Have this ever happen to you on your archer?

ShootJooDead - Lost City
ShootJooDead - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
edited February 2010 in General Discussion
alright your grinding this random pker drop down and start pking you he stuns you you try to run back to get harder hits but an unsuspecting monsers aggro's you and poof your deadb:sad
Post edited by ShootJooDead - Lost City on


  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    welcome to lost city.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Altros - Sanctuary
    Altros - Sanctuary Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    no, but i have been asked to res people before...
    "No matter how dark the world is,
    light shall exist somewhere,
    even if only a small sliver,
    a light found among darkness,
    shines all the brighter." -unknown
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    no, but i have been asked to res people before...

    Yeah, I've been asked that before too. On my veno. While I was flying on a giant bird. With my pet foxwing out.

    Oh, and I've had people ask my archer for buffs while I shooting mobs with my bow. For some reason they get pissed off when I gave them my evasion buff. Strange, very strange.

    To OP: Nope, but I've had a barb try to PK my sin when I had half HP and was busy killing a mob. Killed the mob, then died, then went back and killed him, then listened to him whine until I blacklisted him.
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear