Cause we can't let Trascend have all the fun



  • Thepope - Lost City
    Thepope - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol at Xtacy. Last time i saw you alone when you weren't on safe list, didn't i 2 shot u without sparks or Armageddon? That's beside the point. I come out to pk wars as much or more than anyone in my faction. If I'm not in an instance, I come out to help with pk wars every time. Maybe you forgot cuz you've been on our safe list too long.
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Because Xtacy represents anyone? I think everyone knows his gear isn't good and often charmless. And focus firing with a cleric? Wtf? That's worthless lol. Like he said, unless you're ganking people your clerics should be doing something else... not trying to DD like idiots.

    And lol half of the 100+ clerics can do more against me than sleeping me and windforcing to safezone like Dizzy does, ijs. And my gear is below average + wizards are not at any advantage vs clerics. b:shutup
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Dizzy - Lost City
    Dizzy - Lost City Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Haha I haven't seen Kristoph since i was low 8x and still in a faction called FinalOath. I'm going to take your word on it cause I don't even remember this but definitely sounds like me.

    I'm glad I left such an impression b:laugh

    Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.

    Faction History in Order:
    RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.
  • Thepope - Lost City
    Thepope - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Because Xtacy represents anyone? I think everyone knows his gear isn't good and often charmless. And focus firing with a cleric? Wtf? That's worthless lol. Like he said, unless you're ganking people your clerics should be doing something else... not trying to DD like idiots.

    And lol half of the 100+ clerics can do more against me than sleeping me and windforcing to safezone like Dizzy does, ijs. And my gear is below average + wizards are not at any advantage vs clerics. b:shutup

    Kinda exactly what i said bro. half. I'm not saying Xtacy is the best out there. I'm not saying Dizzy is better than all 100's. I'm saying he's better than a lot of them. Dizzy gives me more trouble in a fight than Xtacy, ijs. And yeah, almost the entire time Dizzy has been over 90, he's been in ThaClicK and will have been safelist with you, so it's hard for you to say what he does now. Sort of how it's hard for Xtacy to judge how often i PvP cuz kami is safelisted so I don't attack him or his crew. To me, it looks like no kami pvp's regularly cuz I have no reason to be there when they do, but I don't assume that none of you pvp just because I don't see it.
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:shutup Damaged gtfo from my skill bar.

    I thoug sage clerics were more support n demon more pvp based :X

    i see you fly around alot doing nothing ijs.. maybe try to cut a few of that to make the video more action

    I dont know 70% of the people in this video.. except a few archers from your guild and tenisha and schooled.

    And why you spend last part of video death, with all your party unbuff b:surrender
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Nasume - Lost City
    Nasume - Lost City Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    b:bye every cleric with mp charms are godly to phys classes
    but again.. dizzy is a one shot to magic with crit. b:bye get more hp
    I'm saying he's better than a lot of them.
    ^ forgot to quote the part he said 100s and he's better than lots of 100s? get at least 5k more hp and we'll talk.
  • /NiKi - Lost City
    /NiKi - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    can u all stop comment his hp?
    thats a normal hp of cleric who dont cash shop,which seems really hard for understand here..
    atleast to some people.
    yeah sure,he could put few pts into vit like thats gonna change a thing,clerics dont get much hp with it,
    unless he leaves his month salary on pwi like half of people here who commented it.
    do u know what lvl hp buff he got on vid?no u dont.
    do u know what kinda gear hes using or his refines,and his build?
    hell,he dont even have his 90 gear yet,dont even wanna talk about shards or refines.
    so pointing out his hp all the time,doesnt make any sense.
    video is pvp based and usually group pvp so i dont see reasons why he shouldnt be making those videos?
    cuz hes playing a cleric?lol
    atleast hes making videos.
    and i agree with pope,dizzy is doing in pvp better then alot of other clerics without cs.
    need to work on quality of video a bit more,even its much better then previous ones so i am sure
    next one will be even better.
    atleast theres few people around here still which dont flame and gave tips how to improve.
  • harry17
    harry17 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    squab wrote: »
    Tl;dr @ ^

    Video was lolterrible, like most of the guild.

    Thats just mean.

    The video is no where close to being half as horrible as ThaClick. b:surrender

    Edit: Cause ThaClick are worse =P
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ITT: Thaclick defend their guildies and others bash on said guild for whatever reason.

    Just go 1v1 the person and settle it?

    Person1 " Hey, lets have a 1v1"
    Person2 "Ok, sure. Lets go meet outside random location"


    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory