[Heaven's Tear] Gladius Recruiting

Xander_Cage - Heavens Tear
Xander_Cage - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Guild Banter
Level 3 faction recruiting members... any ones black white blue green yellow... Join us

We will eventually be doing TW thats our long term goal

oh and P.S. "You have entered the Xander Zone!"

PM Xander_Cage, Battleshred, Sayahime, or any of the Gladius leadership group

and last but not least... NO COOKIES! I ate them b:chuckle
Post edited by Xander_Cage - Heavens Tear on


  • Xander_Cage - Heavens Tear
    Xander_Cage - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    And our long term goal is TW forgot to add that
  • Battleshred - Heavens Tear
    Battleshred - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    About Gladius:

    Our faction, Gladius, was formed out of another PW faction by some of its most prominent members. We felt unable to control what we knew was the best path for us to go. Our Territory Wars were unorganized, dungeoun runs were random, and the community was all but solid. Because none of us were in power, our voices were not heard.

    Thus, upon the immenent fall of that group, we decided that we would form a faction of our own, based on the opinions of our community rather than our leaders. We had learned that factions often grow in numbers but not in strength. And we had discovered that, beyond all else, organization was just as key to victory as strength in numbers was.

    We desire to grow as quickly as we can, but we do maintain a number of requirements that many factions do not. This is simply for the quality of our community, and while it may seem strongly discerning in some ways, it is primarily for the sake of all of our members. The better quality members that we have, the stronger we will become.

    Our leadership functions currently by a group of four leaders; underneathe us are Executors, and then our community. Each member is assigned an Executor, and each Executor a Marshal. This is designed particularly for dungeon runs, TW, and things of that nature, but it also enables anyone's voice to be heard. By keeping a large community in a chain of communication, anyone with an opinion can voice it, and it will be nearly instantly communicated. We encourage this behavior strongly; if anyone is dissatisfied with where the guild is going or how it operates, we want to hear what you have to say. We assure you that we KNOW that we do not have all of the answers, and the only way we can build a strong foundation is if every valid opinion is considered.

    Furthermore, we do not desire to recruit simply anyone who wants to join. It is more important in a functioning faction for all of us to know how our fellow members play; their strong points and what they need to work on, as well as how well they play their character. We truly only desire skilled players; we are aware that regardless of class/equipment/financial ability any skilled player can be extremely valuable. Our needs may change from time to time, but we are willing to assist anyone we feel is fit to join in getting their equipment needs met and their level raised. We assure you that if you know how to play your class and can commit enough time to the game to grow steadily with us, that you will be well rewarded.

    Our ultimate goal is to recruit any willing PWI player that has a desire for a community that grows with a direction in mind. Many of us have had TW/PK experience, and it is our goal to reach that point as quickly as possible, but bear in mind that we will not sacrifice our values for that goal. We want to know every member by name, and know that we all are able to, individually, contribute.

    We run dungeons (BH, FB, TT) with every new member to ensure that we would like them to join us. While this may seem daunting at first, provided you can play your class its really not an issue. The more commitment you can give to us, the more you will recieve in return. Leadership opportunities are available for anyone who has a desire, and is entirely based on voting. Even if you are not part of management, we still strive to hear your voice. We all help each other grow in every way possible, and we can assure you that, if you are kind, courteous, and are looking or a committed faction with their eyes set on growth and a path paved in that direction, you will certainly fit in, and will be very happy with what you have found.

