randum questions

Adianca - Heavens Tear
Adianca - Heavens Tear Posts: 70 Arc User
edited April 2010 in General Discussion
well im kinda bord and i just thought i would ask afew questions well i fly around doing quests.

well a person the other day told me that physic was better for dmg then a wiz at high lvl i find that hard to beleave wat do u think?

around how much do 40hp shards cost? i know i could look this up in the action house but im not there right now i kinda forget wat title to look under

also im going to be lvl 70 soon and i was wondering is it realy that importen to get good armor and shard it? i will be geting a good wep but i lvl pretty fast bc i play alot right now
i was thinking of waiting till vl 80 to buy good armor

wat is a awsome class for dualing at high lvls 90+? im not in to pking on this game yet bc im new to it. so ya just say like y u like that class wat there good agenst. iv been leaning towards a arcane wiz or maby sin but idk if sins r good at high lvl

oh i am a arcane veno and i still havent done anything with my genie i have read up on them abit but not much about there skills. i know that i want a genie with alot of luck so i will just sell the genie i ahve when it hits lvl 60 or so but ya my question is wat kind of spells do u like to use with ur veno? i do know were to find wat each spell dose but i would like to here other peoples prefrences

well thats all the questions i can think of for now. well thanx for the answers and im realy sry about the spelling