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • Siege - Dreamweaver
    Siege - Dreamweaver Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    No wonder she decided to leave PW. I'd leave too after making such a horrible guide.b:laugh


    I would have really loved to fight her in pk mode just to see how horrible she does. Oh man....*catches his breathe* b:pleased
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you think this thread is funny... check out their thread on the Arch forum:


    From 1-71 in 13 days. lol
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Nephane - Archosaur
    Nephane - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    PvP guide for BMs on a PvE server. Level level level... Gear gear gear... Skills... Then position your face above your keyboard like so, and...


    You will likely kill most people or be dead.
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    If you think this thread is funny... check out their thread on the Arch forum:


    From 1-71 in 13 days. lol

    Oh god what have you done...I don't even know if i should laugh or WTF.

    Skillbar @7x:
    1 Attack
    2 Axe
    3 Empty
    4 Drake's Ray
    5 Meditate
    6 Fly
    7 Empty
    8 Town Portal
    Far Beyond Driven
  • Bianchia - Lost City
    Bianchia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    rofl I love it when blue names write pvp guides.
  • NEFERTlTl - Archosaur
    NEFERTlTl - Archosaur Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oh god what have you done...I don't even know if i should laugh or WTF.

    LOL, I think this is what It means..

    Skillbar @7x:
    1 AttackThe omg I hope this works button
    2 Axe A reminder that I am a BM
    3 Empty Ohh look something shinny....
    4 Drake's Ray Hey guys Look I have a Skill ^^
    5 Meditate reminder to sit and think
    6 Fly Escape route #1 if button 1 and 4 fail...
    7 Empty OOhhh look something shinny
    8 Town Portal Escape route if 1st route Fails (Last resort)

    lol sorry I couldn't help it just made me laugh