    We are currently accepting all levels, but hurry soon, it is about to rise! Want to be a fierce Gladiator? Tired of your old, boring, same-old faction? Gladius is exactly for you!
  • Battleshred - Heavens Tear
    Battleshred - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    bump bump bump
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You guys were Heatwaves most prominent members? LOLmoar

  • High_Lord - Heavens Tear
    High_Lord - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok...Heatwave was formed by Mel and Dave. So technically they were the most prominent members. What they did for us in Heatwave i will never thank them enough for. They tried their hardest and were let down by some of the people in there. Namely the "Synns", but whatever, everyone else is nice so yeah, BUMP for Gladius
    ~Heatwave Leader~
  • Battleshred - Heavens Tear
    Battleshred - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Ok.. I didn't even write it. I actually liked Heatwave until it fell and they merged with Excessive.
  • FoxyKrissy - Heavens Tear
    FoxyKrissy - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ok first of all dave and mel were nice.. however it takes listening to other ppl in order to run a guild and they chose not to do that.. thats why heatwave failed.. also they didnt merge with excessive.. they chose to make a completely new faction named excessive.. which was dumb considering they already had a lvl 3 faction.. and while they may have been the "most prominent" they lost all of their members including the synns becuz they refused to listen to anyones ideas except their own... so before u say anything plz get all the facts straight.. thx <3b:kiss
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ok first of all dave and mel were nice.. however it takes listening to other ppl in order to run a guild and they chose not to do that.. thats why heatwave failed.. also they didnt merge with excessive.. they chose to make a completely new faction named excessive.. which was dumb considering they already had a lvl 3 faction.. and while they may have been the "most prominent" they lost all of their members including the synns becuz they refused to listen to anyones ideas except their own... so before u say anything plz get all the facts straight.. thx <3b:kiss

    Ok i agree with a few things you said, except for the Synns...the Synns were a big part of WHY! heatwave fell apart. Mel and Dave tried to run a faction and in some aspects did very well, so before you say anything ruder about them ill tell you to ****!

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    omg!! I am shocked.. LOL!

    Heatwave have been gone for a while and people are still bantering about it? are you serious??

    Just so everyone knows, and it's clear as Crystal. Myself and David (aka Thermon) weren't completely to blame for the guilds failure.

    It was mostly the "synns" who's turned their noses up at us over a TW battle and started bad mouthing us left right and centre.

    Me and david did everything we could do for the guild, i seriously loved it and all the members. We all had a fun time together and got along like a house on fire.

    But when 2 people cracked it, everything was stuffed up and ruined.

    Next, we started Excessive because someone from a "higher" faction, and one of our friends said it would be a good idea seeming the "synns" had bad mouthed Heatwave on world chat. We weren't getting any other members joining because of them.

    Then, to top it all of. A different member who followed the synns got someone to whisper me saying they were talking about me in a private chat, just so i would go in there and they bad mouth some more.

    So i guess that goes to show how mature some people are.

    Anyway, i have said my piece.

    ohh and hi everyone =)
  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Oh, and one more thing.. We did listen to people. We took care of problems and issues that arose and helped when needed and asked.

    The only people who ever said we didnt help anyone was the synns.

    and thats it.. again hehe
  • Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    /necro-PHELIA! b:dirty

    Holy shtcakes Batman we're famous! HAHAHAHA

    Synns fo-eva bishes!

    also, @melrox: lolyouhelped? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

    That you blame the demise of Heatwave on TWO people is hilarious and also ego stroking. Hubby and I, Leonidas and Gorgo.
    |Payne-tsu 93 |Queen-tsu 89 |Shadow-tsu 69
    Pantsu b:dirty
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wonder if i can still find that RL picture of you two...

    For being adults, you sure do act immature!

  • Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Paynefulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Says the person who posts on their alt because no one else shares their opinion.
    |Payne-tsu 93 |Queen-tsu 89 |Shadow-tsu 69
    Pantsu b:dirty
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Says the person who posts on their alt because no one else shares their opinion.

    ummmmm my alt? hello...this is my only level 100 character, so i think its my main.

    But alright, so you can get some joy in life

  • High_Lord - Heavens Tear
    High_Lord - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    here i am
    ~Heatwave Leader~
  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    /necro-PHELIA! b:dirty

    Holy shtcakes Batman we're famous! HAHAHAHA

    Synns fo-eva bishes!

    also, @melrox: lolyouhelped? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

    That you blame the demise of Heatwave on TWO people is hilarious and also ego stroking. Hubby and I, Leonidas and Gorgo.

