Light Armor cleric



  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    My thought on this is cleric with arcane gears works better than cleric with light armor. We have plume shell, heals, guardian light, WoP and some debuffs that works to minimize physical damage more than magical damage. Also, there is so many buffs for phy def but theres only one buff for magical def making it easier to achieve high physical damage reduction from buffs with less base def(since stacking def gives diminishing returns)
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lost0716 wrote: »
    Snipped several parts so not so long

    From my own experiences from lv30-65ish all equips and accessories need to be +2 (which you can spam mirage for and 4 socket w/all max grade garnets. ur max HP is gonna suck but ur damage will be so-so and with crits you can make a solid DD. The key point to remember is that ur buffs do a lot for your defenses. Now after 65ish ur gonna notice that you lack on magic defs and HP really really sucks...after working on it a bit the best I've found so far is shard 2 max grade garnet 1 max grade sapphire and 1 max grade citrine...when I say max grade I mean max that the gear will allow you to use and refine your gears to at least +4. These slight changes will lower your phys def just a bit(not much maybe about 300) but raise your magic defs about 5-800...keep in mind that these defs come after buffs also allows you a small HP cushion from the 6 citrines and 6 refines of +4.

    Basically...if ur willing to sink some coin in it...ur gonna need uber gear to make an LA cleric work for you at higher lvls...

    Personally I laughed. No offense but getting eq's to that grade at those lvls is kinda ridiculous. 30-65ish most people don't bother sharding or refining gears. And at 65ish alot of people still don't shard or refine anything and if they do its not max grade since 1 of those gems is probably worth more then the armor you'd be putting it into. and as for cleric making a solid dd, umm well not really. Don't get me wrong we -can- dd, but try a true dd class. our damage is poo compared to them.

    I left that last part just cuz, if ur willing to sink some coin in it... you can make anything work for you at higher lvls...
  • mistressmuerta
    mistressmuerta Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i guess u cud reach that but u wud need to + ur ornaments mad high + have all def wud only really be worthless once u make nirvana gear...then u can shard all def lvl 2 gems...which r % based...but most ppl dont make it that far or wish to spend alot of money on a free game...the only edge la wud have then is the crit rate...demon spark demon wield thunder crit on barb ftw!!
  • _Krue_ - Heavens Tear
    _Krue_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    well i guess u cud reach that but u wud need to + ur ornaments mad high + have all def wud only really be worthless once u make nirvana gear...then u can shard all def lvl 2 gems...which r % based...but most ppl dont make it that far or wish to spend alot of money on a free game...the only edge la wud have then is the crit rate...demon spark demon wield thunder crit on barb ftw!!

    Your post makes so little sense it hurts my head. b:sad
    ಸ_ಸ ~~ Drama-Sauce-Face, 50% ownership to kon ♥♥
  • Feito - Dreamweaver
    Feito - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I'm a LA Cleric on a PVE server. I love it. I can't imagine playing any other way. A big reason I went LA is because I don't like the low phy. def. that comes from arcane gear. Sure, HP sucks and mag is a little lower but there is always HP shards and at this point I don't see a significant difference in damage between the builds. Also, I like it when I'm in a squad with arcane clerics and when things go wrong, I'm the only cleric who can stand their ground. b:chuckle

    Which bring me to my next reason I went LA. When I was an arcane cleric, good help was hard to find. There are too many players who think clerics are a heal-on-demand tool. OTOH, I guess most clerics have a faction to back them up but I don't log in enough to be an active faction member and I don't have the patience to spam for a squad for an hour before getting recruited into a hit or miss squad. Being LA allows me to be able to solo or squad whenever I please with the only difference being that it might take a little longer for me to finish a quest.

    That being said I think LA/Arcane is a matter of choice depending on your playing style. Most people look for the best results which is probably why so many people are not in favor of LA but I think players should go for what fits them best. I like questing solo and I wanted to stay alive but I also like helping people so it works for me. PW is great in that the game allows you to be versatile with your builds so you can tweak it to your liking. So I say try LAout for 10 or 20 levels or so and if you don't like it, try Arcane. If you don't like Arcane then maybe being a cleric is not for you. b:chuckle

    Also, if you're worried about squads, I haven't run into many people who complained or even noticed thus far. I've only had one guy in my lower levels kindly point out that I was wearing the "wrong armor" and that if I kept wearing I'd turn out really weak and another guy during a BH run tell me I was **** for wearing archer gear.
    InStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
    Feito is...
    [x] Still a LA Cleric
    [x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
    [x] Sipping some F--KING tea
    [ ] Totally KICKASS
    [ ] Extremely wealthy
    I've got some ways to go!
  • Impetus - Lost City
    Impetus - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ...Hasn't there been a thread regarding this topic like, last week/month? LA works at lowlvls since wizards are still gimped, matching LA pdef with arcane is costly, and archers can faceroll arcane users. I've been LA during my lvl69-89 life, and I loved it, but at 9x it really becomes clear that arcane surpasses LA. You can match LA pdef and match/surpass LA HP and mdef. If you're a crit ***** i can see why you'd roll LA at endgame... but ijs the crit isnt worth the loss of survivability/consistent damage. Besides, arcane clerics can still get a decent amount of crit...

    But like everyone said, it really boils down to your preference. It just makes life hard and depressing when wizards oneshot you with a gush crit, and you see arcanes running around with higher hp and pdef than you. :< On the bright side, you can hax ppl with your crit. :>


    PvP only
    Not the brightest choice pre-70, nor post-90
    In that small window when LA becomes viable, clerics can survive pretty much anything thrown at their face.

    P.S.- For those who want a PvE standpoint, JUST DON'T DO IT. I was full mag from lvls 1-68 and to my obervation, going light just makes everything take 2-3 more shots to kill. WHICH IN TURN GIVES THE MOBS MORE TIME TO HIT YOU. Which COMPLETELY negates any argument similar to "I went LA for PvE because I'm too squishy." Play your cleric correctly and use that one skill called Ironheart Blessing. Maybe you heard of it. <3