Destiny's commin guys

Jsmash - Sanctuary
Jsmash - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
edited March 2010 in General Discussion
My faction Destiny was started about 10 days ago and growing at a alarming rate.
The reason I made destiny was to get back to the basics I've came to love in PWI.
Good Helpful members without alot of rules and regulations, other then the essential to maintain a faction of high calliber ppl. We work tirelesslly to do everything possible to help ppl throughout the server(faction members or not) It seems latelly that good help was hard to find for alot of ppl.
I hear of members of other renown factions quiting doto lack of being able to find a squad.
I'm here to urge you leaders directors Marshalls and even execs not to allow that to happen to many good factions have crummbled like ROME It's time to unite and build a strong foundation for a great faction this is my main Goal at Destiny alot of you know me as a ok barb lmao b:shocked But if you find yourself wondering just why you cannot get help these days for whatever reason I'll urge you to try Destiny for 1 day 24hrs and see if we are right for you Thats my piece. Smash Out have fun without it all u have is dramab:chuckle