    ROFLMAO famous? get off your high horse, seriously, you 2 aint that good.

    And yes we did help, whether or not you no about it aint my problem, why di you think so many people stuck around with us rather then moving on? **** didn't run your way so you cracked it, everyone who was in the faction knows that.... And if you actually read what i said i mentioned that me and david arent COMPLETELY to blame, which means we are partially to blame... did you need me to spell it out for you??? O.O im sure your not that stupid.

    and high_lord =D come back nd talk to me lol i still check my messages. Oh i also agree about the whole maturity thing... kinda facinating and it is a shame that their RL photo is gone.
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ROFLMAO famous? get off your high horse, seriously, you 2 aint that good.

    And yes we did help, whether or not you no about it aint my problem, why di you think so many people stuck around with us rather then moving on? **** didn't run your way so you cracked it, everyone who was in the faction knows that.... And if you actually read what i said i mentioned that me and david arent COMPLETELY to blame, which means we are partially to blame... did you need me to spell it out for you??? O.O im sure your not that stupid.

    and high_lord =D come back nd talk to me lol i still check my messages. Oh i also agree about the whole maturity thing... kinda facinating and it is a shame that their RL photo is gone.

    log back ingame...not that im on HT that much anyway xD i need stuff to do.

    i miss the good old daysb:sadthought i sent a message back and YOU didnt reply!b:surrender

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Aww lol, i did reply... atleast i'm pretty sure i did :) check it or just write back to me or something..

    Don't think ill come back to PWI i have tried and its just so confusing now lol.

    Anywho if ya want i'll give you my email and you can just email me or something =D
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Aww lol, i did reply... atleast i'm pretty sure i did :) check it or just write back to me or something..

    Don't think ill come back to PWI i have tried and its just so confusing now lol.

    Anywho if ya want i'll give you my email and you can just email me or something =D

    pretty sure i have it from when i emailed you screenies, not sure though.

    Come and restart on lost city and be a noob with meb:cuteb:chuckle

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    pretty sure i have it from when i emailed you screenies, not sure though.

    Come and restart on lost city and be a noob with meb:cuteb:chuckle

    hehe, well see if you can find it nd send me an email or something.

    Don't think i could come back.. not full time anyway. New updates and such in new game has made it awesome! (almost awesome) wish you liked it! then you could come play with us again XD
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    hehe, well see if you can find it nd send me an email or something.

    Don't think i could come back.. not full time anyway. New updates and such in new game has made it awesome! (almost awesome) wish you liked it! then you could come play with us again XD

    That games gameplay bugs me lol :(

    send me a pm on here when ever you feel like popping in to PWI!

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    That games gameplay bugs me lol :(

    send me a pm on here when ever you feel like popping in to PWI!

    I never plan to pop in, i just kinda do it every now and then :P so can't really give you a time.. and I'm use to the gameplay now so PWI's gameplay confuses the **** outta me because i have forgotten how to do everything lol
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I never plan to pop in, i just kinda do it every now and then :P so can't really give you a time.. and I'm use to the gameplay now so PWI's gameplay confuses the **** outta me because i have forgotten how to do everything lol

    :( well go on at like 5:30 sometime after workb:begb:chuckle

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    :( well go on at like 5:30 sometime after workb:begb:chuckle

    But it's sooo boring now!!! lol and all the updates -wow-

    just email meeeeeeee!!!!! =)
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    But it's sooo boring now!!! lol and all the updates -wow-

    just email meeeeeeee!!!!! =)

    Just try it! you can level to 100 in a month nowb:sweat, you should atleast do that!

  • Melrox - Heavens Tear
    Melrox - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Just try it! you can level to 100 in a month nowb:sweat, you should atleast do that!

    -sigh- fine, ill come back and check it out sometime soon (if i remember) =P